One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 390: Yukimura vs Raki

Yukimura looked at Raki. His eyes were drawn to his wings that were on the back. "You have wings," he remarked.

Raki looked back, a slight smirk playing on her lips. "I know," she replied. "I was born with them," she added.

"You're not from here, are you?" Yukimura asked.

Raki nodded. "I come from up there," she said, pointing upwards.

Yukimura’s eyes flicked upward for a moment before returning to her. "So why are you with these criminals?" he asked.

"I choose to be," Raki responded firmly.

"Then you leave me no choice," Yukimura said. "I will have to take you down," he added. He took his katana out.

Raki started to transform. Her body grew feathers, her hands changed into large wings. She grew taller. Her feet became like a crow. She had a long tail. Her body turned into a two-legged dragon, with a rooster's head. She had transformed into her beast form.

“What monster is this?” Yukimura replied.

“Petrifying Gaze,” Raki said as she looked at the Yukimura. Yukimura thought something was wrong. He looked into her eyes for a second and his hand started to turn into stone. He quickly looked away.

“What is this?” Yukimura asked, looking at his arm which was stone. He was having trouble moving it.

Raki smiled. “You were smarter than your other friends,” Raki smirked.

“You turned Marines into statues?” he asked, looking horrified.

“Many,” Raki responded.

“Why you?” Yukimura said. He thought about how he slayed 1000 pirates to protect justice. “I will avenge them all,” he said.

"Darting Dragon," said Yukimura as he crouched low before launching himself upwards. He raised his katana. He pushed it forward and in a vertical slice he swung his sword at Raki.

“Breath of Basilisk,” Raki said as she exhaled a grey mystical breath. The breath was about to reach Yukimura when he jumped back. The tip of his blade touched his sword and instantly turned into stone.

At that moment, Raki whipped her tail and hit Yukimura. He went flying and hit the ground with a large thud. Yukimura spat blood as he got up. The tail hit the side of the stomach. He got up and touched his side. He could feel it swelling up.

"Darting Tempest," Yukimura said as he unleashed a flurry of rapid, consecutive strikes with his katana at Raki. He was striking so fast it looked like there were multiple swords attacking her.

“Breath of Basilisk,” Raki said as she exhaled a grey mystical breath again. The breath was about to reach Yukimura when he jumped back again.

“Using the same attack twice against me,” Yukimura said.

“It works,” Raki replied.

Yukimura gritted his teeth. He thought this was an issue. He could not get close. She was strong. He needed a new plan to hit her. He smiled. He pulled out a pistol from his pocket. “If I cannot close, then I can shoot you,” he said. He pressed the trigger and shot her. A bullet went towards Raki.

“Stone Touch,” Raki said as she flicked her tail. The bullet hit her tail and turned into stone and cracked the bullet.

Yukimura was stunned. “How?” he shouted.

“I turned it into stone,” Raki replied.

Yukimura thought the stone ability was very powerful. She could turn people into stone by sight, breath and touch.

Raki thought she was wasting time against Yukimura. She needed to go and find the key for Robin. She went forward and charged towards Yukimura. She opened her mouth and tried to bite Yukimura. Yukimura jumped back. Raki jumped into the air and slammed down into the ground. Yukimura jumped away again. He got caught in the shockwave as he tried to escape. He was knocked over and hit the ground. He quickly got up. He held his sword up.

He was panting. He looked at the rooster's head with spikes on top. She opened her mouth revealing an array of sharp teeth. He thought this was the stuff of nightmares. However his fellow Marines had been turned into stone. He needed to save them at all costs. There has to be a weakness, he thought.

“Darting Moon," Yukimura said as he leaped into the air, his katana raised high. He spun mid-air, to deliver a powerful overhead slash. He thought this would work. He was moving so fast she wont have any time to react.

“Medusa’s Whisper,” Raki said as she hissed. Yukimura heard a hiss. He thought it sounded creepy, all of a sudden he saw his body turning to stone. His hand turned to stone, his legs turned to stone, his stomach, chest turned to stone. As he was in mid-air, he could feel his body turning to stone. It felt empty as he dropped to the ground. Raki used her tail and caught him before he shattered.

She turned back to her normal form, her chest heaving as she panted heavily. The strain of the transformation, combined with using her abilities, had drained her. Sweat poured down her face as she bent over, struggling to catch her breath. She needed more time to adjust and learn more of her abilities. However there was no time for any of that, Ben her Captain entrusted her with a mission. She thought of Robin who helped save her country from a tyrant. She thought now, it was her turn to help her out. Raki walked forward.

Outside the Tower of Justice, NT sat firmly in the cockpit, her hands gripping the controls as she manoeuvred the Mech. She pushed the levers forward, causing the Mech’s massive hand to swing down and crush the ground. The earth trembled beneath the force, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. Marines went flying everywhere.

Marines on the ground frantically fired their rifles at the machine, their bullets pinging harmlessly off the Mech's reinforced armor. She saw the soldiers scrambling beneath her, and she guided the Mech’s enormous leg forward. The Mech’s foot came crashing down, the ground buckling under its immense weight as the soldiers got crushed.

“That Robot is soo cool,” Luffy shouted.

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