One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 392: Sharinguru vs Conis Part 2

“That flashy transformation won't change anything,” Sharinguru said as he started to sweat. He could feel the temperature in the room increase.

He rolled towards Conis. “Sunfire Breath,” Conis said as she felt her stomach get warmer. She let the heat build up. It travelled up her body and into her mouth. She held it for a second and then opened her mouth and released a streak of flames towards Sharinguru. Sharinguru dodged the flames. He saw as the flames touched the ground it started to melt.

Sharinguru approached Conis. “Force Punch,” Sharinguru said as he spun his one arm rapidly. He attempted to punch Conis again.

“Sunfire Talon,” Conis said as she ignited her claws with intense solar flames. She clashed with Sharinguru. They both felt a shockwave as Sharinguru was pushed back. He wheeled back, looking at Conis.

“Sunfire Feathers,” Conis said as she fired feathers from her wings at Sharinguru. The feathers travelled through the air. Sharinguru saw the burning red feathers coming towards him. He jumped in the air. He saw the flames hit the ground and each feather exploded upon impact.He thought that power was more destructive.

”Rolling Thunder Drop,” Sharinguru said as he spun one of his legs rapidly like a wheel. He descended, the spinning leg generated intense momentum and force. He went towards Conis.

Conis saw the attack coming. “Solar Flare Wing Shield,” Conis said as she spread her wings, creating a shield of solar energy. She blocked the attack. The spinning wheel-leg created a shockwave. Conis slid back slowly. Sharinguru pressed forward and kicked Conis back. Conis slid back.

Sharinguru landed back on his feet. He could feel his leg burning slightly. The bottom of the trouser was burnt off. He thought back to when he hit her wings. The fire reacted and started to burn him. “Your devil fruit is special,” Sharinguru commented. He thought this power was like the infamous First Division Whitebeard Commander Marco the Phoenix.

“But you have just discovered it. I will beat you,” he added. “Rolling Rampage,” Sharinguru said as he transformed both arms into wheels and charged forward at high speed. He spun his arms rapidly like rotating tires. He touched the wall with his hand and he sliced through it, leaving a hole. He approached Conis.

Conis saw this and opened her wings. She flew upwards narrowly avoiding the attack.She felt the waves created by the rotating arms, graze her face. She flew up to the ceiling. Sharinguru was about to jump towards her however she came down.

“Sunfire Dive,” Conis said as she dived from the sky. The flames on her body got stronger. She crashed onto the ground. As she impacted there was a fiery explosion. The flames erupted like a volcano and went in all directions.

Sharinguru got hit by the fires and tossed back like a ragdoll. He saw Conis moved quickly and had no time to react. Sharinguru landed on his head. He was panting and was bleeding from his face as he slowly got up.

Conis moved quickly and kicked Sharinguru in the face with her leg. Sharinguru got hit in the face. His lip got busted as he jumped away. He got up and looked at her. He was breathing heavily. “Your power has increased for sure but the Marines are greater,” he stated.

“You are right my power has increased and may not be as great as other Marines but it is better than yours. I will beat you and help Robin,” Conis stated.

“Hahahah,” Sharinguru laughed. “Pirates will never win,” Sharinguru said. He ran towards Conis. “Tornado Whirl,” Sharinguru said as he spun his arms and legs while moving in place. He created a miniature tornado around him and went towards Conis. Conis thought he had more tricks up his sleeves.

She saw her Heat Javelin on the ground and rushed to pick it. “Thermal Impale,” Conis said as she thrusted the Heat Javelin into the ground. It started to build up heat. She released it as Sharinguru approached and erupted a pillar of intense heat directly beneath Sharinguru. Sharinguru got caught off guard by this attack and was engulfed in flames.

He stopped the attack. His legs and arms were on fire. He quickly spun his arms and legs and extinguished the fire. He was panting, he thought she was getting annoying. He could feel the attacks taking a toll on his body. “Blitz Strike,” Sharinguru said as he dashed forward on his wheels and started to spin his arm rapidly moving it forwards and backwards. He closed the distance and attempted to punched Conis.

“Sunfire Talon,” Conis said as she ignited her claws with intense solar flames. She clashed with his fist. There was a mini shockwave as their fists collided. Sharinguru put his strength into the attack. He tried to push Conis. Conis put her strength into her fist. She pushed Sharinguru back with her enhanced strength. Sharingur got pushed back. At the moment, Conis swung her Heat Javelin at Sharinguru. Sharinguru saw this and jumped back; however, he was clipped by the tip of the blade. His clothes got ripped and there was a small cut which bled.

“Why do you resist?” Sharinguru asked.

“Resist? I am fighting for my friend, my crew mate, my sister, my Captain,” Conis responded.

“They are all criminals,” he replied.

“For you maybe, but for me they are everything, my family,” Conis stated. The flames on her body got stronger.

“Nothing can lose to justice,” Sharinguru remarked. He jumped into the air. “Rolling Drill,” Sharinguru said he transformed his one leg into a pointed wheel and spun it rapidly, turning it into a high-speed drill. He went towards Conis.

“Sunfire Talon Strike,” Conis said as she ignited her claws with intense solar flames. She clenched her fist. The flames got even stronger. She swung her fist at full force and punched.Sharinguru. The punch connected with his leg and flames shot from her hand. She propelled Sharinguru back. He crashed into several walls before collapsing to the ground.

Conis panted. He was down. She needed to move. “Sharinguru,” Very Good shouted as he launched his hand towards Conis. Conis did not see him and got hit by a circular hand in the stomach. She staggered back as she watched his hand bounce back. “You pirate scum,” Very Good shouted.

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