One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 321: Willy Pirates Fight Round 2 (2)

Take and Raki looked at each other. “Gahohoho,” Take laughed.

Raki looked at the carp fish-man with light blue skin, long black hair, and red lips. He was wearing an unbuttoned shirt and shorts. It was the first time she saw a fishman however during the girls' talk, she learnt a lot about them. They made Nojiko suffer however Ben was able to one-shot him. It made her happy and proud of her Captain.

“You have an annoying laugh,” Raki remarked.

“Annoying,” Take replied. “I will show you annoying,” he said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pill. He held it up, the light catching on its surface, making it glint. “This,” he declared with a sinister grin, “will give me limitless power.”

He swallowed the pill. Almost immediately, a violent transformation began. His eyes bulged, veins turning bloodshot red as if they were about to burst. His muscles swelled, bulging and straining against his skin. Thick, ropy veins pulsed and throbbed across his arms and legs, growing larger with each passing second. His chest expanded, ripping through his shirt as if it were made of paper. The fabric shredded and fell away, revealing the rippling mass of muscle beneath. He flexed his now colossal arms. “This is the power!” he roared.

Raki looked at the hulking beast, she remembered Ben fighting another fishman who took a pill and his body expanded. She thought this was going to be a bit tricky now. “You are scared,” Take taunted as he charged towards Raki. He swung his fist at Raki who raised her hand and blocked it with the Impact Dial in her palm. Take swung again. Raki used the Impact Dial to absorb the attack as she slid back.

She took her Axe Dial out and pressed a button. A X-shaped compressed air blast went towards Take. It hit Take. There was blood on his chest and an X shaped wound however he smiled. “Gahohoho,” he laughed. He ran towards Raki and swung his fist, Raki again blocked with the Impact Dial. He swung his fist again and Raki blocked again.

“You need to do more than defend,” Take shouted. His spit almost touched her.

Raki smiled. “I was going to use my powers but you are weak and stupid,” Raki said.

“What did you say to me, you pathetic human,” Take said.

“I am a Shandian,” Raki corrected.

Take did notice her wings. All of a sudden, Raki planted the Impact Dial on Take`s face. “Impact Dial,” Raki said as the force of the punches sent out as a shockwave into Take`s face. Take got thrown back by the force. He went flying back and hit the sand. His teeth were broken. There was blood on his face. He laid unconscious.

Raki sighed. She thought she did not get to use her devil fruit gifted by Ben, her Captain. She felt a little sad about it but she thought next time.

Meanwhile, Girarin and Vivi looked at each other. “Captain Willy, said to take you alive, and I will,” Girarian said, flashing the blades.

“I will save the villagers,” Vivi stated.

“You will be joining them, females fetch a good price,” Girarin laughed.

“You are evil,” Vivi said.

Girarin crossed his arms, both of his blades gleaming in the sunlight. With a swift motion, he executed a powerful cross slash, sending a sharp, cutting force through the air in an 'X' shape towards Vivi. “Dual Slash!” he shouted, the attack hurtling toward her.

Vivi's reflexes kicked in just in time. She leapt to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike as it sliced through the space where she had just been standing.

Vivi quickly aimed her Gero Gero Gun at Girarin. Her finger tightened on the trigger, and a frog-shaped bullet shot out with a burst of energy. The projectile streaked towards Girarin with uncanny speed.

Girarin tried to defend himself, crossing his blades in front of him in a defensive posture. But it was too late. The bullet hit him dead-on, triggering a loud and violent explosion.

“Ahh!” Girarin screamed as the force of the blast hurled him backward. He crashed into the sandy ground, skidding across the sand before coming to a stop. Smoke and sand swirled around him, obscuring the view for a moment.

As the smoke cleared, Girarin's form became visible. His arms were riddled with scratches, bleeding from multiple small cuts where the explosion's shrapnel had torn into his flesh. His breathing was ragged, each breath coming in labored gasps. His face looked like fury and pain.

“Why you…,” he snarled, his voice dripping with rage. He struggled to push himself up, glaring at Vivi with a murderous intensity.

Vivi stood her ground, the Gero Gero Gun still aimed at her opponent, ready for whatever came next. “You won't get another chance,” she warned.

Girarin let out a cold, mocking laugh. “I should be saying that to you,” he sneered, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small vial. The liquid inside glowed green.

He unscrewed the cap and poured the contents over his blades. As the liquid spread, a faint, eerie mist could be seen from the metal, hissing as it reacted with the air.

“Get hit by this now, and you’ll be dead within minutes,” Girarin said, a cruel smile spreading across his face. “It’s a shame, really. You’re quite the pretty one.” His eyes glinted with malice. “But I suppose there’s another blue-haired beauty we can sell once we’ve had our fun,” he added.

Vivi’s eyes narrowed at his words. Her eyes went red. “You all try to separate us. You think we are some plaything,” Vivi shouted. Her voice was slightly different.

Girarin wiped a bead of sweat from his face. He felt an unsettling sense of dread creeping up his spine. Something was off, and he could feel it in the air. He lunged towards Vivi, his blade poised to strike.

He swung with all his might, aiming directly at her chest. But instead of the satisfying resistance of flesh and bone, his blade met an invisible barrier, sending a shockwave up his arm. Vivi's smile widened. “What a shame,” she smirked. “That was your only chance,” she added

Girarin’s eyes widened in disbelief as he stumbled back, trying to process what had just happened. Before he could react further, Vivi had already raised her Gero Gero Gun. “Nero Bullet,” she said.

From the barrel of her gun, a black frog-shaped bullet shot forth, its eyes ablaze with fire. The projectile cut through the air with a high-pitched whistle, zeroing in on Girarin.

Girarin’s instincts screamed at him to dodge, but his body was a fraction too slow. The bullet struck him square in the chest, and instantly, flames erupted, engulfing him in a searing inferno. He let out a blood-curdling scream as the fire consumed him, his form collapsing to the ground in a writhing, burning heap.

Vivi watched for a moment, her eyes returned. “I should go and help the others,” she said to herself.

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