One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 341: Sumi Update

After a few hours, Ben had gathered all the girls. Zala, Raki, Marianne, Nojiko and Conis looked exhausted. 

“Are you doing all okay?” Ben asked them.

“It was tiring work,” Conis replied. 

“I could see that you were helping everyone out,” Vivi added.

“They all thought you were the best server,” Kaya said. 

Robin giggled. “That most popular was definitely Nojiko,” Robin said. 

She smiled, still wearing her cat girl outfit. “Well, the kids did want to have some fun,” Nojiko said.

“My love would also want to have some,” Alvida added. 

“Pervert,” Kaya said. They all giggled. 

“Speaking of perverts, there was a guy that got a bit rowdy and was harassing people including Nojiko,” Zala said. 

“Raki punched him in the face and he went flying out,” Vivi added.

“I didn't like him,” Raki added. 

“Good job,” Ben said. 

“The cake was also amazing,” Honey said. 

“It was for sure,” Vivi added. 

“It was nothing,” Mikita said. She looked at the Miss Love Duck. “It was a good thing we now have this portal to get back,” Mikita added.

“It is and once we either build or unlock more through quest we can move around faster,” Ben agreed.

“I can see my sister and everyone soon,” Saphir commented. 

“Yes, you will, now everyone must be tired so let's call it a day, I will go and share the blueprints with Sumi,” Ben said. 

“Oh forget one thing,” Ben said. He looked at Marianne. “How did the painting go?” he asked.

“The most beautiful art I have ever seen,” Honey responded. 

“It was okay,” Marianne corrected. 

“She is being modest,” Mikita said. 

“I think so too,” Ben said. “Will you show it to us?” he asked.

“Yes, I will once I add the finishing touches,” Marianne replied. 

“Ben,” Vivi called.

“Yes, Vivi?” Ben replied, turning his attention to her.

“There were two villagers, Cynthia and Elizabeth, who expressed interest in running the restaurant while we’re gone,” Vivi said. Her eyes lit up with confidence as she added, “I think they’ll be excellent candidates,” she added. 

“They did help out a lot,” Raki chimed in, nodding her agreement.

“I saw them working hard,” Conis agreed.

Ben nodded. “Okay, I will support your decision,” he immediately replied. 

Vivi’s face broke into a big smile. “Thank you, Ben,” he responded. 

“Princess always gets her way with the Captain,” Robin teased, a playful glint in her eye.

Everyone laughed, the sound echoing warmly through the room. 

With the decision made, they all nodded in agreement and began to disperse, heading back to their rooms. Ben, however, had another task in mind. He made his way to the Radio Room.

Entering the room, Ben took a seat and began to adjust the knobs on the radio. He thought that he needed to make contact with the lab on Gold Island. As he fine-tuned the connection, a faint crackle filled the room.

“Hello?” he called into the receiver, his voice steady. He added, “Sumi, are you there?” 

“Just a minute,” a voice was heard. Ben then saw a woman run in and sat down. Her hair was a mess.

“Hi Sumi,” Ben said.

“Hello work husband,” Sumi said. 

As Ben was about to reply, another woman entered. “Hi Emma,” Ben said. “How are you both doing?” he asked.

“We are doing well,” Sumi replied. 

“It is pretty late at night,” Emma said.

“It is but I have something to show you both,” Ben responded. 

(Sweetie Redeem Portal Blueprints)

[Redeeming Portal Blueprints] 

A bright glow appeared on Ben’s hand, and a blueprint appeared.

(Thank you Sweetie)

“Wow, work husband!” Sumi exclaimed, her eyes widening with amazement.

“Incredible,” Emma added, leaning in with interest.

“This is a blueprint for a portal,” Ben explained, holding the design up for everyone to see. “Building two of these will allow us to instantly teleport from one place to another,” he added.

“That’s incredibly powerful,” Sumi replied. 

“Something out of a kid’s book,” Emma said, shaking her head in disbelief. She knew this man was different but everytime time she talks to him it's even crazier. 

“Yes,” Ben nodded, “I want to build these in our labs so we can instantly travel between them. You’ll be able to go anywhere you like within our network of laboratories,” he added. 

“Like we talked about, work husband,” Sumi said, nodding thoughtfully.

“Exactly,” Ben responded. 

“The Miss Love Maxima has arrived, so we didn’t need it as urgently,” Emma noted.

“She will be very useful, but this is just another way to enhance our travel capabilities,” Ben explained.

“We don’t know how difficult it will be to build,” Sumi pointed out.

Ben smiled, appreciating her caution. “True, but I believe in your skills and teamwork, we can manage it. You can be here with us one day and one the same day be back at the lab,” Ben said. 

Sumi smiled. She thought, in the day in the lab with the girls and at night with her work husband in his arms. Emma thought there were many labs so they would have to set this up everywhere. Miss Love Maxima could be used for the initial transport. She thought Ben had a point. 

Ben put the blueprints in what looked like a fax machine. The blueprint was sent over to the Gold Lab Island. Emma picked it up and studied the blueprint closely. “It’s complex, but not impossible. We’ll need to gather some specific materials,” she explained.

Emma handed the blueprint to Sumi. She had a quick look at it and nodded in agreement. “I can see why you say that. We are heading back to the Clockwork Island Lab so I can show this to the rest of the girls and hope to get one working,” Sumi said. 

“That sounds good, we already have one here,” Ben replied.  

“How did you build it?” Emma asked.

“The system part of the devil fruit got us two,” Ben responded.

“And it's now up to us to build the rest,” Sumi replied. 

Ben nodded. “Also how is Mech doing now?” Ben asked. 

“It has shown no irregularities lately,” Emma replied. 

“That is good,” Ben replied. 

“We will keep the lab shut off until we are back but we have made significant progress,” Sumi added.

“That is good, I know I can count on you both,” Ben stated.

Emma and Sumi smiled. Emma cleared her throat. “Miss Sumi, we should go,” she said. 

“Okay, bye work husband,” Sumi said as she shut off the radio and left. 

Ben chuckled. She is always so busy, he thought. Well time to make one more call about this good news.

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