One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 359: News

“That can't be,” Luffy replied. He couldn't understand why Ben would instruct Nico Robin to do something like this, especially knowing Ben was still unconscious from his fight.

“Luffy, he’s lying!” Nami shouted.

“Iceburg was attacked,” Franky muttered darkly.

“Ben would never order such an attack. I know Ben,” Luffy stated firmly. “There has to be some mistake,” he added.

“We asked the government, and we know that Nico Robin joined the Love Pirates. The Love Pirates have an alliance with you,” Paulie explained, his tone accusatory.

Nami’s eyes widened in shock. Why would Robin do something like this? Ben would never order such an act. She thought about the masked man. Who could that be? Ben was still unconscious when she left.

“Are you just a scout for them?” Paulie sneered. “We will not let you get away with this, especially Captain Alvida. We will drag her back,” he added.

“Is Iceburg dead?” Franky asked.

“No, he survived the shot,” Paulie replied. “These fools won't be able to kill someone like him,” he added.

“But the Love Pirates might go after him again,” Paulie accused. “That is why we will stop him and get the information we need to find and track the Love Pirates,” he added.

Kaku hurled a knife at Luffy. Luffy barely managed to dodge, the blade grazing his cheek and drawing a small drop of blood. “Dead or alive,” Kaku declared coldly. “The authorities don't care. You're still a pirate on the wanted list. No one is coming to save you,” he added.

“We are outlaws, I know that but don't say anything you don't know about, Ben, Robin or the Love Pirates,” Luffy defended them. Nami nodded.

“Let me see Ice Pops and Ben,” Luffy said. He added, “There is a misunderstanding.”

“We will bring down everyone in your gang,” Paulie stated.

“Rope Action,” Paulie said as he got two ropes out from his wrist. “Bowline Knot,” he added as he threw Luffy into the air. Kaku threw knives at Luffy, however Luffy shifted his body and dodged the attack. He landed on his feet.

Paulie tried to pull Luffy. Luffy stood his ground. “Are you not going to attack?” Paulie asked.

“I have no reason too, I know Ben would never do anything like this,” Luffy said.

“You keep saying Ben, Alvida is the Captain,” Paulie replied.

“We know that pistols dont work,” Kaku commented.
Tilestone shot a rocket at Luffy. Luffy jumped out of the way. Lucci ran up and jumped towards Luffy. He had a massive blade and swung it. Luffy moved his head back and dodged the attack.

Luffy jumped back. Lulu rushed towards Luffy. He had a large sword in his hand. He swung his sword. Luffy jumped out of the way. Tilestone aimed his cannon again. He shot at Luffy. Luffy got hit and flew back into a large wall.

“You guys hit him,” Franky said. He laughed. He slapped the table with his hand and laughed. “But he was my target,” Franky added. “I said don't interfere,” he continued.

Franky put his arms together. A small barrel appeared in between his fingers. His forearms expanded. Air was being sucked into. Paulie could feel the air rushing towards Franky. His forearms got bigger. “Coup de Vent,” Franky said as he sent a compressed air blast towards the Galley men. They all got knocked back into the air and crashed into the wall.

“Haha that's what they deserve,” Franky shouted. The crowd started to run away as the buildings nearby started to collapse.

Luffy jumped in and saw Nami. “Let's go,” Luffy said. “We need to talk to both Ben and Ice Pops,” he added.

“Maybe someone from their crew, Ben, is unconscious right now,” Nami replied. Luffy nodded. He stretched his arm and grabbed a ledge and jumped forward.

Maya, Conis, Mikita and Vivi left the boats and headed towards the shops. They saw a stall selling fruit. “These fruits look fresh,” Maya commented.

“They certainly do,” Conis added.

“They just arrived today,” said the friendly shopkeeper. “You should hurry, I am closing shop,” he added.

“There are a lot of people packing right now, is there something coming?” Mikita asked.

“Aqua Laguna is coming,” the shopkeeper said.

“Aqua Laguna?” Vivi asked. They heard the over the speakers a few times.

“You are not from here. It is an annual storm and high tide that takes place in Water 7. It engulfs the lower part of the city with a huge wave, causing a huge flood and property damage. The foundation of Water 7 sinks a little,” he explained.

“That does sound awful,” Vivi replied. She thought back to her home where it hardly rains.

“So is it coming tonight?” Mikita asked.

“Yes and that is why people are leaving,” the shopkeeper replied. “There are two trains coming, you should leave as well, in fact you are my last customer,” he added.

“We should inform everyone else,” Conis said.
“Everyone, Iceburg has been shot by Nico Robin! We are looking for the Love Pirates and Strawhat Pirates!” another man shouted, causing a ripple of shock to spread through the crowd.

Maya, Conis, Mikita, and Vivi froze at the news, their faces reflecting their disbelief. “What?” Maya gasped.

“Robin?” Conis echoed, her voice filled with confusion.

“We should get moving,” Mikita said urgently.

Vivi quickly paid for their shopping, and they hurriedly left the marketplace. They ducked into a nearby alley, seeking a moment to regroup.

Vivi glanced back towards the street, noticing men handing out wanted posters. “It looks like they have our wanted posters,” she observed.

Mikita pulled her coat's hood over her head. “I’ll hide my face with this coat. You guys should be okay since none of you have wanted posters.” she said.

“We need to head back,” Vivi said firmly.

“But Robin was with us this morning,” Conis said.

“Something must have happened or they are framing us,” Vivi added.

“Either way, we need to figure this out, they all look angry and this tidal wave is coming as well,” Mikita said.

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