One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 238: New Ally, Protection and Bad News

_________ POV Narration _________

Enel's fever slowly receded as Miyagi finished his checkup.

The mink doctor was rather astonished to see it going away so quickly, but to Enel, it was in fact too slow.

'It took a goddamn month for my fever to go down?!? How is this in any way fair?!?'

He didn't remember much from Luffy's awakening, but he knew that the Sun God simply seemed to look older for a while, before reverting back to his usual form in a few minutes and being able to use his awakened form again.

It was simply unfair.

The only good point about his fruit's awakening in that regard was that he seemed to be able to go for much longer than Luffy, and his destructive power was a few tiers above that of Luffy too.

Although Luffy somehow still had him beat when it came to absurdity. The power that the Sun God was going to gain was rather versatile as well.

Having the ability to alter reality was very much broken. Well, he could rubberise everything essentially. Even things that logically wouldn't ever be rubber, like lightning.

Hell, the Emperor was sure that Luffy could even rubberise the sea and create a large Tsunami by flipping it if he put his mind to it.

Although Enel was sure Luffy's power had its own limitations.

'Downsides and upsides, huh?'

There was really no use in comparing the powers of two gods. They were both in leagues of their own.

'But there's another fruit on this island that is arguably just as strong as mine and Luffy's...'

The Ope Ope No Mi. It was certainly a fruit that was suffering from a lacking owner.

Well, Law himself was able to use it effectively. Some would even say he grew in a significant threat for even Yonko.

But at the end of the day, he suffered greatly from his lack of mastery over any form of Haki. He also lacked the Conquror's Haki that most of his competitors among the Super Novas had.

Even so, his fruit was so strong that it put him near the same level as them.

It was to the point where he was enough to put Kid, someone with mastery over all forms of haki, to shame by the end of Wano from what Enel could remember.

Still, Enel was sure of one thing...

'Give that Devil Fruit to someone like Garp or Francisco, and they'd become the strongest alive in a damn instant.'

Well, maybe the devil fruit was difficult to use, they would certainly need a lot of time to gain mastery over it.

But if someone with the Haki of those two had Law's mastery over a devil fruit as powerful as the Ope Ope no Mi... Well, they'd simply be unstoppable.

'Enough about that... There's no use in thinking about it now. There's no way that someone would have Garp's mastery over Haki and a Devil Fruit mastered to that level.

There's not enough time in a lifetime to get to that level...

Well, maybe IMU and the elders are at that level? I mean, some of them have been alive for a while from what I can remember...'

Still, the chances that any of them had a Devil Fruit as broken as that of Law were low to 0.

Enel's only real concern was still IMU. Even if the Elders turned out to be extremely powerful, he was confident that he had built up a force large enough to take them down.

Even if somehow, his fate was to die, he was sure that he could still overcome it somehow.

He was, at the end of the day, the one who jumpstarted the change, the one who had gathered the world to fight the World Government.

He had completely shifted the fate of the world and changed its direction. Who's to say he couldn't shift his own fate?

But he would have to think more on that later, he still had plenty of time.

'For now, let's check on the Heart Pirates and the group of Minks preparing to leave the island alongside them...'

Enel bid his farewell to Miyagi, the mink that had taken care of him all that time.

He was certainly grateful, but he was unsure if he even had the time to linger. So, he put on his white coat, covering his back but leaving his chest exposed, and grabbed his gauntlets.

They had been ripped off of him as they were melting as well during his high fevers, but they were still in the same room he woke up in. He had just been too befuddled to notice them before.

In but a fraction of a second, he appeared on the other side of the island, his legs crossed as he stood on the yellow railing of the Heart Pirates' submarine.

All of the people around the submarine and on its deck were startled by the sudden flash of light and the appearance of the tall emperor.

Some trembled in fear, and others seemed glad to see that Enel was moving around. Most of the Mink around Enel still seemed to be on edge, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi included.

It wasn't just because of his reputation. He simply gave off a feeling of danger that their heightened instincts couldn't even handle being around the Emperor.

This was mostly because his mind was still not completely focused, and a bit of his Conquror's Haki was still leaking.

Many of the people present would have even passed out were they any weaker, or Enel's haki any stronger.

But he mostly had it under control now, and the Mink were able to relax after a few seconds due to the Emperor forcefully reeling in his will.

"Well, seems someone's lively after waking up..." Law was the first one to speak up, he looked up to Enel, who was still resting on the railing of his ship.

"As lively as can be. Seems I owe you all quite a bit seeing as you've helped me through that fever..." Enel crossed his gauntleted arms and nodded towards the Heart Pirates, who all relaxed now.

Seeing their captain interact so casually with a renowned Emperor was certainly a mood booster for them.

"Calling it a fever's certainly downplaying it a lot. In all my years as a doctor, I've never seen anything like it.

I'd recommend further observation and study if I didn't know you're a busy man..."

Although Law was speaking casually to the Emperor, he still kept his words respectful.

He didn't show any hostility at all, which was to be expected, but he even went a step further in showing a bit of reverence when speaking.

Enel blinked a few times, he was a bit taken aback by Law's friendly demeanour. He remembered the man to be a lot colder at first, especially with people he just met.

But it seemed that the Death Surgeon was in an extremely good mood.

To him, meeting Enel on Zou was a good opportunity.

In helping treat Enel and keeping him safe. Law felt that he was paying Enel back for helping Dressrosa and ridding the world of Doflamingo.

While it was true that Law didn't like how he hadn't gotten to see Doflamingo's last moments, at least he could take solace in the fact that the world was rid of him.

And the man responsible for that was Enel.

"Busy indeed. Still, I must thank you all before I go. I'm assuming you all are headed to Wano?" Enel smiled as he slowly stood up. His arms crossed as he looked over the group of Mink and Heart Pirates still around the submarine.

"W-well, you're welcome... How did you know where we're headed?" Surprisingly, it was Inuarashi who responded this time.

Inuarashi was a large canine mink. He wore a small pair of blue sunglasses and had shoulder-length black ears, a white beard, with a large and bushy tail.

He wore clothes that closely resembled a musketeer from what Enel could tell. He also had a sword at his waist.

Enel tilted his head as he simply turned his gaze towards Raizo, who flinched slightly and looked away.

"You seem to be bearing the crest of the Kozuki clan... So there's really only one place you ought to be headed.

And you best start making your way there, I doubt things are going too well for Wano right now."

Enel ended up shaking his head by the end, remembering the sorry state of the Land of Wano, which got hit by that strange flame.

Well, they weren't hit by it directly thankfully. Kaido blew most of it towards the sea. But he still remembered the raging flames at the corner of his consciousness.

"A-are you aware of the state of Wano?!? How is it?" Raizo, the big-headed ninja, seemed to gain courage now that Enel spoke of his homeland.

It was already telling enough that the Emperor knew of the Kozuki family.

The only ones left who knew of the Kozuki Clan outside of Wano were either Allies or Enemies.

And if Enel was an enemy, then he would have already wiped all of them out.

"I only know bits and pieces... My observation spreads out quite far while I am in my awakened state. I was able to catch a glimpse of Wano... It was burning.

Kaido himself seems to be much stronger than before, he fended off a strange attack, and the flames spread from it."

Enel smiled towards the retainer as he spoke out. The other two retainers present, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi, both seemed to grow concerned when hearing of that.

"W-Wano is in danger..." The remnants of the Red Scabbards were clearly all showing great emotion at the thought of that.

But Law had very different concerns... "Kaido is even stronger?!?"

Enel's smile trembled a bit as it became forced.

"Yeah... I'm not really sure how exactly, but he's become a LOT stronger. He may have awakened his Mythical Zoan." Enel dropped that bomb on them without any hesitation.

He could see both Law and the three Red Scabbards present all losing their hope for a moment.

"Fret not. You will all have strong allies waiting for you in Wano. A revolution is likely already brewing.

And who knows? Since you've already helped me, I owe you all a debt!

Know that in your darkest hour, you all may find a sanctuary beneath the shadow of my dark clouds... You just meed to look towards the skies for assistance!"

The Sky King spoke with great confidence, boosting the morale of everyone who listened to him.

The thought of Enel helping them was beyond comforting. Even if they didn't fully know how strong Enel was, they still knew that he was an Emperor.

Someone who had once been able to hold back the entirety of the old Navy singlehandedly.

Even if Kaido was now stronger, they still had hope.

"We thank you for your assistance, Lord Enel," Inuarashi spoke out, giving the Emperor a formal salute as the other Scabbards also muttered out their thanks.

Enel smiled and just laughed a bit before cracking his neck.

"I should get going then. I wish you all a safe journey!" Enel gave the crowd one last grin before he turned into a flash of lightning and took to the skies.

He didn't wait for them to wave him off. He still had plenty of things to handle.

He had no clue how the state of affairs back on the Sky Archipelago was for example.

And well, it didn't take him long to reach it. Certainly not now that his mind felt fully rested and he could concentrate properly.

What he didn't expect was to find everyone gathered up in a meeting no Skypea. All of them looked at Shiki, who was holding a piece of paper with a grave expression.

Enel blinked a few times, his eyes sparkling with lighting as he decided to make his entrance, crashing their meeting with little care.

All eyes were already on the place that he was going to appear at. Everyone seemed glad to see him.

Well, everyone except Garp, who was just angry.

"Where the fuck have you been you brat?!?" The old Marine Hero's voice certainly sounded frustrated.

"Hmm? What's with the aggression?" He turned his head to the side of the other Marines present.

Most of the former admirals shrugged, Tsuru just sipped her tea and shook her head, Sengoku sighed deeply and Zephyr laughed out loud.

"Well, you missed quite a bit..." Dragon was the one to answer his question in the end.

"Can't help it. I was out for a month. A drawback of using my awakened form continuously." Enel crossed his arms and looked around the room.

"Well, I hope you were at least safe... But we have a bit of a predicament on our hands." Gan Fall sighed as he looked at Enel with a tired gaze. He placed his glasses on the desk in front of him before rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"And what would that be? Bring me up to speed on everything." Enel nodded in greeting to the old God of Skypea.

But it wasn't Gan Fall that responded in the end. It was none other than Garp, whose anger had somewhat receded now that he knew Enel wasn't off on a vacation.

"Well, first off... Francisco went and got himself caught!"



Heyaa, hope you liked the chapter.

Still struggling to juggle my time. Living alone seems to have given me a lot more to do in the day than before :))

Inspiration's also been low lately, but I'm sure that'll fix itself once I set a better schedule for myself and stick to it

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