One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Chapter 283: Seraphim’s Match-Ups, Control and Real One

_________ POV Narration _________

The battle raged on, as the Golden Lion clashed with the Seraphims in tandem with those that had followed him. 

The first to strike was, of course, Shiki, sending a gigantic earth spike towards the place where the Seraphims stood.

Reacting on instinct, they all scattered to different sides, as Shiki's spike entered the ground, the controlled dirt mixed and intermingled with the uncontrolled ground. 

A sonic boom could be heard as Shiki broke the sound barrier and whizzed past one of the Seraphims, delivering a cut to its torso large enough to spill out guts. 

Or it would have been so were it not for the Lunarian blood that all of the Seraphims had inherited. 

Instead, the slash only left a clear red line on the torso of the teen Xebec clone. A cut that closed up just as quickly as it opened up.

"Tsk, damned Lunarians and their stupidly tough bodies." Shiki scowled as he manoeuvred his body in mid-air, dodging to the side as two other Seraphs stabbed their blades into his previous location, the earth quaking and fragmenting underneath them. 

Meanwhile, Momonga, the one-handed former Vice Admiral had already singled out one of the Seraphims. 

'This should be a good enough test of my abilities...' 

He unsheathed his blade and immediately rushed towards the Xebec clone, clashing with it as sparks flew in all directions. 

In an instant, blue flames appeared on the clone's blade, but before it could do any harm, Momonga broke the clash, delivering a devastating kick to the neck and sending his opponent flying further away, before dashing towards it in hot pursuit.

Oven had also crashlanded on the battlefield, his gigantic fist pressing down on one of the clones as the atmosphere around him heated up to sickening degrees. 

It was so hot that the blue flames which had emerged from the Seraph he was suppressing didn't even leave a mark on him, as the ground around them bubbled and turned to magma. 

The clone seemed to be able to resist the heat too, and it would have attempted to slash at Oven's body had the Sweet Commander not grown a long blade out of his prosthetic knee and slashed at the Seraph's arm. 

The slash didn't leave any marks, but it did manage to push the blade away. 

It was at that point that Oven scowled, his metallic hand immediately shifted to reveal a large cannon which he pointed at the clone's chest at point-blank range.

*BOOM* A resounding explosion was heard, as the Seraph was turned into a ragdoll and thrown off, with slight burns all over its body.

Oven's eyes glistened with glee as he dashed towards it once more.

The other Seraphs did attempt to work together, and one was attempting to reach and assist the one dealing with Momonga, but it was scooped off by a gigantic black mace which, had appeared in front of it in an instant. 

The one that had stopped it was none other than Katakuri, teleported in by none other than Law, who was somewhat tasked with overseeing a lot of the battlefield. 

"Buzz Cut Mochi..." Thanks to the quick teleportation, Katakuri was able to easily land a killing blow in one fell swoop. 

Well, against any other opponent, it would have been a serious blow for sure, but the Seraphim were made to be annoyingly resilient.

Thankfully, the gigantic arm-turned-dough mace was not only powerful, but it was also sticky. The dough ended up restraining the Xebec clone.

The clone did try to use its fire instinctually, to cook the dough and escape, but it didn't have enough time. Katakuri spun it around at breakneck speeds, disorienting it, before turning around and slingshotting it towards the uninhabited red line in the distance. 

Katakuri then turned towards Law, who was sitting in the distance, and nodded, before turning into a large doughnut and rolling towards his opponent. 

Wyper had also gone ahead and singled out one of the Seraphs. 

His conqueror's haki enhanced bone spear leaving deep marks into the Seraph's imitation blade from the get-go.

The Seraph was still holding up well however, a lot of Xebec's experiences and fighting style were passed onto all of the clones, as most of that information was withheld within DNA, having turned into base instincts. 

The clone was able to coat its imitation sabre with haki and blue flames, its black wings giving it a boost as it rushed towards Wyper, who just scoffed.

"Fancy tricks won't help you here!" With a flash of Conqueror's Haki coating the hilt of his bone spear, Wyper batted away the sabre and then pressed forward, thrusting the tip of his spear into the clone's torso.

Although sharp and deadly, that spear thrust only managed to push the clone away and leave a cut on it. 

Still, seeing it bleed made Wyper smile. 'Of course this thing it nothing compared to that bastard... I've not once seen his blood, no matter how much we sparred.' 

"I'll make quick work of you... Then move on to more pressing matters." Wyper scowled, before pointing his ornate cannon towards the recovering Seraph and firing a large red cannonball. 

The Explosion that ensued engulfed a rather large area, forcing the Seraph to get blown away in a different direction as well.

Having succeeded at separating the Seraphims a bit, they each continued with their own battles individually. 

Shiki smiled as he blocked 2 sword strikes at the same time from the Seraphims that were focused on him. 

He laughed, before pushing the both of them back towards the ground, where the earth itself seemed to swallow them, turning and twisting unnaturally, forming whirlpools of compressed dirt.

Shiki gave the ground a cheeky smile, before two pillars of blue flame emerged from the hardened ground, the two Seraphs escaping at the same time. 

Looking at the two teenage versions of his captain, he couldn't help but smile at them. Out of everyone present, he knew his captain's powers best, so he was not worried about facing two imitations.

Hell, he would not have been worried about facing all of them either, though he would've had some issues due to their annoying durability. 

Still, seeing the young face of Xebec did rouse quite a few frustrating memories within Shiki. He mulled over those memories for a moment, before his smile vanished and his eyes narrowed, gaining a dangerous golden glint. 

"The dead should just stay buried..." Shiki whispered before the entire Holy Land of Mary Joise trembled. 

The elders that were still within it couldn't help but look towards him instinctually, all wanting to do something to stop what was about to happen.

'Allowing the battlefield to be in his control is not something we can afford!'

But they were each reminded that they didn't have the luxury of worrying about such things now, as their respective opponents made sure to make them regret breaking their attention away from the battle. 

Initially, Shiki was supposed to be one of their priorities during the war, as they knew the danger he posed.

Unfortunately, they had no way of knowing just how large the force Enel had amassed was. If it were just numbers, then it would have been fine, but the amount of powerful people that they were now stuck facing was truly unexpected. 

'At this rate, we need to do our best to hold out until Lord IMU finishes off those two pests...' Was the common train of thought among all of the Elders. 

In an instant, all of the Elders still within the Holy Land rushed out of it, with their opponents in hot pursuit. 

They couldn't prevent Shiki from controlling it, but they weren't about to continue their fights within his territory. 

In an instant, the entire Holy Land shifted, as parts of it broke off and took to the skies, including parts that the two Seraphs Shiki fought were on.

The two clones were pressed onto the dirt they had just stepped on, as they went upwards at breakneck speeds. 

"Golden Lion's Dominion..." 

The clones were immediately trapped within the gigantic haki-enhanced sculpture of a lion's head, more specifically within the mouth of said dark lion. 

Flames quickly spewed out between the lion's teeth, as the two Seraphs were doing their best to blow their way out of there, but Shiki wasn't letting them do as they pleased. 


In an instant, the gigantic lion's head started shrinking, becoming smaller and smaller as the dirt became more and more compact and sturdier. 

In the end, the lion head became the size of a few buildings put together, instead of half an island. 

'That should hold them there for a bit...' Shiki's gaze then turned towards the last Seraphim, which had yet to act.

'That's strange... Pretty sure the Elders gave them all the instructions to help... Why is that one just standing there blankly?' 

Shiki tilted his head, his long golden locks swaying to the side as he slowly hovered over to that clone.

What stopped him was the realization that Francisco was also heading for that specific clone. 

The old man's eyes widened, as he came to a realization.

'Don't tell me... That's actually Xebec?' 



Sorry for yesterday :(

I had a few last things to take care of regarding my recent move, by the time I got him I didn't have the will to write tbh.

Anyway, hope ya enjoy the chapter! 

Story Shoutout: Transcendence: The Versatile Demoness

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