One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 282: Godly Combo, True Damage and Ghost

_________ POV Narration _________

Luffy and Enel didn't quite have the most amount of time in the world to think about and develop any techniques that used both of their abilities fully in cooperation, but they both had a lot of ideas.

Enel found that Luffy's mind had developed a keen sense for battle as he grew older. Even when young he could be argued to be a genius, but as he grew, he also gained more experience by the look of things.

And the two of them had managed to come up with a few ideas and methods they could tackle to kill IMU once and for all. 

After all, knowing how the past fight against IMU had gone even in large gave them both quite a bit of perspective, and going into it they already had an inkling that just individual strength wouldn't be enough to kill the Sea God. 

"Let's do the first one..." Enel muttered as he slowly gestured to the disk on his back, the 6 drums spinning tirelessly at speeds that the human eye could barely comprehend. 

Luffy simply nodded, giving a short laugh before stepping onto the air and jumping ever upward.

In an instant, his form grew in its entirety, taking on the form of a giant. 

Enel also manipulated his drum disk, expanding it and throwing all of the drums upwards as they turned black.

Immediately, two of the drums shifted in both shape and size, becoming thick and long sticks, which Luffy immediately grabbed, adding his haki to the mix in an instant. 

The other 4 took position in front of the Sun God, immediately ceasing all movement and rotation. 

IMU was quick to notice those strange changes, but the moment he stretched some of his large tentacles to engulf both the drums and Luffy, they were all shot down by a few lighting pillars fired off by Enel's stump. 

"You're not interrupting us that easily..." Enel smirked as Luffy also gave the transformed World Government leader a wide smile, followed by a strange laugh.

In an instant, he struck the sticks down onto the Blackened Lightning Drums, resonating his haki with Enel's, and allowing it to flow through the Thunder God's Devil Fruit powers.

The moment the sticks struck the drums, the very space around them trembled, as a major discharge of unnatural force surged downward, directly onto IMU's transformed head.

IMU's entire body seemed to turn to mush at that moment, the tentacles that were stretching skyward towards Luffy all dispersed, the many red eyes around the giant constructs body all started bleeding.

But Luffy wasn't done. No, he continued drumming, with each beat, breaking more and more of IMU's gigantic body apart.

And eventually, he gained a rhythm by doing what he knew best... Following his heart. 

"The Drums of Liberation, Shishishi~" Luffy immediately named the attack appropriately.

The very instruments he was using to sing that anthem were symbolic, as the drums resonated with Enel's thunderous heartbeat as well, creating a powerful symphony that dealt a blow directly to IMU's psyche. 

As the sound and vibrations traveled through the air like waves, Enel made sure to amplify them as much as he could, almost a thousandfold, to further increase the damage they dealt.

In doing so, he also created a song so loud that everyone on their side of the Red Line heard it, and those within the Holy Land specifically had to cover their ears to avoid their eardrums rupturing. 

Unbeknownst to Enel, who was focusing solely on IMU, that sound amplification was eventually the one to break the God Knights out of their protective bubble, causing the Straw Hat pirates to quickly dispatch them. 

One's entire spine was twisted by Robin, one was decapitated by a singing skeleton, and the other was shot dead by one of Franky's lasers at around the same time Yassop and Ben Beckman put a bullet in his head.

The one to claim the contributions for that death was left up for debate. 

But the situation in the sky was even more so hard to discern.

With IMU's body scattered and broken, Luffy, tired arms stopped as he blew out a lot of air and started shrinking with a tired expression on his face.

The drums and sticks didn't fall, instead shifting and transforming back into a spinning disk, which landed right on Enel's back. 

Just as the two new gods were getting hopeful that the fight had finished, however, pieces of IMU's body started shifting, and they all switched to rushing in one place, reforming the Sea God's body.

More and more water was drawn from the atmosphere and air all around them, as the Sea God became even bigger and more monstrous.

It released an enraged roar, breaking the sound barrier in all directions as it sent both Luffy and Enel flying in different directions. 

Countless red tendrils sprout from the Sea God's body, each rushing towards either god as they sped up the closer they got to the two gods.

Enel managed to dodge them all in an instant, even when surrounded by tendrils. His speed was not something that IMU was capable of surpassing, and it seemed that Enel's Observation Haki was also slightly better thankfully. 

Luffy was a bit of a different story, not quite able to catch up to either Enel or IMU in speed, but his reality-bending abilities allowed him to grab all of the tendrils that came close to him and turn them into a skipping rope. 

There was little he couldn't do as long as his imagination allowed for it. Eventually, however, fatigue caught up with him, and one of the red tendrils got stuck firmly within his shoulder blade. 

In an instant, all of the flair and the white flame died out, as Luffy's body returned back to that of a mortal, lacking even his basic abilities as a rubber human.

But thankfully, before he was shredded apart by the other multitude of red tendrils, Enel interfered, sending his wheel forward and cutting all of the tendrils around Luffy in quick succession.

Luffy then did the most sensible thing he could as he was free-falling. He ripped out the still-moving tendril form his shoulder and the white flames immediately emerged from his body once more. 

This time he managed to sidestep a few tendrils that had followed him, whilst Enel shredded apart the others with a few well-placed lighting pillars and El Thors. 

Eventually, the two of them decided to try yet another combination... 

And as they were doing that, things on the ground floor were only getting more and more interesting.

The Elders on all sides were getting pressed. Saint Nusjuro was somewhat outclassed by both Mihawk and Zoro when it came to swordsmanship.

His only advantage was his absurd speed granted by his devil fruit, and his powerful haki, but even then the two swordsmen fighting him were true monsters in those aspects. 

They had clashed blades many times, the stray flying slashes from the clashes leaving deep scars on the red line. 

Things got even worse for the swordsman saint when yet another controversial figure decided to make his presence known.


And just like that, the Holy Land, as well as Saint Nusjuro were both split in half down the middle.

"Missed me?" The man responsible for this was none other than Francisco, who blew a kiss towards the bisected Elder whilst slowly sheathing his blade and looking towards the Seraphims off to the side. 

The moment he did that, a gigantic sword headed straight for his neck, one that was blocked by both Zoro, with all three of his blades crossed, and Mihawk, with his black Yoru. 

"Don't interfere if you don't plan to pay attention to the fight!" Mihawk chastised the older pirate legend, as he and his star pupil pushed the gigantic blade off.

Despite being cut in two, Saint Nusjuro seemed to be still alive and moving. Hell, the two sides had already started rejoining. 

Francisco scowled, having expected his world-renowned slash to at least do some lasting damage.

"Welp, I guess I'll leave the two of you to deal with this one..." The old pirate shook his head and turned back towards the Seraphims, heading in their direction.

'One of them... One of them is the actual Xebec. Let's see...'


Hope you liked the chapter!

Not much to say tbh, just kinda have lots of work to do due to moving out again ;)) 

Have a nice day tho! 

Story Shoutout: Transcendence: The Versatile Demoness

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