One Piece: Grand Harem Adventures

Chapter 79: Miss Goldenweek

“I won?” Brogy questioned himself.

“I helped you gane,” said an unknown man. Brogy looked down to see a man with glasses wearing yellow pants and a white and blue striped shirt. His hard was neatly combed into what looked like a number 3.

“What do you mean?” Brogy said.

“I helped you to beat him gane. I used my power to trip him over and you slashed him gane,” the man said.

“No it can't be true,” Brogy said in disbelief.

“Yes it is gane. Candle Lock,” the man shouted. His hand turned white and a white liquid shot towards Brogy`s legs. The liquid hardened around Brogy`s legs and solidified. Brogy tried to move but he couldn't move his legs and fell over.

Zoro and Luffy saw something was wrong and rushed over. At the same time Ben, Honey and Mikita ran over. They both got to an opening where they saw Brogy on his side. His legs had a white solid substance preventing him from moving. Then they saw a man with his arms forward releasing a white liquid substance on to Brogy. Brogy body was being covered in this white substance that solidified.

“Who are you?” Luffy shouted.

“Mr 3,” Mikita said.

Mr 3 stopped and looked over, “You traitor Miss Valentine. Mr 0 wants you dead gane,” he said.

“Yes he does,” said another tan man with black hair. He was wearing a dark red shirt and black pants. Next to him was a girl with large eyes and circles of blush on her cheeks. She was short and wore a pink hat, a dark blue T-shirt and blue skirt. She had blue striped stockings, and big red shoes.

“Let him go,” Luffy shouted.

Mr 3 laughed. “Go take them up Mr. Mellow and Miss Goldenweek,” he said.

“Yes,” Mr Mellow shouted and charged at the Strawhats with a sword. Zoro jumped in and they clashed. Mr Mellow was thrown on the ground back by the force.

“Gotta try better than that,” Zoro said.

Mr Mellow got up and said, “Why you?”

“Gomu Gomu no Pistol,” Luffy said as he stretched his arm back and shot it towards Mr 3.

“Candle Wall,” Mr 3 said as his hand was pointed to the ground. The white substance poured from his arm, solidifying upward creating a barrier. Luffy's arm hitted the barrier and stopped. His arm retracts.

“Ouch,” Luffy shouted.

“Mikita, do you want to fight your old team mates?” Ben asked.

“They were never my teammates,” Mikita replied.

“Okay, Honey, Mikita go help Luffy and his crew out. I have Miss Goldenweek,” Ben said. Honey sighed.

Ben rushed to Miss Goldenweek as she was about to sneakily attack Usopp and Nami with her paintbrush and grabbed her hand. “Marianne, why don't we have a tea break?” Ben said.

Marianne looked up at the man. She thought he definitely was good looking.

“You can let go of my hand,” Marianne said.

“Sure,” Ben said.

Marianne walked to a nearby tree, and got a picnic basket out. She then laid out a blanket and sat down. She opened her basket and started eating a rice cracker. Ben looked at her and chuckled. She is cute.

He then walked up to Marianne and sat down. Marianne looked up. She held the rice cracker in one hand and reached back into the basket to get another rice cracker and offered it to Ben.

“Thank you,” Ben said. They both started eating.

“This is good,” Ben said.

“Rice crackers are my favourite,” Marianne said.

“I can see why,” Ben said with his mouth full.

He finished his cracker and looked at Marianne.

She then went into her basket again and took a tea set with two cups and saucers and a teapot. She poured the green tea into each cup. “This one is for you,” she said and offered one to Ben.
“Thank you,” Ben said. He took a sip of the green tea and said,”This is good.”

Marriane nodded and started sipping the tea.

“Join my crew,” Ben said.

“No. I can't,” Marriane responded.

“Why not?” Ben asked.

“Miss Valentine has betrayed Mr 0 and he wants her head. He is very angry and won't stop until she is dead,” Marriane said.

“Mikita is part of my crew and I will protect her with my life. I will protect my crew, my friends and my family,” Ben said. Marriane's eyes widened.

“Mr 0 is strong,” Marriane said.

“And? I will beat him,” Ben declared.

“Tell me something, does Crocodile care for you?” Ben questioned.

Marriane was silent.

“I thought so, he will sell you out for his plans to get the ancient weapon,” Ben said.

“Ancient weapon?” Marriane asked as she choked on the tea.

“Careful,” he said, patting her back gently. Marriane liked this man touching her.

“Yes, capable of destroying entire islands. He wants that power,” Ben responded.

“You don't seem the type of person that would kill innocent people,” Be added.

“I” she muttered.

“Join me and I will help and protect you,” Ben said.

Marriane thought hard. On one hand she has Mr 0 to worry about. Ben was right he does not care about her at all. On the other hand, she could be with this stranger. He was not bad looking and knew some things. He had an interest in rice crackers and tea, however she only met him 5 minutes ago. She decided.

“I will join you,” Marriane said.

“Thank you, welcome to the crew,” Ben said. He finished his tea and put the cup down.

Marriane smiled as she finished her tea and looked at Ben. Her smile widened.

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