One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Batarilla Part 7

Before opening the door, I noticed that someone, or more like three people were listening, all until I grabbed the door knob, and then they disappeared as I watched the shadows disperse from under the door.

'Wanting to listen in on something important? Why does this give me a weird feeling?'

I opened the door, and left, just as I had started.

"So, is there a possible reason for spying on such a thing?"

I had picked up Mariga and started to hold her in my arms, all while I was staring at who I knew was there.

"Taki, Rosa, Rouge, I know you three wanted to listen in, but I just needed to get some more things in his mind to hopefully get him to at least try to help instead of causing a massive event that the world would know of."

I turned to Rosalina, Mariga still in my arms.

"Rosa, while I do thank you for your help in finding him, he became my problem, even if you still have some connection to him."

"...You are surprisingly more mature than I thought, talking to him like that, laying everything out."

I just nodded to her.

'I never actually thought of myself as that mature though. Oh well.'

I turned to Taki, noticing she was slightly fidgeting while looking slightly down.

"Taki, you just wanted to listen in and see if anything was gonna go wrong, right? Or.. just wanted to listen in?"

She nodded after a second.

"Okay then. I do want to say, please don't listen in, it's behind a door for a reason."

I then turned to Rouge.

"I can only slightly understand why you were listening, I'm leaving you in his hands, all so you can survive, so if he doesn't, you kinda die. I understand that. Now, I can only hope he took those things to heart, and understood where I was, and where you are, in this grand scheme known as life."

Rouge smiled bitterly.

"You've seen right through me."

"Oh, I was actually right? That was all just a guess on my part, and when I started, I just continued. Over. And over. And over again." I then whispered to myself "Oh my Mora, did my observation grow in strength?"

Not giving it anymore thought, I looked at everyone's faces, Taki, Rouge, and Rosalina in slight shock.

"Um.. before anything else happens, I'm just gonna go to sleep. It seems that every time I show up at the moment, the mood goes down. Besides, a lot has happened, and I don't know the last time I just decided to have a long sleep."

I set Mariga down, and said "I'm going to sleep Mari, I hope you sleep well." With a smile, then leaving the room.

I walked through the house using observation to find a bedroom, and immediately after closing the door behind me, I jumped backwards onto the bed. It was comfortable.

'Maybe I should get a legitimate bed. Or make one. How would a mattress made of clouds feel? Would it actually be heaven to sleep on?'

And my thoughts drifted, until I fell asleep.

I woke up, groggily.

The reason why?

Through the curtains, the sun shone bright, nearly blinding me, even with the curtains.

I wanted to get up for a second, until I felt other bodies on the bed with me.

'Aaaaand I already know where this is going. I've seen too many anime do this, now, I don't even need to look, so why is it happening to me? Is this a sick joke one of you deities wanted to play on me?'

I sat, staring at the ceiling, and then I realized I was under the covers, which I was on top of when I fell asleep.

'Was this always here?'

I then decided to just use Observation and see the whole scenario.

What I found was Alice, Taki, Mariga, Rem, and Rosalina around me.

'Oh-kay, what happened? I would understand Taki and Mari, and even maybe Alice, but Rem and Rosa? That's just weird.'

I then decided on how to escape the bed. I would turn myself, little by little into sand, just enough to escape.

And my plan went perfectly, as none of them even woke up. I did have to fly a little to actually get off the bed, but it was needed to not awaken any of them. I was also more tired from becoming sand, but less than before.

'I guess I have more of a feel for it, cool.'

As soon as I left the room, I was assaulted by the sunlight from mid-day.

Covering my eyes, I could only think 'Did I sleep from early last night to like noon?'

Adjusting to the brightness as it shone through the windows, I started to walk to where I knew the kitchen was.

'I don't think I've slept that much for the past two months! I had to make my ship and build it to working condition, and then I had to sail for a whole month as well, so I had almost no sleep time. Does that mean Rosa and Rem don't need to sleep? I remember seeing Rosa sail night and day, is that a soul thing? Or was I just imagining things?'

I arrived in the living room, and was greeted by Rouge, who was laying down on a couch, Djane sitting across from her, in his own thoughts, not even noticing me there.

Rouge looked in my direction as I walked into the living room and sat on a chair diagonal from the couch.

"Did you have fun last night?"

'Immediately hit by something like that. Great.'

"Let me tell you something first. Taki and Alice are like younger siblings to me, so NO. Second, Mari is who I consider my daughter, even if she was the one to start calling me father in the first place. Third! Rem and Rosa? I don't know what they were doing."

Rouge let out a small laugh.

"What's funny?"

"Oh it's nothing."

"Oh please, I know it's something. Apparently regarding those.. five. Now, spill."

She turned her head towards me, and I could tell Djane also slightly turned his own head to listen in. Turns out he wasn't fully out of it, and was just off in who knows where.

"Well, if you must know, last night, we did some talking."


"Somehow, we got to talking about you. Or, more like Taki did, a little too much. She had said she wanted to go to sleep, and that if anyone wanted to find her, to go and find you, and Rosalina asked why that would be, saying she never actually learned the reason for you and Taki sleeping together. Taki had then said that you were comfortable to sleep with, which you must know, brought about the question of wether or not you were actually comfortable to sleep with. And Mari chimed in, saying that Father is very comfortable! You would've died from Mari's cuteness if you saw it. So, Taki and Mari both went and fell asleep with you, but the other three lingered on it, and when they left to sleep, they all went and decided to test just how comfortable you were, and all left to sleep in your room, and that was that."

She was smiling while saying all of that, and Djane, who was listening, turned his head slightly back the other way, going back to staring into space, for some reason.

I rubbed my eyes.

"Well, that explains that. But I'm a bit more surprised with how long I slept. Turns out.. for even better energy during the day, sometimes I need to just relax for a couple hours. Otherwise, I end up sleeping for about a whole day."

"Ah, I do think relaxing is important, too. But if you do it too much or often, it gets tiring to relax. Take it from me, you shouldn't always be relaxing."

"You got that right."

And after a couple minutes of silence, and me getting some tea, the five of them all walked into the living room.

"Good morning, you five. Did you sleep well with me as your pillow?"

Taki and Mari both answered with ""You're comfier than a pillow!"" in sync. The other three answered by looking slightly away, until Rosalina confidently spoke "You? A pillow? No, pillows wish that they could be you!" She was in her weird, now explained mood change, being completely and utterly confident in her answer, before she started to lose such confidence, and only answered "Yes.."

'300 years of life experience. Rosa and Rem. Each. I do have a slight understanding now for Rem, but you, Rosa, still are a question mark.'

"So, is there a reason you three ALSO wanted to use me as a pillow?"

I wanted to hear them answer this, and to my surprise, Rem was the one to answer.

"Taki and this.. Mari said you were comfortable, and we had major doubt, so we wanted to test out how comfortable you were! And before we could leave, we all fell asleep!"

Alice became embarrassed at this.

"W-why'd you have to tell him!? He didn't know, and wouldn't have found out if you didn't say anything!"

It was Rosalina's time to tease Alice. "Aw, are you flushed? Was it that embarrassing?"

She just yelled out "YES!" Before stomping on the ground.

I sighed, watching this banter, knowing it would be awhile before it could happen again.

We were all at the dock in front of our two ships. I looked over the small group of people there, Alice, Mariga, and Rouge.

I looked back in a general direction of Rouge's home.

'I hope you keep Rouge alive, Vipeba.'

Mariga tugged at my arm, the bandaged, robotic one.

"Father, will I see you again?"

I looked and found her looking down, and then I knelt down, a hand on her head.

"Of course you will! Don't you remember what I said before I left last time? You'll see me, it may be longer than this time, but you will see me! Don't be so down because it will be a while, Kay?"

I smiled at her, she looked up with some tears forming, and as soon as she noticed my own smile, she grinned a little back, and all I could do was bring her into a hug.

I then looked at Alice, who I could tell wanted a hug for some reason.

"Okay, Alice, come on."

She looked as I beckoned her into the hug, to which she complied, and I hugged both of them.

I heard Alice say "Bye." Really quietly, before breaking the hug and going to the side of Rouge, who was standing with a smile. Mari also did the same, but not before smiling at me through some tears.

As I stood up, I noticed someone coming towards us. A blob of a person. Obviously, it was Vipeba.

"Wait! Wait!"

As soon as he finished running to us, he stopped, taking some breaths while he was heavily breathing.

While still out of his breath, he said directly to me without me getting a chance to do so "I can make sure she stays alive! Just leave it to me!"

I looked at him, and I would've been more convinced if he looked at me, but he was very tired.

"Oh-kay then. I trust you with her fate. Now, make sure she stays alive."

"Yes.. sir."

As we left the dock, I could see Alice, Mari, Rouge, and Vipeba, all waving at us as we left.

I turned to face the now receding sun while controlling my ship, and said to no one: "Hey world. You REALLY aren't ready for me now."

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