One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 420: Ben vs Lucci Part 4

Ben's body began to convulse, his muscles rippling and expanding. His skin darkened and turned into a reddish black. Two massive horns erupted from his forehead, curving upward. His eyes blazed with an intense red. His pupils turned into slits like those of a predatory beast.

His body continued to grow, Ben's height shot to 28 feet. His limbs elongated and thickened with muscle. His legs became longer and more muscular. His tail grew larger and wider. There was a dagger tip. His crotch had a cocoon like shell. He had a towering, hulking presence. His fingers extended into sharp, claw-like talons, and his back arched slightly. The air around him seemed to thrum with an ominous energy. The ground beneath him cracked under the weight of his colossal frame.

“What is this?” Lucci asked. He could sense a strange pressure coming from his body. It felt suffocating.

Ben looked down to Lucci in his regular hybrid zoan form. He felt more energy going around his body. There was power leaving his body as well. He thought this could be conqueror's haki leaving his body. However he felt his stamina draining very quickly. He was not sure how long he could maintain this form.

“This must be your animal form,” Lucci concluded. He thought that was logical. “Fool, the hybrid form uses the best of the animal and human. It is the best of both worlds,” he explained.

“It does but I feel like I can do more,” Ben responded. His voice was deep and loud.

“You are a fool,” Lucci said. “Flying Finger Pistol Sting,” Lucci added as he flicked his finger and sent a small compressed air attack towards Ben. Ben got his with the attack on his leg. There was a small cracking sound however Ben felt there was no damage. Lucci's eyes narrowed.

“Flying Finger Pistol Three Plectrums,” Lucci added as he flicked his finger three times and sent three small compressed air attacks towards Ben. Ben the attack coming. He swung his large hand and knocked the air compressed blades away.

“You seem to have gotten a bit stronger,” Lucci commented. “Storm Leg: 'Leopard Tail,” Lucci said as he created a large, powerful compressed air blast in the shape of a swirl. He sent it towards Ben at rapid speed. Ben got hit with the attack in the chest. He slid back, breaking the floor. He stopped and looked at Lucci. Ben thought it stung but not hurt.

Ben then swung his fist and aimed at Lucci. “Moonwalk,” Lucci said as he jumped into the air. He kicked the air and dodged the attack. Lucci saw the large fist destroy the tile. He looked and thought there was more raw power but that was it.

At that moment, Ben whipped his large tail and hit Lucci on the side. Lucci saw this last moment and got hit. He went flying and hit the ground. Lucci panted as he got up. He spat his spit out. He looked at Ben and his demon form. He looked to see some of the wall near him cracking.
Lucci smiled and ran towards Ben. “Finger Gun Yellow Lotus,” Lucci said as he rapidly moved his hands. He had used the pistol gun technique.

“Rakshasa Fist,” Ben said as he channelled his energy into his fist. His hand glowed black. He clenched his fist. The air around the fist became distorted. Ben swung his fist and punched Lucci. Lucci got hit. The multiple finger pistol did nothing to Ben. Lucci went flying back and crashed onto the ground. He spat blood.

At that moment, Ben moved towards Lucci. Every step he took broke the tiles. “Rakshasa Barrage,” Ben said as he unleashed a barrage of fists rapidly at Lucci who was on the ground. Ben swung his fist so fast it looked like he had multiple hands. Each punch landed on Lucci. Ben punched Lucci`s chest, stomach, arms repeatedly. He punched his face. Lucci spat blood. He could feel his rib cage being hit. He felt other bones break. The punches were relentless. The floor from the force for the punches and they both fell down.

Ben landed on his feet. Lucci landed on his side. He got up. His face was bleeding. His arm was bleeding. He could feel there was internal damage to his body. Lucci kissed his teeth. “You are just stronger, not faster,” Lucci said. “Shave,” Lucci said as he moved quickly towards Ben. He appeared in front of Ben.

He wrapped his leg. He put his two fists forward. “Maximum Ring: Six King Gun,” Lucci said as he sent a power compressed air blast at Ben`s leg. Ben got hit with the attack. He felt the pain. His legs started to bleed as he dropped to the ground, shattering the tiles once again.

“You are just bigger,” Lucci said as a trail of blood left his forehead.

“It might be a strength or weakness,” Ben replied as he got up. “Rakshasa Kick, " Ben said as he channelled his energy into his leg. It glowed black. He swung his leg at high speed and kicked Lucci. Lucci tried to move but Ben was too fast and too big to dodge. He got hit in the back. His vision temporarily went black. He spat blood. He could feel his spine click as he went flying and hit the wall. The wall broke and Lucci found himself in the corridor.

Lucci got up. He thought those were three attacks. He did so much damage. His size had speed. He wondered why his beast form was so powerful. Lucci got up and looked at the demon. The walls were cracking again. He felt the pressure around him. “Storm Leg Victorious Bird,” Lucci said as he created a large powerful compressed air attack in the shape of a bird using his claws towards Ben. The bird soared towards Ben. It hit the ground and destroyed the floor.

“Rakshasa Slash,” Ben said as he focused his energy in his hands. It glowed black and he launched a gigantic projectile in the shape of a claws attack towards the bird. The claws hit the bird. There was a small shockwave which destroyed the ground and ceiling. Derby was sent flying everywhere. Ben smiled. The claws destroyed the bird and went towards Lucci. Lucci looked surprised. He tried to move but the claws came at rapid speed and hit him. A large claw imprint hit his chest as he flew backwards. Lucci landed on his feet. He panted as he touched his chest and saw blood. He could feel the cut was deep. He had to finish this quickly, he thought.

“Lucci, you hurt Robin, made her suffer, I will beat you here,” Ben roared.

“I have never lost or failed my mission,” Lucci said. “Razor,” Lucci said as he went in a zigzag motion in midair, closing the distance between Ben and himself. He appeared in front of Ben's face. “Maximum Ring: Six King Gun,” Lucci said as he sent a power compressed air blast at Ben's face. Ben saw the attack and got hit. He moved his face back. He spat blood as Ben fell on his butt. The ground shock from the fall.

Lucci smiled. He thought if he landed a few more of those, he could win. However this is taxing his body. He had to use his most powerful attack just to damage him.

Ben was panting as well. He was getting tired. He could feel there was much more to his power but he needed time to learn this. He needed to end this quickly. His body could not sustain this form for much longer.

“You are getting tired as well,” Lucci said.

“So are you,” Ben replied. “Rakshasa Blast,” Ben said as he opened his mouth and gathered dark energy. He created a large ball the size of the room. He launched it at Lucci. Lucci saw the attacking coming.

“Maximum Ring: Six King Gun,” Lucci said as he sent a power compressed air blast at the ball. The ball and Lucci clashed. There was a shockwave. Lucci slid back trying to hold back the attack however it was no use. The energy ball exploded. It created a massive explosion which engulfed Lucci. Lucci got hit with the full blast. He was sent flying away and broke the wall. He was launched out of the building and landed on the Bridge. There was a loud crashing sound and a smoke cloud.

“What was that?” a Marine asked. They looked to see Lucci turning back into his human form. He was unconscious.

“Lucci has been defeated,” a Marine shouted.

“How is that possible? He was the strongest we ever had,” another chimed in.

They looked at the tower of Justice and could see two large red eyes from the dust. Ben transformed back into his hybrid and dropped to his knee. He did it, he won but it was not over. He looked to see the Bridge.

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