One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Just A Normal Resupply, And A Quick Power Test

For a little while, we just sailed, two ships heading back to pass through the Grand Line, and arrive back at Logue Town. For a little while, there was nothing aside from sailing and maintaining the ships to be done.

And one of those days, we needed to resupply BOTH ships before taking a final journey straight through the Grand Line. Of course, the island we ended up going to was one we had been to before.

Karate island.

Getting closer to the island, it wasn't exactly exciting knowing that I had to figure out which supplies we needed on MY ship, but it was a good thing to have Rosalina near, just to get a feel for how someone who had done so many times compared to my zero amount of knowledge.

An obvious answer did come to me on how I was going to go about it, and it wouldn't always be the case, but it was how I wanted to do so: use Observation to check on absolutely every single thing on the ship, not limited to food, materials, general supplies, and such. It wouldn't have to be very much, as the crew technically only consisted of three members unofficially, with the journey not having officially started, nor the three of us becoming pirates. For now, we were just some people going on a journey, and needed supplies.

After the both of us docked our respective ships, we decided to just split into two groups: the ones to watch the ship, and the ones to go around town.

Obvious to say, Rosalina and I were both going to be traveling around town to get supplies, and Rem did decide to come with, wanting to try and find some art supplies, of which I could tell she was a little scared while saying that, I didn't know why, but I just went with it. But me and Rosalina noticed something else. Taki was going to be left with Djane to watch over the ships.

"Taki, I know this is a bit of an odd request, but can you perhaps watch over Djane, as well as the ships?"

Taki was wearing a cloak, covering her entire body, making it look like Rosalina had just spoken to some cloth.

"Yeah, sure.. I can." She then turned to Djane, who was just standing patiently near Rosalina's ship. "Don't do anything Djane!"

Djane, who was looking slightly dejected at the ground, as I had found he does, looked at Taki, and then turned to look at everyone else, and then just put his thumb up.

Rosalina looked at him, I could tell that she was slightly uneasy, but I reassured her.

"Don't worry. Taki could stop him if need be. Besides, when I saw him after... you decided to sleep in my bed, and I went into the living room, he was pretty docile, not doing anything except for stare at the ceiling, as quiet as he is now. It shouldn't be an issue at all, but if he does do something, Taki can take care of it." Under my breath, I continued "Hopefully, I don't actually know."

And so, we left into town, leaving Taki and Djane to watch over the ships, or more like, leaving Taki to watch over the ships AND Djane, but the details weren't important. What I found important was the stares I was getting from the residents. Stares that I could decipher to mean 'Didn't you say you were coming back in a couple years? It's only been a few months.'

Deciding to ignore all of them, I, along with Rosalina and Rem all went around town. Although, it was more like Rem was dragging Rosalina around town while I followed. I could actually tell that both of them were having a good time, with Rem being happy about looking around town, just being around and spending time with Rosalina. Rosalina was very much happy that Rem was finally happy, rather than being stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere.

'Okay, since when could I tell emotions? Is it a Haki thing, or something else? It's my Haki, right? It's called emotion sense, or something to that name, I think at least. I hope. Well, it wouldn't matter if I remembered or not, but it's just weird being able to casually sense emotions out of nowhere. It's.. different to say the least. Did I gain it through something? Like against Grim? But how would I have even gained it in the first place if I did get it from fighting him? I don't know, but I also don't think it would be much of an issue to not find out.'

And we set off to gather supplies.

It was surprisingly easy to do so. The streets were easy to maneuver through, and there were less people. It was suspicious. And so, going through my options, I opted to just use Observation to check the whole island.

I found the guy from before, who I absolutely decimated, teaching, although it kinda looked like torturing, a big group of people, older and younger alike.

'What do I remember about this guy? Wasn't his name Daniel or something? Why does it look like he roped in a bunch of people in three months? Did he somehow defeat a whole pirate crew or something? If he did, he has main character energy. But I doubt that.'

And so, leaving my thoughts, the three of us finished our trip around town to gather supplies, and got back to the ships, finding absolutely nothing wrong with either of them, Djane and Taki on the decks of each.

'Seems nothing went wrong.' I nodded as if I had spoken that to her, not saying anything.

After putting everything onto our ships, we started to set sail once again.

While heading towards the Calm Belt, I spotted an island in the distance, although it was more like a pillar made up of rock in the shape of a punching bag, just giant.

'Hmm. It looks like a punching bag. I haven't tested my new arm out yet, maybe I should test it, and just how powerful I am right now, just to get a scale of where I'm at. I don't think I'm stronger than Grim yet, but I just don't know.'


I looked over to my right, as we normally sailed with them side by side, as to make sure I was able to do what I needed.

Rosalina thought about it, before nodding, and we turned.

Once in front of what I had recently dubbed 'The Punching Bag', we had a configuration: my ship in front, closer to the island so I could test out my power, and Rosalina's ship behind mine, farther back, just in case. Both of us were anchored, since this was in fact an island, I checked it was uninhabited before even coming near the island. It was.

I went up to the crow's nest to get a better view of the island, and found it extremely tall, our ships were not small, but the pillar was towering into the sky, showing just how massive it was. It wasn't insanely wide, but it would take at least a half hour to walk the width it was.

I stared at the mass of rock in front of me, and detached my arms, getting ready to punch it.

'I need to test out some of the capabilities of it as well, I mean, I had Djane put Grim's electric generator into it, so I should be able to use it, I can test out the fire thing later, I want to be more destructive than just a single punch. So.. should I go for something like Luffy's Gatling? That might be the best. And to speed it up, maybe I can use Soru on my arms, I can test it at least.'

And so, with my arms floating, I punched, once, not hitting the rock. Just testing if I could use Soru with my arms and reach the island from where I was, I found that moving my arm back ever so slightly while floating, the surface that would connect to the rest of my body could act as a foot, which was definitely weird, but I could deal with it.

I punched a second time. This time reaching the island, I also had to get used to my right arm again, and after trying to use Soru with it, I could see the air bend a little as it flew towards it.

'Good. I can use it, just need to work on it.'

And then, I powered on the generator in my arm, pumping electricity through my body, and thanks to all of my body being connected while split apart, all of my body had pulses of electricity going through me. It was shocking to say the least. I did feel some pain, since I didn't have much resistance built up or anything, so I ground my teeth, and punched. Again. And again. And again, and again.

The speed of each punch was slowly ramping up, growing to higher speeds rapidly. And then, I imbued my fists with Haki before my attack was too large and too late to become stronger.

Doing so, my arms both turned black entirely, and the island itself started to bend inward. Since I was hitting near the bottom of the pillar, a crater was forming on its side, which showed some progress on my end. But, I continued.

Body pulsing with lightning, speeding up my own attack in two ways, one through that same electricity, the other through Soru. The addition of Haki made for quite the spectacle, as everywhere else had darkened, and my attack was getting brighter.

The pillar started to give in on itself, as that crater I was forming had started to bend farther and farther back, and with my constant attacks that were still growing in speed, it was growing by the second.

I did this for at least a minute, long enough for my speed to ramp up to barely allowing anyone to see the blur of my arms. And so, I decided, for the last punch, I would use the flamethrower to propel my right arm faster, just to finish the attack, while also covering it in as much Haki as I could, putting just enough so I wouldn't be tired afterwards, but still putting a lot on it.

And so, I pulled my right arm back as far as I could, and activated the flamethrower, letting my arm increase in speed, creating the fastest thing I could, a single punch eminating power off of it.

I aimed for the direct center of where the crater was, and hit my target, with it bending to an impossible degree, the pillar finally gave in, and it blew out the other side. The final punch was strong enough to blow a hole straight through the pillar, and it was now connected to the bottom part of the pillar through two smaller sections that weren't blown away by my attack.

To say I was shocked at my own power would be an understatement.

'Wow. I.. uhm.. huh. Uhm.. what should I call it? How about the "Hand Cannon Ultra Velocity Repeater"?'

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