One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 422: Strawhats on the Bridge

HQ maneuvered Lexie up the broad, winding staircase. The machine’s powerful treads gripped the steps effortlessly and moved upwards. The soft hum of its engines filled the air, blending with the distant sounds of battle echoing through the halls.

Porche glanced around, her eyes wide with admiration. “This is an amazing vehicle!” she exclaimed, taking in the sleek control panels, blinking lights, and complex array of monitors that covered the dashboard.

"It really is,” Nami agreed, nodding. She knew Nojiko would often talk about Lexie and how useful she is. She knew the gun was very powerful.

HQ smiled. "Lexie is more than just a vehicle," she replied. "She is our crew member who is very strong and versatile. She is built to handle any terrain, and armed to the teeth," she added.

Porche leaned closer. “I can’t wait to see,” she replied. She had not seen Lexie move. She was being guarded by Pau Ra Pa as the Love Pirates went ahead.

HQ chuckled. “Oh, trust me, you won’t be disappointed,” HQ said. She looked outside through the screen and saw Pau Ra Pa following. She looked around and saw Chopper hitting Marines left and right.

“I wonder why Chopper did not want to stay inside here?” Porche asked.

Namie used the control and turned Lexie's turret around. “He seems to be knocking Marines right and left,” Namii said.

“There is a big man up ahead,” HQ reported.

Nami moved the turret. She saw a large man holding a spike ball attached to a chain. He had a black mask on. “He has a weapon too,” Nami added.

At that moment. Pau Ra Pa sped up and moved in front of Lexie. Pau Ra Pa lifted her left hand. She powered her large cannon. It glowed bright and fired a beam. The beam went flying through the air and hit the large man. There was a loud explosion and the man went flying into the air and hit the ground.

"Wow," Porche breathed out. .

“Go get them, girl,” Nami encouraged from the screen.

Lexie surged up the last few steps and arrived at the bridge. As they came to a stop, Chopper's eyes widened at the scene before them. "Look at all the bodies..." he muttered, staring at the wounded and unconscious Marines and Cipher Pol Agents scattered across the floor. Some were bleeding heavily, groaning in pain, while others lay motionless, caught in the aftermath of a fierce battle.

HQ quickly assessed the situation and turned to Nami and Porche. "Nami, Porche, you should get out of Lexie and stay close. The path ahead is narrow," HQ advised.

"Okay," they both agreed, swiftly exiting the vehicle. As they stepped out, the harsh smell of smoke, smog, gunpowder, and blood hit them immediately. They both covered their noses.

"Wait for us!" Kashii's booming voice echoed from behind them.

“We are here as well!” Oimo shouted, their massive footsteps thundering up the stairs.

Porche spun around, her eyes widening in surprise. “Giants!” she exclaimed, taking in the towering figures of Kashii and Oimo.

“Like Dorry and Brogy?” Nami remarked. They were shorter than the Mech, however still very tall.

“You know them too?” Oimo asked.

Nami nodded with a smile. "Yes, they were our friends back in the Elbaf," she replied.

Kashii let out a hearty laugh. “Then we can be friends too!” he replied, his grin wide and welcoming.

Oimo nodded in agreement. "Any friend of Dorry and Brogy is a friend of ours," he added.

Nami grinned. "Sounds like a plan,” she responded.

Meanwhile, Sanji and Zoro sprinted up the spiraling staircase. The sound of clashing swords and distant gunfire filled the air, accompanied by the shouts and groans of Marines engaged in battle all around them.

"How many more of these guys are there?" Sanji grumbled, his cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth as he ducked under a sword swipe from a Marine who appeared from the shadows.

Zoro, slightly ahead, swung his swords. "Does it matter?" he replied. "More to cut down," he added.

A group of Marines charged toward them, yelling orders and brandishing their weapons. Sanji reacted first, leaping into the air and delivering a powerful spinning kick. “Concassé!” he shouted, his foot smashing into the face of the nearest Marine, sending him crashing back into his comrades like a bowling ball knocking down pins.

"Out of my way," Zoro growled. He moved with lightning speed, his three swords a blur of silver as he cut down the Marines that remained. “Oni Giri!” he yelled, slicing them in a cross-shaped slash. They dropped to the ground, clutching their wounds and groaning in pain.

Sanji kicked the door. He saw a lever and kicked it. “We are done,” Sanji said.

“Okay,” Zoro said as he sliced a Marine who went down.

“I can see a Bridge,” Zoro remarked.

Sanji looked to see Kaya, Alvida, Mikita, Honey, Nojiko, Vivi, Marianne, Zala, Saphir, Conis, Raki and Maya. He also saw Robin next to Spandam, crying.

“The maidens are there, we need to save them,” Sanji said as he got fired up.

“There are more Marines there,” Zoro said. “Lets go,” Zoro said as he went upstairs.

“Wrong way you idiot,” Sanji shouted.

“What did you say curly browns,” Zoro replied. They both looked at each other. Sanji kicked Zoro. Zoro blocked with his sword. They both looked at each other.

“I will get there first,” Sanji commented.

“I will,” Zoro remarked. They both looked at each.

At that moment, Luffy came running up. “Sanji, Zoro, you both are here,” Luffy said.

“Luffy, what are you doing here?” Sanji asked.

“I was going to help Ben,” Luffy responded.

“I don't know where he is,” Zoro replied.

Luffy looked at the window. He saw the Love Pirates. “I can see Alvida and the crew there,” Luffy said. “They will know,” Luffy said. “Lets go,” he added as he stretched his arms around Zoro and Sanji.

“Luffy,” Zoro and Sanji said. Luffy smiled and crashed out of the window.

“You idiot,” Sanji and Zoro said.

Sogeking got to the Bridge and saw the giants. He also saw three figures falling down.

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