One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 421: Robin Free

They all saw something flying and hit the Bridge.

“Can someone unlock my handcuffs?” Bonney shouted. She sounded frustrated.

“Say please,” Marianne replied. Maya swung her blade and cut a Marine down. He fell to the ground, leaking blood everywhere.

“Pretty please, with a cherry on top,” Honey chimed in. Mikita punched a Marine in the stomach. He spat blood. She followed it with a kick to his face. The Marine went flying.

Bonney gritted her teeth, clearly not in the mood for games. “Just unlock my cuffs!” she demanded.

Alvida shot her a stern look. “My love has forgiven you and wants you to join us, but don’t be rude to us,” she responded. Raki kicked a Marine in the face. He broke his teeth as he went down.

Bonney’s defiance wavered as she glanced at Alvida’s glare. “Please unlock my cuffs… pretty please, with a cherry on top,” she said, trying to sound sincere.

Vivi stepped forward, holding the key she had taken from Jabra. “I’m sorry if it seems like we’re being hard on you,” Vivi began, inserting the key into Bonney’s cuffs. “But you did hurt Ben, and he’s important to all of us, even to you, whether you realise it or not,” he added. Nojiko smiled, as she stayed close to Kalfia.

With a click, the cuffs fell from Bonney’s wrists. She flexed her hands and grinned. “I’m free!” she cheered, a genuine smile of relief spreading across her face.

The others smiled back. “Someone’s happy,” Zala remarked with a chuckle.

“First time lucky as well,” Conis added as she pushed a Marine back with her Heat Javelin.

“Now that she is free, we can focus on getting Robin,” Kaya commented.

“Yes, she is so close,” Saphir said.

“Let's go,” Alvida shouted as they charged. She swung Seraphina and hit Marine in the face. His teeth shattered and his lip was busted as he went flying off his feet and landed on the ground. He was knocked out cold.

“We need to stop them,” a Marine shouted. He was followed by a group of Cipher Pol Agents in black suits.

Bonney leaped forward with a grin. "Age Down!" she shouted, her hand glowed. A pink aura appeared on the Marines. Instantly, a group of Marines caught in the glow began to shimmer, their bodies shrinking rapidly. In mere seconds, they transformed into wide-eyed children, their uniforms now comically oversized.

“What is happening?!” one of the Marines squeaked in a high-pitched, staring down at his tiny hands.

Another Marine, now a small boy, tugged at his floppy sleeves, his face flushed with confusion. “Why am I… so small?” he stammered.

Bonney smirked at the sight. “Looks like you’ve got some growing up to do!” she taunted.

“Stinger Finger,” Zala said as she turned her fingers into long spikes and slashed a Marine down. He screamed in pain as he went down. A pool of blood could be seen. “Interesting ability,” Zala said, referring to Bonney.

“Turning your opponents into children is strong,” Mikita added as she kicked a Marine in the stomach. He felt his stomach being destroyed. He spat blood and bent forward. Mikita raised her foot and kicked the back of his neck downwards. The Marine slammed down to the ground unconscious.

“They will be too weak to defend themselves,” Raki said as she took her Axe Dial out and pressed a button. A X-shaped compressed air blast went towards a Cipher Pol Agent. He got hit and went flying back. There was a large X shape wound on his body.

“Liquid Net,” Honey said as her fingertips turned purple and she slowly pulled them apart. The liquid looked like it was getting stuck together and solidifying. She then threw the liquid, it formed the shape of a net over the children.

“Good thinking Honey,” Nojiko said as she carried Kalifa.

“Shoryo no Mizu,” Saphir said as she threw a handful of water drops at a group of Marines and Cipher Pol Agents. They were struck with incredible force. It was the same force as a bullet. They all went down in pain, dropping their weapons.

Conis saw a group of Marines coming behind them. “Thermal Impale,” Conis said as she thrusted the Heat Javelin into the ground. She let it build up and then released it. This causes a pillar of intense heat to erupt directly beneath the Marines. It engulfied them in flames. They were all on fire trying to douse it.

“Ahhhh,” one screamed.

“Get down,” another Marine shouted.
“Hex`s Blast,” Maya said as she concentrated. She felt the sword draw her energy. The red got brighter. Maya then fired a red beam at Jerry. It flew through the air at great pace and hit Marines. There was a huge explosion where some Marines were thrown off the Bridge.

Bonney thought that was brutal. “Good shot,” Conis said with a smile.

“Together, “ Maya replied.

“Keep moving,” Alvida said.

“Angel Volley,” Kaya said as she formed white orbs around her wings. They were small but grew in size to a tennis ball. They had a white glow. Kaya looked at Marines in front of them and fired a barrage of angelic energy orbs. The Marines tried to jump out of the way but got hit with the onslaught.

“Stop them,” Spandam shouted.

Robin smiled, they were here for her. Robin head butted Spandam and ran towards the girls. She saw Kaya, Alvida, Mikita, Honey, Nojiko, Vivi, Marianne, Zala, Saphir, Conis, Raki and Maya.

“Stop Nico Robin,” Spandam warned as he took a gun out. Robin was sprinting away through the barrage. He was about to shoot when Franky bit his arm. “What are you doing?” he shouted in pain as he dropped the gun.

“Wait for me Nico Robin,” Franky said.

The girls had finished off the Marine and got to Robin. They saw tears coming from her eyes. There was a smile on her face. They all smiled back.

Alvida ran towards her and got the key out. “Robin turn around for a second,” Alvida said. Robin saw the key and nodded. She turned around and moved backwards. Alvida got close and put the key in the cuff and turned it. The cuffs came off.

“I am free,” Robin said. She took off the cuffs and looked at everyone. “Thank you everyone,” Robin said, in tears.

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