One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 69: Loguetown

Ben looked up to see Loguetown in the distance. The weather was bright and sunny for the afternoon. Ben could see Nojiko and Kaya tired after their workout. Honey did use her re-energy blast however they still were exhausted after the final lap.

He approached the girls and said,” Good job on the first day of training. This will mainly get your body muscles working. We will do some focus training with your individual devil fruits soon.”

“I am dying,” Kaya panted.

“Same here,” Nojiko replied.

“Yeah it is exhausting however you get better with time,” Honey said.

Kaya and Nojiko grunted. Ben chuckled.

“You girls want to go and look around LogueTown?” Ben asked.

“Yes,” Honey replied. Nojiko and Kaya both nodded. They were thinking about getting some new clothes and supplies.

“Do we have enough money?” Kaya questioned.

“Yes, I took some from Sumi from ClockWorld Island to buy some supplies. However, we are going to need to top-up.” Honey answered. Ben thought about their financial situation and needed some income. HQ handed 1.2 million berries to Ben.

“Thank you HQ, all ways got us covered,” Ben said.

“Yes Master, I will protect you and your harem,” HQ declared.

Ben smiled.

“Let's get Alvida and then we can start exploring,” Ben said.

“Get me for what my love?” Alvida asked as she approached the group.

“We are going to LogueTown and getting some supplies,” Ben answered.

“Okay, my love,” she said.

“HQ?” Ben asked.

“I would stay here and defend the ship Master,” HQ replied.

“Okay,” Ben said.

The girls went for a quick shower and change of clothes. HQ had navigated the Miss Love Duck into the port. He saw other pirate ships there so Ben thought it would be okay.

The girls came back up. Alvida was wearing a purple shirt and jeans. Kaya was wearing a yellow dress. Nojiko was wearing a shoulderless blue dress and Honey was wearing her usual yellow corset and purple jacket.

“Looking good,” Ben teased.

“Pervert,” Kaya replied who smiled.

“Thank you my love,” Alvida replied.

Nojiko blushed while Honey smiled.

HQ lowered the bridge down and the group disembarked.

They exited the port and saw the town.There were many shops, bustling markets, and welcoming inns. The streets hum with life as a vibrant medley of pirates, merchants, and adventurers converge upon the town's marketplace. Colourful awnings stretch overhead, sheltering an array of stalls that overflow with exotic fruits, aromatic spices. The scent of freshly caught seafood mingles with the enticing aroma of local delicacies sizzling on street-side grills.

“Lots of activity,” Kaya said.

“Yeah, very busy and smells very good,” Nojiko agreed.

“Okay girls. I think we can split up and cover more ground. I am going to head to the public execution stand then the log pose shop to buy some log pos for the Grand Line,” Ben said.

“Log Pose?” Kaya asked.

“They are a specialised type of compass, used to navigate the Grand Line,” Ben replied.

“Interesting,” Nojiko said.

“I will come,” Honey volunteered.

“Me too,” Nojiko said.

“Kaya and I could be the other group, my love,” Alvida said. Kaya looked slightly disappointed.

“We would need some supplies for food so if you could gather some that will be useful,” Ben said.

“Sure, my love,” Alvida replied. She turned to Kaya who was sulking a bit and said, “Captain has given us a task, maybe there is a reward.”

Kaya's face lit up and said,”Fine, we will do it, pervert.”

Ben chuckled. Ben and Alvida group splitted up.

Ben, Honey and Nojiko walked through the centre of the town. There seems to be a lot more activity in the area. People were rushing in and out of the area. Ben got to the centre and saw the platform or what was left of the platform.

The execution platform was charred and had fallen over to its side. There were bits of wood all burnt. There were still faint smell of burning in the air.

“This is the platform where Gold D Roger the Pirate King was executed or what is left of it,” Ben explained.

Honey and Nojiko were shocked. “What happened here then?” Nojiko asked.

“Luffy,” Ben replied.

“Typical,” Honey said.

Nojiko did not think much more considering her sister was on this man`s crew.

Ben stood on the same ground of where Roger was born and executed. The place where the Great Pirate era had started. This was truly history, he thought.

He took a breath and inhaled the air.

“Lets go and find the Log Pose shop,” Ben suggested.

The girls nodded and they walked around the centre. There were still people moving around and looking worried. They heard some whispers, “The man with the strawhat survived,” “That was some crazy lighting,” “He was smiling just about he was to die.”

Ben thought, that is Luffy for sure. He thought about beating the Buggy pirates recently and this event still happening. Luffy can't be that far ahead of him, which is good. If they leave today, they can get to Whiskey Peak in time.

They walked around and saw a shop selling compasses. It had a massive compass needle on the window.

“I think we can find it there,” Ben said. The girls saw the shop and nodded.

“Looks promising,” Nojiko said.

They enter the shop and a small bell above the door tinkles softly, announcing their arrival. The shop's cosy interior greets them with a warm ambiance. A polished wooden counter stands at the centre, adorned with nautical charts and compasses. In a glass display cabinet, a collection of crafted Log Poses gleams.

“Amazing, that there are this many Log Poses here,” Ben said.

“Nojiko, you can choose one,” Ben said.

“Me?” Nojiko said in surprise.

“Yes you, I see you have an interest in ship sailing so you need to know where you are going as well,” Ben replied.

Nojiko nodded and walked to the cabinets and started seeing the log poses. They all looked the same however the band was slightly different. She looked and found and pointed to one. “This one,” she said.

Ben saw the strap and it was a fusion of cuteness and charm. It looked like it was made from a soft, pastel pink material. The strap were adorable cat paws arranged in a repetitive pattern.

“Cute like you,” Ben said.

Nojiko blushed. Ben walked to the counter and saw an old lady there. “Can we have that log pose please?” Ben asked.

“That will be a million berries,” she said. Ben's jaw dropped.

“That is expensive,” Ben said.

“These are very rare and in huge demand for rookies like you,” the woman said.

Nojiko looked at Ben and pulled his shirt a bit. “Maybe we can get a cheaper one,” Nojiko whispered.

Ben knew this will be the entire budget gone from this expense however it will be worth it to see a smile on her beautiful face.

“Here,” Ben said and gave all his money to her. Honey and Nojiko were surprised, their Captain brought it.

“Excellent choice,” the old lady said.

The old lady walked to the display shelf and handed Ben the Log Pose.

Ben received the Log Pose and walked to Nojiko. He got on one knee and presented the Log Pose. “Will you take this Log Pose?” Ben proposed.

Nojiko's heart went faster. She blushed and nodded. Ben gently grabbed her hand and put the Log Pose on her hand. Ben thought it would be fun to tease her.

“Thank you,” Nojiko said. As she looked at the Log Pose with affection.

Honey was feeling slightly jealous and pouted. Ben saw that and hugged her and he whispered, “I will get you something.” Honey nodded slowly.

“Youth,” the old lady said.

They exited the shop and walked back to the Miss Love Duck. Nojiko was holding the Log Pose close to her heart and smiling. Honey was holding Ben`s arm as they walked down the road. All of a sudden a group of marines approached them.

“There he is,” a marine shouted. Ben looked and got the girls behind him. A group of marines had blocked his path. There were about a dozen of them. Some of them had guns and some of them had swords.

“Demon King Ben, vice captain of the Love Pirates with a bounty of 20,000,000 Beli,” a man declared. His facial features resembled a gorilla. He had hairy sideburns and a big, particular nose. He was wearing a marine cap and the regular marine uniform. He carried a standard flintlock rifle on his back and a sword in his hand.

“Captain Gorilla will capture you,” shouted a random marine.

“With Captain Smoker gone after Strawhat Luffy, your ally, we thought you might come here so I have waited here,” Gorilla said.

Ben thought that Luffy must be blurting out his alliance with him. Typically Luffy.

“Look like your friend failed to stop him,” Ben taunted.

“He will be brought to justice like you will,” Gorilla replied.

“Get him,” he ordered the marines. The navy soldier with guns took aim and shot. Ben ducked and pulled the girls down with him. He then ran up and kicked the marine with the gun, knocking it out his hand. The second marine was loading so Ben grabbed the first marine and chucked him at the second marine.

The third marine had loaded and fired the gun, Ben dodged the bullet and ran up and uppercutted the marine who went flying in the air and landed on the ground unconscious.

The fourth marine charged at men with his sword. Ben dodged it and kicked his back where he tripped over his own feet and fell down. The fifth marine attempted to slash Ben but jumped out of the way and then he leaped forward and kicked his face. The marine went flying and landed on the ground.

The fourth marine who had just got up, retrieved his sword and attempted to slash Ben`s back. At this moment Honey saw this and said, “Liquid Air Blast.” A purple liquid shot from her hand and hit the marine who went flying into the first and second marine who just got back up. The pressure of the blast sent all three flying into the wall and crashed loudly. They did not get up from that.

“Thanks Honey,” Ben complimented. Honey smiled. Ben then ran up to the sixth marine where he dodged the first strike and punched him in the throat. The marine choked and went down holding his neck.

Honey then said, “Double Air Blast.” From both her hands and the purple liquid shot where it hit six marines and they all went flying into the air and landed with a thud on the ground. The squad that Captain Gorilla had brought was all defeated.

“Why you?” Gorilla shouted as he charged towards Ben with his sword. Ben transformed into his hybrid form. He caught the sword with his sharp claws. Gorilla tried to pull away however Ben was preventing this by holding onto his sword.

Ben moved his other hand and pointed it towards Gorilla. “Demon Blast,” he said as a beam fired from his hand and hit Gorilla directly in the stomach. He let go of the sword as he went flying and crashed onto a wall.

Ben transformed back into his human form and said, ”Let go girls.” They nodded and rushed back to the Miss Love Duck.

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