Online Game: Lord Of Eternal Truth

Chapter 327

327. Bolong National Order! All Players Rush To The Corentas Galaxy Ring!

After Lustina left, Zhou Li stayed at home alone, pondering over and over again everything since the server was launched and entered the game till now.

Zhou Li asked himself over and over again, peeled off the cocoon, and found the answer he wanted.

But before the short-distance interstellar warping could take place, a giant hand fell into the sky, crushing all the spaceships that were about to escape.

Why does the title of the Lord of Eternal Truth appear on him and not on the woman of the strong nation?

Whether discovered or not, it is always good to be cautious.

Zhou Li frowned.

“You are too weak, even if you inherit the title of the Lord of Eternal Truth, I will kill you, just a matter of glance. 39

It was as if he was a marionette, being carried by a string behind his back, repeating step by step the already predetermined not to go.

ten days!

Don’t ask, just do it, kill one and kill another!

It seems to be a beautiful dream that someone deliberately made up.

From the capital system of Posetan Narco-Dobron, it naturally takes far less time than going to the Fina Empire…


“Not yet!

“But my grandfather is optimistic about you, so I left this easter egg as a prop for you!

As far as the result is concerned, what he sees is correct, but illusory.

In this order, countless NPCs yelled at them.

Putting away the key of the soul, Zhou Li began to prepare to go to the Bolong Capital Galaxy.

In just over a month, Zhou Li entered the vicinity of the Bolong Capital Galaxy, preparing to enter the Bolong Capital Galaxy.

With his current state, it stands to reason that he would not have feelings for this kind of thing!

In this way, in just ten days, almost all the players in the country of the earth mobilized and rushed to the ring belt of the Corentas galaxy.

The NPC man said: “I heard that it has something to do with His Royal Highness the Third Prince. You also know that the Third Prince has made some sort of quagmire and seems to be about to riot!”

He believes that with the passage of time, hidden and dark problems will be revealed.

What exactly did that story mean, and why did it happen to appear in his memory.

The illusion of being manipulated by people is getting stronger and stronger.

Why did Lustina, as the former Lord of Truth, let the powerful meaning of truth fall into the hands of others?

“Under such circumstances, you are not qualified to be my competitor.

If his realm is weak, it’s okay to say, now he is standing in the realm of returning to the real world, where there is no one before and no one to come. In this superficial dimension, which cannot be seen by gods, this thing has little effect on him!

Zhou Li trembled as he watched this scene.

But why does he feel like he wants to use it?

Zhou Li began to look at the entire Posetan Narco galaxy, which was the first time in his life to examine a galaxy with an attitude beyond the galaxy.

Could it be that he is not him at this moment, unable to truly understand himself?

I am afraid to live in a dream!

But it is better to believe what it has, not to believe it does not have it, and with a cautious attitude, it will definitely not be wrong.

“Why are there watermelons here?”

Bolong Empire’s hand is very good.

“The town army, I remember the rebels that were not developing on the border?”

In the name of bringing chaos to order, he killed the people he knew, in order to draw more blood and lay a solid foundation for the foundation of the gods.

This surprised him.

“The old NPCs and star merchants disappeared after the novice period, does this mean that they came down from the pan-dimensional? 99

And hand-to-hand combat also means that waiting for them may only be death.

“It has an exceptionally good effect on the improvement of your realm.

“However, the appearance of this key of the soul shows one point, that is, pan-dimensional creatures can descend to the surface dimension in some way.

The npc man shook his head.

It is so ordinary, yet so extraordinary.

Riot at this time?

“It is called the key of the soul.

The girl has a calmness and arrogance that does not match her appearance.

It doesn’t make sense to think about it!

“Friend, what’s going on? Can’t get in?”

In an instant, all the spaceships that were preparing to stand hovered, almost trembling.

“What if Lustina has a different heart?”

Lao Tzu is a player, a natural disaster of npc, can’t die without death, afraid of conspiracy?

“Lunstina, are you completely on the side of the entire table dimension and even the entire earth?

Emperor Bolong is indeed a terrifying figure.

You either fight or go to Bolong Prison and go to jail.

After all, according to his speculation, his search for truth was inherited from Lustina.

Every corner of the Posetan Narco galaxy, Zhou Li has probed into it, but found nothing.

This blind spot must be detected through specific means.

“Why did you shut down the country so well? What is the state of emergency?”

“Oh, how do I know this! I’m just a second-order dealer who sells the same price in the galaxy. 35

“All Bolong citizens obey orders! 99

“This is the little prop that my grandfather left behind when he brought me to observe you!

But there was no result. Instead, when he looked up at the silk-like substance, he saw a watermelon.

Of course, all this was unwarranted, and Zhou Li didn’t know why he had such a feeling.

“What is this watermelon?”

There is an invisible blind spot in the table dimension and pan-dimension where Posetan Narco is located.

As soon as he walked on his front foot, the figure of Lustina on his hind foot appeared on the edge of the Posetan Narco galaxy.

And this specific method is: enter the pan-dimensional dimension, get out of the pan-dimensional dimension, enter the pan-dimensional dimension and then leave the pan-dimensional dimension, and so on and so forth, enter and exit a total of 99 times within 1s, and then can observe the uncontrollable blind spot.

key of the soul

“The town army rebels, the wrecked people!”

For some reason, Zhou Li had the illusion that everything was arranged.

Zhou Li recalled the story of “Almighty Knight” in his mind.

However, Lustina should not know the power of the Infinite Infinite Heavens. He might be able to use the power of the Infinite Infinite Heavens to examine the entire Poseitan Narco galaxy.

“By the order of Bolong, go to the ring belt of the Corentas galaxy to defend the country, protect the border and defend the country.”9

What conspiracy, what might die, is a joke to them.

Zhou Li was speechless.

“There is only one function, and that is to examine one’s own soul and understand what one has gained and lost.

“In any case, I must go on and complete my final agreement with her. 35

Otherwise how to explain who his parents are and why he can’t find any information about them.

A cute girl jumped out.


“Zhou Li, although I don’t know who you are, I already have some vague guesses. 35

Zhou Li began to enter the pan-dimensional dimension and then exited. After 99 times, he saw the unstoppable blind spot in the theory and deduction.

What’s more, it’s all Lustina’s operation.

“Who is playing with me?”

He really realized that his current state is the real state of returning to the truth.

The difficulty is the annihilation of the Fina Empire, what did they realize?

It has a good effect on improving the combat realm.

What is the relationship between Zhou Li and Zhou Yun?

how is this possible!

So reasonable, so logical!

But he, who understands himself clearly and steps into the realm of returning to the real world, will never ignore this feeling.

one day!

Zhou Li is connected to an npc’s spaceship.

With the terrifying power of truth, it should not be deceived by Emperor Bolong and taken away from everything.

If this is the case, Zhou Li feels that he can fish in troubled waters.

Hasn’t the town army been silent for more than ten years?

But the difficulty is how to find the connection between Emperor Bolong and Pan-dimensional.

“I…fuck it!

“Are you crazy or the town army is crazy!”

“In the future, I hope to be able to see your weak figure in the depths of the pan-dimensional. 35

Zhou Li raised his head and looked into the depths of the pan-dimensional, trying to see something.

“If it’s all a game, how do I break it?35

“Where did they get the power to attack the Bolong Capital Galaxy? Can they beat it?

“Who else is using me to plan what?”

“I feel that if I don’t leave, I will be recruited to fight the interstellar battle.”

“Are the pan-dimensional ancient NPCs on the same front as the player?”

“Forget it, keep it for now, maybe there will be a time when you need to use it later.

“The Corentus galaxy ring is the resonant small ring of the Orleans star field, surrounding the entire capital galaxy! 55

Saying that, the other party hung up the communication and controlled the spaceship to fly away from the capital galaxy.

“tmd, the 4.5 domain gravitational force of the Corentus galaxy ring belt link star, all power systems have been contained, this is for us to fight hand-to-hand on the battlefield! 35

From the introduction, there is no criticism at all, it is simply a prop to improve the combat realm.

“I’m ready to go anyway!

This is the mindless thought in the minds of players at the moment.

Watermelon, just like the author’s pseudonym, is a summer product eaten by ordinary people.

“Hopefully, you don’t live up to my expectations for you.”

Over and over, day after day, day after day.

This kind of self-consistency is reasonable and conforms to the logic of “zero eight zero”.

Although the NPCs were swearing, they still had to go to the Corentas galaxy ring belt to prepare for the enemy.

At this time, if the town army enters the field, it will definitely be beneficial to him.

Destroying the entire Bolong Capital Galaxy may not be difficult, but it can be done with Zhou Li’s current strength.

“This prop will appear when you touch the watermelon and explode. It is a key.”

“damn it!

As for whether it is, Zhou Li is not sure.

He, perhaps, can really be done by others, and put it here.

“Can’t see or… Lustina is hiding something?”

The Posetan Narco galaxy where he is located is like a sphere, suspended by a thin long linear substance, swaying back and forth in the interlayer between the surface dimension and the pan-dimensional crystal wall.

It took ten days for Zhou Li to figure out the slightest difference.

Hand-to-hand combat means you can’t hide in the spaceship, and playing the truth is within range.

In fact, it’s not just them, the entire Bolong Empire, all the players in the world have received relevant orders.

“He shouldn’t have found the wobble wheel.”

But this kind of thing, you told me, exists in the interlayer between the crystal wall of the table dimension and the pan-dimensional dimension, and it is still above the weird silk thread.

The moment he touched the watermelon, the watermelon burst open with a bang.

Open nm international joke!

There must be a problem with Posetan Narco, but he can’t find this problem at present, so he has put it aside for so long.

Looking at the crystal-colored spiritual key in his hand, Zhou Li actually had a feeling that he wanted to use it.

Of course, the players at the moment still don’t know what they are about to face, and they are happily purchasing, preparing to fight this civilized battle that will affect the entire Bolong Empire.

In their opinion, after this battle, the income is absolutely sky-high, and it is not a problem to raise a big level!

The npc man suddenly opened his mouth wide and cursed: “Damn it, it’s really going to be recruited, brother, I’ll go first, and you should leave too!

Why did Lustina, the former Lord of Truth, fall into Posetan Narco, a galaxy that he was born with but exists within the range of players on Earth.

On the same day, Zhou Li took only Helenas and sailed away from the Posetan Narco galaxy on the Haoyue.

In an instant, 100 million “Zhou Li” deduced and calculated, looking for the differences in the Posetan Narco galaxy.

Zhou Li tried to get that watermelon.

“Congratulations, Lord of Eternal Truth, you found the easter egg I left! 55

I thought it was a key tool that I found, but this is the result?

However, from a distance, Zhou Li saw rows of spaceships hovering outside the capital galaxy, unable to enter.

Everything seems so unreasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is more reasonable than you can imagine.

Under such circumstances, who is not fully mobilized?

After all, the territory of the fourth-class civilization is far more than that of the second-class civilization.

The special key bred by the mysterious power of the pan-dimensional can open the spiritual barrier, understand everything about oneself, and trace the origin of oneself.

Even, he already suspected that Lustina knew about Posetan Narco’s problems.

The npc man said: “I can’t enter! The Bolong Empire has declared a state of emergency and has closed the country. The entire capital galaxy is closed, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.”5

But instead, Zhou Li was even more skeptical.

The words fell, the girl’s figure disappeared, and the key of the soul appeared in his hand.

He shut himself in the room and replayed the past over and over again.

Zhou Li is very clear that the other party knows that he has the skill of truth exploration.

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