One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 237: Strained Mind and ‘Fever’

__________ POV Narration_________

The next time Enel's eyes opened, he was in a rather comfortable bed of leaves and fur.

The Emperor yawned before he rose from the bed and stretched his back.

The second he got up, he immediately felt dizzy, his vision became blurry, and he stumbled a bit as he fell to one knee.

'That's... New.'

It was only then that he noticed his body burning with a strong fever. He slowly closed and opened his eyes repeatedly, before supporting himself on the bed to his side and slowly standing up again.

He took his time as he did so, wanting to avoid the dizziness.

The moment he rose to his full height again, he tried to do something that had almost become instinct to him... And that was to use his observation haki.

He wanted to know where he was exactly, he wasn't worried about his safety anyway since Zunesha had promised his safety.

It was difficult to concentrate while his brain was quite literally boiling inside his skull due to high fever.

Hell, the Emperor was sure that any regular human would've died long before waking up if they were the ones suffering from such an 'ailment'.

Usually, a high fever could turn deadly, and Enel was quite sure he was sporting the highest recorded fever, with the exception of Akainu's victims in the past maybe...

Still, he did eventually manage to concentrate enough, his entire mind fixated on one point in order to ignore the searing pain as his senses spread out to his surroundings.

As usual, a rush of information assaulted his mind. Normally, he would've been able to process that information with ease at inhuman speeds.

But now? Even the information he received felt blurred, and incomplete.

Still, he managed to make out where he was at the very least.

'The Mokomo Dukedom of the Mink Tribe, huh?'

He was on the island which resided on Zunesha's back. His hut was protected by several Mink Tribesmen, all of them wielding strange weapons and looking at the hut with weariness.

He was somewhere off to the side of the island. Not really close to the centre.

But his blurry 'vision' spread out everywhere on the Elephant's back regardless.

He could sense several notable figures within the island.

For one, he could feel that several of the Red Scabbards of Wano had yet to start their journey towards Wano.

They were still on the island.

Inuarashi, the dog-human mink hybrid, and Nekomamushi, the car-human mink were both still leading their people, they seemed to be preparing for the journey however...

Raizo, the ninja and retainer of the Kozuki family was also still with them.

Jack was obviously not around anymore to terrorize the island of Zou as he had in the original, so they were mostly safe now.

The Beast Pirates in general had bigger concerns than dealing with a bunch of animal people or looking for the Red Scabbards, who were weaklings to someone like Kaido anyway.

The island of Zou was also rather difficult to reach for outsiders anyway, as Log Poses typically didn't lead others to it.

It didn't really have a magnetic field at the end of the day, on account of being on an Elephant's Back.

But despite being hard to find, Enel was surprised to realise that there were still pirates on it!

Well, pirates besides himself anyway.

It was none other than the Heart Pirates.

Now, Enel didn't remember much about them, but they did seem to have a Mink as a member of their crew, so that was likely how they reached the island.

Still, it was a group of pirates that he didn't remember much about, but he was able to recognize them only thanks to the fact that their captain was also around.

'Trafalgar D. Water Law...'

Enel felt the Ope Ope No Mi user's presence from the other side of the island. He seemed to also be preparing to set sail alongside the remnants of the Scabbards on the island.

'I did have it in mind to meet with him for a while now, ever since killing Doflamingo in fact... But I guess I somewhat forgot about him.

Well, I've been quite busy in all fairness.'

Law was certainly a prospect for a rather useful ally thanks to his abilities. But Enel had completely focused on literally everyone else but him for a while.

Why? Well, it was pretty much set in stone that Law would want to ally himself with Enel.

The young pirate and, apparently, current warlord, was someone that Doflamingo had essentially taken everything from.

Law was certainly going to be thankful to the man who had killed his sworn enemy.

The only misgiving that Law might've had was the fact that he hadn't gotten the chance to see it with his own eyes.

But in essence, Law was going to be a rather useful ally in Enel's mind.

'Still, this fever really is persisting, isn't it?'

It was starting to get on the Emperor's nerves, the pain itself was becoming more and more bearable, however.

'It may be a good idea to never do that one again though...'

Entering his awakened form too quickly seemed to have rather bad adverse effects. If he was to be hit by a blackout so badly in the middle of a fight, any fight, then he'd surely lose it.

'Well... It's a bit farfetched to think that there would be anyone capable of surviving me entering awakening once, let alone twice... Besides IMU, maybe.'

Even then, he already knew that he could now damage IMU, the personification of the sea, or the 'God of the Earth'.

He no longer had to feel helpless against IMU, that much was clear. He now knew a lot more about IMU.

The fact that IMU and the other three gods were once technically brothers was still an amazing discovery for the Emperor/Archeologist.

He couldn't wait to share it with Robin and the Revolutionaries when he got back home...

'Well... I may end up having to look for Robin in Wano to let her know...

For now, might be for the best if I find out how long I've been out.'

The Emperor's mind was still a foggy mess, it was hard for him to tell how many days had passed.

One thing he knew for sure was that Law had not been on the island before he had gone unconscious.

He didn't remember if the Heart Pirates were there, not that he could recognize any of them anyway.

Still, now that he had spent some time just standing straight and struggling to 'see', he could finally move without getting dizzy.

The moment he stepped out of his hut, he cracked his neck and realised that there were several tribal spears pointed at him.

The Mink Warriors around him seemed to be extremely on edge, clearly afraid.

They couldn't really be blamed however, an Emperor was a rather intimidating figure for regular people. The fact that they could even stand straight was commendable in itself.

The Conquror's Haki that Enel was subconsciously releasing was still clearly affecting them.

Enel noticed that as well, but it was hard for him to get that under wraps as he was still sporting a world-record fever.

'The drawbacks of my awakening seem to be quite annoying... What happens if I do it a third time in quick succession then? Does my head just fucking explode?'

The Emperor scratched the back of his head as he slowly moved his head to avoid stirring it up any further.

"Hey now! You're not supposed to be up yet!" A rather high-pitched voice sounded out, forcing the Emperor to angle his gaze down to the ground.

He was greeted by the figure of a small goat mink dressed in a white lab coat and carrying around a small suitcase.

"Hmm? And you are?" The goat mink immediately jumped and pulled on the emperor's hand, trying to drag him back to his bed while responding.

"You can call me Miyagi! I'm the one that's been looking after you... You're also the first patient that I have no clue what to do about!"

Enel smiled as he let the Goat Mink lead him back to the hut he came from, he waved backwards at the warriors, putting them at ease with a weak smile.

He couldn't disagree with the fact that he needed more rest. But he also wanted to speak more to the doctor.

"Can you tell me more about my current condition? I still seem to be a bit fuzzy. I am not really used to this."

Although he wanted to go meet with the 'Surgeon of Death'. He still felt the need to gain a better understanding of what was happening to him. And who better to give him that understanding than a proper physician?

Miyagi thankfully seemed very eager to talk about the Emperor's condition.

"Well, first off. The great carrier of Zou was the one to put you in front of our tribe!

We had all gathered at the shores of the clouded island when we noticed Zunesha's strange movements.

After all those centuries, we only now find out that our great carrier has a will of his own!"

Miyagi spoke with a rather infectious enthusiasm.

He sounded genuinely excited to have learned of Zunesha's will and free will. He likely had a lot of questions for Zunesha, who was the last member of the Naitamie-Norida Elephant race.

But Enel wasn't truly interested, he merely nodded along to the doctor's excited ramblings and waited for him to eventually get to the point...

"When we got to you, you were already almost dead, to be honest.

You sure are sturdy, even our strongest warriors would have succumbed to such a fever..."

Enel's focus immediately returned as the doctor's words started sounding a bit more concerned.

"So that's it, just a fever?"

"Just a fever?!? Just a fever? Don't you dare call it a fever! Whatever you have feels more like a curse!"

Miyagi seemed genuinely offended by the Emperor's seemingly innocent question.

It wasn't hard to tell that Enel was missing some context... And again, Miyagi was more than happy to give it.

"We housed you in 4 different buildings in the past month! All of them burned to the ground because of the temperature your body exuded!

Hell, even when the Heart Pirates came here, we moved you to their ship/submarine, but the walls were starting to slowly melt around you, so we had to take you back out!"

Enel blinked a few times, shocked and rendered speechless. 'How the hell did I even survive that?!?'

He then looked to the side, noticing that the ground around the room was wet...

"Hmm, I can see your eyes wondering. Yep, we stored a lot of Ice in this room, which certainly helped a lot in cooling you down.

Of course, we don't have unlimited ice, but Zunesha seemed to be expecting this, so he moved us closer to some icebergs..."

Miyagi shook his head as he walked over to the bed and jumped on it just as the Emperor sat down.

He immediately started using a small stethoscope on the Emperor's bare back. Touching upon the drum disk tattoo that still resided there, causing it to shine a bit.

The goat mink didn't even seem surprised, likely already used to the Emperor's body acting strange.

Enel relaxed as he felt the cold metallic stethoscope touching his spine.

'So it wasn't really just a fever, was it?... Or well, it might've just been a fever... But hot enough to melt steel? Even with prolonged exposure, that's a bit much...'

It was excessive, sure. But now he got the message.

'Never awaken twice in a row again... Always deal with everything the first time you awaken.'

In the first place, he had a long time to spend in his awakened form anyway. The point was that he needed to avoid playing around with it too much.

For now, he still needed to train with it, but he would have to wait for the 'fevers' to settle down in between training sessions in the future.

Enel and Miyagi spoke at length about the difficulties they had with cooling down the Emperor's body, and how many times they thought he had died.

Miyagi also mentioned a few other symptoms that happened while Enel was out... One of them was the fact that his back apparently glowed constantly, and it was mostly the only thing that kept him alive.

Whenever it glowed, his temperature would settle slightly. They managed to make a proper arrangement to cool him down with ice though, so it glowed less and less over time.

Still, Enel was taken aback by the fact that he had been asleep for an entire month.

There wasn't much he could do to make up for that lost time. He still had plenty anyway. At least he hoped so.

He hoped that Luffy hadn't made it to Wano yet and that he hadn't tried confronting Kaido.

The Dragon Emperor was now on a completely different level from before.

A level that Enel himself doubted he could have defeated were it not for his awakening.

'Besides talking with Law... I need to check up on everyone as soon as I leave this place. I need to be brought up to speed on everything... Haah... It's so frustrating.'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Took me a bit to write again, but yea. Basically, overusing awakening is big no no 

Story Shoutout: The Final Desperation

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