Online Game: Lord Of Eternal Truth

Chapter 328

328. Cyknas Is Born! The 30,000 Light-Year Spear!

The Corentus Galaxy Ring Belt belongs to a semi-arc meteorite belt outside the capital galaxy of the Bolon Empire.

Siselina smiled and said: “It doesn’t matter, we go down to the table dimension, also for the academy’s assessment.

One after another, NPCs and players came to report and stationed here, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

It is called in two ways.

‘Two, find out the Mechanic’s code left by the Tunaku Empire back then and send it to the Bolong Capital Galaxy.


At this moment, the 009 table dimension where the three major star fields are located is completely lively.

What he has to face is not a second-class civilized imperial emperor, but an unfathomable monster.

He is a fart character, and compared with the other party, Emperor Bolong, he is a fighter in the garbage.

“Kill kill kill!”


[Check the status of the machine owner…]

The branch president stood up and respectfully said, “There are only two eldest ladies who can drive Seknas, trouble!”

After the Mechanic code of the Kas Empire was launched, the number –009 was the branch headquarters of the Dimensional Trailblazers Guild.

“That’s it, the cooperation between you and me ends here!””

“No matter how strong Borai Noroxi is, he can’t possibly be the opponent of Seknas.

Didn’t you fight the town army?

“Eternal Lord, your plan will not succeed!

However, the players on Earth are unaware of all this happening in the distance, and are still immersed in the benefits that the battle will bring.

A dry hand suddenly sticks out and grabs the silver-white long spear.

The pair of sisters disappeared in the hangar in an instant and entered the Cyknas control room.

The third prince Bolong looked at the angels in front of him and fell silent.

Cass Empire.

All the pillars of creation began to converge and fold into a silver-white spear that went straight to the sky.


Karen Max prides himself on being a figure on the same level as Emperor Bolong.

“All Vata compatriots, charge with me and return to the great and vast pan-dimensional!!!

When he enjoyed the power and sex in the palace, the other party directly slaughtered the fourth-class civilization, and was about to reach the level of gods.

“It’s finally here!”

“The promotion of the table dimension is imminent!”

“The inheritance of Tunaku must be permanently destroyed!””

Terrible power surged from the original position of the eternal Creation God Pillars of Karl Heaven and Earth, and the terrifying long spear with a horizontal shape that was close to a large starry sky was killing in the direction of Cyknas.

【failed to activate……】

That kind of power, to be honest, he didn’t even dare to match.

“Haha, I know, I’ll just pretend.”

The eyes of Cyknas, who were so vast that they could not see the end, shot out light, shining on Ciceline and Cicelia.

“The God-based experiment, our Cass Empire can’t participate in it!

“To win!”

Cass the Great – Karen Max.

“S… KE… NA… SI!”

“Fina’s annihilation of the country is the fuse, and he must not be allowed to open the wheel of God’s foundation.

“Report! Found the coordinates on the northeast side… There are a lot of fluctuations of unknown races.”

“All the legions of the Cass Empire assemble, contact the town army, and temporarily return to the town army to charge!

“Tunaku, you ruin my road to peace!”


And this is the last fortress of the Bolong Empire’s foreign war.

“My gut tells me that I can bet!

But when he saw that his father tortured and killed women and played with human souls with his own hands, he realized that he had seen the wrong person.

He listened to the message, and his eyes sank.

“Send my order!”

“The only way to win is to be cautious!”

He used to be sonorous, upright, kind and compassionate.


“Is this what the Eternal Lord said about the backhand against the Machine God?”


“Report! We found that there are powerful energy fluctuations in the east. According to our investigation, it is a huge substance in the shape of a spear, long…more than 30,000 light-years long!

After giving the order, he turned around and walked into the depths of the palace, took out a black box from his treasure house, and slowly opened it.

“Then trouble you all, the final war has come!”

It is only that, he has changed.

He even suspected that he had come to the Posetan Narco galaxy to fuse the Erlug gene, and everything was under his father’s control.

It was like a pool of water, already turbid.

Is that something that they can beat now?

The third prince Bolong looked at the dark angel behind the vision angel and remained silent.

“Lightbringers, take up the weapons in your hands and follow me… to fight!””

Where did the Vata system come from?

“It’s a war that belongs to the entire table dimension!”

“Otherwise, neither I nor you will be sacrificed to lay the foundation of his gods!””

And this is the divine unit in the technological mecha system.

The branch president immediately entered the intercepted Mechanic code into it.

“What do you guys think?”

Aina stretched out three fingers and said lightly.

“My Cass Empire is just a second-class civilization, and that’s all I can do!”

2: The technology side is the mechanical armor of the gods.

After doing all this, Karen Max slumped on the throne, sweating.

“It’s time for the dusty machine spirit to be born!”

[Passive selection or active selection of the owner, please make an authorization selection]

[Opening Machine God-Seknas]

“You know, you may be facing an extremely terrifying existence! 35

“Come on, go and invite Ciceline, Miss Cicelia!”

The soldiers of the Guangming Division from all over the world made a clanging sound, gathered together, and headed to the Bolong Capital Galaxy.

“It is rumored that Zhou Li has still reached the level of a demigod, and he is only one step away from the level of a god, and he is so close!

The Angel of Light and the Angel of Darkness nodded in unison.

“We, like you, have no choice.

Everything that I thought I could see clearly was already changing rapidly, and it was hard to guess.

They didn’t know that the rushing Vata tribe wanted to kill them, and even their self-confessed friend, the Bolong Empire, was also a part of the evil.

The lord of the East Kingdom is no longer an old man at this moment, but a rejuvenation of his youth, returning to his youth.

There is no problem in sending troops, but the code of the machine god, that is the last secret of their Cass Empire!

When he finished, the office door opened, and Sister Cecilina walked in.

“Kass the Great, you don’t have to panic!”

After a short period of tens of minutes, the entire group of eternal creation god pillars in the Karl world trembled violently.

“You have the means, don’t our pioneers union have no means?


But he had a doubt in his heart.

It is a terrifying existence comparable to a galaxy, and just by looking at it, it can give birth to emotions such as insignificance and inferiority.

“Report! It was discovered that there are terrible energy fluctuations in the west, and the energy level measurement devices we purchased from the Fina Empire have all exploded!

Aina flew up, holding her long white hair, and disappeared into the Kas Imperial Palace.

【The status is in line, you can carry it!】

There may be no problem with light angels, but dark angels, who are friendly to dark creatures, really voluntarily stand on their side?

A terrifying loud noise surged from the depths of the Eternal Creation God Pillars in Karl’s world after Seknas was activated.

But now it seems that the clown turned out to be himself.

Send all players and legions to the town army. ”

“You just need to do three things.”

“Three, use the power of the whole country to pray that your country will not be destroyed by Bolong.

“I choose Cicelina and Cicelia as the main and auxiliary control room pilots!

[The code is correct, starting up…]

But because it resonates in the star field ring belt of the Orleans star field, even if it is only a semi-arc, it can stand stably here, revolving around the capital galaxy of the Bolong Empire.

“If the town army wins, our reward will be gone!

Of course, this is the original Corentas galaxy ring belt, and now this ring belt has been completely filled by the Bolong Empire, forming a huge ring belt that truly surrounds the capital galaxy of the Bolong Empire.

“The strongest unit of measurement in this watch has been contained, what reason do we have to lose?”

Ciceria replied: “Being able to destroy the eternal ambition of the master of ambition is also enough to make a strong mark in the academy assessment.”

One: The God of Machines, the gods in the mecha.

As soon as they moved, the entire Guangming Division also moved.

The branch president raised his head and looked at the starry sky.

A dry and ugly face then spoke from the space.

At the end of these vata-type creatures, a binocular octopus, a binocular hiatus, a binocular giant ship beast, a total of three terrifying creatures, drove the mighty vata creatures to rush to the Bolong capital galaxy.

087 “Great!

“Chairman, the last moment has come?”

“Lose, turn into the kingdom of Borlei Norlesi, and be promoted to pan-dimensional.”5

“I, the Kath Empire, don’t believe in heaven or earth, I only believe in myself! 35

【Please enter the activation code…】

The silk arcs flickered in it, and then, rays of light shot towards the starry sky and disappeared on the other side of the starry sky.

Coming to the hangar, the great and vast Cyknas once again showed its dignity.

Aina stood gracefully in the distance with her white hair twice her height, looking at Karen Max.

Once the defense is broken here, the entire Bolong Capital Galaxy will be exposed to the enemy’s strike position.

“Eternal Lord can be invincible all the way, there is definitely his ability!

“Then please, I’ll take you to the hangar.

Colleagues who gathered little by little in the combat unit, and the town troops in the other nine novice galaxies far away in the Dongguo District, also officially began to act.

He looked at the Bolong Capital Galaxy and took a deep breath.

The three princes of Bolong, together with Kano De Laine and God’s Will, drove the technology fleet all over the starry sky, opened the warping of the wide-area space, and officially set off towards the Bolong Empire.


“Win, the table dimension still exists!”


“To gamble, or not to gamble?”

A pitch-black pillar rose from the black box, and it slowly unfolded to form a strange nebula.

If that was handed over, the Cass Empire would really have nothing left.

As he spoke, he waved his hand and gave an order.


“Then I will never allow Sexnas to be born again!”9

With the roar of the sky, a large number of Vata-type creatures emerged in the entire prohibited navigation area.


“To ask our angels to assist a creature with an extremely evil heart goes against the ultimate belief of our angels.”

“Ms Ina, what should we do now?”

“You angels are really willing to bet everything on me?”

Sister Cecilina nodded, “Don’t worry, I know what I know.””


He began to conceal himself and make himself homogenized with his father and them on the surface, in order to remove their guard against him.

The two women nodded towards the leader of the Pioneer Union Branch, then took control of Seknas, rushed out of the Pioneer Branch Headquarters, and rushed towards the Bolong Capital Galaxy.

“The role of Zhou Li, the big boss, what is the enemy fighting with me?

“I don’t know, I don’t know!”

It turned out that the reason why the Eternal Slave stayed in the Eternal Creation God Pillar Group of Karl Heaven and Earth was not only to find a habitat, but also to contact the Star God of Peace and take action at a critical moment.

“I… Peace Star God, I’m not reconciled!”

“You say, can we win this battle?”

He looked back, looked at his countless citizens, and gritted his teeth.

The lord of the East Kingdom looks at the other lords and the strongest player units in their kingdom.

“This table dimension must be destroyed! 35

“Since the code of the machine god appears, then you can use the machine god code to resurrect Cyknas. 99

Countless soldiers spread the news to the base camp where the nations of the earth sit.

“You kid, you just like to pretend! The players I want to join the town army are all regretting death at this moment.

“The world is being destroyed, and the great light will not abandon any creatures who believe in light!”

“Report! Found the coordinates on the northeast side… There are massive Vata biological energy level fluctuations!”

Even if there is one more Vata system, what is the mass of matter more than 30,000 light-years away?

Karen Max paced back and forth, looking hesitant.

“If I can’t win, I’m afraid I’m going to be hanged because of my relationship with that guy Borley Norothy!

“Pan-dimensional chooses you as a cooperative country, and naturally I have seen this scene long ago!

He sensed something was wrong!

“But be careful!”


“It is impossible to win, we have the Lord of eternal truth, how can we lose!


“It is nature, the great angel, who will drive away all evil! 99

“The great brilliance sheds, giving us the power to pursue the bright hope!

This long spear became bigger and sharper, and in the end, it turned into a terrifying giant robbery that spanned 30,000 light-years.


The light angel of the angel family looked at the third prince Bolong.

The branch president nodded with a solemn expression.

But at the same time, he also knew that his father knew what he was doing, but he still let him go.

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