“Oops! I Prepped for the Apocalypse and Became a Zombie”

Chapter 24: Free Shopping at the Service Area


The three of them were so absorbed in collecting gasoline and items that they didn't realize an entire afternoon had passed, or perhaps it was just that dark to begin with, making it hard to tell the time.

Bai Shu looked at his wristband and was shocked, "We've been at this until 6 PM??"

Time had flown by so quickly.

Wang Weihu also stretched his shoulders and neck. Throughout the afternoon, zombies would occasionally approach, and he had to take time to eliminate them, leaving his whole body aching now.

Just then, an explosion sound suddenly rang out not far away, accompanied by a flash-bang like effect, with electricity crackling through the air.

Xu Duoduo looked up in that direction, instinctively feeling a bit scared.

Bai Shu pushed up his glasses and said with a smile, "I guess Qin Luo got annoyed and started using his ability. This guy hasn't adapted to his power yet, he usually doesn't like using it."

Wang Weihu also muttered, "I don't like using mine either. It's hard to control the strength."

Among the four of them, Qin Luo had the rare lightning storm ability, Bai Shu had enhanced eyes, Wang Weihu had strength, and Chen Xiaofei had speed.

Because the apocalypse had only started about a month ago and everything was in chaos, headquarters hadn't yet developed a good manual for using abilities.

Everyone could only figure things out on their own.

They tried to cooperate with the research institute, hoping to understand these abilities better through this work, but it was a long and difficult road ahead!

After an afternoon of clearing, they had finally eliminated all the zombies in this area. The smarter ones had probably run away. At least no zombies could be seen in the parking lot now, though the ground didn't look too good.

It was all pixelated.

Xu Duoduo followed Bai Shu and Wang Weihu to find Qin Luo and Chen Xiaofei.

The dark, stormy night sky gave people an uneasy feeling.

Wang Weihu and Bai Shu had already contacted Qin Luo and Chen Xiaofei through their wristbands, "Qin Luo, Xiaofei? Where are you? Respond if you hear me, respond if you hear me."

Through the earpiece, Xu Duoduo faintly heard them say they were in the cafeteria inside.

Wang Weihu said, "Roger that, we'll be there in about twenty minutes. We're collecting some things first."

Xu Duoduo was already itching to reach out and collect items from the specialty stores on the first floor.

Qin Luo's voice came through the earpiece, "Alright, there are about a dozen survivors here."

He meant to let them know there were outsiders, so they needed to be careful about certain things.

Bai Shu also responded, "Understood."

Xu Duoduo still opened the door and went inside to start collecting. The specialty store here was full of dry goods, expensive mushrooms, ginseng, and snacks like rose cakes.

Everything she could touch vanished into thin air, which looked very satisfying.

Xu Duoduo was also enjoying the collection. Dried goods like sheep's stomach mushrooms and red mushrooms that used to be sold by the gram were now free for the taking. It was too wonderful.

These were very nutritious dried goods that could be used to make soup next time there was a chance.

Wang Weihu had his eye on a whole row of cigarettes and alcohol. He called out, "Little Squad Leader!"

Xu Duoduo turned her head to look, immediately ran over, and directly collected the entire cabinet. Even the big tough guy Wang Weihu couldn't help but clench his fist in excitement, "Little Squad Leader, if you have any requests in the future, just say it! As long as there's cigarettes and alcohol, I'm up for anything! You can order me around as you like!"

Bai Shu was looking at medicines in the shop across the way. Hearing this, he teased, "Weren't you acting all righteous before? The kind who would never bend the rules? Now you'll do anything? I told you to be nice to the Little Squad Leader earlier."

Hadn't they seen how Chen Xiaofei had been buttering up Xu Duoduo from the start? To the point where as soon as he said he was hungry, Xu Duoduo would immediately take out food for him.

Wang Weihu scratched his head a bit embarrassedly, only able to laugh sheepishly.

Xu Duoduo's zombie brain was now full of [HOARD] [HOARD] [HOARD], and she didn't pay any attention to what they were saying.

She collected whatever she wanted, occasionally stepping over the pixelated areas on the ground, pretending not to see them. In the end, she cleared out the entire specialty store.

What a valuable shop this was!

When Bai Shu called her from across the way, she dived into the pharmacy opposite.

It was all nutritional supplements and common medicines, like motion sickness pills, cold medicine, and such.

Xu Duoduo collected it all in one go, emptying the small pharmacy. Then, with her two "bodyguards", she went on to raid the food shops. Food from before the apocalypse was still displayed at the front of the small shops, but food exposed to air had already been contaminated.

That couldn't be taken.

Xu Duoduo went straight to the back kitchen, collecting the stock from refrigerators and storerooms.

Bai Shu saw some pre-prepared dishes and kept shaking his head, "Tsk tsk tsk, even crossing-the-bridge rice noodles are pre-prepared dishes now. This food safety, tsk tsk tsk."

Wang Weihu was more open-minded about it, "Once the apocalypse hits, who cares about pre-prepared dishes or not? It's good enough to have something to eat. Just take it all."

Bai Shu watched Xu Duoduo, this zombie lady, moving through these small shops, and started to wonder just how big her space was.

It seemed like a bottomless pit.

He lowered his voice and said to Wang Weihu, "She had already collected three large warehouses of canned goods before, then collected so much gasoline later, and now she's still collecting non-stop without even blinking. The Little Squad Leader is really something!"

Wang Weihu also looked on in awe, then told Bai Shu not to mention this again, "The more powerful she is, the more we need to keep it secret. Be careful, walls have ears."

In the apocalypse, all sorts of strange abilities had appeared, which they often forgot.

Bai Shu immediately shut up, nodding to show he understood. After that, he just accompanied Xu Duoduo as she finished raiding these shops. She even collected the stock from small snack and fried food stalls, along with several large barrels of cooking oil.

These were good things too!

When the three of them arrived at the cafeteria Qin Luo had mentioned, they saw over a dozen survivors standing and sitting inside the glass doors. One girl was clinging tightly to Chen Xiaofei, crying out, "I'm so scared, I'm so scared, wuwu!"

Chen Xiaofei's face was full of pain and helplessness, "Comrade, I know you're scared, but it's safe now. Please stop clinging to me!"

Several girls were trembling, wrapped in thick clothes. One was crying her eyes out, trying to grab Qin Luo.

Qin Luo stepped back to avoid her, not even looking up as he said, "If you can't stand, just go sit down. Stop crying and wailing, be stronger."

After saying this, he asked questions to a male and female survivor who could still answer, "So you're saying that as soon as the apocalypse started, you two felt something was wrong, so you locked the doors and survived until now on the food from the cafeteria?"

This couple looked to be in their forties or fifties, and seemed to be in the best condition among the survivors. The two of them chattered away in accented Mandarin.

"Yes! I still remember that night, it wasn't even dinner time yet, around 6 o'clock, when more than a dozen customers came in. Suddenly there was fighting outside! I was so scared I quickly told my husband to close the door. As soon as he closed the main door, people started biting each other outside!"

"That's right, that's right. We closed the door and pulled down the shutters on the side. We also blocked this glass door with tables and chairs. If it weren't for you young men coming, we wouldn't have dared to open the door!"

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