One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 323: Willy Pirates Fight Round 2 (4)

Conis and Chew locked eyes. “Weak human, chu,” Chew sneered.

Conis gripped the Heat Javelin firmly. It was her first time wielding this weapon. It belonged to one of Enel's priests. She had spent time with Raki, Vivi, and Kaya, who explained how it worked. Conis knew she had her devil fruit given by her Captain. It made her heart skip a beat.

“I am a Skypiean,” Conis declared proudly.

Chew's eyes narrowed as he noticed her wings. “Still a weak human, but you’ll fetch a good price on the market. You joined them, so we’ll make sure you pay. Your crew killed Arlong,” Chew snarled. “We will make you all suffer and then we'll sell you off, chu.” He laughed.

“You are disgusting,” Conis retorted, her voice filled with disdain.

Chew smiled. “You killed my Captain, my friend chu,” Chew said. He added, “You will all suffer.”

“Squirt Gun,” Chew said as he spat a shot of water from his mouth at high speed and pressure.

“Inferno Strike,” Conis said as she channeled the intense heat into the tip of the javelin, then thrusted it forward, releasing a scorching blast of flames. The water and fire clashed and a steam cloud was created.

Chew ran towards the steam cloud and out the other way. He saw Conis there and swung his fist towards her. Conis saw this and used the lance to block the attack. Chew smiled as she punched the lance and Conis slid back.

Conis got her footing and stood her ground. She pushed back. Chew swung his fist. Conis swung her Heat lance. Chew quickly dodged and punched Conis in the face. She stumbled back. Her vision was slightly dazed however she snapped out of it.

She saw Chew running at her. “Thermal Impale,”Conis said as she thrusted the Heat Javelin into the ground, causing a pillar of intense heat directly beneath Chew. He was engulfed in flames. Chew screamed in pain as he was thrown back.

“Why you chu?” Chew said as she was panting. “You like fire, I like water,” he added.

“Squirt cannon,” Chew unscrewed a big bottle of water. He drank it all up which caused his body to expand like a balloon. He then spat it all at once in one big shot. The huge ball went towards Conis.

“Scorching Cyclone Slash,” Conis said as she spun rapidly with the Heat Javelin extended. She created a cyclone of flames around her, slicing the water ball in half. It created a huge steam cloud again.

Chew kissed his teeth. He thought the human had an annoying weapon however it was going to be over.

“Heat Nova Blast,” Conis said as she planted the Heat Javelin firmly into the ground. She channeled the energy into it until it reached critical mass. Conis then released it and a massive explosion of heat and flames, incinerating the area. The flames went everywhere.

Chew saw the attack coming and tried to move away, but it was too late. The flames engulfed him, the intense heat causing his skin to blister and char almost instantly. His clothes ignited, turning to ash as the fire consumed them. The smell of burning flesh filled the air as he let out a guttural scream, his body collapsed onto the ground.

Conis smiled as she saw Chew down. She thought her Captain would be proud. She went red, thinking about him.

Meanwhile Hina looked at Kaneshiro who held a short knife. “You have been chasing us but now I will get you alive,” Kaneshiro said as she charged towards Hina.

“Cage Gauntlet,” Hina said as she created smaller, hand-held cages that expanded on Kaneshiro`s as he got near her. The cage trapped his body as he fell to the ground.

“What is this?” Kaneshiro said as he was trapped by the cage. He struggled but could not get out. Hina noticed the area around her got hotter.

While Kaya, Marianne, Vivi, Raki, Conis and Hina finished their fights, Nojiko and Willy looked at each other. “You remind me of someone I hate,” Nojiko began.

“That sounds a bit racist,” Willy replied, a smirk spreading across his face as he held his Morning Star.

“You and Arlong captured people, beat them, enslaved them, sold them, and killed them,” Nojiko continued.

“You humans are no better. You killed my crew,” Willy shot back, his smirk turning into a sneer.

“They beat a mother to death in front of her child,” Nojiko responded, her voice hardening.

Willy laughed, a cold, heartless sound. “A touchy subject, huh?”

Nojiko took a deep breath, reminding herself not to lose her cool. “We will save these villagers,” she declared firmly.

“Not if I sell them off first,” Willy retorted. “I’ll capture you, beat you, starve you, torture you, and sell you in the end. Once you and all your friends are broken.”

“Cloud Surge,” Nojiko said as created dense storm clouds around her. They started to move towards Willy.

Willy spun his morning star above his head. This created a helicopter like effect as the spiked ball cutted through the air. “Whirlpool Flail,” Willy said as he moved the clouds away from him.
He added, “You are a devil fruit user but as long as I stay away from these clouds I will be fine.”

“We will see,” Nojiko responded. “Torando Shroud,” Nojiko said as she summoned clouds near her and spun them. The cloud formed a cyclone, which Nojiko launched at high speed towards Willy. Willy got hit with the cyclone and was flunk into the air. He landed back in the ocean.

He looked at her and smiled. “This is my domain now,” Willy said. He grabbed the water around him and threw it at Nojiko. The water was effectively bullets at this stage. “Shoryo no Mizu,” he said as he laughed.

“Mist Mirage,” Nojiko said as she dispersed into a thick mist-like cloud, becoming intangible and nearly invisible. She was able to dodge the attack.

“Where did you go?” Willy said. He could not see her due to the thick mist like clouds. “Shoryo no Mizu,” he said as he threw more water at the clouds. However he hit nothing. Willy was getting frustrated.

“Cloud Surge,” Nojiko said as she created more dense storm clouds over the ocean on top of Willy. Willy saw the clouds forming and had a look of horror on his face. “Lightning Barrage,” Nojiko added. The storm clouds darkened and lightning bolts hit Willy. He screamed in pain as the lightning bolts hit him and the ocean near him one after another. His skin became charred as he felt the pain. Eventually he passed out and sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Nojiko emerged from her Mist Mirage, her eyes locked onto the Web Panic, Willy’s ship. She summoned storm clouds above it, her fingers crackling with energy. “Lightning Barrage!” she shouted. Bolts of lightning rained down, striking the ship..

Each bolt slammed into the wooden deck, splintering it and sending shards flying. The masts shattered, collapsing with a crash as the sails caught fire, burning with a blinding brightness. Explosions erupted below deck, the lightning finding its way into the powder magazines and storage areas. The hull cracked, water rushing in through gaping holes created by the powerful strikes. The ship, now a fiery inferno, tilted to one side. Smoke rose into the sky. The relentless barrage continued, each bolt further disintegrating the ship's structure, until it was little more than a burning, sinking wreck. It started sinking slowly beneath the waves as flames hissed and sputtered in the water.

Raki, Hina, Vivi, Marianne, Kaya, and Conis all gathered to see the Web Panic going down. “That was the right call,” Raki agreed.

“Hina thinks so too,” Hina agreed.

“Let's check if all the villagers are okay,” Vivi said.

“I will help if anyone has injuries,” Kaya added.

They all nodded and headed to help the villagers.

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