One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 60 – Cocoyasi Village 3.

[Chapter Size: 3169 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.



Nami calmed down after a while, and the group was now gathered. The interior of the first floor of the house was destroyed, courtesy of the explosions and Nami's rage.
"So you're Nami's sister, Nojiko-Sama, you're so beautiful!" Shirahoshi looked at Nojiko with admiration; she couldn't help but wish for an older sister after hearing Nami's story, even though it was mostly sad. She always had her sister to help her move forward.
"Yes, and I can't believe I'm seeing a mermaid! I remember Bell-mère talking about them when we were kids; I never imagined seeing one here. You're so beautiful and innocent!" Nojiko seemed quite open with Shirahoshi, who smiled at the blue-haired woman as she heard her.
"Your sister is so mature, Nami..." Kuina couldn't help but comment. Since Shirahoshi is of the same race as those who destroyed the sisters' lives many years ago, but she didn't seem to have any prejudice against the mermaid princess.
"Yes, Nojiko is a very mature woman, but your sister is quite temperamental..." Reiju said, looking around; the whole place was devastated where there should have been a living room and kitchen.
"Zoro, never let me irritate Nami, leave that just for Luffy, understood..." Usopp murmured next to the swordsman, afraid of facing that same fury one day.
"Tsk." Zoro snorted.
"Did Sister Nami do all this? She's so scary..." The pirate hunters, Jhonny and Yosaku, spoke with a bit of fear like Usopp.
"You don't need to be afraid of Nami-Sama! She's so nice." Shirahoshi defended Nami from the frightened animals.
"Luffy, what did you do here?!" Yamato complained.
"I didn't do anything! Just avoided the attacks." Luffy said calmly.
This part of the house was completely destroyed. Broken furniture and cracked walls witnessed the havoc caused by Nami, who was trying to hit Luffy while he skillfully dodged with his sister, Nojiko, in his arms. Debris scattered on the floor, creating a chaotic scene that reflected the intensity of the confrontation between the navigator and the Straw Hat Pirates' captain.
"Anyway, I can't believe marines could be so rotten!" Kuina complained.
"Have you already forgotten what they did at base 16 when we destroyed and looted the place?" Reiju asked calmly.
"What? What did you do at naval base 16?" Nojiko asked a bit indignant.
"Nothing much, we just destroyed half the base with our ship cannons. I wanted to wipe it off the map, but that would have led to unnecessary slaughter..." Luffy commented a little dissatisfied with having to let go of the idea of blowing up a marine base.
"Is this true, Nami?" Her sister asked seriously.
"Yes, I no longer belong to Arlong; I am a member of this crew, a member of the Straw Hat Pirates! We attacked the marines and stole everything we could." She said confidently, earning many satisfied smiles from her comrades.

"So, this is your pirate crew... Well, you can see they are quite unique!" Nojiko couldn't help but be amazed, looking at the humans with each unique personality, a dog, a flying shark, and a beautiful mermaid all together.

"You can join too if you want, you know. We need someone to take care of your sister." Luffy smiled and teased Nami.

Nojiko, still processing the idea, responded cautiously, "That's a sudden invitation, Luffy. I'm not sure if I can just join a pirate crew."

Luffy laughed and retorted, "Think of it as an offer of exciting adventures and freedom on the seas. Besides, it would be great to have someone like you with us. Give it some thought, Nojiko."

"About that, I must think..." She said with a small smile, dodging the question but playing along.

"You..." Nami huffed.

"Anyway, let's get rid of Arlong. I want to do it before tonight because I want to have another feast!" Luffy shared his thoughts, and Nojiko looked at him as if a second head had grown on his shoulder.

"But a feast?" Yamato asked.

"Of course, we're pirates; feasts are part of a pirate's daily life!" Luffy smiled as he spoke.

"Wait a moment! Do you want to get rid of Arlong?!" Nojiko looked astonished at the tall man.

"I don't; your sister is going to do that. I'll just make sure she does it right." Luffy declared, crossing his arms.

"Nami? You're not thinking...?" Nojiko was interrupted by her sister before she could continue.

"Don't worry, Nojiko, I'll win. Haven't you seen my strength?" Nami said with some confidence.

"I have, but Arlong..." Nojiko tried to argue but was interrupted by Yamato.

"Oh, two fish-men outside, looking at the fallen bodies." Yamato said, making Luffy turn in that direction.

"Do you want to deal with that, Nami?" He asked, and she nodded seriously.

Nami wasted no more time and started walking among the broken furniture that she herself left that way and went out the door. There, two fish-men were trying to wake up the fallen marines.

While the Straw Hat group tried to understand the chaotic situation after the explosions and looked for Hachi, they observed from afar another group of villagers who kept their distance due to the massacre happening. The fight caught the attention of the whole village, but no one dared to approach.

Nami approached the other group, casually stating their names after a certain distance. "So it's you, Take and Shioyaki," she said, capturing their attention. The villagers turned to Nami, leaving a unconscious Nezumi aside.

"Nami?! You arrived on the island! What the hell happened here? Who killed them?!" one of the villagers quickly demanded.

"It was me," Nami replied coldly, interrupting her walk to face them.

"Hm? You? Stop kidding, Nami. You better spill it; when Arlong finds out, it won't be good for you..." Shioyaki said angrily.

"I'd love to see that happen, then," Nami retorted. She raised her hands and sliced the air in front of her. A gust of wind hit them next, catching them off guard and throwing them against some fallen rocks in the area. The shocked expressions on their faces reflected the disbelief in the face of the ability they never expected to witness.


"That? Nami is a Devil Fruit user!" they exclaimed upon the collision, getting up with astonishment and a touch of fear in their eyes.

Before they could articulate anything more, it was too late. In the next strike, they were knocked out as Nami threw them again, ensuring their defeat.

"Yes, I am a Devil Fruit user, and I intend to destroy you with this power!" Nami murmured, staring at the two Tritons lying on the ground. The determination in her eyes left no doubt that she was determined to use her abilities to face any threat.

"Should we go now, Luffy?" She turned and found the crew looking at her with admiration, especially her stunned sister, who saw Nami defeat two members of Arlong with just a wave of her hands.

"Let's first get rid of the Marines. Let's throw them to the ex-captives on the beach so they can mete out their own justice. Also, I want to check on the Black Pearl and bring it to the ship so it won't be stolen. We might have helped the people trapped in the Marine base, but that doesn't mean they can't try to steal from us at the first opportunity," Luffy said, and they quickly grabbed the eight Marines and headed to the beach where they landed.

The villagers who witnessed Nami taking down the Tritons ran to the village to spread the news.

Some time later, the crew saw that Luffy was right. After the crew left the pirate ship, many ex-captives staged a mutiny and tried to steal the Black Pearl to leave the island. Surprisingly, Hugo prevented this from happening, standing in the way of anyone who tried to do something and taking down many of them.

Luffy appeared and went to talk to the big man first.

"Hugo, this is a surprise! Thanks for defending our ship!" Luffy couldn't help but express his gratitude.

"This is the least I can do. I'm not the type to take advantage of my saviors!" he said.

"Even so, you have my thanks."

Luffy said to Hugo and turned to the people he had helped once. With a cold gaze, he spoke as the crowd began to step back, especially those who organized and suggested the mutiny.

"We helped you, even though it wasn't our real intention. I expected at least some respect, but you tried to take our things at the first opportunity you had." Luffy looked with a stern eye at everyone, not everyone, especially the women, as more male slaves were involved in this mutiny.

His crew was at a distance from him, observing this scene, also not liking to hear this and seeing the situation of people they had liberated.

"I don't intend to be a kind person next time. If this happens again, I intend to act as we did with the Marines," Luffy said angrily. Another type of person that Luffy doesn't like is those who bite the hand that fed them at some point. It may not be the type he hates the most, but he also has no love for this kind.

Luffy not only expressed it in words, but purple flames appeared on his body and exploded with fury circulating around him without burning his clothes.


The sound of flames was violent and heard throughout that part of the beach, causing the crowd to retreat in fear and with the increasing heat.

"So you better think very well before attacking us next time because just as you have the freedom to try to steal from us, there are consequences, and we have the freedom to retaliate, and I guarantee it's better not to make me choose that option." Luffy said amidst the flames like a demon from the abyss.

"I'M SORRY! WE WON'T DO IT AGAIN, SIR, PLEASE FORGIVE US!" An old man, one of those who joined the mutiny, begged for mercy immediately. They didn't witness the fight against the Marines when they were liberated, so they thought it was a normal group that had a ship to end the Marine base. That's why they wanted the Black Pearl and its treasures to live better. But now, seeing the capabilities of this man, they realized they messed with someone very dangerous.

"Don't worry, I don't need your words to protect my ship now. I'll take the Black Pearl with me." Luffy said and looked at his crew, accompanied by Nojiko as well.

"Nami will fight against Arlong, Zoro, you can take Hachi on our ship, Jhonny and Yosaku bring the other unconscious fish-men too. I want Shirahoshi to judge them once Nami finishes them off." Luffy said, surprising everyone, especially the mermaid herself.

"Me? Luffy-Sama, shouldn't Nami seek revenge?" She asked uncertainly.

"They are her people. Nami has the right to revenge, but if she doesn't want to kill them, which I think she might not, you will have the final decision from there." Luffy said, and Nami nodded, trusting the mermaid.

As soon as Zoro took Hachi off their black ship, Luffy touched the Black Pearl to shrink its size to the point where he could hold the miniature ship in his hand now.

"Let's go to Arlong Park. It's time to end this." Luffy announced, and everyone nodded, following him as he left.

"And you, Hugo, thank you for your help once again. If you're still interested in my earlier proposal, look for me until tonight's party because we'll be leaving early in the morning." Luffy announced and received a nod from Hugo with that and some questioning looks from his crew, unaware of the proposal Luffy made to Hugo.

"One more thing, if you cause any more trouble, especially with the village of this island, it won't be me who takes care of you; it will be Nami, a resident here. Trust me, I saw her kill two dozen Marines before coming here... She can be worse than me." Luffy said and turned to leave.

"Nami, throw the Marines into the crowd and let them decide what to do with them." Luffy announced, and Nami did exactly that with her claws.

"That's brutal..." Nojiko couldn't help but comment.

"Well, they were enslaved by those uniformed people; let them have the chance to get revenge. It's better than just killing them," Luffy shrugged.

So they set off, the Marines were awakened by an angry crowd surrounding them on the beach. After that, the whole group went to Arlong Park, passing through Nami's village.

The citizens who had already heard about the events after those strange noises coming from Nami's hill noticed a large group carrying some unconscious fish-men on their shoulders, alarming them. They asked what was happening here.

"Is it true?! Nami came back and took down Arlong's people?" Someone shouted, and soon everyone was looking at the group passing through the middle of the village, moving forward without caring about the questioning and stunned looks.

"Nojiko! What's happening? They said there was a conflict at your house with the Marines!" Someone shouted.

"Nami? You're back? Who are these people? Why did they harm Arlong's men?"

Nami, hearing this, looked at the citizen who asked directly to her and said confidently, "We are the Straw Hat Pirates, and we are going to end Arlong's reign and his crew!" Nami announced, leading in front of Luffy.

"You can't be serious, can you?" A woman trembled with this.

"Of course, I promise you that Arlong will never be a problem again after today!" She announced.

'Come on, this is a good scene for a classical music piece like One Piece's OST, Overtaken! ....Tu Tu Tu-Tu-tutu....' Luffy smiled, imagining the music playing in his mind as they walked with Nami in the lead.

More and more people came to see Nami's strange group and started following them. The entire village followed them as they moved away and approached the domains of the fish-men on one side of the coast.

"Is she really going to do this? What happened?"

"Do you believe the story that she can do magic?"

"I don't know, but she looks very different, and this group is quite strange. They don't seem to be afraid of Arlong..."

"Nami seems confident about this, even said she would fight Arlong himself!"

"Nojiko can't let this happen! Her sister will only be killed like this!"

"Someone stop her."

"It's too late; she's already in front of the gates!"



Nami didn't care and let the power of the wind circulate her hand as she leaned back and punched the gate along with the wall of Arlong Park.


A moment earlier.

"Where is Hachi?! Why hasn't he returned yet?" In the crowd of fish-men in front of a sitting Arlong, Kuroobi said, crossing his arms.

"I don't know, Arlong. He hasn't shown up since he went to look for Momoo." Someone from the crowd of fish-men spoke.

"Take and Shioyaki went to talk to the Marines, but they're also late."

"What the hell is happening today? Strange and concerning events all day long. It seems like something drastic is going to happen on a day I should be getting even richer with Nami's money!" Arlong growled, his bad luck and negative feelings growing inside him.

As soon as he spoke, something unexpected happened.


An explosion caught their attention; the main gate flew from the explosion and impact, hitting some fish-men who were in front of Arlong.






They looked at their fallen comrades in disbelief and turned their gaze to where the gate used to be. There stood someone they never imagined seeing like this. While keeping her fist still raised, she stared at them and spoke in a loud tone.

"Hello, Arlong! It's me, Nami, and I'm here to finish you!" Nami said confidently, facing more than 40 fish-men in front of her.

Author's note:

* Iam sharing one chapter per day, and for every 100 powerstones or 2 reviews, you'll post an extra chapter, with a maximum of 3 chapters per day.

* Thank you in advance, I hope you have a good read.

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