One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Buggy V Grim, Rosalina V Family

Taki's body hit me straight in the chest, and I nearly fell down.

'I DID NOT KNOW BUGGY COULD DO THAT! Another secret he was hiding from me? NO! I cannot think about this! I must get Taki out of here! But.. I could also try to help him, right?'

I stood up from crouching, making a final decision, and handed Taki over to Rem.

She was confused by this gesture, as I just handed her a fox girl.

"Um, Ro? What do I do with... This-"


"Uh, yeah, her."

"You. Take her as far away from this place as you can. I want her safe, and I can only trust you with this."

I almost turned to walk to help Buggy, but an extremely bright light appeared, and stopped.

And in the next moment, after covering my eyes, I saw Buggy looking at the sword he always trained with, and then looked to his right side, and I saw his entire right arm, along with a little bit of his body missing.

I wanted to yell out, but I realized that the six who were standing and watching this event unfold, started to move. And not just anywhere, three of them  were drawing their weapons, and heading to converge at Buggy, who was standing still.

Immediately acting without thinking, I drew my own longswords and launched my anchors to intercept them.

The three noticed, and knew what I was doing, but all continued to ready attacks to take Buggy out for good.

"No. YOU. DON'T!"

And I ended up right in front of all of them near Buggy, reverse gripping my swords, crossing them and then blocking all of their weapons, which was harder to do when one of them were able to extend past me, but I just pushed forward, making it swing around me instead.

And then what the other three were doing became clear: they were heading to Rem, who had Taki, and was running.

Gritting my teeth, I roared out "DAMMIT!" And pushed the three back barely, and wrapped the whip around them, dragging them behind me to follow the others and stop Taki and Rem from getting hurt.

'My arm. What do I do about this?'

I just stood still, and using as little as I could, I used my ability to partially turn into sand to force the blood to not even leave my body, and close the wound unprofessionally, as I only needed it for this battle.

'I wish Vipeba was here. If he is as good as Rosa suggested, I could have been fixed up quickly.'

And then, really quickly, Rosalina appeared next to me, blocking attacks from her family, and then using the whip that I didn't remember one of them having to drag the three of them away, all in a matter of seconds.

'Didn't expect that, but I have something else to worry about.'

"Oh? You survived? I was hoping to take you out in one shot, but it seems I was thinking too optimistically."

I smirked a little, turning my head to face him, and turning Surya a little as well, and I realized my body was shaking.

"Are you shaking in your boots, Buggy? I would have thought a member of one of the 'Greatest Crews In The World' would have more power, but I can't expect that much from an apprentice."

"Oh, this shaking? My body is doing that itself, but my mind is perfectly serene. Don't think otherwise."

Grim laughed at that, walking towards me.

"You're funny! You've lost an arm, are shaking in front of your demise, and you have the face to say you are serene right now? That's rich!"

"Well, I am a clown."

I swung Surya up and down, readying a possible attack against Grim.

'I can try to use Surya's weird ability that I figured out and see what Surya can REALLY do. If not, I can dodge again, it may be a bit harder to do, but I can do it.'

"I would like to thank you, Grim."

Grim began readying his own attack, massive arcs of electricity moved from his back to between his hands, condensing into something incredibly destructive.

"Ah? I haven't done anything to receive a thank you from someone I'm about to kill. What is it? I hope it's something interesting."

"Thank you for taking my arm."

"Heh. Are you insane? Thanking me for taking your arm? That's ludacrous!"

"I didn't finish. I thank you for such a thing, because once this battle is over, it can serve as a reminder to myself to become stronger. And as a reminder to keep all promises I make. And as a vow to leave my old self behind."

Grim's face went blank for a second, before bursting out in laughter.


The beam started to pulse, and Grim yelled out "BEAM-BEAM: 250 THOUSAND VOLT,  THUNDERSTRIKE ALPHA!"

'Surya, you better not freaking do anything and kill me. I hope this theory is right, otherwise I'm slightly screwed.'

I narrowed my vision, for the first time in a while, I just concentrated on the attack coming towards me at an incredible speed.

And then, I swung Surya downward towards the beam of lightning. What happened next was a little surprising.

The beam of lightning was originally heading towards me, all around me, but once a little bit of that electricity touched Surya's blade, all of the energy started to flow from the beam into Surya. I was partially splitting the beam, and still having Surya absorb the energy.

And for what felt like an eternity, I was stopping the attack from hitting me and potentially Taki, or Rosalina, or even Rem. And then the beam stopped, blinking in and out of existence until most of it was absorbed by Surya. But there was a little issue. The blade, while still shiny and silver, was smoking and a crack appeared down the back of the blade.

'SURYA! YOU WERE ABLE TO TAKE ALL OF THAT! And while you aren't in the best shape, you were still able to do such a thing!'

With the crack, I became a bit concerned that my own blade would break if it was under continuous use, so I sheathed Surya quite awkwardly in the scabbard, which was slightly burnt on one edge, but was out of being destroyed with my arm, so it was whole.

'Rest for a little while, I don't want you to break yet. I still don't know your capabilities.'

I turned to look at Grim, who was a little dumbfounded.

"Didn't you say you were going to kill me? I'm missing an arm, and still alive! Why don't you try harder?"

It was quite hard to run with people being dragged behind me. They all kept trying to escape, and I had the oldest, Rath, and the two who were like true siblings, Roy and Rianna.


I didn't even answer their question, and then I heard Rath start to speak something: "Soul command." Which caused an energy to start swirling around me, and I knew what he was doing.

"Soul Command Override!" I yelled out, then immediately causing the energy to disperse.

"Damn you, I had some expression that you forgot your own abilities, but my hopes got too high."

"Shut. It."

And I realized I was a little too slow running after them, so I immediately used my gear to move and catch up, and the scene I found was hard to see.

Rem was stopped in what looked like a running pose, and she couldn't move, as the same energy that surrounded me was around her. The rest of the scene was something I had hoped was not going to happen. Rosten and Ross were holding Taki to the ground, as if she was going to move while unconscious. Rosin, the evil looking one was standing over her, holding a rifle.

Off of my instinct, I threw one of my longswords directly between Rosin and Taki, and when it stabbed into the ground, it caused the three to look up and notice me, who was floating a little.

"Soul Command Override!"

And then, Rem was free from her not cold frozen prison.

Using the whip still wrapped around Rath, Roy, and Rianna, I threw them at Rosten and Ross, immediately knocking them over and letting go of Taki.


Following my yell, Rem did exactly that before yelling "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE HAVING ME RUN AGAIN! I CAN'T JUST DO THIS ALL THE TIME!"

Once she was a little far away, everyone except for Rosin went for Taki and Rem, but were met with a couple blades and cables nearly wrapping around them.

Rosin turned to me, and immediately spoke "I was hoping you would see what we were doing, but I can only assume us taking her out for Grim's benefit is off the table, am I wrong?"

His smirk at the end was possibly the worst one in the world, as if he had been a supervillain.

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