Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 218: I Also Have a Friend

Chapter 218: I Also Have a Friend

The four girls in the tent chatted late into the night until they gradually fell silent. The exhaustion of the entire day quickly lulled everyone into a sweet sleep, except for Liu Xiaoyu, who tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

Ever since being unjustly treated in middle school for “meddling,” Liu Xiaoyu has been living in a lonely world of trying to make it on her own. Her interactions with Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi, and Mei Fang brought her newfound friendship.

Over the past six months, she had silently watched the emotional bond between the trio grow stronger. While she envied them, she also felt proud to be part of Ximilu Studio.

The relationship between the three was stable and indestructible, but now, a budding romance had disrupted the balance.

The hidden love between Mei Fang and Lin Youxi was bound to be discovered someday, and whenever that day came, it would mark the end of their beautiful friendship.

But this was also an inevitable part of growing up.

Mei Fang could perhaps choose someone other than his childhood sweethearts to avoid making a choice, but wouldn’t that also harm that someone?


Liu Xiaoyu found herself facing an unsolvable dilemma.

She regretted taking those few extra steps to enjoy the beautiful scenery by the lake, as now her mind was filled with thoughts about the trio and the passionate kiss between Mei Fang and Lin Youxi…

Liu Xiaoyu slept lightly, her dreams filled with uncomfortable memories, until she heard Xia Yuan’s voice from the other side of the tent.

“Hello, is anyone awake?”

“What’s wrong?” Liu Xiaoyu asked softly.

“Xiaoyu, you’re awake? I need to… go to the bathroom. Can you come with me?”

“Sure… I’ll go with you.”

Liu Xiaoyu and Xia Yuan put on their coats and quietly walked towards the restroom at the mountaintop. Although the sky was still dark, some shops were already lit, providing a sense of security for the two girls with their phones.

They didn’t talk much on the way, but on the way back, Xia Yuan suddenly started chatting with Liu Xiaoyu.

“By the way, we talked so much last night, but you never mentioned what kind of boys you like.”

“Me? To be honest, I’ve never really thought about romance,” Liu Xiaoyu said gently. “For me, it always seemed like a luxury, something very distant.”

“What’s so luxurious or distant about it? We’re already this age; it’s okay to think about it,” Xia Yuan said, worried that Liu Xiaoyu was too shy to talk about it. She decided to share some well-known facts about herself.

“As for me, you can probably tell… I only ever think about my childhood sweetheart, so I don’t even know if that’s considered normal or not… um…”

When Xia Yuan talked about Mei Fang with such shyness, Liu Xiaoyu felt increasingly heartbroken watching her.

What a nice girl…

She even felt guilty for a long time about selling her family’s hotel to mine.

“I personally prefer a partner who is supportive and relies on me as much as I rely on him.”

“He doesn’t have to be very handsome or outstanding, but I would hope we can support each other, understand each other, compensate for each other’s shortcomings, and work together towards common goals. That kind of feeling is very nice.”

Liu Xiaoyu thought for a moment. “Maybe what I’m saying is a bit abstract… Basically, I’m actually a person who lacks a sense of security. I even hope that the person I like isn’t too outstanding, so he won’t get involved in too many disputes. I don’t want to get involved in disputes either; I just want a quiet relationship.”

“But I’m not saying I want to support a useless person… As long as he is ambitious enough, treats me well, and always supports me, I think that’s enough.”

“I understand that feeling. So, you don’t long for a passionate love affair, you just want a peaceful romantic life, right?”

Liu Xiaoyu smiled slightly. “While dramatic stories are moving, it’s the mundane daily tasks like cooking and cleaning that make up real life.”

“Exactly, exactly!” Xia Yuan nodded with a smile. “It’s just like how I hope my Ah Fang can shine brightly on stage, but seeing so many girls interested in him does get tiring. I can only make myself more excellent to discourage others from pursuing that idea.”

“But I’m wondering if Ah Fang thinks the same way. As a result, we both keep pushing forward on the path of self-improvement.”

“Silly Yuan Yuan, you…”

“Hmm? Did you say something?”

“No, nothing.”

“By the way… Xiaoyu… Is that what your family and friends usually call you? It sounds a bit like ‘small fish.'”[1]

“My parents used to call me Yu’er, but now it sounds a bit like something a shamate person[2] would use…”

“How is that the case? I think it sounds lovely.” Xia Yuan smiled and patted Liu Xiaoyu’s shoulder. “Yu’er… It sounds very gentle when you say it.”

“If you like it, Yuan Yuan, you can call me whatever you want.”

Liu Xiaoyu smiled at Xia Yuan, then looked at the faint white light on the horizon. “It looks like the sky is about to brighten, and people are starting to wake up. Why don’t we take our time going back?”

“Sure, let’s take a walk.”

Xia Yuan and Liu Xiaoyu were walking hand in hand along the shore of Mulan Heaven Lake. As they walked, Liu Xiaoyu suddenly turned her head to look at Xia Yuan, and Xia Yuan happened to be looking at her as well. They both spoke at the same time:


“You go first?” They both spoke again simultaneously.

Liu Xiaoyu smiled and said, “If you’re in a hurry, Yuan Yuan, you go first.”

“Um… after listening to your story last night, Yu’er, I felt quite touched because I also… have a friend who went through something similar.”

“What kind of situation was it exactly?”

“First of all, there are no bad people in the story I’m going to tell. Everyone involved is very good friends. This friend of mine also has two friends. You can compare their relationship to ours, but, um… but they are all girls, they’re best friends.”

Liu Xiaoyu nodded. “I’m listening.”

“The three of them are very close best friends. Their feelings for each other are deep and strong. They never prioritize one relationship over another among themselves, and they don’t have any exclusive small group chats either.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“The problem is, girl A fell in love with girl C. She wants to be with girl C forever. It’s not just the usual girl-to-girl closeness, it’s a real romantic relationship.”


Liu Xiaoyu nodded, clearly understanding that girl A was Xia Yuan, and girl C was Mei Fang.

Xia Yuan was vague about gender here just so Liu Xiaoyu wouldn’t think their experiences were too similar.

“Then, girl A also had a very good relationship with girl B. She knew that girl B probably also liked girl C, but they were both the kind of close friends who didn’t say it out loud. You know what I mean, right?”

“Yes, I understand.” Liu Xiaoyu nodded, thinking that it indeed mirrored the three of them.

“Everything was harmonious between them until one day, girl A couldn’t hold back her feelings for girl C and did something beyond just friends or best friends. I can’t really say exactly what, but…”

Xia Yuan felt very embarrassed and at the same time, this shocked Liu Xiaoyu immensely.

So, girl A is actually Youxi? And Yuan Yuan is girl B?

That means she actually knows about the kiss between Youxi and Mei Fang!

“Does girl B know about this?”

“Whether she knows or not, if you were girl B, how would you react?”

“I’d be angry, for sure.”

Liu Xiaoyu softly added, “Since everyone understands each other tacitly, why cross the line and do something beyond the boundary?”

“Yes, that’s right…” Xia Yuan wiped her cold sweat, “It’s very angering, right? But just being angry won’t solve anything. Do you think she would end her friendship with the other two?”

Yuan Yuan ending her friendship with Mei Fang and Youxi? That can’t happen… I can’t advise Yuan Yuan to do such a thing.

“I think… she probably wouldn’t? As you said, with so many years of friendship, saying goodbye just like that would surely be something to regret for a lifetime.”

“I think so too, ha, haha…”

Xia Yuan scratched her head. “What I really want to know is, since this has already happened, how do you think the three of them could mend their relationship?”

Should I stubbornly insist that it can’t be fixed until the end?

Then the only path left would be to break up!

Liu Xiaoyu didn’t want to see the trio fall apart.

But if I must suggest a way to make things right——

Translator's Notes:

  1. Liu Xiaoyu’s given name, ‘Xiaoyu’ (潇雨), sounds similar to ‘xiaoyu’ (小鱼), which means ‘small fish.’ /wiki/Shamate↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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