One Piece – I Am A Different Luffy!

Chapter 87 – Queen of Goa.

[Chapter Size: 2357 Words.]
Third Person POV
Goa Kingdom, East Blue.
As the sun's rays painted the Goa sky in golden hues at the center of the heavens, announcing the arrival of a special day, a majestic platform rose in the heart of the city. This platform, adorned with billowing fabrics and lush flowers, became the stage where the kingdom's fate would be transformed.

Curious citizens from all parts of Goa gathered in the streets, eager to witness the event that would change the course of history. The murmur of the crowd grew, blending with the distant hum of the city waking up for the impending celebration.

In the center of this platform, a velvet-coated throne awaited the future sovereign. This was no ordinary event; it was the ascension of a new queen, someone chosen by unique circumstances.

As the sun reached its zenith, marking the formal beginning of the event, the figure of the chosen one, Makino, emerged from backstage, surrounded by an aura of grace and confidence. She ascended the platform's steps, each step resonating with significance.

Despite the splendor of the platform and the meticulously prepared ceremony, a shadow loomed over the gathered crowd. Murmurs of discontent whispered among Goa's citizens, each word loaded with uncertainty and distrust.

Makino, despite her majestic posture, was a relatively unknown figure to most. Her name echoed through the city like an enigma, prompting questions in the hearts of those yearning for familiar and recognized leadership.

The population, so accustomed to the traditional faces of power, couldn't contain the restlessness silently spreading among them. The ascent of a queen so distant from what they knew stirred a cauldron of conflicting emotions.

Even so, the platform gleamed in its grandeur, ignoring the underlying tension. Makino, despite being a mystery to many, remained serene, ready to take on a role that, for some, still lacked justification.

Not only her, dressed in a suit, Woop Slap stood by her side, and Dadan in a military uniform was on the other, clearly dissatisfied with the arrangement Luffy made for them to be there. The village personnel were among the crowd too.

As the crowd murmured their dissatisfaction and distrust, Luffy remained vigilant, his eyes keen to the growing discontent in a corner of the square. The citizens of Goa dared to express their discomfort, but before the tension could turn into audible protests, Luffy's presence intervened unexpectedly.

The captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, known for his notoriety and formidable power, moved through the crowd with imposing calm. His piercing gaze silenced the restless murmurs, making everyone turn to him.

Luffy, with his characteristic smile, didn't need to utter a single word. His mere presence was a silent warning that any resistance or challenge would be met with overwhelming force. The inhabitants of Goa, fearing the wrath of the pirate who had defeated the old king and challenged naval power, recoiled in the face of his unspoken expectations.

The ensuing silence, punctuated only by the distant sound of waves, was the silent response to Luffy's intervention. He had prevented the imminent eruption of discontent, asserting his influence unequivocally. The fate of Goa remained in the hands of a new queen, and Luffy, in his peculiar way, ensured that the transition occurred without visible turbulence.

Nami looked at Luffy with a concerned expression. "Luffy, are you sure this will work? It seems like the people are not very happy with this choice."

Luffy, maintaining his characteristic calm, replied, "Haha, trust me, Nami. Makino is strong, and I know she will do a good job. They just need some time to get used to the idea."

Lami, showing her concern, questioned, "How are you so sure? We're leaving, and Makino will be here alone."

Luffy pointed to the platform with conviction. "She's not alone, look closely at the platform."

Dadan, the former chief of the mountain bandits, now wore a peculiar uniform alongside her companions, all transformed into a group of royal knights. Luffy had acquired the Devil Fruits of chains and steel, which the former royal knights of Starry used, and handed them over for 300 million berries each with the system. Additionally, he gifted Makino with a sound fruit, a strategic choice to strengthen the kingdom's protection. Although Luffy could have chosen a Logia, such as the Clouds-Clouds or Ash-Ash fruit, for the same value of 500 million, he opted for the sound fruit due to its enhanced combat potential, and it could manipulate sound, launching shockwaves like the earthquake fruit. In the end, Luffy spent 1.1 billion on three fruits, an investment aimed at ensuring the safety and prosperity of the kingdom in the future as his plans for the economies of the three East Blue kingdoms unfolded.

"Besides, I have a secret card that will be announced soon," Luffy smiled, anticipating the reactions and expressions the news would bring, especially from those involved.

"What would that be?" Reiju inquired.

"You'll find out soon," Luffy replied mysteriously. He possessed a trump card capable of immediately silencing any questions about Makino on the throne.

As the event unfolded, the crowd hushed when a minister, dressed in ceremonial attire and an ornate crown, ascended the stage. His serious and solemn demeanor contrasted with the anxious murmur of the crowd.

The minister raised his hands, calling for silence, and the audience quieted down, eager to hear his words. Sunbeams glistened on the minister's crown, adding a majestic gleam to his figure.

"Noble citizens of Goa, it is with great honor and responsibility that I stand before you today," began the minister, his voice resonating through the square. "As the representative of the kingdom, I am here to announce a decision that will shape the future of our beloved home."

The crowd murmured again, some exchanging intrigued glances. The minister stood firm, maintaining composure in the face of growing anticipation.

"Our former king, who led Goa, is no longer with us. However, amid the shadows of loss, a new light of hope emerges," the minister continued, choosing his words carefully. "After careful deliberation and consideration, a new queen has been chosen to guide our destinies."

The crowd's gazes alternated between confusion and anxiety. Some whispered among themselves, trying to decipher the meaning behind the minister's words.

"This queen represents unity, change, and the promise of a better tomorrow for all of us. Though the circumstances are unexpected, we believe this choice will be for the good of Goa and all who call it home," proclaimed the minister, now fixing his gaze on the audience.

The minister concluded his speech with a note of suspense, leaving the audience in a silence charged with anticipation. The words echoed in the air, and the crowd eagerly awaited the revelation of the new queen.

With a solemn expression, the minister gestured in the direction where Makino was supposed to appear. All eyes focused on the elevated platform, awaiting the appearance of the woman about to assume the throne.

"Let all welcome our future leader, the guardian of our traditions, Makino! The wife of Akagami no Shanks, one of the Four Emperors!"

The impact of the words made the crowd pause at that moment. Shanks' name, the Yonkou, reverberated among those present, creating a sense of disbelief and surprise.

As the crowd tried to process the revelation, a cacophony of voices arose in the midst of the commotion.

"Shanks, the red-haired? This Makino is his wife?!"
"Send this to Morgan quickly, this is outrageous!"
"This is going on the front page!"
"She's the wife of an emperor!"
"Our queen is powerful!"
"I think we underestimated that village on the other side of the kingdom. Having a queen married to a Yonkou is a major asset!"
"This is a twist no one expected. Makino always seemed so ordinary!"
"We cannot question her under any circumstances!"
"Grab the Den Den Mushi; we must alert our king to initiate diplomatic dealings with Goa immediately!"

Murmurs and whispers echoed among those present, expressing a mix of incredulity, respect, and urgency. While some marveled at Makino's powerful connection, others hurried to communicate the news to central powers, recognizing the importance of maintaining diplomatic relations with the new queen.

The minister, standing firmly in the center of the stage, meticulously observed the crowd's reactions, aware that this moment marked not only the installation of a new ruler but also the beginning of a transformative era for Goa. Luffy, strategically, had advised the minister to reveal this information at the moment of Makino's appointment.

Luffy planned to quell any protest with Makino's normalization when they heard this, and he didn't seem disappointed as he watched people speak up.

"Luffy, is this true?!" As the crowd began to dwindle into murmurs of surprise and shock, Yamato approached Luffy in disbelief, seeking clarification on the truth of the connection between Makino and a Yonkou, considering a Yonkou is on the same level as her father.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I know they have a good relationship," Luffy smiled, leaving his friends stunned with his typical nonchalance. He admitted uncertainty but assured them that their relationship was solid.

The square buzzed with murmurs and surprises when suddenly a sweet voice broke through the hubbub. All eyes turned to the platform where Makino, using the powers of her Akuma no Mi to amplify her voice, addressed Luffy, "Luffy! Don't go around telling people these things!"

Upon the intervention, the minister beside her gently suggested, "Well, my queen, how about addressing a few words to your future subjects?"

"Oh yes..." Caught off guard, Makino cast a glance at the crowd, bringing a finger to her chin in a contemplative pose before starting to speak.

Makino, with her relaxed demeanor and a smile on her lips, addressed the future subjects of her kingdom:

"Hey, everyone! Who would've thought I'd be here, about to be the queen of Goa? Even I'm surprised! But, you know, life is full of surprises, isn't it?"

"So, Luffy, as always, causing mischief, huh? Saying I'm Shanks, the red-haired's wife! Hahaha, seriously, who comes up with these things? I find all of this more amusing than Buggy when someone talks about his nose!"

"But, on a serious note, folks, thanks for the support. Let's face this new phase with a smile on our faces and, of course, a lot of fun. Who knows, maybe Shanks will show up here for a barbecue at the castle, huh?"

"So, let's go, Goa! I'm ready for this unusual adventure. Welcome to the era of Queen Makino, the most laid-back of all! It's going to be fun, I promise!"

She delivered her speech in her own way, leaving everyone even more stunned, including Luffy in his place. But she just smiled and waved for everyone to have a public feast without everyone fully processing her words.

Then, a sumptuous banquet began, involving all the inhabitants of the kingdoms. Before, many expressed dissatisfaction, but now people began to accept Makino as the ruler upon discovering her connections with one of the most powerful figures in the world.

"This is really unexpected, Captain!" Hugo commented with humor.

"Luffy always acts uniquely..." Usopp observed.

"Hahahahaha. Miss Makino-Sama will be an excellent queen; she's so much fun!" Shirahoshi celebrated.

"Hey, hey! Bow wow! Bow wow!" Chouchou expressed his approval animatedly.

"Don't be so shocked. I have Woop Slap to manage the kingdom." Luffy pointed to the elderly man beside the queen, clearly dissatisfied to be there. However, Luffy practically forced him to become a minister, and he seemed to have empty eyes in the face of the whole situation. Luffy thought everything was going according to his plans.

"Luffy! The navy is coming!" Nojiko suddenly spoke, pointing to the sea beyond the city. There, at least 50 navy ships were heading to Goa.

The navy fleet approached Goa with impressive military precision. The ships, lined up in formation, cut through the sea waters efficiently, their flags fluttering in the wind, displaying the emblem of justice. The sunlight reflected on the sailors' armor, creating an imposing and disciplined sight.

Among the ships, a large vessel stood out with the peculiar figure of a dog's head carved on the prow. It was evident that this was the lead vessel, commanded by a figure of authority who, even from a distance, exuded an intimidating presence.

The navy's approach created a palpable tension in the atmosphere, and the inhabitants of Goa nervously watched, aware that the arrival of military forces could bring a war to the kingdom.

"Grandpa finally showed up..." Luffy murmured, turning his attention to his entire crew.

"We are ending our stay in this kingdom. Makino, if you need me, call me!" Luffy announced with the moa moa no mi, turning to the new queen.

"Luffy, be careful on your journeys!" Makino wished with a happy smile using her sound-based power.

"Goodbye, Dadan, Woop Slap, and the village people. Take care of Makino! Stay tuned for news about me in the newspapers!" Luffy amplified his voice to reach everyone.

"LUFFY!" A collective cry was heard faintly, evidencing the dissatisfaction of those who, against their will, became ministers of the kingdom. Even from a distance, the discomfort with Luffy's arrangements was evident.

Luffy was satisfied with all the changes; he organized all the projects for the kingdom, placed the right people in power, and gave them military power. He left training manuals for Makino and Dadan with his personnel to train in case they needed to defend the kingdom, even though they already had a great defense. Garp wouldn't interfere in the queen's appointment and would prevent anyone from harming Makino and others, not to mention the armor of being the wife of a Yonkou that Luffy planted in the world.

Thus, Luffy and his crew headed to the Black Pearl, anchored in the port, preparing to set sail and face the naval fleet.


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