One Piece: Overlord Buggy

Power Vs Experience

"You are not wrong, Rosin. You can't just kill someone that I consider a friend."

I posed, swords at the ready to slice anything that tries to pass me.

"Oh? And what about your.. other friend? Buggy? Do you have a care if he is wiped off the map as well?"

Immediately following that comment, I scowled before launched an anchor right by his head to behind him.

Rosin moved his head a little, to make sure he wasn't in any danger before using the rifle he was holding to wrap the cable of my own anchor around it, and pulled me towards him.

Following this, I sliced towards the rifle he was holding, trying to cut it while simultaneously reeling in my anchor. Using this to his advantage, Rosin pulled out a blade out with his other hand, and then cut upwards while I cut down.

What happened was something I could only comprehend a second or two after. Rosin's blade cut upwards, and while it didn't cut me, it cut off one of my sheaths and completely tore the wire reel and wires connecting the controls off of me.

I slammed down my two swords onto his, and with a few sparks coming from the scraping, he pushed me back, throwing me away from the group.

He then resheathed his short sword, and pulled my gear that was still wrapped around his rifle towards him to study it. He held it up, and looked at it.

"Hmm. Three hundred years of developing this, and yet, the build quality is lacking. Perhaps something stronger would suffice?"

Something then came out of his sleeve, covering his hand, and then wrapping it around my gear, and crushing it like it was nothing.

"Maybe you should have stayed here too, it would have brought about more progress and development of such a device." Rosin, along with the rest, Rath, Ross, Roy, Rianna, and Rosten, all smirked.

Rosin then raised his rifle, aiming it at me.

"You know, if you stayed, all of this may have played out differently. It's so sad to think of the possibilities that could have come to life."

"And all of you could have avoided this by doing things yourself, and I would never have been in the way. Is this what Djane would have wanted? Us to fight over such a trivial thing?"

The smirks left their faces.

"Don't you speak his name and try to use it against us." Roy spoke.

Rianna continued "Yeah, we ARE doing this for Djane. If that requires getting rid of, or at least hindering one of us to attain such a goal, then we will not hesitate to do so."

I shook my head immediately. 'I can't believe they would go out of their way to do something else to do something so easy. And they break my work? I remember Rem being scared of them, did they break her own work and traumatize her somehow? If so, they really have fallen from grace.'

"Roy, Rianna, Ross, this time, I assign you to get that fox child, we haven't seen one before, and a specimen like that could be extremely valuable."

"Hmm?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 'I have to warn Rem!'

"Rath, Rosten, you both and I will take care of Rosa here before heading to take care of Buggy once done. Everyone have your tasks?"

The five nodded, splitting into two groups of three.

'Oh really? I will need to help Rem and Taki as much as I can before stopping these guys.'

I immediately spoke under my breath "Soul Command: Interconnection."

I was running with a fox girl in my arms, and breathing heavily since I hadn't had a break, with the exception of being frozen by my own family, more like captors.

'Really, Ro-Ro? You couldn't have let me walk? I get that I could be in danger and all, but I would have loved your maneuver gear to use instead of my FREAKING SMALL LEGS!'

And then, I felt some sort of energy appear, and I knew what it was.



"Rem! You are going to need to deal with Roy and Rianna! You know wha-" and her voice was cut off.

"Ro? Ro-Ro!? RO-RO?"

I immediately continued to run.

'She used a soul command to tell me, I can't slack now! But why did it have to be those two? It couldn't have been Rath? Or even Rosten would have been better! Why did it have to be the two that have entire bodies built as superhuman? Please, God, don't let it actually be them.' and I started to run faster, shaking a little from thinking about Roy and Rianna, hoping I could get somewhere safe before they appeared with their increased abilities.

I turned to Rosin, and with a growl, I told him "That was great of you to override my interconnection. It just shows how little you care about Rem."

"Oh, Rem? As long as she follows orders, she is perfectly fine. If she doesn't, she just gets some.. discipline."

I felt some anger rise up. "What do you do to Rem?"

Ross spoke in a very mocking tone "Aw, is Rosa going to get angry at things that we do to.. poor old Rem?"

I glowered down at him.

Yes, down to him. In the couple seconds of me speaking to Rem, Ross, Roy, and Rianna had started to run away, and while I couldn't catch up to Rianna and Roy, I immediately caught up with Ross, and then pinned him down by putting one of my swords through his arm, pinning him down. Another thing that happened was Rath, who weilded a whip, wrapped it around my other arm, barely stopping my other blade from going into Ross's other arm, while Rosten had rocks in between his fingers, ready to throw them.

Ross was looking up at me, Rosten was on my left side, Rath on my right, keeping my arm in place, and Rosin behind me, rifle aimed.

"Rosa, did you think you can stop all of us? Roy and Rianna left to follow Rem, and they may have been the worst people to let go of to follow Rem. But since you are as much a nuisance as that Buggy, we will make this quick.

I heard the rifle load, and the hammer cock back, and I could tell Rosin was aiming for my head.

"That will not work. You know this."

I could just tell Rosin was peering into me as he said "This is no normal rifle, it was built to hold a new form of ammunition that we developed before, the Crisis bullets. While they were hard to make from scratch, we still made them. They can peirce through the very armor on that ship you own with ease."

"Do you just like to gloat?"

"Oh, you remember how we were taught, right? We were TOLD to be proud of our weapons and developments. But back to the bullets themselves, while you may think they are average, they are not, and while you may think they will not be able to harm you, they can destroy that body you inhabit with very little issue."

In the snarkiest way I could, I said "Oh, so you have become exactly what our oppressors wanted us to become? Someone with a personality like that of a celestial dragon? Someone who finds pleasure in hurting the weak, or those who are not you? This is completely what Djane DID not want us to do. To bad you all wasted YOUR lives."

I could hear The trigger on the rifle being pulled ever so slightly.

"Perhaps we should never have spoken and just taken you out. It will most likely be a non-permanent thing, but I will take care of you nonetheless. Have fun finding a new body to inhabit!"

And I heard the trigger pulled entirely.

'I may not be strong, but I should be able to do take care of these guys.'

Immediately, I let the arm being held by the whip go limp, giving some breathing room to, myself, pull. Rath, one of the oldest, was pulled towards me, getting knocked off balance, and falling behind me. Rosten saw that I pulled Rath, and threw the rocks he was holding at me at a high speed, which I had such a short amount of time to think about before coming to an answer.

Ross was still under me, as he had nothing to help him besides the others, who were thrown around.

And then the bullet came. The velocity of the bullet was causing it to head towards my own head, which I then used my sword, not pinning Ross, to redirect the trajectory of the rocks, putting them in the way of the bullet. That caused the bullet to slow just enough for me to cut away from myself and reflect the bullet to the ground, which is exactly what went down.

"You forget, you all may have the most powerful weapons and weapons under development, but I have experience in fights."

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