One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 68: Training (4) (R-18)

On the Miss Love Duck, Ben and the girls were having dinner. There was laughter in the air. 

“HQ what does your data say on the 7 Warlords?” Ben asked. The girls quieted down and listened to Ben.

HQ explained, “The 7 Warlords established by the World Government to balance the power of the pirates. They were given a certain amount of freedom in exchange for their services.

The group consist of:

  • Dracule Mihawk,
  • Boa Hancock, 
  • Jinbe, the Knight of the Sea,
  • Gecko Moria, the Nightmare Lord,
  • Bartholomew Kuma, the Tyrant,
  • Donquixote Doflamingo, the Heavenly Yaksha,
  • Crocodile, the Sandman.”

“Ben, you said we are taking Crocodile down?” Honey asked.

“Why?” Kaya asked. 

“He is leading an organisation called Baroque Works attempting to overthrow the ruling royal family to search for an ancient weapon. A civil war is about to break out causing thousands of casualties. Families killed, children losing their parents all because one person wants to search for the Ancient Weapon,” Ben said.  

“That sounds awful,” Kaya replied. 

“Pirates are worse scum,” Nojiko said. 

Ben looked at Nojiko. 

“I mean,” she blurted. 

Ben laughed, “Just kidding. Some of these pirates are really bad but some are good like Luffy.”

“My love is not scum,” Alvida teased.

“True,” Kaya replied.

“What is this Ancient Weapon?” Emma asked.

“Ancient Weapons are powerful weapons that were created in the Void Century,” Ben answered. 

“Like the Mechs?” Nojiko said.

“Similar but the Ancient Weapons are meant to be more powerful. Pluton is said to be a ship that is capable of destroying entire islands with a simple shot,” Ben pointed out. 

Honey eyes were wide. “We should not allow these monsters to have these weapons,” Sumi emphasised. 

“Miss Sumi,” Emma said.

“She is right. Arlong was bad enough. I lost my mum. I will do everything in power to stop them,” Nojiko declared. 

The girls nodded. 

“We should leave immediately,” Ben firmly said and added, “Luffy and his crew will be a great help in our fights ahead.” 

“He sounds like a decent person but it is the right to have such faith in him work husband,” Sumi questioned. 

“His bounty is very low,” Emma said, trying to figure out his logic.

“Luffy will do great things. I have a gut feeling and so will we. Together we can overcome all odds. Sometimes we won't have our allies but we have each other and we will power and defeat them all” Ben said.

“He has helped us against Captain Morgan and Kuro so no doubt he will help in the future,” Alvida added. 

The girls erupted in cheer. They were smiling again. 

Emma thought he does have his way with words. Her heart skipped again. The girls finished their dinner and started to get up. 

“Sumi, Emma we will be leaving now,” Ben said sadly.

“It always is. Work Husband, I am yours. I will do everything here to help you. I love you.” Sumi declared. Ben pulled Sumi into a hug and kissed her on the lips. They kissed for a minute and they let go. 

“Thank you. I love you too,” Ben replied.

Ben let go. He walked to Emma and pulled into a hug. Emma was surprised. “Thank you,” Ben said. Emma's heart skipped a beat again. She could not understand this new feeling. This man was the only one who could make her feel like this.

“I will help Miss Sumi out to the best of my ability for science and you,” she whispered. 

Ben smiled. He let her go and kissed her on the forehead. Emma put her hands on the area he kissed. Ben thought she looked adorable. 

The girls said their goodbyes to each other and left the ship. 

“HQ prepare to depart to LogueTown,” Ben ordered. 

“Yes Master,” HQ replied and headed to the Bridge.

The ship started to move and the girls waved. 

“Let's head to bed, we have an early morning and we would need to do some training for our battles,” Ben said. 

Kaya, Nojiko and Honey groaned. Alvida chuckled. 

Ben and the girls walked down the stairs to the first floor. He kissed Honey on the forehead and said, “Goodnight.” Honey smiled and kissed back and left for her room.

Ben then approached Kaya and also kissed her forehead. “Pervert,” she said before skipping to her room with a smile on her face. Ben thought she was fun.   

“Captain, can I stay with you tonight?” Nojiko whispered.

“Sure,” Ben replied.

“This is tradition,” Nojiko blurted out. Ben looked at Alvida who shrugged her shoulders and smiled innocently. 

“You don't need to do anything you are not comfortable with, no one is forcing you,” Ben said. Nojiko smiled but she was still nervous looking at Alvida

Alvida saw the situation and said, “My love, I have decided I will have my own room now.”

“Okay,” Ben said in a confused manner. 

“I will take 1R4,” Alvida asserted and gave Ben a thumbs up as she entered the room.

Ben was slightly confused, she insisted on sleeping with Ben all night, why the change in heart. Then he saw Nojiko who smiled. Ben then realised she did for the girls. I don't think many girls will be comfortable performing with other people. There are expectations but not the norm.

They entered the room together. Ben took his shirt off. Nojiko stared at this upper body. She thought it looked perfect. It was toned and the muscles were in the right areas.

“Ben, I can't do it today. Please I know you will be,” Nojiko said when Ben put his finger over her mouth.

“Like I said you don't have to do anything, you do not want to,” Ben said.

She thought he was a sincere Ben. 

“I'm pretty tired after 4 girls today,” he then added and turned around to walk to the bed. He took his pants off and got into the bed. 

Nojiko thought Kaya was right, he is a pervert for sure but an alright pervert.

“Can you close your eyes?”Nojiko requested. Ben nodded and closed his eyes. 

Nojiko stripped off her clothes and underwear and was completely naked. Her breasts were large. She could feel her nipples hardening. She walked over and went into the bed. She pulled the blanket over her and Ben and hugged him. “Good night,” she whispered. 

“Good night,” Ben replied. They could feel each other's heartbeats and the warmth of their bodies. Ben could feel her breast on his chest. This is a nice feeling he thought and fell asleep. 

HQ on the Bridge was navigating the ship through the night. 

Ben woke up to feel something warm in his lower part. He turned to see that Nojiko was gone. He felt something wet sucking him. He pulled the sheet to see HQ was sucking his dick. He could see her wet mouth and red lips on his dick as she was sucking him slowly. Her tongue was swirling his head as she went up and down and up.  

“So good,” he said. 

HQ heard this and went down on Ben`s dick slowly with her mouth. She then slowly slid her mouth back up the shaft, sucking as hard as she could. 

Ben moaned in pleasure feeling his dick was in heaven being sucked with such force.  She got to the head and kept it in her mouth, sucking hard as she ran her tongue over and around it.  She sucked harder. 

“I am cumming,” Ben announced. HQ sucked harder and milked his cock. Ben was shooting his sperm directly into her mouth. 

“Thank you for this wake,” Ben said while panting.

HQ licked his dick clean and said, “My Master did not get pleasure last night so I am in the morning.” 

Ben smiled. “Your clothes are here, please shower to start the training,” HQ said. 

Ben got up and put a towel. He grabbed his clothes which were a black shirt and shorts and walked towards the second floor. He entered the shower and saw there was no one there. He quickly showered and dried up. He then wore his clothes and headed to the kitchen. 

Ben saw Kaya, Nojiko, Alvida and Honey eating breakfast. “Morning girls,” he greeted. 

“Morning,” they greeted back.   

Ben sat down and ate his breakfast. “Nojiko based on HQ predictions to get haki you must do the following, 50 push-ups, 50 squats, 50 sit-ups followed by 5 laps round the ship,” he said.

Nojiko almost fainted hearing that. She then thought to ask about, “Haki?”

“Haki is a inner ability that all people have. It essentially willpower that you can manifest. The power allows you to hit logia devil fruit users,” Ben explained.

“Belo Betty had it my love,” Alvida pointed out.

“She was strong but a bit of a pervert,” Kaya said.

“Okay,” she said but not sure if she could do it. 

They left the dinning hall and went to the main deck. “Honey. Nojiko and Kaya. Why don't you form your own group and work together to complete the training,” Ben suggested. 

“Honey you can use your Recharge only once on yourself, Kaya can use it three times and as this Nojiko first time can use it up to five times,” Ben said. 

The girls nodded and started to do the push-ups. Ben and Alvida went to the other side of the ship and did the training. They completed them within 10 minutes. They saw Honey had completed the push-up and was encouraging Nojiko and Kaya to complete it.  

“They could make a good team my love,” Alvida said. 

“We all can,” Ben replied. 

“My love, I am going to work on a new move,” Alvida said as she walked away. 

Ben transformed into his hybrid form and attempted to fly again. He got one of wings flapping. He then moved the other one. At first it did not move. He focused again and again until the wing finally moved, however it was very slow. He tried to increase the speed however it did not work at the beginning. Ben spent the entire day and it was late afternoon however he finally got the wing to flap fast. He attempted to fly. He got off the ground however he lost control and came slamming back down. “Ouch,” he muttered to himself. 

He thought this was progress and he could work on it later. He was close for sure.

“Master, we are approaching LogueTown,” HQ said.

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