One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 407: Ben vs Lucci Part 3

Ben looked at his slimed body. His large chest got smaller. His arms and legs got leaner. The punch did hurt which he threw but he had to keep going.

“Demon Abyssal Chains,” Ben said as he created black chains coming from the palm of his hands and shot them at Lucci.

“Shave,” Lucci said as he moved quickly towards Ben. He appeared in front of Ben. “The same attack won't work twice,” he added. He swung his fist and punched Ben in the stomach. Ben spat his spit from the punch. He bent over. Lucci uppercut hit, hitting his jaw as Ben went flying up into the air. His jaw was in pain however he quickly recovered.

“Demon Abyssal Whip,” Ben said as he created a whip made of energy. He thought back to Honey when she created a whip and thought he could do something similar. He extended the whip and lashed it at Lucci. Lucci saw the attack too late and got hit with the whip. The whip hit his face.

Lucci got smacked. There was a whip print on his face. He looked angry and growled. “Moonwalk,” Lucci said as he jumped into the air. “Finger Pistol,” Lucci said as he pulled his index finger and penetrated Ben`s chest. Blood came leaking from his wound. Lucci dug his finger deeper.

Ben felt the pain. He had to get away. “Demon's Inferno Fist,” Ben said as he channeled his energy into hand. He ignited the energy and released black fire as a result. His fist had black flames and he punched Lucci in the face. Lucci spat blood as he got punched. He lost his focus for a second. Ben pushed him back and got his finger out of his chest. “

“Demon's Abyssal Arrows,” Ben said as he used his energy to create large arrows around his body. They both were in mid-air. Ben fired the large arrows at Lucci at high speed.

“Razor,” Lucci said as he went in a zigzag motion in midair. He quickly dodged all the arrows Ben fired. He saw the arrows hitting the ground and creating large holes on the ground. Lucci dodged all the attack and headed towards Ben. Ben kept firing the arrow. Lucci moved to the left and got in front of Ben. He kicked Ben in the stomach. Ben went flying back and crashed on the ground. He panted. Lucci jumped down onto the ground next to Ben. He picked Ben by the neck and looked at him.

“You don't learn,” Lucci said. “Finger Pistol,” Lucci said as he pulled his index finger again and penetrated his stomach. Ben spat blood. Lucci slammed Ben into the wall. Ben felt his back being pinned to the wall. Lucci punched Ben in the stomach.

He jumped back. “You are pathetic,” Lucci said. “Your love, your crewmate, is going to die, you are not strong enough to protect her,” Lucci added.

“I will save her,” Ben declared as he broke free from the wall. He caught his breath.
“Finger Gun: Yellow Lotus,” Lucci said as he used both his hands to create a barrage of finger pistols. He ran towards Ben at high speed.

Ben saw this coming. “Demon Abyssal Shackles,” Ben said as he channelled his energy and threw clamps at Lucci`s wrists or ankles. Lucci felt the shackles draining his stamina. He could feel himself getting weaker. He charged towards Ben.

Ben pulled the shackles Lucci lost his balance at the last moment. “Demon Kick,” Ben said as he channelled his energy into his leg and kicked Lucci in the stomach. Lucci spat his spit out as he got kicked. He quickly recovered and punched Ben in the chest. He followed it with a kick. Ben stumbled backwards.

He looked at Lucci. He was definitely hurt and bleeding however he still had fight in him, a lot of fight. “You can still get up after all the attacks,” Lucci said.

“These are nothing,” Ben replied. “Having a zoan devil fruit gives you more durability,” he added.

“Durability, stamina, speed and strength,” Lucci continued. “Lets see how much you have left,” Lucci remarked as he smiled. “Storm Leg: Leopard Tail,” Lucci said as he created a large, powerful compressed air blast in the shape of a swirl. He sent it towards Ben at rapid speed.

Ben saw the attack coming. He jumped out of the way, just avoiding the attack by the skin of his teeth. Lucci sprinted towards Ben and got into his face and punched him. He then sweeped kicked Ben, knocking him off his feet and punching him into the ground.

Ben landed on his side on the ground. Lucci was about to stomp on him when he moved out of the way. He got to his feet and kicked Lucci. Lucci jumped out of the way and dodged the attack. “Storm Leg,” Lucci said as he kicked at high speed and strength which launched a sharp compressed blade of wind at Ben. It hit him in the chest as he spat blood out.

Lucci smiled. He grabbed Ben by the neck and shoved him into a wall again. “Six Styles Secret Skill Six King Gun,” Lucci said as he held his two fists at close range. He sent a shockwave at Ben`s chest. Ben got hit by the full force. It was a powerful blast which caused Ben`s to cough blood up.

Lucci smiled as he walked back. “Life Return Release,” Lucci said as he returned to his larger, stronger Human-Beast Form. He panted. He looked to see Ben on the floor. There was a pool of blood. “That was a secret technique which I have learnt. You can only master this once you have learnt all the other techniques. I don't get to use it often so you are privileged to see it,” he explained. He knew the Life Return technique was exhausting if used for prolonged periods. “You came this far but too bad, Nico Robin will now be dead,” Lucci said.

Ben heard those words, “Nico Robin will be dead. Will be dead. Dead.” They kept playing in his head. He thought no, he was not going to let that happen. He made a promise. He needed more power. He knew he had it. He was not going to let that happen. Robin was his, his to love, his to care, his to make happy. He will not let her die. Ben got up. There was dark energy over his body. He started to transform.

“So you still have some fight in you,” Lucci said smiling. It was a long time since someone has given him this much fun. He wanted more, more of his blood.

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