One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 216: Void, Truth and Wheel of Fate

_________ POV Narration_________

The next time Enel opened his eyes, he was in a strange place.

A darkness that he could not see the end of, one so deep that it had no light shining through it.

The Emperor was confused at first, it was as if he hadn't even opened his eyes at all.

His senses were also closed off, his body was unable to move. He was in a void.

It was then that some light came in... In the form of a large eye which appeared right in front of him.

A bloodshot red eye looked at him with what could only be called hatred.

"Heh..." Enel chuckled a bit when seeing that all-too-familiar eye. He could finally move his body enough to turn his head.

The pupil in front of him covered his entire field of vision, unfortunately. Thankfully, Enel no longer needed to look around in order to know where he was.

Regardless, the Emperor didn't panic, instead, his eyes twisted upwards as a smile rose on his lips.

"I died... So you finally took the opportunity to pull me here?"

His voice sounded amused, not scared at all.

After all, he trusted he was not exactly dead yet. His mind was strong enough, his body prepared as much as it could be.

If he was to fail, then something truly unusual would have to happen. His will refused to believe for one second that he had failed, such was the mindset of a True Conqueror.

The God's rage grew when he felt the assurance of the human that stood in front of him.

Enel could easily feel his rage. Maybe in the past, he would've been scared. Maybe he would've faltered. But now?

'Why should I fear him? What has he done to deserve the fear of someone like me?'

One could be cautious, but never afraid. That was the difference between phonies and kings at the end of the day.

However, his confidence was clearly perceived as arrogance by the god.

"Why... Why couldn't you just lay off!? Why must humans strive to follow their fleeting ambitions so vehemently?!?"

Its rage was on full display now as the eye grew countless tendrils which immediately wrapped around the still-smiling Emperor.

"Oh? Are you referring to our last talk? Your inquiry was a bit confusing at the time, asking about ambitions and asking meaningless questions."

Enel's confidence didn't falter even when he felt his body(soul?) get squished in the God's 'arms'.

"Meaningless? I asked you exactly for a meaning for those concepts! You gave me your exact thoughts at that time! You were on the right track..."

The God seemed even angrier, but Enel was now getting even more confident.

One would expect an 'almighty' being to retaliate when being mocked by something or someone they considered below them.

Yet, the being that had brought Enel into that world, the one that had tried to shrowd his will and soul in uncertainty, was now merely lashing out like a small child would.

"What? Did you think I'd just throw in the towel because you tried to nudge me away from interfering with the world?

Just because I happened to spout some words you agreed with? Well, humans tend to change quite often. I am not different in that aspect..."

Enel shook his head as he slowly started regaining more and more of his feeling.

He remembered the time when the god had approached him, two years back after the mess at Marineford.

At the time, he had a very nihilistic and negative view of the world and humanity in general.

His thoughts were constantly in a mess his mind clouded with plenty of emotions after having just betrayed the friend he had made in the Navy.

But things changed, not only had he managed to salvage his relationships with those he betrayed, but he had also gained a lot of friends.

He drank and dined with legends, and heard stories of men that etched their names in history.

Even if history could be forgotten and changed, they had still left an imprint... They 'mattered' even after their deaths.

So, after the fragment of the god that shrouded his soul disappeared, Enel's mindset slowly started to shift.

His negative and nihilistic view of the world slowly changed to a positive one.

He knew that life was short, fleeting. He knew that in the grand scheme of things, one man's life didn't mean much... But that was ok.

As he built more friendships and even a budding love, he realised that it didn't matter how fleeting his existence was. He was going to enjoy it to the fullest and fulfil all of what he had proposed to himself.

He would leave a name for the world to remember. A footnote in the history of a far more advanced civilization maybe, but one that would bring a smile to the face of others regardless.

So he couldn't fail. Nor could he falter. The fate of the world rested on his shoulders, and he had decided to take on that responsibility. 

As Enel resolved himself, he stared at the god in front of him defiantly.

The God's eye seemed to disappear as it stared more and more into Enel's soul. Instead of a giant eye, the God returned to Enel's old body... T

That of a well-built middle-aged man with black hair and handsome features. Dressed in a classy black suit which was oozing with black sludge that transformed into tentacles that were still wrapped around the Emperor.

He felt Enel's ambition, his will, his conviction... But he still could not understand them. Despite being able to peer into Enel's memories and seeing all of the changes he had undergone...

"You... Truly were a disappointment... I thought that maybe if I digested your mind and memories properly, I'd understand humanity better.

But you have done so much wrong that I don't even wish to do so anymore... So much pointless friction, while doing nothing but bringing harm to me, your benefactor..."

The god's face twisted into a scowl as its tentacles tightened even further around Enel, squeezing him quite well.

The Emperor's face morphed in confusion for a second.

How had his actions harmed the God? At most, he had disagreed with him. Sure, Linlin did eat a piece of him technically, but the Emperor doubted it was such a big deal for a God...

"You seem confused... You have yet to even realize how that world works, I didn't create it. It treats me as an outsider, so my very essence is crushed whenever I try to interfere with the world's 'fate'.

You on the other hand... I integrated you into a person that was irrelevant to the world's fate. But you managed to completely change the fate of the world...

It was my mistake to send you there... But by the time I realized it, I could no longer pull you out of there either."

At that point, Enel just scowled.

"Changed, irrelevant? Some mistakes must've been made. The body you sent me to is that of a person that had eaten a God fruit of all things... There's no way..." Enel clenched his fists as he voiced out his confusion.

The god merely gave him a burst of hollow laughter.

"You really think the one who you merged with would have ever awakened? No, that wasn't in his cards. He was going to die without accomplishing anything of value... You changed that."

Enel scowled when hearing that.

Did that mean Luffy was destined to lose originally? Or was the World Government, not his enemy in the end?

The God's words seemed to be truthful, he had no real reason to lie about that. So they raised a lot of questions that Enel found interesting.

Even so, the world he was in had morphed so much. To the point where one could hardly call it the same as the original.

Too much had changed in ways that were simply inconceivable.

He didn't need to worry about the fate of that original world, as it was no longer the fate of the world he was on.

"Interesting... But I guess that means you can't actually do anything to me. Well, I think you would've killed me already if you could since I did oh so much damage to you!"

The God's scowl deepened when hearing the human's arrogant words.

"Honestly, since you're so 'almighty' you should've been able to see such an outcome.

You've been observing humans and humanity for an eternity, yet your immaturity led you to not even having a basic comprehension of what human nature is..."

Enel didn't waste any time mocking the god. It was truly laughable to even call it a god at that point, it was much closer to a petulant child that made a few mistakes and blamed it all on someone else.

"Enough! I have heard enough... We will see if you can have the same energy on your deathbed when your fate is to run its course... I'll be here, waiting..."

The being in front of him still found it in itself to release a threat. It was at that point that a spark of lightning rose into that void.

The God that had just threatened Enel seemed to recoil at the light, and from the light was formed the figure of an ephemeral skeleton.

It was clearly Raijin, the God of Thunder, his body sparkled with lightning as he appeared in between Enel and that strange god.

In an instant, the 'God' retracted its tentacles, as if scared to even touch the light that the Lightning God's sparks were emanating.

Raijin however, completely ignored said god. His glowing eye holes stared at Enel and spoke out in anger.

"Oi, kid! What the hell are ya doing? Get on with the awakening! Stop fooling around with this bastard."

"Fine, shit! He was the one to pull me here..." At that point, Raijin didn't even respond he merely waved his hand, and Enel's soul vanished from that place.

The void was silent as the God of Lighting turned around and stared at Enel's old body. The lights in his eye holes sparked for a second.

"You should be careful where you wave your threats around outsiders... This is not a place of your jurisdiction..."

Raijin addressed the God with a condescending, yet familiar tone.

"Tsk! Don't get cocky just because you can control some of the laws in this world! You're nothin-"

The God was about to try and intimidate Raijin, but the ephemeral skeleton was having none of that...

"Shut yer trap! You're nothing more than an interdimensional larper and a worm.

Do you think you can interfere in our world's fate? Do you think you have the right to pluck souls from the cycle of reincarnation in our world?"

"I was the one to put him there in the first place! I have the right to-"

The God was trying to argue its case. After all, it was the one to initially bring Enel/Alexander into that world. Unfortunately, it didn't fully understand how the world worked yet...

Thankfully Raijin was there to explain it to him.

"You only have the right to fuck off...

If you try to interfere in this again, the Wheel of Fate will crush your existence. Better back off while you still can..."

Raijin's eyes sparkled as more and more lightning started appearing in that void, arching around and turning violet as the skeleton's teeth seemed to crack.

The god didn't seem satisfied with Raijin's explanation, unfortunately.

It was about to open its mouth again before it felt an otherworldly pressure. 

Looking up, it could only see a wheel, larger than his eye could see, it seemed to spin without end, encompassing the world.

"Seems it's too late already... Interrupting the Main Actor's awakening was enough to set this into motion..." Raijin shook his head as he slowly backed off.

The God tried to scramble, it's many tentacles wriggled around as red eyes appeared all over the void around it.

"I won't accept thi-"

Before it could even voice out its disagreement, its fate was decided.

The ever-spinning wheel tore through its tentacles, its many eyes squashed and destroyed as the wheel kept spinning regardless of whatever puny resistance the God was putting on.

"So long as you're here, in this world, there is no winning against fate... There is also no escaping..."

Raijin's lazy voice at the side reminded the God of its impending and unavoidable doom, as the Wheel slowly started tearing up and crushing Enel's old body.

"Still... I must thank you for bringing him into our world... Thanks to that, it may have a better future... You won't be there to see it though."

As Raijin said that, he slowly turned around. The God behind him could only release a blood-curdling screech as the wheel of fate completely crushed its existence in that world.

The wheel disappeared after that. Ever moving, always unseen, such was the nature of fate.

The God it had just mauled was also gone now, not one speck of his essence was left in that world.

The God of Thunder could only sigh, shaking his head as his body slowly vanished from that empty void.

'That's one nuisance dealt with... Now if only my successor can focus on awakening already.'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Kinda late, but better late than never. Had a lot of work around the house yesterday, so I couldn't write much

Also, I wanted to provide some closure to the God's existence. A lot of answers were given at least, tho some questions still remain.

Anyway, you can think of the Wheel of Fate as weaponized in-story Plot Armour :))) It's the way it worked for IMU anyway

Story Shoutout!(if you have any suggestion for a new shoutout lemme know) : The Last Observer 

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