One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 398: Jabra vs Vivi Part 1

Vivi stood firm, her eyes locked on Jabra. “So, you’re the one causing all this chaos,” Jabra commented.

“Ben told me you have the key we need to save Robin,” Vivi replied.

Jabra's expression shifted. “Ben? How does he know about that?” he shouted but then he shrugged it off. “Well, it doesn’t matter. You’ll never get that key,” he added, casually cleaning his ear. “You should just go home,” he added.

Vivi’s eyes narrowed. “I’ll take it from you if I have to. Robin’s been hurt, by you, by your World Government,” she said. She thought back to the time when the World Government had appointed Crocodile, a Warlord who nearly destroyed her kingdom. He had manipulated her people, igniting a civil war, all under the protection of the Marines and the World Government. The same organization now wanted to take Robin away, to her death. It made her blood boil.

“You talk big,” Jabra sneered. “But there’s some truth to what you say. The World Government is far from innocent. Robin… She’s my sister. She was kidnapped by a pirate crew when we were young, and given a bounty due to being mistaken for one of the crew,” Jabra said.

Vivi was caught off guard. “Really?” she asked.

Jabra nodded, stepping closer. “Yes, and because of that, I want to give you this key,” he said, as he walked toward Vivi.

“You can give it from there,” Vivi said.

“You don't trust her brother?” Jabra asked. He smiled.

Vivi pulled her Gero Gero gun out. “You are lying. Robin never had a brother,” Vivi said.

“She was doing it to protect me,” Jabra added.

“No, you are lying, Ben would have said something. He knows,” Vivi stated. “Don't move,” Vivi warned.

“How would he know?” Jabra asked as he walked closer.

Vivi aimed her Gero Gero Gun and pulled the trigger. A frog shaped bullet went towards Jabra. "Shave," Jabra muttered, vanishing in a blur of speed as he dashed towards Vivi. He dodged the bullet and appeared in front of Vivi. Vivi was surprised by the speed. "Finger Pistol," Jabra growled as he thrust his index finger forward, piercing Vivi`s shoulder.

Vivi yelled in pain. Blood oozed from the wound as a wicked grin spread across Jabra's face. She looked at Jabra and quickly grabbed her sword and swung it at him. Jabra saw this and jumped back, pulling his finger out of the wound.

Vivi panted as she felt pain. She heard of this from Ben and saw Lucci, Blueno, Kaku and Kalifa doing this. She gritted her teeth. “That was low,” Vivi said. She for a second believed it. However she knew it was not true.

“What are you a princess?” Jabra joked. “I almost had you there,” he added as he laughed.

“Just surrender now, so I won't have to beat you,” Jabra said.

“I am not a weak girl,” Vivi said.

Jabra sighed. “Looks like you will not listen. I will give you a painless death,” Jabra said.

“Storm Leg,” Jabra roared. He unleashed a rapid, high-speed kick that sent a razor-sharp blade of compressed wind hurtling towards Vivi. Vivi saw this and tried to jump out of the way. However the attack was quick and she got clipped on the side. Her stomach got hit and was cut. A small drop of blood left the wound.

Vivi aimed her Gero Gero Gun. She fired a frog shaped bullet at Jabra. The bullet went through the air. “Iron Body," Jabra declared, tensing his muscles as his body hardened. The bullet hit Jabra. There was a loud explosion. Vivi aimed her gun and fired again. Another frog shaped bullet hit him. There was another loud explosion and smoke cloud. Vivi panted. She saw the smoke clear and looked horrified. Jabra was in one piece. There was no sign of an injury.

“I said, I will end this quickly,” Jabra added. “Moonwalk,” Jabra added, as he propelled himself into the air with powerful kicks. He soared above Viv. “Storm Leg,” Jabra said again as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind towards Vivi.

Vivi pulled up Succubane and tried to block the attack. The blade of wind hit the sword and she felt the force behind it as she slid back trying to keep the attack away. She went a few feet back. She put all her strength and was able to throw away the attack. She looked to see it hit a wall and cut it.

“Keep your eyes on me,” Jabra said as he flew towards Vivi. “Finger Pistol,” Jabra said as he pulled his index finger and penetrated her other shoulder. She spat blood as she got stabbed again. The pain felt bad however she was not going down. She was about to raise her sword when Jabra punched her stomach. She buckled from the pain. Jabra took his finger out. Vivi saw his finger going towards her chest. She quickly fired the Gero Gero Gun at their feet. The frog shaped bullet hit the ground and exploded. Jabra and Vivi were flung back from the explosion.
They both landed on the ground. Jabra got up, panting. “Are you crazy, going for a suicide attack,” Jabra said as he looked to see his trousers ripped. He cleaned himself up.

Vivi thought it was a suicide attack. She got desperate. She had a feeling that Jabra`s finger was going to stab her chest and heat. It was going to be a fatal attack for her. She felt it. She thought that was the best solution for the scenario. Her legs hurt. She could feel them, but they were bleeding for sure. She thought she needed more power. She thought back to Shura when she fought him. It was the same, she was outplayed and was too weak. However, she thought of Ben, she thought of her King. She knew she had something inside her. The power Ben gave to her. He could have given it to someone else but he gave it to her. She was not going to let it go to waste. She has a mission to save Robin.

She got up. Her eyes turned red and had no pupils. There were black flames on body. The wounds on her shoulders had flames coming up. The small cut she had on her stomach had flames. Her legs had flames.

Jabra could feel something was different. “What are you up to?” Jabra asked.

Vivi held Succubane which glowed dark purple.

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