One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 78: Kaya vs Mr 5

Back on the Miss Love Duck, Kaya has just woken up from the nap. She stretched her arms and got out of the bed. She had a big smile on her face. She remembered being in control and using her power.

“Captain will be proud of me,” Kaya muttered to herself. She put on her shoes and walked into the hallway. There she saw Vivi also opening the door. She looked happy as well.

“Hi Vivi,” Kaya greeted.

“Hi Kaya,” Vivi replied back.

“Had a nap?” Kaya asked.

“Yes, I think so. I remember doing the training with Mikita, Honey and Alvida. It was brutal but they were so nice and encouraging all the way. I felt like I was with friends or family who wanted to help me,” Vivi answered.

“That sounds about right. They feel closer than a crew almost like sisters,” Kaya replied.

Karoo also came out of the room as well. “Oh I don't think I have introduced her to you. She is Karoo, my faithful and lovely companion,” Vivi said.

“Nice to meet you, I am Kaya,” Kaya said. She shook hands with Karoo`s feather. Karoo quacked back in joy,

“So how are you feeling after the training?” Kaya asked.

“Amazing actually. I don't feel like I have trained at all but my body feels a bit stronger,” Vivi said.

“This must be Honey power, where your energy comes back instantly however it may be the mind that needs to recover so we sleep for a bit,” Kaya said.

“Interesting,” Vivi exclaimed

“I think it's down to the individual person and what caused the exhaustion so I will keep an eye?” Kaya remarked.

“You sure do know alot about people's bodies and condition,” Vivi commented.

“I am the ship's doctor, however sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough,” Kaya said.

“I think you are great,” Vivi exclaimed

Kaya smiled back. Karoo quacked in joy.

“Let's go upstairs and see what is going on,” Kaya said. Vivi nodded and they all went upstairs through the front of the ship. They reached the deck and saw the Going Merry parked in front of them.

“We are a bit far away from the island,” Kaya said.

“This ship is too big for shallow water so it's the closest we can get,” Vivi replied.

“I can ferry you both there,” HQ said.

“Hi HQ,” Vivi and Kaya greeted, Karoo quacked and waved her feather.

“So where are the rest?” Kaya asked.

“They went to explore the island. I have been tasked by Master to guard the ship and look after you both,” HQ answered.

“Okay, should we have a walk around the coast?” Kaya suggested.

“Sure, I can stretch my legs after the nap,” Vivi replied.

“HQ please can you take us across?” Kaya requested.

“Sure, anything for Master Harem,” HQ replied.

“I am not part of that pervert,” Kaya said.

At the same time, Vivi said,”I have not joined the crew.” HQ grabbed them both and started flapping her wings and carried them across to the island. She then gently dropped them off at the coat and flew back.

“Don't go too far, Master will worry,” HQ said as she flew back to the Miss Love Duck. Kaya and Vivi looked at each other.

“She sure is something,” Vivi said.

“She is however very dedicated for our safety and Master wellbeing. She looks like Honey, however their personalities are different,” Kaya commented. HQ came back and dropped off Karoo and flew back.

They started walking on the coast of the island. They could see the forest to their right and the sea to their left. Vivi got on top of Karoo and was riding her.

“The ocean is beautiful,” Kaya said.

“My island is a desert therefore we would have to travel far to see this sight. It is truly amazing,” Vivi said.

“It sounds like a very tough place,” Kaya said.

“It can be since it is in the desert, however there were fun times growing up near this small stream of water. It let some vegetation grow and it was lush so you could play there. However, right now it is in a terrible state on the verge of civil war,” Vivi said.

“I am sorry, I did not want to bring that up,” Kaya said.

“No, I am sorry for making it depressing and pushing my problems onto you,” Vivi said.

Kaya stopped and looked at Vivi. “No, we are friends, crewmates, your problems are our problems,” Kaya declared.

“But I have not joined it officially,” Vivi said.

“Have you seen our perverted captain? He will go to the end of this world, to see a smile on your face,” Kaya said.

Kaya and Vivi laughed.

“Miss Wednesday the traitor. You and Miss Valentine have made Mr 0 very angry and has ordered for your heads,” Mr 5 said as he came out of the forest.

“Mr 5,” Vivi panicked.

“Karoo ran away now. Protect Vivi,” Kaya shouted.

“Kaya get on, we can escape together,” Vivi said.

“No, I am not running away,” Kaya declared.

“How foolish little girl,” Mr 5. He picked his nose and flicked a bogger towards Kaya. An explosion appeared near Kaya.

“Kaya,” Viv screamed.

“I am fine Vivi,” Kaya said. The smoke cleared.

A long and slender tali could be seen with a tip at the end. Her skin was white and she had a large pair of feathered wings which had extended and acted as a shield. A horn could be seen from her forehead.

“Wow amazing,” Vivi said as she got a closer look at Kaya's full transformation.

“I won't let you harm my friend and my King`s mate,” Kaya said. Kaya ran towards Mr 5. He was about to pick his nose again however Kaya was too quick and she punched him in the face.

Mr 5 went flying back and hit the ground. He screamed in pain. Mr 5 was still feeling his injuries from his fight with Zoro.

“You will pay for that,” Mr 5 said as he got back up. He opened his jacket and revealed a pistol.

“This is a Flintlock .44 Caliber 6 Shot Revolver,” Mr 5 informed and added,”I only use this for tricker situations.”

Mr 5 breathed into the magazine and fired. “Breeze Breath Bomb,” he said as six invisible bullets went towards Kaya and exploded on her.

Kaya took a step back as she was hit with a violent explosion. She had one knee on the ground. Light smoke could be seen appearing from her body. She was panting. However, her injuries were healing.

Kaya looked up and said, “Angel HyperBeam.” A golden light shot from her mouth and went straight to Mr 5 where it exploded.

Mr 5 laughed and said, “ I ate the Bomb-Bomb devil fruit, you cannot defeat me with explosions.”

“Kaya we need to run,” Vivi said.

“No, I am not running. I am tired of being weak and sick. I want to be strong and help my friends,” Kaya asserted.

Vivi was silent. She thought about friends.

“Friends?” he laughed. Mr 5 breathed into the magazine again and fired. “Breeze Breath Bomb,” he said again as another six invisible bullets went towards Kaya. Kaya dodged to the right and just about missed the explosion.

Then Mr 5 aimed at Vivi and Karoo. “Breeze Breath Bomb,” he said and fired at them. Vivi was about to move when Kaya got in the way and tanked the shot.

“Your fight is with me,” Kaya said. She ran towards Mr 5. She thought about Ben`s attack Demon Claws and how he had used it then she thought about how she was leaning Angel Beam. Kaya clenched her fist. She gathered energy in her fist. Her fist started to glow yellow.

Mr 5 breathed into the magazine for the fourth time and fired. “Breeze Breath Bomb,” he said once again as another six invisible bullets went towards Kaya. They exploded on Kaya again however she was determined. The explosion did hurt however she powered through. She was still charging towards Mr 5.

Mr 5 saw the determined look and panicked. “Angel Smash,” Kaya shouted as she punched Mr 5 in the face. His glasses shattered. His skull cracked and he went flying back into a tree. Mr 5 was knocked out.

“You did it,” Vivi cheered.

Kaya transformed back and started falling to the ground. Vivi started to ride Karoo to help her. Just as Kaya was about to hit the ground, Alvida slipped in and caught her with Nojiko still on her back.

“You girls,” Alvida said and smiled.

“Alvida. Mr 5 was here and Kaya fought him. She was very brave and won,” Vivi explained.

“I can see that,” Alvida said and added, “I heard some explosions so I thought of coming. I saw the last minute of the fight when Kaya punched Mr 5 and knocked him out,” Alvida said.

Out of Mr 5 pocket came out a translucent glass core with a compass. It rolled towards the girls. Vivi got off Karoo and saw something rolling. She stopped it with her hand and picked up the object. “Alabasta,” she said as she read the text at the top and added, “An Eternal Log Pose for Alabasta.”

“Eternal Log Pose?”

“These are special Log Poses that always point to one island unlike the regular Log Poses which can change every so often,” Viv explained.

“Perfect,” Alvida replied.

Vivi then said, “You can put Kaya here and we can take them back to the ship.”

“Thank you both,” Alvida said. Vivi smiled and Karoo quacked.

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