One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 61 – Cocoyasi Village 4.

[Chapter Size: 2382 Words.]
Third Person POV
Cocoyasi Island, East Blue.




A resounding explosion echoed through Arlong Park, capturing everyone's attention. The main gate was sent flying due to the explosion and impact, hitting some fish-men who were in front of Arlong.


They looked at their fallen comrades, incredulous, and turned their gazes to where the gate used to be. There, a figure stood out, fist still raised after the impressive feat.

"Hello, Arlong! It's me, Nami, and I'm here to end you!" Nami declared confidently, facing over 40 tritons before her eyes. Her courage resonated in the tense air of Arlong Park as the fish-men prepared for the imminent confrontation.

A dense silence enveloped Arlong Park, echoing through the area as Nami's words materialized in the air. The group of tritons stared at her, trying to comprehend what had just been said.

"My ears are at the same level as humans, inferior? Did I hear that right..."
"Absurd, is that really Nami? Did she really say that..."
"NAMI?!" No one knew for sure who was the first to speak, but the initial disbelief began to dissipate.

"What's this, Nami? Is it really you? Did you destroy the gate?!" Arlong growled, his tone laden with disbelief.
"Yes! And as I said, I'm here to put an end to your reign, Arlong!" Nami affirmed, gaining some confidence. Part of her was nervous, but she knew Luffy was watching, ready to intervene if anything went wrong.
"Where did you get this confidence... human?" mocked Chew, his disdain echoing around.

"I think Nami is different... she couldn't just punch the gate before. What happened to her?" someone in the group questioned, raising the lingering question in the air.

"It's true, did Nami eat some kind of fruit?" another inquired.

"Is that possible..."

"So Nami wants to defeat us now, after gaining a bit of strength!"

"Still just a human, and we're over 40!"

"Shahahaha!" Arlong began to laugh loudly, casting a mocking glance in Nami's direction. However, his demeanor darkened with his next words.

"I thought we had an agreement, Nami. Seems like you humans aren't trustworthy at all!" he taunted, provoking a disbelieving look from Nami, who couldn't believe their words after everything that had happened.
"Speaking of hypocrites, who sent the Marines to take all my treasure? I could say that every fish-man is untrustworthy too, but I was fortunate to meet a mermaid who changed my opinion about your race. Unfortunately, that didn't make you, bottom-feeders of the sea, any better than you already are. And that's why I'm going to end you!" Nami snarled, still incredulous at Arlong's audacity to speak of trust there.

"You met a mermaid?! Where?" some triton asked, curious. Nami couldn't have left the East Blue during the time she was away, meaning there was a mermaid in that sea without them knowing. It was quite intriguing.

"No matter what you think, Nami," Arlong growled, ignoring the question about the mermaid and continued.

"As soon as I beat her here, I'll go to your village and kill all the humans there, making you watch everything, helpless, while you beg for mercy!" he added with malice.
"Don't worry, that won't happen because you'll fall today, you and your entire crew!" Nami had a slight tremor at Arlong's words, but she regained confidence the next moment and announced these words with wings appearing on her back.

"Wings?! What is this?" someone shouted, but they didn't have time to receive an answer because Nami acted the next moment.

Bending down, Nami punched the air in front of them. Although she had her Devil Fruit for only a day, she had trained tirelessly with her captain since then. Luffy taught her to fly, materialize and control her claws, create hurricane-shaped wind, wind spheres, and made her learn to release vacuum explosions.

She punched without moving from her spot, hitting nothing but empty space. Initially, they looked at it without understanding, but soon everyone felt the danger of Nami's fist when she struck the air.
Green energy erupted from that fist, forming an imposing sphere made of gray wind, 4 meters in diameter in front of Nami. Quickly, she launched herself in the direction indicated by the fist, catching the tritons off guard, giving them no time to react.

The sphere, composed of dark and green wind, advanced at high speed, cutting through the ground as if it were digging as it moved.

"Get out of the...!"
Before anyone could react and escape, the sphere hit Arlong and everyone around, throwing them to the opposite side after exploding in their midst.

The blow lacked the elemental effects of fire, ice, or the sharp characteristic of wind, but it emitted a wave of force, giving the sensation that an immense battleship ran over them at the moment of impact.
"Arlong! Guys!" The fish-men who were further away and relatively unscathed, besides being hit by comrades flying in their direction or by the debris caused by the explosion, shouted in disbelief as they witnessed their comrades and captain being thrown through the air like kites, each going in a different direction.

Arlong, powerless against Nami's attack, remained seated, not knowing what to do. The impact hit him head-on, projecting him to the opposite side, where he harshly exploded against the wall, in the exact place where Luffy originally punched him during the construction.

As this chaos unfolded, a surprised chorus echoed from the entrance of the broken gate, where everyone watched the fight. This chorus emanated from the villagers, some of whom, alongside Luffy, couldn't contain their joy at the turn of events.
"What is this?!"
"Did Nami do that?"
"Look at that sphere! What kind of power is this?"
"Is she... changed?"
"Wait, she broke the gate, right?"
"This woman is amazing!"
"Go, Nami!"
Some villagers exchanged glances, exchanging expressions of surprise and astonishment. The news of what Nami did spread quickly, and many could hardly believe their eyes in the face of the spectacle of power they were witnessing.

"Nami-Sama is so strong!" Shirahoshi exclaimed excitedly.
"Nami..." Nojiko was still wondering if she was somehow still dreaming, as not even in her wildest fantasies could she see Nami easily throwing Arlong to the wall on the other side.
"Can't we fight too, Luffy?" Zoro said dissatisfied, having to watch the fight from there.
"No, this fight is Nami's, just like no one interfered in your battle with Mihawk, no one should interfere with Nami." Luffy crossed his arms and smiled proudly at his navigator, surprising his enemies and being relentless.
"However, there's something I want to do to make Nami's fight easier! Yamato, do something to prevent the fish-men from escaping, you know what I mean." Luffy announced.
"Yes!" Yamato said and went into the sea without anyone noticing.
Everyone else besides the crew was looking at Arlong Park and the spot where Nami exploded with this mysterious power.
"Incredible..." A villager witnessing this scene said incredulously.
"Was Nami always this strong?"
"Of course not, but she definitely ate a Devil Fruit!"
"What?! Fruits exist? That's unbelievable, look how strong she became!"
"I thought it was a legend too, but look at this, it's undeniable after what we saw."
"Nami can defeat him!"
"Yes, we can finally be rid of the fish-men!"
"Nami! You can do it!"
"We're rooting for you, Nami!"
"Beat Arlong and his crew!"
"Free us, Nami!"
The citizens who always treated Nami with disdain once, pretending to do so to spare her from sacrificing herself for them, finally saw some hope here, one that Nami could fight against Arlong and set them free.
"NAMI!!!" A new voice was heard shouting, making the crowd turn around at that moment.
Genzo had woken up under a pile of debris in Nami's house; none of the Straw Hats noticed him when they were at the sisters' house except Yamato. Nami, Nojiko, and Luffy seemed to forget about him, and when the mayor woke up and saw that no one was around, he came running here when he didn't find anyone at the girls' house or the village.
"NAMI! STOP THIS! YOU DON'T NEED TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR US TO THE POINT OF FIGHTING ARLONG ALONE! I'LL HELP YOU MYSELF!" He announced, going forward immediately, horrified to see how Nami alone was now facing Arlong.
"Stay put, old man!" Someone stopped him.
"Don't get involved in this fight; you'll only get in the girl's way!"
"Let her fight, trust Nami! We'll just be a burden to her in this fight!"
"Trust Nami, Genzo-San!"
While they held the mayor back from advancing into Nami's fight, the girl in question looked back a bit moved after hearing people cheering for her.
"People..." She murmured.

An explosion echoed from the spot where Arlong had been thrown moments before. As he emerged from the wreckage, furious, he turned to the majority of his men who were still standing.

"NAMI! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR THIS!" Arlong snarled, issuing an order immediately after. "Get her, I don't care anymore if you kill her, just kill her!"

Arlong spared no words, inciting his men to an even greater frenzy. Completely ignoring the possibility of casualties among his own subordinates, he encouraged a ruthless reaction against Nami.

"I won't let you!" declared Nami with determination. With visible confidence, she rose into the air with the help of her newly acquired wings. Gracefully leaning forward, Nami prepared to launch her next attack against the furious crowd advancing towards her, armed to the teeth.

Before the fish-men could run up to her, they couldn't react. Nami, as if unleashing the fury of harpies, materialized sharp claws in her hands, bathing them in an intense green light. Flapping her wings fearlessly, she advanced towards the crowd with overwhelming speed.

The surprise on the faces of the fish-men lasted no more than an instant as Nami was upon them in a matter of seconds, her harpy claws cutting through the air with lethal precision. Nami, enveloped in fury and newly acquired abilities, delivered her blows with surgical precision. Her harpy claws, glowing with intense green light, sliced through the air like sharp blades, leaving luminous trails as they advanced.

Each movement was choreographed, a dance of destruction executed with deadly grace. She hit vital points of the fish-men, dodging their desperate attacks while slashing with supernatural agility. The cutting sound of the claws meeting scales echoed through the air, blending with the cries of pain from the fish-men.

Amidst the fierceness of the confrontation, Nami demonstrated newly discovered mastery, combining agility, precision, and strength. Her attack, once unthinkable for those who knew her as a peaceful navigator, revealed a new facet of her determination to protect what was important to her. Each blow told a story of resistance and revenge, echoing through the village amidst the chaos of battle.

"She cut me!"
"What is this! Stop her!"
"AHHH! This cuts!"
"Someone stop those claws!"

The claws were wielded with skill, finding their target in a group of ten fish-men. Nami, agile as a dancer, used her newly discovered mobility to ruthlessly slash them. The fish-men, in turn, could do nothing more than be powerless in the face of the ferocity of the attack.

"Guys!" Kuroobi exclaimed, his eyes widening as he witnessed what was happening around him. The group of fish-men, who once belittled the human as weak, was now tossed into the air after being cut by the fearless Nami.

"Shoot, shoot at her!" someone shouted, and a group of fish-men hastily grabbed their weapons.

Facing the imminent threat, Nami raised her hands above her head. A swirling sphere began to form above her, gaining intensity every second.

"Garuda: Devastating Tornado!" she exclaimed.

As she brought her hands down, the sphere expanded, turning into a gray and green tornado of an impressive 8 meters in height. The vortex spun furiously at the center of the area, advancing in the direction Nami had pointed.

"A kind of hurricane?!"

"I can't aim the gun with this wind!"
"Run, it's coming towards us!"
"AHHHHH!!!" The fish-men screamed, desperately trying to escape the violent force of nature that was rapidly approaching.
"Arlong, help us!"
"I'm being thrown!"
Arlong stared in disbelief as his fellow tritons were caught by the attack, tossed into the air by the force of the gray wind with green glows. Some were thrown out, while most spun within the imposing tornado, calling for help amid the deafening roar of wind and destruction.

The hurricane, carrying more than twenty tritons with it, spared nothing as it circled through Arlong Park, devastating everything in its path. Finally, it stopped in front of the largest building, where twenty unconscious bodies lay on the ground. An extensive swath of destruction cut through the park, marking the trail left by the tornado. Even the main building, which escaped the circulating wind, had its plates and windows shattered and torn off by the hurricane.

"NAMI!!" Arlong roared, unable to bear seeing his comrades defeated and his park reduced to wreckage in this way.
"You guys!" Arlong bellowed with his remaining men.

"Go to the sea and throw water at her; she's a Devil Fruit user, we can weaken her with seawater!" He issued the order to his remaining companions, and they had a moment of realization.

"Lord Arlong..." someone said with apprehension.

"Hm?!" Arlong looked interrogatively at him.

"The sea! The sea is frozen!" He said with the same desperate voice.

Everyone turned their eyes to where the sea was just a moment ago. Everything was frozen, as if Admiral Aokiji were present.

"Even after so many strange events today, now Nami, who has become so powerful, and the sea freezes without anyone knowing why? What must she have done for someone else. What the hell is happening here?!" Arlong said, visibly lost.

Author's note:

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