One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 21 - Time backwards

The next day, Jiang Feng was searching for experimental materials. To find out the magical power of time, a lot of experiments were needed.

Qiu Jiangfeng found several materials that met the requirements, but eventually decided to use a peculiar plant unique to Pirate World.

植物 This plant is a ubiquitous flower in the world of Pirates. It has no special value, so where is its magic?

The calyx has many branches, leaves are laterally flat, the apex is long and acuminate into an ellipse, the edge is wavy, and the base is short and acuminate into a stalk.

This flower blooms only once every seven days and nights, and it will fade away after one minute.

The value is cheap and the effect is obvious. Isn’t this an excellent experimental material?

Qi Jiangfeng dug more than 20 flowers in the suburbs. As soon as the flowers bloomed, Jiang Feng began to use time.

After repeated experiments for more than ten days, Jiang Feng finally figured out the role of time ability, time ability can delay time.

要 If this ability is passed on, I am afraid that the whole pirate world will be crazy. At that time, the navy may not be able to keep Jiang Feng.

The temptation of eternal life that no one can resist.

One of the most impressive time-like demons who appeared in One Piece was Adomiralu-Ian.

Her demon fruit is a retrogressive fruit, and the age at which she touches it will go back 12 years.

This is also what Jiang Feng saw in the Pirates’ theater version. Nami and Robin were all 12 years old back. When Sauron defeated Ain, they recovered.

“Can I also go back in time?”

Qijiang Feng thoughtfully.

If only time could be seen? This idea appeared in Jiang Feng’s mind and was lingering.

等等 “Wait, see the time, I can …”

Minjiang Feng thought, and something wonderful happened. He saw a thin line of silver and white, each of which existed independently.

They are entwined with flowers and trees, flying sand and stones, everything is on it, Jiang Feng looked down at himself, and found that he was also wrapped with a thin silver-white thread.

“What are these silver thin lines”

“It won’t be the timeline”

“Nothing wrong, just the timeline”

Qi Jiangfeng told herself.

Everything has its own timeline, recording all its own experiences, and all timelines form a long river of time.

Qiu Jiangfeng looked at the withered flower, and with a heart motion, a silver-white flame ignited in her hand, and Jiang Feng threw the silver-white flame at the flower.

The flames ignited on the flowers. Jiang Feng could clearly see that the flames did not ignite the flowers, but burned the timeline on the flowers.

For a moment the flames were almost exhausted, but the flowers did not resurrect.

“Is there not enough time energy?”

“Come again”

Time energy increased intensity, injected into the flame, the flame burned more and more vigorous, and finally the withered flower was resurrected.

I saw the flowers that had not had the slightest breath of life, but now they were restored to the full bloom.

“I succeeded”

Qijiang Feng shouted excitedly.


The gradual silver-white flame ran out, and within a second or two, the flowers withered at a very rapid rate.

As if there was a basin of cold water splashed on Jiang Feng’s head

“How could this be.”

After Ian has set back time, when Ian is severely wounded, or her ability is cancelled, the thing that was set back by her will return to its original state.

Qijiang Feng is also the same. When the time is reversed, it seems that there is a power in the underworld to restore the time that has been reversed.

I calmed down, Jiang Feng thought about it.

In the past, now, there must be some connection in the future, whether time goes backwards or time accelerates, it is only temporary. Slowly, some kind of power will eventually restore them to their original state.

Since there is a connection between them, then I find this connection and cut off this connection. As long as this connection is cut off, the time of backwardness will not be restored.

It is meaningless to cut off the connection between the present and the future, because every decision you make will affect the future.

Seeing the domineering practice to the extreme, we can fully predict the future.

But the foreseeable future can only be the future of others, and you cannot see your own future.

I also do not see the future of another person who has mastered the ultimate sense of domineering.

Cutting off past and present means that your timeline starts recording time again at this moment.

The chopped timeline will fall somewhere in the long river, and trying to find it again is like finding a needle in a haystack.

In the future, if you want to go back in time, you can only go back to the moment when you cut off the past and the present, because your timeline is incomplete.

Although your memories are there, you are missing a time in the past.

No one will ever be able to see your past from you, unless he has the ability to find a timeline cut by you in a long time.

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