One Piece Navy’s Tyrant

Chapter 22 - Black Wrist Zefa

After a few days, Jiang Feng had healed his injuries, and his time ability was almost developed. It was time to go to Zefa to report.

Takizawa’s training ground is separate from the ordinary training ground.

Takizawa is responsible for training mid- and high-ranking naval officers, while other instructors are responsible for training naval officers.

Joining Zefa ’s training class means that he has already entered the middle and high ranks of the Navy. The students trained by Zefa are at least major majors after graduation.

Also, as a former naval general, Zefa has the highest combat power of the navy, and he can only be counted on his own.

Combat experience is extremely rich, and different training plans will be formulated for different elites.

The general instructors, step by step, use the same model for each session.

Qi Jiangfeng came to the naval headquarters. The Naval Headquarters is located in a military fortress on the shores of Marinford.

The highest level is the office of Marshal Steel Skeleton and some generals, as well as the Navy’s highest conference office.

As for the next level, it is the offices of other naval officers and some special agencies.

When Feng first came to Naval Headquarters following Capu, Jiang Feng visited the Naval Headquarters, but unfortunately he did not see the current Marshal Steel skeleton.

There is a wide training field at the back of the building. Zefa ’s training field is closest to the office building.

Before coming to the training ground, Jiang Feng saw the elites sweating and training. Each of them was doing different exercises, some were doing physical training, some were fighting each other.

In the end, Jiang Feng also saw Gulide with bandages. Gulide was doing physical training alone.

Qi Jiangfeng felt that the elites who had watched Gulide’s battles rarely had the courage to fight against Gulide.

Bazat saw Jiang Feng coming, as if the hungry wolf saw the prey, a pair of eyes stared at Jiang Feng tightly.

I have been eager to try, to defeat Jiang Feng Yixue shame.

报告 “Report”

Takizawa turned around, looked at Jiang Feng, and saw Jiang Feng wearing a navy basic uniform instead of the Navy’s major uniform, with a look of approval in his eyes.

The navy’s first class soldiers all wear navy basic uniforms. After being promoted to the commander in chief, they can choose various ways of dressing, but it is forbidden to wear clothes that are not suitable for the image of the navy.

Naval officers above the rank of Lieutenant Officer are allowed to wear a cloak with “justice” written on the back.

Takizawa looked at Jiang Feng with a serious face. “Monkey D. Feng, since you are late for more than ten days, your basic training volume will double from today.”

“You can train freely after you complete daily basic training.”

Takizawa wouldn’t release Jiang Feng because Jiang Feng was Karp’s nephew, but would be more severe.

After Qijiang Feng returned to the team, Zefa summoned everyone, “Now that everyone is here, I will tell you the rules of this training ground, remember I will only say it once.”

“The people who come to this training ground are all elites. Although you are still new recruits without any ranks, I tell you that as long as you make a war effort, the military will grant ranks based on your contributions.”

“In this training field, many people have obtained military ranks before they graduate. Why?”

因为 “Because they have made outstanding contributions to the Navy”

I heard that everyone turned around and looked at Jiang Feng. With a look of envy, Jiang Feng had nothing to contribute, and he was awarded the rank of major, which was a white pick.

“In the next year’s training, I ask you to break the second physical limit as soon as possible.”

“Breaking the second physical limit is the first condition to graduate from me.”

“After breaking through the second physical limit, you will not only face my special training, but also go out to perform tasks.”

“That’s not a training or assessment, but a real deadly fight with the pirates.”

“Participating in more than three tasks is the second requirement to graduate from me”

“There is another difference between me and other training courses, that is, you can apply for early graduation.”

“Still the same, you can graduate after completing my two conditions”

“And you have only studied with me for two years.”

“If you do not complete my two requirements two years later, I will not give you graduation, and of course I will not continue to teach you, I will remember in your file that graduation requirements have not been met.”

“There is no place for unfinished students, even branches, so don’t let me down.”

说 These words are extremely simple, and the atmosphere of the audience becomes serious in vain. Each student pinched a cold sweat.

I thought that when I arrived at Zefa’s training class, my future was smooth. I didn’t expect that this was just the beginning.

Qijiang Feng had long anticipated that the higher the Zefa status, the higher the corresponding requirements for the navy.

What Takizawa wants to cultivate is a true navy elite, high-level, not cannon fodder.

The first condition of Takizawa is the requirement for strength. The minimum students who graduate here are the rank of major and the rank of major. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com doesn’t have the strength of a major.

Break through the second physical limit, even if the talent is even worse, exercise for several years, you will have the strength of the colonel.

The second condition of Takizawa is the requirement for practice. As a navy facing a ferocious pirate, it will cause death if it is careless.

Based on the performance of the student in performing the task, Zefa will judge whether the student is suitable for the navy.

After a long while, Zefa saw that the atmosphere was down. Finally spoke again, and his tone slowed down a bit.

虽然 “Although graduation is very demanding, since I taught this training class, so far, there have been no students who cannot graduate, and I hope you will not appear this time.”

After Takizawa had finished speaking, the crowd was finally no longer tense.

Next, Zefa started to introduce Jiang Feng and others how to train in the future, focusing on how to awaken domineering.

The human body is strongly stimulated by the outside world and will continue to strengthen until it reaches its limit. When the human body breaks through the first limit, the body will undergo metamorphosis.

After the metamorphosis, a certain power hidden in the body began to awaken, and this power is domineering.

Domineering is divided into seeing color domineering, armed color domineering, and the strongest overlord color domineering.

精英 An elite doubt is very confused.

“Mr. Zefa, I have heard of arrogance and armed arrogance, I have heard of it, but what is overlord arrogance?”

Takizawa groaned and said thoughtfully: “Some of you are overbearing and domineering. It’s normal, after all, it’s rare.”

“There is only one 10,000 tyrants who are overbearing and domineering. Please note that the 10,000 people I refer to are those who have broken the first limit.”

There was a moment in everyone’s mind. Isn’t this equivalent to one in a million people?

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