One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 399: Jabra vs Vivi Part 2

“What is with your eyes?” Jabra asked. “You have a devil fruit as well?” he asked.

“I do, my King gave it to me, now give me the key,” Vivi demanded.

Jabra laughed, “Gyaaaa ha ha ha ha.” “Do you think a devil fruit will be enough to defeat me?” Jabra asked.

“Neo Fire,” Vivi said as she scraped the sword on the ground. The friction created a dark purple-colored flaming projectile that she launched at Jabra. Jabra saw a flaming circular attack coming towards him.

"Moonwalk," Jabra said as he propelled himself into the air with a powerful kick. He looked at Vivi with a grin. Storm Leg,” Jabra said as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind towards Vivi.

Vivi jumped forward and dodged the attack. She aimed her Gero Gero Gun. “Nero Bullet,” Vivi said as he fired from her Gero Gero Gun. A black frog shaped bullet went from the barrel. Its eyes on the bullet had flames as it raced towards Jabra.

“This again,” he remarked. “Iron Body," Jabra said, tensing his muscles as his body hardened. He saw the bullet coming and got hit. There was a large explosion as he took a hit. Jabra spat blood out as he felt the force of the attack and dropped to the ground. As he fell, he quickly recovered and landed on his feet. He wiped his mouth. He glared at Vivi. “So you have gained some power,” Jabra said.

"Shave," Jabra muttered, vanishing in a blur of speed as he dashed towards Vivi. “Finger Pistol,” Jabra said as he thrust his index finger forward. He aimed for Vivi`s heart. He thought he would end this now. Vivi put her sword forward and blocked the attack. They both felt a shockwave.

Jabra pulled his finger back and swung at her with a powerful kick aimed at her side.

Vivi swiftly raised her sword, the metal catching his leg in mid-air with a resounding clash. The force of the impact sent vibrations up her arm. He spun around, using the momentum to unleash another kick, this time aimed at her head.

Vivi quickly lifted her free hand, blocking his kick with her forearm. Jabra’s eyes widened slightly at her resilience before he leaped back, creating some distance between them. Vivi held her hand out. “Dark Neroctic Beam,” Vivi said as she shot a thick dark beam from her left hand towards Jabra. Jabra saw this at the last moment and got hit. There was black smoke emitting from the explosion and Jabra was propped backwards.

Jabra landed on the ground. His back hit the floor as he felt his stomach in pain. He smiled as he got up. “You are annoying, “Jabra said. “You could have been dead by now but you resist,” Jabra added. “Resisting against CP9 is futile,” he continued. “Gyaaaa ha ha ha ha,” he laughed.
Jabra grinned. “I will show you my true power,” he said as his body began to shift, his muscles bulged, fur started to appear on his body. His body elongated, his limbs grew more pronounced and muscular, taking on a more feral, wolf-like appearance.

Jabra's face morphed, his eyes narrowing into slitted, predatory shape. His teeth extended into sharp, menacing fangs. His ears grew into pointy wolf-like ears. Dark fur began to sprout along his arms and legs. His hands transformed into claws. Jabra's stance shifted as he crouched slightly. Jabra howled a beastly sound. His transformation was complete. “This is my true power, I ate the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Wolf,” Jabra remarked as he smiled. He stood before Vivi in his hybrid form.

“You will not get away alive,” Jabra said. “Tempest Kick Lone Wolf,” Jabra said as he sent a blade of compressed wind across the ground. It bounced in curves towards Vivi. Vivi saw the attack coming. She held her sword and blocked the attack. She slid back from the impact as she tried to stop the attack. She put all her strength in and pushed the attack to the side.

“Nero Bullet,” Vivi said as he fired from her Gero Gero gun. A black frog shaped bullet left the gun and went towards Jabra.

Jabra snickered. “Moonwalk,” Jabra said as he jumped into the air. He kicked the air and flew through the room towards Vivi. He then looked at Vivi. His eyes narrowed. “Moonlight Ten Finger Pistol,” Jabra said as he launched himself towards Viv. He put his claws in front of him. He was in a vertical drop against Vivi. Vivi saw this coming. She tried to move Succubane upwards to block the attack however she was too late. She got hit by his ten claws on her chest. She spat blood as she felt being stabbed. She flew backwards and hit the ground. Jabra smiled.

“I am only beginning,” Jabra said.

Vivi slowly got up. The flames covered her wounds. She will not lose this. She had a lot riding on her shoulders. She wiped her mouth and looked at Jabra. “Neo Beam,”Vivi said as the sword glowed dark purple. She put her energy into it and a dark purple projection was fired. It flew across the room at Jabra at high speed. Jabra saw this and jumped out of the way. He narrowly avoided a direct attack but was caught in the explosion. He was thrown off balance.

At that moment, Vivi rushed in. She held Succubane. “Touche Slash,” Vivi said as she dashed forward. She held her sword and delivered a horizontal slash on his chest.

Jabra howled in pain as he got cut. He saw blood leaking from his chest however he quickly recovered. He smiled at Vivi. “Ten Finger Pistol ,” Jabra said as put both of his hands together. He thrusted them all at once at Vivi. Vivi saw this. She tried to jump back however it was too late. She got hit with all his ten claws again and went flying back. A pool of blood followed as she went back and landed on the ground.

Jabra coughed blood. He panted looking at Vivi on the ground. “You have given me some trouble,” Jabra said.

Vivi got up again. The fire on her body increased. There was blood dripping from her chest. She panted. “I will, Robin`s life is on the line,” Vivi stated.

“You don't know when to give up,” Jabra said.

Vivi smiled. “My King does not know either,” she replied as her eyes glowed a darker red. The flames on her body grew more intense.

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