One Punch of Justice

Chapter 16: I heard your cry for help.

As the sun set on the town square, a commotion broke out in the distance.

Faint echoes of barking dogs and roaring lions could be heard, signaling trouble brewing.

Buggy, the infamous pirate captain, scowled in the direction of the noise. “What in the world is happening over there?!” he growled, his frustration mounting.

Turning to his lackey Mohji, he barked out a command. “Stop dilly-dallying and find that treasure, you fool! And bring it to me, pronto!”

Soon enough, a figure appeared on the horizon – a man with fur and a lion by his side, dragging a prisoner behind him.

“I’m sorry, Captain Buggy,” Mohji said sheepishly as he dismounted from his lion. “There was a bit of trouble, but I managed to capture them all.”

Buggy scowled as he saw the old man tied up and bleeding, dragged mercilessly behind the lion.

“You imbecile,” he spat. “You took so long to capture just one old man? I expected better from you, Mohji.”

Mohji’s chest swelled with pride as he retorted, “Actually, Captain, there was one more – a fierce dog that put up quite a fight!”

Buggy’s expression soured even further. “A dog? You wasted your time battling a dog?!” he bellowed. “This is unacceptable! How can one of my top officers be defeated by an old man and a dog?”

“It’s hard to explain, Captain,” Mohji muttered, rubbing his chin in confusion. “That darn dog just wouldn’t listen to me and ended up biting me. But don’t worry, Richi will make quick work of him and the old man.”

Buggy sighed, his disappointment evident. “Well, I suppose I can let this one slide. But mark my words, Mohji – I won’t tolerate any more slip-ups from you.”

He slumped back down in his chair, looking out at the bleak town before them.

“All the treasure has been collected, it seems. Time to head to the ‘Big Top’ and make our next move. And then…,” he trailed off with a wicked grin, “we’ll blow this sorry excuse for a town to smithereens! Iiiiha-ha-ha-ha!”

As Buggy’s laughter echoed through the desolate town, the old man behind Mohji’s lion stirred, groaning softly. But when he heard the words “blow up the town,” his eyes snapped open, and he gasped in horror.

“W-wait a minute!” he croaked, struggling against the ropes that bound him. “You can’t do this! Think of all the innocent people who live here!…”

Buggy’s expression turned sour as he turned to face the old man. “And who are you to tell me what to do, old man?” he spat.

The old man clasped his hands in despair and pleaded with Buggy, “You can’t do this! There are innocent people in this town, many of them children! Please, have mercy!”

“Han, you’re still alive?!” Buggy exclaimed, surprised to see the old man still standing.

Unexpectedly, Mohji joined in on the fun, cackling as he turned to face the old man.

Without warning, he lifted his foot and stomped down on the old man’s head. “How absurd. Who are you to tell us what to do? We’re Buggy’s pirates, we answer to no one. It’s foolish of you to beg a pirate for mercy! Ha ha ha ha…”

Buggy let out a proud laugh and declared, “Brilliantly stated, Mohji! I am the terror of the seas, Buggy the pirate! Anyone who dares to resist me or displease me will meet their end through my special ‘Buggy Balls’, and not even their bones will remain!”

As the pirates caused destruction all around, no one dared to stand in their way. The old man looked on with a heavy heart and whispered, “My God, why must this world be plagued by such senseless violence?”

“Hey guys!” Buggy exclaimed as he watched the town’s treasures being ransacked.

With one half of his body airborne and the other half on the ground, he shouted, “Take all the treasures to the ship and leave nothing behind! Let’s celebrate this bounty and light up the sky with our cannonballs. It’s time for some fireworks, Iiiiha-ha-ha-ha!”

The pirates cheered as they hauled away their plundered riches, while those on the “Big Top” ship manned the cannons and prepared to lay waste to the town.

The old man, weak and pitiful, pleaded with them, “Please…this town means everything to me…spare it…”

“These are the special ‘Buggy Balls’ that can destroy the entire town…” Buggy declared, unaffected by the old man’s plea. He laughed even more maniacally and said, “Since you love this town so much, I shall grant your wish and blow you up along with it… Don’t thank me… Iiii-Ha-Ha-Ha!”

The cannon’s nozzle was aimed directly at the old man.

A pirate picked up a torch and lit the fuse of the cannon. The bystanders around them began counting down to the town’s destruction.

“Don’t worry, old man…soon you’ll become a part of the town…Iiii-Ha-Ha-Ha,” Buggy cackled with glee.

The old man gazed up at the sky, tears streaming down his weathered face. Summoning his last vestiges of strength, he cried out to God for aid—not for himself, but for the entire town: “Oh God! Please spare this town!”

His voice reverberated through the heavens but was soon drowned out by the deafening roar of the cannon.

The pirates were buzzing with excitement, eagerly anticipating the detonation of the bomb. They were poised to revel in their achievement.

However, just as the shell was about to strike the old man, a cloaked figure of justice suddenly materialized, deftly catching the deadly ‘Buggy balls’ with a single hand. “When one descends into darkness, they will inevitably seek out the light, no matter how dim or scarce. For where there is light…there is justice!!” the figure proclaimed before crushing the explosive with a swift strike.


The bomb detonated, unleashing a massive blast that devastated only the immediate area, filling the air with a thick cloud of smoke and dust.

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the stranger emerged from within, shielding the old man from the searing heat and impact of the bomb.

The old man was stunned and incredulous, unable to believe that the town had been saved. He even pinched himself hard to ensure that he wasn’t dreaming.

Gazing upon the man who had singlehandedly saved the town, the old man struggled to speak: “You… You are…”

“Ah, I am a hero!” With the last remnants of smoke dispersing, a bald head materialized before them. “I heard your plea for help, and I have arrived. Old man!”

In an instant, it dawned on the old man: “The light! You are the beacon of justice that can illuminate even the darkest of ages in this world of pirates!”

“I am sorry for my tardiness,” Saitama responded, waving away the remnants of the black smoke with a single, effortless gesture.

“But please stay safe, for I shall bring forth the power of justice!” he declared, his expression serious. “For as long as there are heroes in this world, justice shall never be absent!”

Emerging from the epicenter of the explosion, Buggy was taken aback as he watched Saitama walk out unscathed.

He had never seen anyone survive the destructive power of his special ‘Buggy Balls’ bomb before.

In disbelief, Buggy muttered under his breath: “My ‘Buggy Balls’ bomb is so powerful that no one can possibly survive its blast radius. How is this man still alive? He wasn’t even touched!” As he gazed upon Saitama’s naked body, a mouthful of red wine almost spewed out of his mouth.

“Who… who are you?!” he stammered, completely befuddled by Saitama’s incomprehensible resilience.

“I am a hero, a hero for fun!” Saitama declared proudly.

However, as he spoke, he glanced down and realized that his clothes had been reduced to ashes by the explosion. “Oh no… that’s terrible,” he muttered, scratching his head sheepishly.

“The ‘Buggy Balls’ bomb only blew up your clothes! You seem to be provoking our great captain, Buggy!” One of Buggy’s henchmen taunted, eager to egg on their leader.

Undeterred, Buggy rose from his armchair and levitated into the air, a dagger clutched tightly in his hand. He cackled maniacally before issuing a dire warning: “Hey, hero! There are few fools like you in this world… but they never live long on the sea. In that case, I’m coming for you!”







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