One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 342: Ivy & Cherry Adventure

Meanwhile in the Partia Lab, Ivy and Cherry were sitting around the table. They had an eventful few days with the attack on them by those masked creeps. NT had cleared the bodies out and gave them proper burials. She had obtained the pink blood and then left heading towards the Miss Love Duck. “NT is surely lucky to have wings,” Ivy commented.

“She is super, she let me ride on her back and we took to the sky,” Cherry excitedly said. “I want wings as well,” she added. 

Ivy chuckled. She thought her sister was in a good mood and smiling after a while. Emeraude, Rubis and BM all made them feel very welcomed. They were kind and friendly and showed them around. Ivy thought back to seeing Ben. She thought she joined a pirate crew. He was handsome for sure. She smiled. 

Cherry noticed her sister smiling. She had a small blush on her face. She had seen it before. “Are you thinking about him again?” Cherry said. 

Ivy subconsciously nodded. Cherry smiled. “You are,” Cherry responded. “Big Sis Ivy is in love, she is sitting in a tree,” Cherry started to sing. 

“Cherry,” Ivy responded blushing. She put her hand over her mouth. “Sssh,” Ivy added. 

Cherry was mumbling. At that moment, they heard the sound of the lift. Ivy left Cherry. “Is NT already back?” Cherry asked. 

“That is strange,” Ivy replied. They both approached the lift. They saw the doors opened and there was a woman with long slender legs wearing black heels. She had a thin black tail with a heart at the end. She wore black shorts that to her knees. Near to her hips, two small black wings were seen on each side. She was wearing a black shirt. It could be seen she was wearing a black bra. Her face looked like Rouge. She had large eyes and a big smile on her face. Her hair went to her shoulders. She also had two small twin horns. 

“NT?” Cherry asked.

The woman smiled warmly, exuding a motherly aura. “No, I am A.S.S Model PR,” she replied.

“A sister of NT?” Cherry probed further.

“Something like that, Cherry,” Ivy said, understanding there was more to the story but knowing Cherry was still young.

At that moment, Emeraude and Rubis came up the stairs. “Oh, so you are here,” Rubis remarked.

“It is good to see you. I am Emeraude, and this is Rubis. You’ve already met Cherry and Ivy,” Emeraude said with a welcoming smile.

“We have,” Cherry confirmed, nodding.

“PR, I assume you're here to get the pink blood?” Rubis asked.

“I am. After that, I will go and help Champion,” PR replied.

“Champion?” Cherry asked.

“Probably referring to Captain Ben,” Rubis replied. 

“They have strange ways of addressing him,” Cherry replied. Ivy did not but she thought it was special and cute in some ways. 

Emeraude and Rubis nodded in understanding. “Sounds good. BM mentioned she will stay and help here for a bit before leaving,” Emeraude responded.

“Which blood sample are you looking for?” Rubis inquired.

“I think I will go for the Mera Mera no Mi,” PR replied.

“Okay,” Emeraude acknowledged.

“Rubis and Emeraude, I was thinking of going outside to get some food,” Ivy said.

“Sure, thanks for letting us know. Have fun,” Emeraude said, her smile encouraging.

“Adventure time!” Cherry exclaimed excitedly.

“Stay safe you two,” PR said. She certainly has a motherly aura around her. Cherry thought NT and BM had one as well. 

“We will,” Cherry replied as she took Ivy`s hand and headed towards the lift. Cherry and Ivy left the lab, the sun shining brightly overhead as they made their way towards the town. It was about a half an hour walk. Cherry skipped happily alongside Ivy. Ivy was thinking about Ben. 

They arrived in town. “Ivy, what should we buy first?” Cherry asked.

“Well, we need some fresh vegetables and fruits for the kitchen,” Ivy replied, smiling at Cherry’s. “And maybe we can find some nice treats for everyone too,” she added.

“So fish?” Cherry asked. Ivy smiled and nodded. 

They walked through the market, the vibrant stalls offering a variety of goods. Ivy picked out some ripe tomatoes, crisp lettuce, and juicy apples. Cherry helped by carrying a basket, her small hands clutching the handle tightly.

“Oooh, look at those strawberries!” Cherry exclaimed, pointing to a stall filled with the plump, red fruit.

“Good eye, Cherry,” Ivy said, purchasing a small basket of strawberries.

After gathering all the groceries, they decided to stop by a little café for lunch. They found a cozy table by the window, and a waitress brought them menus.

“What are you going to have, Cherry?” Ivy asked, looking over the menu.

“I think I’ll have a sandwich and some lemonade,” Cherry replied. “What about you, big sis?” she asked. 

“I’ll have a salad and some iced tea,” Ivy decided.

They enjoyed their meal, chatting and laughing together. Cherry and Ivy enjoyed their time together. They both thought just a few days ago they both were slaves, their lives over but now they are enjoying some normal time. They both had Ben to thank for that.  

They finished their meal and paid the bill and made their way back to the market to pick up a few more items. They headed back to the lab. They both looked happy.

They arrived at the lab. “We are back,” Cherry shouted.

“Good to see you both and perfect timing,,” BM said. She turned her hands into a smoke cloud and lifted Cherry. Cherry giggled. 

“Where is Emeraude and Rubis?” Ivy asked.

“They are talking to my lord,” BM replied. 

“You should go and see your boyfriend,” Cherry teased. 

Cherry,” Ivy shouted. 

“You should,” BM said with a warm smile. 

Ivy headed to the lab and entered. “Really, a teleporter, so we can get two places in an instant?” Rubis commented.

“That sounds amazing,” Emeraude said. 

“It is,” Ben replied from the screen. 

Ben was talking to Emeraude and Rubis who he gave an update about the blueprints. “Saphir is excited,” Ben added.

“Little sister is missing us,” Rubis said.

“I am as well,” Emeraude added.

Ben saw Ivy enter the lab. “Hi Ivy, how are you doing?” Ben asked. 

Ivy blushed. “I am doing well, Captain, thank you for asking,” Ivy replied. 

Emeraude smiled. She thought another one. “She has been helping everyday here,” Emeraude replied. Rubis nodded. 

“That sounds good, I hope you are enjoying it there. Once we get the teleporters up, you can move around,” Ben said. 

Ivy nodded. “Well I won't keep you on for long, it is getting late,” Ben said. “Good night,” he added. 

“Good night,” they all said. 

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