One Punch of Justice

Chapter 17: He is the ‘Bald Devil’!

Saitama eyed Buggy with a bored expression. “You talk too much,” he said bluntly. “All this bluster, but you’re really just a weakling.”

Buggy’s face twisted in fury. “What? How dare you! I’ll have you know that I’m the greatest pirate in the New World. You have no idea of the terror and power that we pirates wield!”

Saitama raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, forgive me for not being impressed by a man who wears a clown nose and cape.”

Buggy’s anger turned to indignation. “This isn’t a clown nose, it’s a symbol of my strength! And this cape…well, it’s just cool, okay?”

Saitama blinked, unimpressed by Buggy’s theatrics. “Okay,” he said simply.

Buggy scowled, frustrated by Saitama’s nonchalant attitude.

Suddenly, his hands detached from his arms and flew towards Saitama, brandishing knives.

“Stop ignoring me, you silly face!” he yelled. “Your face just makes me so angry! I’m going to cut you open from the stomach out!”

As Buggy’s crew caught sight of their captain’s Bara Bara ability, they erupted into raucous cheers of excitement. “Ahh! There he is! Captain Buggy and his amazing Bara Bara power!”

“Bara Bara?!” Saitama exclaimed, surprised.

Despite the rumors of ‘Devil Fruits’ being ubiquitous on the Grand Line, he had not encountered anyone with such abilities during his travels in the East Blue for quite some time. “I never thought I’d come across someone with that kind of power in this town. It’s truly a rarity.”

“Hahaha… Fear not, baldy! Your time has come to an end!” Buggy taunted, cackling wildly when he saw Saitama standing there.

“Thanks to my ‘Bara Bara no Mi’ fruit, I have the ability to split my body into pieces. No attack can harm me! Even the great ‘Dracule Mihawk’ couldn’t defeat me! And dealing with a novice like you is even more enjoyable for me! Iiiiii-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha…”

“Ugh… This clown is even more annoying than Garp!” Saitama muttered under his breath before shouting at Buggy. “Hey, you! What are you blabbering about?”

As the knife was about to pierce Saitama’s abdomen, he stared blankly ahead and swiftly slapped the two severed hands onto the ground. “How can some ‘Devil Fruit’ power outweigh the strength I’ve gained through my own training?” he muttered to himself.

As Buggy’s arms returned to his body, he blew on them to alleviate the pain. “Ouch… Ouch… Ouch… That hurts!” he exclaimed indignantly before turning his attention to Saitama. “You were lucky to stop my attack earlier, but it won’t work again! Good luck trying to stop this one… Bara Bara… Ho Kirihanashi!”

With those words, Buggy readied himself for his next attack, grasping four knives in his hands.

Suddenly, while staring at Saitama, Buggy’s Chief of Staff, Cabaji, felt a sense of suspicion wash over him. His memory was jolted and he quickly shouted out, “I know this guy!!!”

Cabaji hurriedly stopped Buggy in his tracks and exclaimed with horror, “Wait a minute, Captain Buggy! I remember reading about this man in the newspaper! If I’m not mistaken, he’s the Commodore stationed in Loguetown… He’s Sai… Sai… Saitama, the ‘Bald Devil’!!!!”

– What?! – Everyone present was stunned.

They couldn’t believe that the naked man before them, who was cleaning his nose, was none other than the infamous ‘Bald Devil.’

In the present day, the pirates of the East Blue had all heard of the ‘Bald Devil’!

He was known as the fearsome demon who showed no mercy to any pirate, no matter how powerful they were. They would be defeated with a single blow!

Cabaji whispered in horror, “How… How could a monster like that end up in a small place like this!”

“Wait… This guy is the ‘Bald Devil’?!!!” Buggy exclaimed in terror.

His tongue stretched out in fright and his eyes were about to pop out of his head. The reason why he had been staying in this remote area was to avoid encountering this monster from Loguetown.

“Damn! Even here, I can’t escape this kind of monster…” Buggy cursed under his breath, unsure if he should continue fighting or make a run for it.

He took a closer look at Saitama’s face and felt a bit unsettled. “This guy… with his blank expression and indifferent attitude…”

As a former member of the notorious Roger’s crew, he had encountered countless tough guys. But never before had he come face to face with someone quite like this. He hesitated for a moment, realizing that if he showed fear in front of his crew, he’d lose their respect forever.

“Ha! I’ll bet my bottom beli that I can take this guy down with my bare fists. I just need to be careful and avoid any sneaky tricks. But hold on a second, he’s a Commodore, so he must have some fancy moves up his sleeve. This could get interesting!”

Buggy approached Saitama hesitantly, waving a hand to get his attention.

“Hey there, sorry to interrupt, but I just gotta know – have you ever had any training in combat or some secret devil fruit power or something?” he asked, eyes wide with curiosity.

Saitama’s expression didn’t budge, his eyes resembling a pair of dead fish.

“No,” he replied flatly.

Buggy’s face lit up with excitement. “Ha! That’s perfect!” he exclaimed, before lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “He said he’s not gonna be aggressive!”

Feeling overconfident, Buggy ignored Cabaji’s warning and launched his attack.

Suddenly, his body split into countless pieces and flew towards Saitama.

“Ha ha ha! You can’t stop this, Baldy!” Buggy taunted.

His innumerable pieces swirled around Saitama, each one poised to attack. “My body may be in pieces, but it’s still a force to be reckoned with! There’s no way you can escape my deadly grasp, y…!”

Before Buggy could finish his sentence, a sudden and powerful fist slammed into his head, driving him deep into the ground with a sickening crunch. His once-smiling face was now grotesquely deformed.

“You’re pretty weak, Red Nose,” Saitama remarked as he crouched down in front of Buggy’s battered head. “I mean, why would you split up a weak body into even weaker pieces? That’s just asking for trouble, dude.”

Buggy’s head floated out of the hole in the ground, ignoring the blood streaming down his face.

“You…you bastard!” he seethed. “How dare you mock the nose that I’m so proud of! You’ll regret this – I’ll make sure your death is nothing short of beautiful!”

Just as Buggy was about to finish his threat, a hand appeared behind Saitama, holding a glinting knife.

A flicker of unease passed over Saitama, but in the next instant, he had grabbed Buggy’s hand and crushed the knife with ease. It was clear that Buggy’s desperate move had failed to make any impact on the powerful hero.

“Well, it’s done,” Saitama said as he scooped up the swashbuckler’s head with his other hand and rose to his feet. “I’ll leave it to Bulin to take you to Impel Down. You’ve got some time to reflect on your actions.”

“Imp…Imp…Impel Down?!” Buggy’s expression turned from panic to rage as he was grabbed by the head.

“Stop mocking me, you damned marine! Release me! I’m the greatest pirate in the East Blue! How dare you humiliate me like this! I’ll kill you, and then I’ll raze this entire town to the ground!”  But before he could finish his threats, a scream pierced the air.

Saitama turned to see Buggy stabbing an old man in the abdomen with a knife in his other hand.

“Iiiii-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha!” Buggy cackled uncontrollably.

“Bald Devil! You’re a marine, aren’t you?” he sneered.

“Now, what are you going to do? If you so much as twitch, I’ll finish this old man off! His death will be on your hands! You’re a Commodore, right? Let’s see you try something… Come on, fake hero!”







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