One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 86 – News Across East Blue.

[Chapter Size: 2167 Words.]
Third Person POV
Many places at the same time.
As newspapers swept the seas, an unusual piece of news echoed in every corner of the vast world of One Piece. The once majestic and wealthy kingdom of Goa, the richest located in the East Blue, became the epicenter of events that would unleash waves of surprise and speculation.
At the center of this whirlwind was Monkey D. Luffy, the renowned Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. His feats were already broadcasted in the recent newspapers, but now his presence was a headline that many would usually mock, but now made people and especially influential eyes read the newspapers narrating his exploits.
Luffy's decision to appoint a new queen for the kingdom of Goa was hidden, but the image of the pirate, sitting on a throne with a mermaid, was unique in this era, and everyone looked shocked at it, widely shared, fueling speculation and curiosity in every corner of the known world.
While the local residents of Foosha adapted to their new reality, the news sparked interest and concern among the nobles of other kingdoms and the attention of the Marines. Luffy, once again, became the center of attention, challenging not only powerful adversaries but also established norms.
The world was watching, awaiting the unfolding of these events and what the world powers would do about it. The turbulent waters of the East Blue were just the prelude to a story that would undoubtedly resonate across all seas.
Fleet Admiral Sengoku, upon seeing the image of Monkey D. Luffy plastered in the newspaper, couldn't contain a restrained expression of fury. Sengoku, known for his calm and composure in public, let out a curse in frustration at witnessing the audacity of the Straw Hat captain.
"This damn brat is crossing all the limits!" growled Sengoku, his hands clenched in fists on the table. The image of Luffy sitting on a throne, pirates challenging even monarchs, would create turbulence worldwide.
"This era is just getting worse!" He growled; Gold D. Roger brought the most turbulent era to the known world, and Sengoku was the main pillar between evil and justice as the fleet admiral, the weight placed on his shoulders was greater than ever.
He cursed again, expressing not only displeasure but also a sense of powerlessness in the face of Luffy's actions. The idea of a pirate influencing political events in such a way was something Fleet Admiral Sengoku had difficulty accepting. As he continued to analyze the newspaper, Sengoku's anger echoed through his thoughts.
It didn't take long for a peculiar den den mushi to start ringing on his desk, and he was already expecting this call.
"The Five Elders..." Sengoku sighed before picking up the communication snail.
Meanwhile, in the East Blue itself.
Vice Admiral Garp was aboard a Marine ship when he came across the shocking news about his grandson, Monkey D. Luffy. The scene in the newspaper, showing Luffy sitting on a throne next to a mermaid, hit Garp like a punch to the stomach. His wrinkled face twisted into an expression of fury and disbelief.
*CRACK!* Garp broke his table.
"This kid... he's challenging everything we stand for! He should be a powerful marine, but he's much worse than I thought!" Garp muttered to himself, squeezing the newspaper with his calloused hands. He, who had always been a staunch defender of justice and a proud member of the Marines, now saw his grandson openly defying the institutions Garp dedicated his life to protecting.
The bulging veins on his forehead revealed the intensity of the anger Garp felt. Luffy, once again, was at the center of a whirlwind, triggering events that could shake not only the Marines but also the entire political balance of the world.
"This reckless brat... He hasn't been gone for even a month, and look what he's doing, he hasn't even entered the Grand Line yet!" Garp muttered, gritting his teeth. He knew he would have to confront Luffy as soon as possible, and this prospect made him both furious and disappointed.
The den den mushi began to ring amid the wreckage of the broken table.
Garp sighed and picked up the snail amid the debris.
"GARP! Your grandson is causing us trouble!" His friend shouted at him with fury, and Garp had to stay silent, as he understood the anger.
"I know, Sengoku..." Garp wasn't in the mood this time.

Garp observed Sengoku on the other end of the line. The Fleet Admiral's face was grim, and the tone of his voice reflected frustration and anger at the situation.

"Sengoku, this kid is out of control. I can't believe he's causing so much turmoil. Luffy was never one to follow the rules, but this is too much," Garp replied, his fists clenched in a mix of disappointment and concern.

Sengoku, knowing Garp's special connection with Luffy, tried to remain calm. "You need to act, Garp. He attacked two Marine bases, defeated naval commanders, and now this story of taking a throne in Goa. This is unacceptable, even coming from your grandson."

Garp sighed again. "I know, Sengoku. I'll go after him. But understand, this doesn't mean I'll arrest him without trying to understand what's going on. Luffy wouldn't do something like this without a reason."

Sengoku shook his head, skeptical but realizing Garp wouldn't change his approach to Luffy. "You'll have reinforcements, Garp. We need to resolve this quickly before more problems arise. I'm sending a request to all nearby naval bases; I'll leave Smoker stationed in Loguetown, but you'll have assistance from all the other bases!"

"Understood, Sengoku. I'll take care of it." Garp ended the call, his eyes fixed on the Den Den Mushi for a moment. Then, he began to prepare for the pursuit of his troublesome grandson.

"That Luffy-Baka! He's always been reckless!" A new voice filled the room, and a figure appeared before Garp.

"I know, let's go to Goa and teach him a lesson. I still hope to get him into the Marines."

"Yes, I'll arrest him, don't worry!" The voice sounded determined.

"I know you will." Garp looked at this person with a hint of pride. After all, not all of his family was taking a questionable path.

In the bustling Shell City, the pink-haired boy looked at the newspaper in disbelief, absorbing the shocking news.

"It seems we got away unscathed when that pirate was here," one of the marines commented, while others murmured about Luffy's recent exploits.

"Yeah, this guy is really a rogue. He not only destroyed Base 16 but also captured Captain Smoker, the strongest marine in this sea, and had a photo taken with him in the newspaper as a captive! Now he killed a king!" Gossip spread quickly among those present.

The boy, who had been taken in by that base and was receiving training after Luffy spoke about the connection they would have with Garp, looked at Luffy's image in the newspaper with determination. He was determined to become strong and one day face that infamous pirate who now made headlines.

In Orange Town.

"Those brats, I hope Chouchou is okay!" Grumbled an old man in a small town.

In the quiet Syrup Village, Merry, Kaya's dedicated butler, hurried to show the newspaper to his lady as she began her day.

"Miss Kaya, look at the newspaper!"

"Hm?! It looks like Usopp's captain has outdone himself now." She couldn't help but smile as she examined the headlines.

"My lady, he killed a king! The king of Goa!" Merry was a little scared.

"I know, but Luffy has always acted mysteriously. We've lived through this before. He must have his reasons for this, Merry. Trust Luffy." She said calmly.

"I hope so." He commented, still somewhat worried about the twists and turns fate had in store.

In a lively floating restaurant known as Baratie, a crew member burst into the kitchen holding a newspaper.

"Boss! Take a look at this!"

Zeff, the respected head of Baratie, cast a disdainful look at the headlines.

"Damn brat, he's really bold!" Zeff didn't mince words in expressing his opinion.

Someone in the kitchen questioned with concern, "Is Reiju in trouble?"

"If she is, it's her problem. That's their journey. We shouldn't question the actions of a pirate crew that has nothing to do with us. As long as Reiju is okay with those brats, the rest doesn't matter." Zeff declared, casting a meaningful glance at the kitchen before returning to his culinary duties.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT? BACK TO WORK, THERE ARE MANY CUSTOMERS WAITING, AND THEY NEED TO BE FED!" he shouted, and the staff quickly returned to their culinary activities.

In the peaceful Cocoyasi Village, the mayor couldn't contain his anger as he read the newspaper.

"That brat better take good care of the sisters after what he did to me, or else!" The mayor grumbled, his narrow eyes expressing his irritation.

The village was undergoing noticeable changes. Fueled by Luffy's initial funding and even before the arrival of the Marine money, the community was in full swing, building a new port where Ifrit had defeated Garuda. The emergence of this new structure marked the beginning of a growing town on the island.

Elsewhere, the ship's captain continued to vent his fury against Luffy and his Straw Hat crew.

"That damn straw hat! I'll get back at that pirate!" The captain's voice echoed among the crew members, who listened with a mix of apprehension and anxiety.

"Captain, don't you think it's better to reconsider? We didn't even stand a real chance against them. And besides, we almost ended up in Impel Down..." One of the men tried to argue, concerned about the possible consequences of confronting Luffy.

"We escaped unscathed. And I have a plan to settle the score with him. Let's wait in Loguetown!" The captain reaffirmed his decision with determination.

"Yes, captain!" The crew responded in unison.

Meanwhile, Buggy the Star Clown began to get annoyed with the discussion around him. "Did I hear someone talking about my nose!?" he bellowed, drawing attention to his presence on the deck.

In Loguetown.

"Look at this, my love!" said a man, holding the newspaper with Luffy's image printed.

"Ah, ziry iksos luffy! se valītsos qilōni saved īlva se gūrotan īlva naejot baratie. Ziry looks fearless isse bisa photo." The woman responded, looking at the picture of the now famous Straw Hat Captain.

"Hahaha. Do you think? I would say they're enjoying their youth," said the man, laughing as he observed the excitement in the image.

"Sȳrī, īles va moriot iā fearless valītsos. Remember skori istas tolī zȳhon goals? ziry vestragon ziry found tolī than ziry bargained syt," the woman commented, reflecting on the past.

"You think?" asked the man again, curious to hear more.

"Se truth. Jurnegon rȳ bisa. Ziry became iā drēje pirate captain. Qilōni could emagon imagined bona bisa indomitable valītsos would mazverdagon ziry bisa tolmiot?" The woman concluded, smiling at the portrait of Luffy in the newspaper headlines.

In the same large city, as a bell rang in the morning, a mysterious figure carefully examined the newspaper of the day. Her normally cold and arrogant eyes showed a peculiar expression, mixing fascination and a touch of surprise.

"You certainly know how to attract attention..." She murmured as she touched the man's face in the newspaper with delicate hands.

"I can't wait to meet you again, my love..." She murmured, while the morning breeze subtly swayed her clothes, adding a touch of mystery to her silhouette. A passion born many weeks ago was beginning to bloom even more in her heart as she continued to contemplate Luffy's image in the newspaper, imagining their reunion.

In the same city.

"Captain Smoker..." Tashigi approached cautiously as her captain examined the newspaper.

"Damn pirate. If he shows up here, I'll arrest them, even if it's the last thing I do!" Smoker spoke with a dark voice, as the smoke from his cigar hovered in the air.

While everyone absorbed the news about Luffy, a few days later, a grand event was happening in Goa.

The sun began to stabilize in the midday sky over Goa, while the crowd in the kingdom's main square continued to slowly grow.

As the crowd gathered in the city of Goa, an atmosphere of anticipation hung in the air. Lights flickered, illuminating the majestic stage prepared for a unique event. The murmuring voices of the crowd echoed between the buildings, creating a symphony of expectation.

In the center of all the hustle and bustle, a figure, dressed with grace and elegance, ascended the steps leading to the stage with many ministers and prominent nobles of the kingdom and the court. Her steps were steady, and her expression combined the humility of servitude with the determination of someone about to lead a kingdom. On this day, Goa would gain a new queen, kind and friendly.


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