One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 324: Jelly Pirates

Mikita, Honey, and Robin approached the other side of the beach where the Jellyfish Pirates were at. They saw a group of women, all with their hands bound, being led away. Some were barefoot, while others wore tattered shoes. Their clothes were dirty and torn in several places. The expressions on their faces were a heart-wrenching mix of defeat and terror. Their eyes were hollow and lifeless.

“Get moving,” Kaginote said as he kicked a woman. She fell over and her face hit the sandy beach. She had tears in her eyes.

Hanagasa laughed. Eboshi, the Captain of Jellyfish Pirate, looked at the fallen woman. “We need them in good condition as per the deal,” Eboshi said. He had a smile on his face.

“I know Captain,” Hanagasa replied. “We made a good deal to sell this woman to those organ dealers,” he added.

The other women looked terrified. Their body parts were going to get harvested.

“You heard him get moving,” a pirate shouted as he was about to kick her and saw there were hands on his body. “What is this?” he asked.

“Seis Fleur,” Robin said as she sprouted six arms on the pirate's body. “Clutch,” she added as two arms grabbed his legs and made them fall backward. Another two pairs of arms held his back and the last pair grabbed his upper body. The pairs of hands on the upper body and legs pulled, cracking the pirate`s back.

“What was that?” Kaginote looked at his crewmate on the ground in pain.

“We have company,” Eboshi shouted.

“Leave those women alone,” Mikita stated.

They all looked to see three women approaching them. Robin had her arms crossed.

“Who are you?” Eboshi questioned.

“We are here to free those women,” Mikita replied.

Hanagasa laughed. “What are you three women going to do?” he asked.

“Liquid Air Blast,” Honey said as he raised her hand and launched a torrent of purple liquid at the group of men behind Hanagasa. The torrent of liquid hit the men and they went flying into the air and came crashing back down.

Hanagasa got hit as well and he slid back. He was panting. “They have devil fruits,” Kaginote said as she rushed towards Honey.

“Once Fleur,” Robin said as she sprouted 11 arms on Kaginote. Kaginote dropped his sword. “Slam,” Robin added she was able to grab Kaginote and slam him against the ground.

Mikita went towards Eboshi and kicked him. However Eboshi dodged and swung his sword. Mikita jumped back.

Hanagasa looked at Honey and charged towards him. “Liquid Bullet Barrage,” Honey said as she made her hand look like a gun. She fired purple liquid bullets from her fingertips. The bullets hit Hanagasa and crossed his arms to protect himself. The bullets stung as he was pushed back.

Honey kept firing until Hanagasa made a break for it to the left. He ran towards Honey at full speed. Honey looked at him coming and raised her two hands. “Double Air Blast,” Honey said as two torrents from each hand launched at Hanagasa. He again was hit by the attack and was thrown back and hit the ground.

“You are annoying,” Hanagasa said.

“Liquid Bomb,”Honey said as she created a red ball of liquid with both her hands. She threw it at Hanagasa as he got up. The red ball hit him causing a big explosion. The men in the area were knocked back as Hanagasa took the attack.

He was still standing however his purple cloth was gone. His large body had burnt marks and scratches everywhere. He was panting loudly. Hanagasa was not expecting such an attack. He thought he had to get closer, all he needed was to land his Kraken Fist and she would be done.

“Liquid Trident,” Honey said as she jumped into the air. She used the purple liquid to create a sharp, trident-like projection. She launched it at Hanagasa. The projection streaked through the air and impaled Hanagasa on the chest.

He was stunned by the attack. He spat blood and looked at Honey landing back on her feet as his knees gave away and he collapsed.

“One down,” Honey remarked.

Meanwhile Kaginote got up after being slammed down into the ground. He looked at Robin. “You will pay for that,” Kaginote remarked as he charged towards her.

Robin smiled. “Ochenta Fleur,” Robin said as she spawned eighty arms on Kaginote`s body. “Cuatro Manos,” Robin added as combined the eighty small hands into four gigantic hands. Kaginote felt the weight on his shoulders. “Shock,” Robin finally said as the hands slammed into Kaginote`s head. Robin said “Shock,” again and the hands slammed down. Kaignote felt a boulder hit his head a few times. There was blood leaking from his face as the blows came down. He tried to move but the hands kept slamming down again and again on his skull.

“Kaginote,” a pirate said as he ran towards him.

Robin let go. “Seis Fleur,” Robin said as she sprouted six arms on the pirate's body. “Clutch,” she added as two arms grabbed his legs and made them fall backward. Another two pairs of arms held his back and the last pair grabbed his upper body. The pairs of hands on the upper body and legs pulled, cracking the pirate`s back.

She looked at Kaginote who was recovering from the head trauma. He was panting loudly. He spat blood. He looked at Robin and was about to charge at her when Robin smiled. He thought that was the smile of a devil.

“Treinta Fleur,” Robin said as she sprouted thirty arms around Kaginote`s neck.

“What are you doing now?” he asked. His voice had a sense of panic and dread.

Robin's smile grew wider. “Strangle,” Robin said as her arms held his neck and began to choke him.

“Let me go,” he tried to say.

However Robin kept going. His eyes began to bulge out. The face of his colour began to change. He was on the edge and then he passed out. Robin let go and smiled. “I wonder what Captain will think,” she muttered to herself.

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