One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 391: Sharinguru vs Conis Part 1

Conis looked at Sharinguru. “We have been hunting for your group. It seems like it has gotten bigger,” Sharinguru commented. He remembered when he fought them first, when Demon King Ben, Honey Queen and Iron Mace Alvida boarded their ship and disabled it. “As a warrior of justice you humiliated us,” he added. “You then went out and committed more crimes and even tried to take an entire country out,” he continued.

“We saved that country from the evil warlord,” Conis replied. She heard from Vivi what Ben and the girls did for her. She had no reason to doubt them. They saved her country after all.

“Lies,” Sharinguru shouted back. “Pirates can only lie, destroy and kill,” he added.

“You are here causing trouble but none of that matters, this is Enies Lobby, you have saved us a trip. We would have hunted your crew and dragged you back,” he laughed. “Surrender now and we may be lenient. You don't have a bounty yet so we may reduce your sentence if you cooperate with us,” he continued.

“You have taken our crew mate, our sister, away from us,” Conis said. “She always looks out for others and even goes as far as to sacrifice herself for us,” she added. She remembered how Robin lied to them back in Water 7. It must have hurt her deeply inside.

“Sacrifice? She is a criminal, a devil,” Sharinguru replied. “Enough talking, I will capture you,” Sharinguru said. He looked at the girl in front of him. She looked like someone who has never seen a battlefield, someone who was best suited to be home, cooking or singing. He wondered how she join them.

Sharinguru thought looks can be deceived. “Inferno Strike,” Conis said as she channelled the intense heat into the tip of the javelin. She thrusted it forward, releasing a scorching blast of flames towards Sharinguru.

Sharinguru could feel the heat coming towards him. “Roll out,” Sharinguru said as he turned his legs into wheels and dodged the attack.He saw the flames hit ground and there were scorch marks. He thought looks could be deceiving. He thought the flames on her back were interesting. She had wings as well. She resembled a wanted race but the similarities ended there. She was different in other ways. The Marines had been looking for that race.

Sharinguru dashed towards Conis. “Force Punch,” Sharinguru said as he spun his one arm rapidly. His one arm was spinning rapidly as he swung his hand at Conis. Conis used the Heat Javelin to block the attack. They both clashed however, Sharinguru pushed ahead and Conis`s feet were lifted from the ground as she landed on her back.

Conis quickly got up. She thought he had a devil fruit. “So you have powers as well,” Conis commented.

“I ate the Wheel-Wheel fruit which let me turn my body into a wheel,” Sharinguru replied. He rolled back to Conis. .

“Blazing Lance Barrage,” Conis said as she activated the Heat Javelins multiple times. Each one erupted into flames. This created fiery projectiles rushing towards Sharinguru.

“Roll blitz,” Sharinguru said as he sped up his wheels. They went red and Sharinguru moved faster. He dodged each of the projectiles going towards them. He went towards Conis again. “Spinning Strike,” Sharinguru said as he extended his arms outward while spinning them, becoming a rotating buzzsaw. He rolled towards Conis and swung his arms at Conis. Conis used her Heat Javelin to block the attack. However the force of the swing was too much for Conis and she went flying back. She hit the wall and spat blood out as she dropped to the ground.

“Surrender now,” Sharinguru said.

Conis got up. She could feel her back was in pain. Sharinguru was strong, she thought. Ben told them to be ready. She was not going to lose her. “Heat Nova Blast,” Conis said as she planted the Heat Javelin firmly into the ground. She channelled the energy.

“Blitz Strike,” Sharinguru said as he dashed forward on his wheels and started to spin his arm rapidly moving it forwards and backwards. He closed the distance and punched Conis in the stomach. Conis did not have time to react as she felt the fist connect with her stomach. She spat blood again and went flying back and hit the ground. Sharinguru took the Flame Javelin out of the ground. He was not going to take any chances.

Conis lay on the ground, panting heavily, every muscle in her body aching from the strain. As pain coursed through her, her mind thought back to the time when they fought against Enel. Back then, she was hidden away. She was scared and powerless before. She thought nothing had changed.

She thought of Ben. She thought he would be disappointed in her. She thought Robin and the rest of the crew would see her as a failure. She thought no, she will not let it end like this. She wouldn’t let those thoughts control her. She refused to be a weak frightened girl who hid away, awaiting for her knight in shining armour.

Ben, her love and her Captain, had given her a rare power. Ben said he believed in her that it was her gift. They had just met and he had given something so precious to her.

Conis gritted her teeth and pushed herself up from the ground. The pain was still there. Her back hurt. However the flame on her back got brighter. She could feel it had power. “I will win this,” she whispered to herself. Ben believed in her. She had a crew member to save, support her sisters.

Conis closed her eyes. She thought back to the training on the Miss Love Duck. She felt the fire rage. She thought of Ben. A warm feeling began to spread through her body from her back.

Her body started to glow, a radiant golden light as she started to transform. Golden feathers started to emerge from her arms and shoulders.Her skin took on a golden hue, and her hair, once flared into fiery strands that danced like solar flames. Her mouth grew into a large yellow beak. Her ears became flatter. Her eyes turned into orbs of molten gold, glowing .Her hands had sharp talons

The small wings on her back extended, and grew bigger. Each feather on the outer ends started to burn.Her legs transformed as well, becoming more muscular and bird-like, with talons that glowed with a molten edge.

“What is this?” Sharinguru asked as he watched the transformation. “You are a devil fruit user as well,” he added.

“I am. It was given by my Captain, I will not let him down or my sisters, my crew,” she stated.

Sharinguru looked and had a bad feeling. “I will take you down, you're a criminal,” he shouted.

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