Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 217: If Only That Scumbag Mei Fang Wasnt Around!

Chapter 217: If Only That Scumbag Mei Fang Wasnt Around!

When it was time to sleep at night, everyone used their sleeping bags as instructed and quietly lay in the tent, continuing to chat about all sorts of topics from earlier. This was also a favorite time for the girls to have late-night talks.

Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi, Liu Xiaoyu, and Xiang Bingbing shared one tent.

Xiang Bingbing, lying in her sleeping bag, whimpered, “This sleeping bag is so cramped, huhu…”

“There’s nothing we can do about it; that is already the biggest sleeping bag,” Xia Yuan smiled, comforting Xiang Bingbing. “Are you cold? Do you want me to move closer?”

“Yes, yes, let’s cuddle through the sleeping bags.”

Liu Xiaoyu lay on her side, lost in thought when Lin Youxi suddenly turned and called to her:

“Xiaoyu, did you not have fun today? You seem so preoccupied…”

“Ah… I——”

“That’s right, that’s right. When we were playing San Guo Sha earlier, you were completely distracted. In that round when you were playing as Lu Meng, you didn’t even use a peach card to save me,” Xiang Bingbing said.

“I was the traitor. Why should I save you?”

“Without me as Diao Chan, how could you as Lu Meng and Sun Quan win against Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong? That Ah Fang playing Huang Zhong was so despicable, always shooting pew pew. I couldn’t even dodge.”

“It’s all part of the strategy, just a balance of power. Being the traitor is really hard; sometimes it’s a matter of luck,” Lin Youxi explained. “And then there are external factors. For example, Wan Chaoxiong’s dislike of you made him less likely to trust you during the game.”

“But it was because Xiaoyu didn’t save me that we lost in the end anyway, right?” Xiang Bingbing then shouted, “Anyway, Xiaoyu, remember, when playing as a traitor, don’t hesitate. Staying undercover until the end won’t end well. Strike when you need to; the most important thing is to have fun.”

“That’s why Ah Fang and Wan Chaoxiong always complain about you when playing San Guo Sha…” Halfway through her sentence, Xia Yuan suddenly came to her senses. “This is supposed to be the most exciting girls’ night talk, and we’re stuck talking about San Guo Sha? That’s so boring!”

San Guo Sha can be a girls’ night talk too! I won’t let you look down on our San Guo Sha!”

“Oh! I didn’t mean to look down on it, just saying… let’s talk about things we can’t usually discuss outside.”

“Do you want to talk about your crush? Or perhaps your love story?” Lin Youxi followed Xia Yuan’s lead.


Xia Yuan’s face turned red as she shouted at Lin Youxi to express her disdain, “There’s nothing to talk about who Youxi and I like, because…because it’s always been the same person. Instead, I want to hear about Bingbing’s and Xiaoyu’s stories. Do you have someone you like?”

“Are you talking about romantic interest? In that case, I don’t think I do…” Xiang Bingbing pondered for a moment, “But if Ah Fang grows a bit taller, I might like him. Right now, he’s too short, and it didn’t feel romantic when I hugged him before.”

“You’re the one who’s too tall! Wait a minute…” Xia Yuan’s gaze suddenly became sharp. “You hugged him?”

“Yeah, I think I hugged your Ah Fang once, maybe during PE class…”

“When? Which time? Why did you hug him? I didn’t know about this, and Ah Fang didn’t tell me!”

“Yuan Yuan, are you jealous?” Xiang Bingbing burst into heartless laughter. “You’re too sensitive, ahahahaha! A girl should be more generous, like Youxi. If you’re too controlling, Ah Fang might not choose you in the future; he’ll go for Youxi instead!”


Xia Yuan was immediately silenced by Bingbing’s words. Liu Xiaoyu listened with a pounding heart. She wanted to break the awkward atmosphere, so she also tried to take the initiative and speak up:

“Do you… want to hear my story?”

“Xiaoyu has a love story?! I never heard about it! You’ve been hiding it too well!” Xia Yuan immediately became excited. “Tell us quickly, we all want to hear.”

“It’s not really a love story… it’s more like some memories from middle school.”

“In middle school, I had a very close friend in my class. We were deskmates from the first year, and we were very good friends who could talk about anything.”

“But one day, a new boy transferred to our class from a big city.”

“He was tall and quite handsome, so many girls in our class liked him.”

Xia Yuan looked curious, “Did you and your friend like him too?”

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head. “I was more focused on my studies back then, so I didn’t have those kinds of thoughts. My friend liked him a lot, but to be honest, I disliked him a bit.”


“At that time, students with good grades liked to talk to other students with good grades. I felt he was the type who didn’t care about studying and liked to flirt around with many girls,” Liu Xiaoyu muttered, suddenly thinking of Mei Fang. “But because my friend liked him, I didn’t say anything.”

“That makes sense… considering your friend’s feelings,” Lin Youxi nodded. “I didn’t like Xiaoxue at first either, but for Yuan Yuan’s sake, I didn’t say much.”

“So you really didn’t like Xiaoxue back then! When I asked you back then, you wouldn’t admit it. Youxi, you’re so bad,” Xia Yuan teased.

After the girls had their playful banter, Liu Xiaoyu continued her story.

“Later on, my friend and that boy got closer. He often came over to our seats to chat with us. It seemed like he was also interested in my friend.”

“Although they never officially announced their relationship, their level of flirting was almost like they were a couple. You know what I mean, right?”

“We get it. It’s just like Ah Fang with Yuan Yuan and Youxi,” Xiang Bingbing quipped, making everyone fall silent again. Liu Xiaoyu realized how similar her past experiences were to the trio’s situation and quickly clarified. “This story is true and has nothing to do with Mei Fang, Yuan Yuan, or Youxi. Don’t take it personally!”

“No, no, it’s fine! Xiaoyu, please continue,” Xia Yuan encouraged.

“Um… Now I’m not sure if I should keep talking…” After Xiang Bingbing’s reminder, Liu Xiaoyu was now very reluctant to continue.

This story was her real experience from middle school. She had originally intended to talk about it to divert attention, but it seemed that the more she spoke, the more it sounded like one of those cliché “l have a friend” stories.

“It’s really okay with us. We rarely hear people around us talk about their feelings, so I genuinely want to hear your story. I also want to understand you better, Xiaoyu… Because you always seem like you’re hiding something in your heart. We finally have this chance… I want to get closer to you,” Xia Yuan said sincerely, which reassured Liu Xiaoyu, and ultimately decided to continue.

“So… later on, my friend felt it was time to confess, but she was too scared to do it herself, so she asked me to deliver her love letter to him.”

“And… I looked for a chance during P.E. class to give him the letter alone because my friend was too embarrassed to come along. But when I went to give him the letter, I found him being affectionate with another girl. You know, like… really affectionate.”

“Kissing?” Xiang Bingbing had a surprised expression. “They’re so bold! How could minors be kissing?!”

“That’s… actually quite normal. You don’t think kissing makes you pregnant, do you?”

“Of course not. I’m not that dumb,” Xiang Bingbing said. “I just think it’s unhealthy.”

“So… what happened next? How did you handle it? You didn’t let that scumbag hurt your friend, did you?”

“Mhm, I didn’t deliver the love letter,” Liu Xiaoyu replied. “I returned the letter to my friend and told her about what I saw. She didn’t believe me and accused me of liking him too, saying that’s why I was making it up. She wanted to confront him face to face.”

“How could she say that to you? She sounds like a terrible friend,” Xia Yuan exclaimed in Liu Xiaoyu’s defense. Lin Youxi nodded in agreement. “If she confronts him directly, he’s sure to deny it.”

“Exactly, the boy acted all innocent and made it seem like I was being ridiculous,” Liu Xiaoyu, usually a well-behaved girl, sounded quite emotional about this incident. Her voice even choked up a bit. “In the end, since she sided with him and didn’t believe me, there was nothing more to say. She bad-mouthed me to others, and I ignored them, focusing only on my studies. That’s how I eventually got the chance to come to Jiangcheng NOHS.”

“It sounds like those two were a perfect match! She was so love-struck that she’d rather believe a boy she barely knew over a long-time friend,” Xiang Bingbing grumbled, clenching her fists. “If they were in front of me, I’d punch them both.”

After hearing the story, Xia Yuan climbed out of her sleeping bag and hugged Liu Xiaoyu tightly. “Don’t be upset, Xiaoyu. People like that don’t deserve to be your friends.”

Lin Youxi softly added, “When it comes to situations like being falsely accused, Yuan Yuan has the most to say.”

“Did Yuan Yuan go through something similar?” Liu Xiaoyu asked curiously.

“It was something that happened to me and Xiaoxue… You met Xiaoxue during the New Year gathering.”

The girls continued to chat warmly about memories from the past, recounting silly things they had done before, friendships that had been betrayed, and emotions that had endured and flourished despite trials and tribulations.

Feeling the warm care from her companions, Liu Xiaoyu was both moved and happy. However, after this happiness, she faced a significant dilemma.

So, should I tell Yuan Yuan about Mei Fang and Youxi kissing?

Her resolve wavered again, influenced by the warmth and encouragement of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi.

Sigh… Boys are really annoying and troublesome!

Liu Xiaoyu suddenly remembered how Yue Xinyi referred to Mei Fang and couldn’t help but mutter to herself.

Darn it, if only that scumbag Mei Fang wasn’t around!

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