One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 215: God Of Thunder, Frustrating History and Awakening Start

__________ POV Narration__________


Enel looked at the skeleton in front of him with a wary gaze. He did know that souls could technically possess their bodies after death.

But that was usually in the context of a devil fruit, like Brook's Revival Fruit.

'I guess he's not called a God for no reason. Maybe he'll be able to give me a few answers regarding the gaps that have yet to be filled?'

Enel rubbed his chin as he looked at the skeleton.

He and the revolutionaries had already built a pretty good picture of what had occurred in the Void Century. All they were missing was the actual end of the Great Empire and its Three Kings/Gods.

"Hmm... I can sense you have a lot of questions. There's no need to be restrained. You made it this far..."

Raijin noticed the silence that stretched on into the room. He broke it immediately, almost as if he was in a hurry. 

Enel nodded, thinking for another few seconds before he asked his first question.

"How were you able to hold onto this world?" Was the first question that Enel had.

"Well, that's a bit of a strange story, really.

I remember scarcely that I had found some strange disappearing city, it submerged to the bottom of the sea, but the residents were regular humans, not merfolk.

They taught me one of their rituals as a sign of new friendships. I never found them again after that."

Raijin's eyes flickered as he remember those days fondly. Enel was able to tell that much just from his melancholic tone.

"When I reached the end of my lifespan, I decided on using that ritual, and I ended up sealing a part of my consciousness in my bones, which I assumed would persist the most throughout time."

Both Kasa and Enel listened attentively to the god's ramblings.

He proceeded to go on about creating a tradition on the island of appointing a Shrine Maiden before he engulfed the island in lightning to serve as protection for its residents.

"Sadly, most got scared off by the constant storm and darkness, so they took off to the sea. Only the ones I had appointed as Shrine Maidens and few of their relatives remained."

The Skeleton sounded a bit disappointed, saddened even, which was understandable. But Enel couldn't blame the people of the island for leaving it.

Especially since most regular people didn't understand much about devil fruits, and probably thought the island was cursed or something.

"Those people couldn't see through our Lord's intentions. It is shameful for them to abandon the protection our God provided for the cruelty of the outside world..."

Kasa was less sympathetic to the ones that had left. She likely already knew this story, or most of it, from her predecessors. Her opinions were already formed on the matter.

Given her devotion, it wasn't even surprising for her to think like that.

"Anyway, that about sums things up. I could go on with a few more details, but frankly, my lifespan is limited."

The God's words seemed to worry Kasa greatly, Enel also raised an eyebrow.

"Limited lifespan? You are not alive..." Enel was quite direct in his inquiry, something that managed to stir a hearty chuckle out of the skeletal god.

"Trust me. I am about as alive as you are..."

The skeleton's words felt... Menacing?

Enel could feel a pair of eyes on him at that very moment. He looked into the lights that appeared in the Thunder God's empty skull.

Those lights peered into the mangled abomination that was his soul. 

"A fascinating fusion... One that fate had not predicted would happen at all. I guess you are the sole reason that snake, Orochi, got involved..." 

'Orochi? The mythical creature that spoke to me...'

Unfortunately, before the Emperor was able to ask the God to elaborate further, the God decided to move on.

"Honestly, I wish we could talk more. But each word wastes more and more of my energy... I will grant you one last question, after which we will have to proceed with the awakening..."

"One question... huh?" Enel muttered to himself as he wracked his mind, trying to think of the most relevant and useful information he could ask of the god.

"Yep, one question. That's it, now onto the Awakening!" The God, however, answered as prompted by the Emperor's muttering, his tone becoming cheerful as he slowly sat up from his throne.

"Wait! That doesn't count!" Enel was having none of that, he immediately waved his hands around, frantically asking the god for another chance.

Kasa only watched the scene with an amused smile. The Skeletal God was even taller than Enel, at least by two heads.

The Skeleton's back bent slightly as he stood up and cracked his neck.

"Oh, relax already!" His relaxed tone seemed to pacify the frustrated Emperor.

"I was joking... Ask that last question, seriously this time around..." The God's tone immediately went from amused and cheerful, to dead serious.

Enel nodded and immediately asked the question he had been cooking up in his mind.

"How did the three of you lose that day?" It was certainly a loaded question, the Thunder God's shining lights became larger for a second.

He didn't need some further explanation to understand what Enel was referring to. It was clear that the Emperor wanted to know the fate of their Grand Empire, as well as the way they had lost.

After all, a good way to not repeat the mistakes of the past was to actually know them.

He seemed to be emitting a strange pressure now as if reminiscing about things he found... Distasteful. 

"We didn't lose... But we were not allowed to win either."

Raijin's tone was filled with anger and frustration as he spoke out.

Such an attitude, Enel had expected, the war of those gods had been the most important point in their lives and in history. It was the very point where the World Government first rose to power.

"The three of us fought for 7 days and nights, allies fell day by day. First went out trusted retainers, then Joyboy's lover, Poseidon... It was a bloody affair.

It was as if we were fighting against the tides of history itself. But we won anyway.

By the end of it, the broken and mangled corpse of our enemy lay in front of us."

Enel's confusion skyrocketed when he heard that.

'So IMU died back then!? Then...'

"Alas, fate had other plans for our enemy. On his side, he happened to have a user of the Ope Ope no Mi...

As we were hollowly celebrating, relaxing a bit after such a long affair, he rose out of the rubble and revived our enemy, giving his life in the process."

Enel blinked a few times, as the picture became clearer in his mind.

'So that's how he gained his immortality...'

"Then, the fight restarted. Tired as we were. Our opponent was now full of energy, renewed... But we were strong, we were not called Gods without reason.

We managed to prevail once more... Our opponent's body fell once more plucked out of the sky by my lightning spears."

At that point, Enel's head was imploding in both confusion and frustration.

'What the hell?! They killed him/it twice and still fucking lost?!?'

"The personification of the sea fell on top of a strange altar, it's blood spilling out everywhere...

The blood returned to his body after that. Turns out? The altar we dropped him onto was Uranus...

The Sacrificial Tool, which essentially combined him with Uranus forever, something we weren't aware was even possible..."

At that point, Enel felt like pulling all if his hair off.

'What the hell?! It's almost as if they were fighting the main cha... Oh wait...'

"We lost after that, forced to flee to different corners of the world.

The personification of the sea couldn't actually kill us. It didn't even try, it knew our injuries were too grave to survive for long anyway.

So here we are. 800 years in the future, this person calls themselves IMU now."

"So, let me get this straight... You gods killed IMU twice over, but by some contrived bullshit, he somehow survived and won?" Enel scowled as he summarized what he had heard.

"That's exactly what happened! It's as if fate itself made the world more convenient for our opponent. We stood no chance from the beginning.

The Uranus Altar was not even supposed to be there, to begin with. It was a living relic that rose from the ground at the supposed exact time as IMU's body fell."

Enel could feel his brain haemorrhaging. Kasa also seemed to be quite shocked by the unfair way the world had treated her Lord and his peers. It was almost insulting even...

It was no wonder that the last texts he had found from Raijin were complaining about how Fate simply wanted them to lose.

The only question remaining...

'Will fate try and save IMU this time as well?'

It felt unlikely from the way things had occurred. Fate was either confused or wasn't too keen on helping IMU anymore. Regardless, it was impossible to know until the day of the war came and went.

At that point, the results could speak for themselves.

Enel still had plenty of questions. Like the nature of devil fruits, IMU's skillset and powers now that it was essentially a combination between 'Personification of the Sea' and 'Ancient Weapon'.

Unfortunately, Raijin no longer had the time.

"Your trial, as well as this talk, have been tiring enough. If you wish to find out more, just seek out the truth like you've always done...

Or ask Orochi, that stupid snake owes me a lot, just tell him to help you cuz I said so."

Enel couldn't help but sweat a bit at the casual way the god in front of him addressed the Mythical Creature he had met.

Orochi didn't seem like the type of character that Enel would be able to request anything of. But it was worth a shot...

But first things first...

"Awakening... A strange concept to the people of today, same as devil fruits." Raijin stepped forward, standing right in front of the Emperor, its shining orbs staring into Enel's soul once more.

"Yes, awakening... To this day, there isn't much information regarding it. I know nothing about it either." Enel nodded as he confirmed the god's statements.

"Hmm, indeed. It's not a complex thing, however. There are 2 ways of awakening that I know of." Raijin's skull turned and looked to the side, Kasa nodded and took a step further away from the Emperor, in preparation.

"The first step is the safest one. Awakening through sheer mastery. This, however, is impossible for powers like yours." Raijin's skeletal palm glowed slightly, as Enel's eyebrows rose.

"You might've noticed by now, your fruit does a lot more than control mere lightning.

You control its density, control ionized clouds, ionized water, electromagnetic waves, and magnetism itself even. You can even tap into sound waves.

These are all practical applications of your Devil Fruit. Practical applications of my power."

The god's hand clenched, his bones crackling slightly, sounding as if they were rusted over and he was forcing them to move.

Enel nodded at the god's words, having already experimented enough with his fruit's powers to know it wasn't just lightning manipulation and creation.

"They're too much for one man to master in one lifetime. Many fruit users, even talented, will spend decades mastering their abilities, abilities much simpler than yours.

Now... The other method for awakening..."

Enel's gaze immediately moved to the God's sparkling skeletal hand, his eyes widening slightly.

"It's a lot more risky!"

Without any warning, the Skeleton plunged his hand into Enel's ribcage. The Emperor made no effort to dodge or move out of the way, he made no effort to resist at all.

'Just like Nika's awakening...' Was all that the Emperor could think.

Raijin nodded in appreciation when seeing Enel's lack of resistance.

Blood came out of the Sky King's mouth as his staff fell off to the side, he felt his heart get pulverized by the Skeleton's arm.

Raijin then pulled his hand back, letting Enel's body fall backwards.

The god looked at it with its lifeless orbs.

'It's all up to you now... A test of will and determination... I wish you the best.'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Awakening START! 

Yea, the mc got penetrated by an old god. Yeah, I'm not rephrasing that. 

Story Shoutout! : The Last Observer 

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