One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 85 – The Goa Kingdom 8.

[Chapter Size: 2889 Words.]
Third Person POV
Goa Kingdom, East Blue.
The waves gently broke on the shores of Foosha, while the golden sun shone cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the lingering smoke of destruction still rising in the Goa Kingdom. The sky, however, appeared indifferent. Back at sea, on the island's coastline, a dark figure emerged on the ocean's surface. An imposing silhouette cut through the water, and the distinctive emblem of a skull with a straw hat was visible on the main sail. It was the Black Pearl, the ship carrying the fearless crew led by the now infamous Captain Monkey D. Luffy.

Villagers, gathered to welcome Luffy's companions, watched with fascination as the ship arrived. An air of anticipation mixed with curiosity hung in the atmosphere, eager to witness the faces accompanying the Straw Hat Captain on his journeys across the vast ocean. The Black Pearl glided gracefully through the water, approaching the shore with an unusual elegance for a pirate ship.

The main sail fluttered vigorously, as if greeting the village before it. The boards creaked softly under the weight of the ship, announcing the imminent arrival. The atmosphere was charged with expectation, and a mix of emotions swept across the faces of the villagers, waiting to receive Luffy and his crew in the welcoming village of Foosha.

The large ship came to a stop next to the port, but a winged silhouette shot out from the ship, heading straight for Luffy as soon as the ship anchored.

The ground exploded with the high speed of that winged shadow.

Everyone saw Luffy being tackled by a girl with white wings on her back, flying directly at him. The impact raised dust, causing the ground to crack and break. But when the dust settled, everyone saw the boy holding the woman in his arms. The ground was pressed by Luffy's feet, who remained steadfast even with the impact of Nami without diminishing his strength.

"HOW CAN YOU DISAPPEAR LIKE THAT!" She shouted, a bit displeased. She knew Luffy was strong, so she didn't bother flying towards him since she wanted to teach her reckless man and captain a lesson sometimes.

"Nami!" Luffy smiled at his mischievous woman.

Everyone looked at Luffy with curiosity, witnessing Luffy's strange relationship with this girl.

"How do you vanish after saying those things? I started to realize that you wanted me to become a queen, and... hmmmmmmmmmm!" She was frustrated, her words lost as Luffy kissed her in front of everyone.

Everyone was stunned by this. The wide-eyed villagers witnessed the unusual scene. Woop Slap crossed his arms, even more annoyed by Luffy's recklessness.

Luffy, after the kiss, laughed loudly and turned his attention to the crowd. "Hey, guys! This is Nami, the queen of Cocoyasi, and my navigator!"

Nami, still a bit dizzy from the kiss, snorted and whispered embarrassedly to Luffy, "You shouldn't have done that in front of everyone."

"Ah, relax! They need to get used to us," Luffy replied with a mischievous smile, unconcerned about the reactions around him.

"Hey, Luffy, how can you kiss this girl in front of your wife?!" Makino gave an unsatisfied look to Luffy.

Yamato remained calm, as if it were a normal occurrence, accustomed to her captain; she stopped with the jealousy she used to openly display and just smiled.

"Hm? Ah, she's my wife too!" Luffy simply shrugged, causing a new uproar.

"She has wings, is she an angel?!"
"Luffy has 2 wives! What the hell is this?!"
"Luffy, you... you've become a playboy?!"
"Darn Luffy! He even got 2 beautiful wives!"
"Always knew that boy knew how to deal with women!"
"In fact, he has 3." Commented Dadan.
"Hm? 3?"
"Yes, he said he has 3 wives before coming here. Surprising, isn't it?"
"Luffy..." Makino didn't know what to say, her eyes reflecting surprise and perplexity at the turn in the boy's life.

Meanwhile, all the crew members began descending from the ship, each bringing their unique traits.

Shirahoshi, the princess of the fish-men, stood out with her long pink hair, radiating a calm and gentle aura. Her presence contrasted with the vastness of the ocean over which she would one day rule, giving her a majestic and serene appearance.

Megalo: The shark accompanying Shirahoshi, with its intimidating appearance, was actually docile and friendly.

Zoro: The skilled swordsman, with three swords at his side, displayed his confident and serious posture.

Lami: The woman walked confidently with her sword over her shoulder, displaying her style with tattooed clothes and body, her gaze firm.

Bepo: The anthropomorphic polar bear, a member of the Mink Tribe, was one of Luffy's most loyal companions.

Chouchou: The loyal stray dog, with expressive eyes and drooping ears, brought a touch of simplicity and joy to the diverse group.

Usopp: The talented marksman, with his long and distinctive nose, carried an animated expression.

Reiju: The ship's cook and Sanji's sister, with her elegant presence and a cigarette between her fingers, exuded an aura of mystery.

Hugo: The giant man, adding an imposing dimension to the group.

Nojiko: Nami's adoptive sister, with her characteristic tattoos and a laid-back attitude.

Hachi: The octopus swordsman, with his six swords and a friendly demeanor, despite being forced, seemed to be accepting his place in this group of humans and other races.

Kuina: The young and skilled swordsman in the making, though 11 years after her tragic fate in the past, still maintained her presence among them.

The village, now enveloped in this unique atmosphere, welcomed Luffy's group with a combination of curiosity, astonishment, and a touch of anxiety about what the future would bring with these new visitors.

"Hey, look! Who are these people arriving with Luffy's ship?" Villager.
"I've never seen anything like it. Who is that woman with pink hair and a tail flying? I've never seen anyone more beautiful!" Villager.
"And that shark?! It flies! Is it a pet?" Villager.
"Is that bounty hunter Zoro with three swords? This guy is a real swordsman!" Villager.
"This is Lami, the famous bounty hunter from the past few weeks! She seems strong." Villager.
"And this polar bear? How cute, I've never seen anything like it." Villager.
"Sorry!" Bepo.
"He speaks and apologizes!" Villager.
"Oh, and there's a dog too! He looks so friendly." Villager.
"A fish-man is among them! Incredible! That woman flying is a mermaid too!" Villager.
"Incredible, Luffy got so many companions!" Villager.
"This is getting weirder and weirder. Luffy really brought a peculiar group." Villager.
"But look at them, even though they're different, they seem to get along. That's amazing." Villager.
"I have no idea how Luffy found them, but they seem trustworthy. Let's welcome them and find out more about what happened all this time." Villager.

"Hey, Luffy, is this your village? It looks very peaceful." Zoro.
"Yes, guys! Welcome to Foosha! This is where I grew up." Luffy.
"Wow, Luffy-San, it's a charming village. And that big mountain there, it's so huge!" Shirahoshi.
"That's Mount Colubo. It's where I lived for many years, and the base there is Dadan's house." Luffy.

Thus, Luffy began introducing all his companions as they approached. Throughout the rest of the day, Foosha village entered into a frenzy. Despite their initial fears, Luffy dispelled the tension and initiated a festive moment among them.

As the sun set over Foosha, the village's atmosphere shifted to contagious joy. Luffy, always the catalyst for excitement, led his friends amidst the curious smiles of the villagers. Upbeat music echoed through the air, and colorful lights illuminated the main square, where a table full of food and drink awaited.

The mayor, though still wary, couldn't resist the general cheer. The scent of delicious dishes hung in the air, blending with laughter and playful banter. The initially fearful village began to surrender to the festive spirit as Luffy narrated his adventures, accompanied by fascinated expressions and attentive looks.

During the feast, the initial tensions about the attack on Goa were dissipated as the story unfolded. The villagers understood the reason behind Luffy's actions, especially when they learned about the mermaid's abduction by the infamous Starry. The realization of the kingdom's corruption and the protection of their loved ones became central themes in the conversation.

However, Luffy's proposal to choose a new king or queen left many still perplexed. Confused expressions lingered on the faces of the residents, but Luffy, ever optimistic, explained that he would discuss his intentions the next day.

The night continued with music, dance, and laughter, marking a festive chapter in Foosha's history. As the clock advanced, Luffy led his companions back to the ship for the night. The moonlight illuminated the sea as the village rested, eager for the next morning when new shocks and discussions awaited them.

The following morning, under the blue and sunny sky, with no more smoke coming from the port of the country's large city, Luffy decided to gather everyone in Foosha's main square. The toll of a bell echoed, grabbing the attention of villagers who began to gather, curious about what their intrepid fellow townsman had to say. As everyone assembled, all of Luffy's crew was already in place, waiting to see what Luffy would do on this day, as their captain was quite unpredictable.

Luffy, standing at an elevated point in the square, waited as people clustered around him. His gaze, though serene, carried the seriousness of someone with something important to share. As the crowd formed, an expectant silence hung in the air, broken only by the gentle sound of the breeze and distant waves.

"Luffy, you better not bring more trouble to our village!" Woop Slap shouted at Luffy.
"Chief, what do you think will happen?" said one of the thugs beside Dadan.
"I don't know, Luffy has become a real rogue; Garp will surely blame us for this!" Dadan growled.
"Hey, everyone!" Luffy began, his voice echoing through the square. "I know yesterday was full of surprises, but today I want to talk seriously."
Interest in the faces of the villagers and Luffy's gang grew, and Luffy continued with a determined expression.
"I attacked Goa for a reason, and you already know about Starry and what he tried to do. But I also want to change things here. I consider this whole country my home, from Foosha village to Dadan's mountain, the city dump, and the king's city. I want to take care of all these places, so I'm going to put someone as the leader of this kingdom, so that person can take care of it. And that's why I want to choose someone among you to be the new leader, someone who takes care of everyone and makes the kingdom prosper." Luffy opened a smile.
A murmur of conversations began to spread among the residents, but Luffy raised his hand to calm the crowd, his firm gaze conveying a confidence that began to dissipate the restlessness.
"I know it's a big deal, but believe me, this can be the beginning of something amazing for Foosha and for the entire kingdom of Goa," he said, his words echoing in the square.

The perplexed and surprised looks of the villagers transformed into thoughtful expressions. Luffy had everyone's attention as he continued to share his vision for a better future.

"With all these thoughts, I've decided to name a new queen for Goa, and I've chosen Makino for that!" Luffy announced decisively.

A collective gasp escaped from the crowd, and Makino put her hand to her chin, clearly surprised and confused by the unexpected appointment.

"Me?!" she exclaimed, seeking to understand the sudden turn in her life.

The voices of the villagers rose in a chorus of confusion and disbelief.

"Luffy, how can you name Makino as the queen of Goa?!"
"What are you up to now, Luffy?"
"Don't worry, Dadan. You'll be a minister of the kingdom; you'll protect Makino."
"Me? Why would I accept that?" Dadan growled, showing her typical reluctance.
"Luffy, you can't be serious?!"
"Makino, don't let these ideas affect you."
"Hmm... but it sounds like so much fun!" Makino replied, surprising everyone by considering the proposal with humor.
"She's being corrupted!"
"She'll be a good ruler for Goa, and everyone will accept it, willingly or not," Luffy said calmly, his voice filled with determination, making it clear that his intentions were non-negotiable.

The murmuring continued, with the villagers trying to understand the implications of this bold decision. Makino, now in the spotlight, was visibly perplexed, but Luffy seemed unwilling to back down in the face of the crowd's reactions.

"Luffy, this is madness! Makino has no experience in ruling a kingdom!" someone exclaimed, expressing the concern of many.

Luffy, with his characteristic broad smile, responded: "Experience is something you acquire, not something you're born with. Makino is loyal to the village, and I trust her to lead the kingdom."

Dadan, still growling in discontent, addressed Luffy: "You can't just decide this without consulting anyone! And why the hell do you think I should be a minister?"

Luffy responded casually, "Because you're strong, Dadan. And you've always protected this village. Now, it's time to protect not just Foosha but the entire kingdom."

Makino, despite her initial surprise, began to consider Luffy's proposal. "Well, if it's for the good of everyone, I'll give it a try."

Discussions continued, with voices both in favor and against. Some villagers were intrigued by the idea of a new ruler, while others were deeply skeptical. In this tumult of opinions, Luffy remained firm in his decision.

Meanwhile, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Zoro, Lami, Bepo, Usopp, Reiju, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Kuina, and Chouchou watched silently, absorbing the unique dynamics of Luffy's village.

"Luffy-Sama has such a fun village!" Shirahoshi commented cheerfully.

"I wouldn't say that..." Zoro commented beside her.

"Luffy is discussing the future of this kingdom in a square among villagers..." Reiju was perplexed.

"He didn't even consult any nobles with significant influence..."


"The captain is so determined to make this change, but there will be problems: Traditional nobles of Goa may resist Makino's leadership, especially if they feel their interests and privileges are threatened, as Makino is a commoner. About the impact: Nobles' resistance can create internal tensions, undermining the stability and effectiveness of the policies implemented by Makino."

"There will also be economic issues; implementing economic reforms to benefit the entire population may face resistance from the economic elite. Possible economic conflicts may arise, affecting specific sectors of society and potentially creating divisions between different classes."

"Leaders of other kingdoms may see Makino's appointment as a threat to the status quo and pre-existing relationships. External political pressures may lead to diplomatic conflicts, requiring astute political skills from Makino to maintain balanced relations."

"And... HUH?!"






The entire crew looked at Bepo strangely, wondering how that bear understood so much about economics and politics.

"Hmmm... sorry...?" was the only thing he said before everyone fell to the ground in astonishment.

Meanwhile, in the square, even the mayor looked with empty eyes at all this.

"Not even a month since Luffy left, and our lives are going to change so much! He's worse than Ace when he left!" Woop Slap said frustrated, trying to lean on his cane.

In this way, Luffy made the decision to initiate Makino's training in intricate political arts and court etiquette, using some books acquired in the castle before his departure. Even an experienced minister was summoned to Foosha after receiving a direct call from Luffy through the den den mushi, thus beginning to guide the new queen in formation. This unquestionable and resolute action laid the groundwork for Makino's preparation for the challenges she would face as the future queen of the kingdom.

Luffy's decision to train Makino in political and courtly arts caused significant ripples both in the village of Foosha and beyond its borders. The local residents, initially surprised and skeptical, began to adapt to the idea of having a new queen in their community. The minister appointed by Luffy brought with him an aura of authority and knowledge, inserting a presence previously absent in the peaceful routine of the village.

However, the news of Luffy sitting on a throne with a mermaid in his lap, with beauty comparable to the pirate empress, plastered on the pages of the new newspaper, echoed throughout the island and beyond. The image of the Straw Hat taking a position of real power after defeating a monarch in the East Blue reverberated like thunder. The acceptance of this drastic change varied, sparking heated debates and discussions on neighboring islands, countries, and cities.

On a global scale, the news began to attract attention. The Marines, always vigilant about the movements of notable figures, closely monitored developments in Goa. Some nobles, accustomed to maintaining their dominance over lands and kingdoms, were uncomfortable with the idea of an outsider challenging established norms.

Luffy's action, despite being unaware of the upcoming monarch's appointment by him, became a watershed moment, introducing an element of unpredictability to the political landscape worldwide.

Thus, Luffy began to be looked at with much more powerful eyes from all parts of the globe.

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