Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Never Provoke the Roving Doctor

The fat man kicked away the advertising sign of trap and snarled, “Doctor, what’s your name?”

“Why do you ask my name?” Ning Tao asked through a mouthful of rice.

“Damn, you arrogant devil!” The fat guy cursed and kicked the box lunch in Ning Tao’s hand.


Ning Tao’s box lunch flew out, and grains of rice, shredded meat and vegetables were all over the ground. Ning Tao could have ducked, but he didn’t. Then he stood up and glared at the fat man with cold eyes.

“Humph, how dare you stare at me? Do you know what you’ve done?” The fat guy barked.

“What have I done?” Ning Tao asked in a calm voice.

“You’ve violated regulations management, and influenced the city appearance. More seriously, you pretended to be a doctor to cheat! Go with us!” The fat guy ordered.

“Why should I pretend to be a doctor when I am one? Besides, even if I pretend to be a doctor to deceive people, it is not your urban management officers’ job, isn’t it?” Ning Tao shot back.

“What a stubborn guy!” Chen Chao came out from behind these urban management officers with a smirk on his face. “Doctor, do you know who you’re talking to? This is the area’s urban management captain Zhang Yong, even the gangsters will give face to him. Who do you think you are that you dare to speak to Brother Yong in such a tone?”

Ning Tao knew exactly what was going on when this guy showed up.

“Damn it, this guy is against the law with violence. Beat him!” After listening to Chen Chao, Zhang Yong, the fat man with cross-grained features, could not help but give orders to attack Ning Tao.

The eight big, fat urban management officers rushed at Ning Tao together.

“Wait a minute,” Ning Tao shouted.

Zhang Yong grunted coldly and asked, “Scared? Get down on your knees and apologize. If I’m in a good mood, I can give you a light punishment.”

Ning Tao took out his cell phone and said, “I’ll call a man over, and if you dare to cross him, you can crash my medicine chest, fine me, or even hit me as you please, but I don’t think you dare.”

“Haha! I dare not?” Zhang Yong’s fat jiggled as he laughed. “You, a little swindler going from street to street dare to say such a thing to me. Damn, I’m gonna play with you today. Call that dumb to come over, I’ll settle with him together with you!” Then he added, “Pocking, call our colleagues who are patrolling the streets nearby!”

A pockmarked urban management officer immediately picked up his intercom and called his colleagues.

Ning Tao took two steps back, opened the text and dialed Zou Yulin’s cell phone number that Jiang Yilong gave him.

In one second, the phone was connected, and Zou Yulin’s voice came from the cell phone, crying, “Miracle Doctor Ning, no… Master Ning! I was wrong, I was wrong… Save me, please, save me!”

“Do you really know you was wrong?” Ning Tao asked curtly.

Zou Yulin cried, “Yes, I do know I was wrong. Please help me. I’ll give you anything you want…”

“Cut the crap.” Ning Tao interrupted. “I’m practicing medicine in the plaza behind the Blueprint Biotechnology Company in the high-tech district. An urban management captain named Zhang Yong wants to smash my medicine chest. If my medicine chest gets smashed, I can’t treat you. I’ll give you twenty minutes to come. No waiting after the set time.”

Zou Yulin said excitedly, “That jerk is courting death! I am in the high-tech district as well. I’ll bring some people to go there right away!”

Ning Tao hung up, and put the phone away. Then he looked at Zhang Yong and said, “He’ll be here soon. You wait here for a while.”

“Of course I’ll wait here!” Zhang Yong sneered. “I’d like to see who would dare to come when he knows I’m here. Boy, you’ve pissed me off. I tell you, you’re going to be miserable!”

Ning Tao walked over to another table, sat down, and called to the owner, “Excuse me, another box lunch with extra slices of twice-cooked pork.”

The boxed lunch seller looked at Ning Tao with strange eyes, and stunned for a moment before he replied, “Okay!”

Before Zou Yulin came with his people, Zhang Yong’s colleagues have come. A large group of urban management officers in uniform stared menacingly at Ning Tao, but he sat at the table calmly eating his second box lunch.

Almost 20 minutes later, Chen Chao raised his hand and looked at his watch, spitting, “Why hasn’t your people arrived yet, boy?”

Ning Tao, who had just finished his meal, put down his chopsticks, looked at Chen Chao and said, “What’s the hurry?”

Chen Chao quipped, “You must be putting on an act. The idiot you called doesn’t dare come, does he? How dare you make Brother Yong wait for 20 minutes here!”

“F**k! How dare you fool me!” Zhang Yong grabbed a bench and walked over to Ning Tao.

Just then the sound of tires on an emergency brake suddenly came, followed by screams of panic.

Zhang Yong looked at the sound source and saw a Mercedes-Benz at G-class coming to an emergency stop not far away. His hands holding the bench froze in the air above Ning Tao’s head, but he couldn’t hit him.

Chen Chao snapped, “Who is this? How dare he drive his car into the plaza?”

As these words were spoken, a series of cars rushed into the plaza and stopped behind the Mercedes. Then, all the car doors opened, and many strong man in suits got out of those cars.

When the door of the Mercedes opened, Zou Yulin got out and walked quickly toward Ning Tao. The big men in suits stalked after him. They all looked grim, exuding a murderous thick aura, as if they were in a gangster movie.

The sight of Zou Yulin brought a fawning smile to Zhang Yong’s face. “Oh, Mr. Zou what brought you here? You must be dealing with something, why don’t you give me a call and tell me, I will do it for you. You don’t have to come here in person?”

Zhang Yong didn’t know why Zou Yulin was here, but he was confident that Zou Yulin was not the one Ning Tao called. In Zhang Yong’s eyes, it was a joke to have a roving doctor who earned his living by going from street to street to ask Zou Yulin to come. After all, Zou Yulin was the overlord in Shan City and both government and underworld in this city didn’t dare to fight him.

Zou Yulin was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a black glove on his left hand. His dark face looked as if it could wring out water, and his eyes were frighteningly ice. He didn’t even look at Zhang Yong when Zhang Yong talked to him.

Chen Chao leaned into Zhang Yong’s ear and whispered, “Brother Yong, this guy may have fooled Mr. Zou. Look at Mr. Zou’s face, he seems to want to eat that guy alive!”

Just as he finished speaking, Zou Yulin suddenly fell to his knees in front of Ning Tao.

Then, all the strong men in suits and ties all knelt on the ground.

Zou Yulin had hardly spoken when tears came to his eyes. “Master Ning, I was wrong. I was really wrong!” He cried.


Zhang Yong and Chen Chao were dumbfounded. The overlord in Shan City incredibly led a large group of his people to kneel down to a roving doctor going from street to street, confessing his mistake and calling him “Master”. It was not logical!

“It’s not enough to know you were wrong. You must correct your mistakes.” Ning Tao said blandly.

Zou Yulin nodded and said, “Yeah, yeah, I’m definitely going to correct it.”

Zhang Yong and Chen Chao looked at each other, and then they both turned to sneak away.

The urban management officers Zhang Yong brought, who always bullied the weak and feared the strong, dare not stood against Zou Yulin at all. As soon as they realized something was wrong, they got away faster than Zhang Yong and Chen Chao.

Ning Tao got up and said, “Well, captain Zhang and Chen Chao, where are you going?”

Ning Tao’s sudden voice made the knees of Zhang Yong and Chen Chao go weak and they almost fell to the ground.

“Zou Yulin, stop kneeling. Captain Zhang just said that the idiot didn’t dare to come. I think he meant you are the idiot,” Ning Tao said. “You go talk to him and prove that you’re not an idiot.”

If anyone else had said that, he’d have been beaten badly or even to death by Zou Yulin. But when Ning Tao finished, Zou Yulin behaved obediently like a servant. “Yes, yes, Master Ning, wait a moment. I’ll go and talk to him right away.”

Zou Yulin got up from the ground, and winked at his people, then all his people also getting up from the ground and standing around Zhang Yong and Chen Chao in a circle.

Chen Chao was afraid and nervously asked, “What, what do you want?”

Zhang Yong suddenly lifted his hand and slapped Chen Chao hard across the face. “Damn it! It’s your fault. Master Ning is practicing medicine here. It’s a great honor for our high-tech district. This is a great benefit to the people. How dare you fool to frame Master Ning!”

Chen Chao covered his face, and retorted, “I…”

Before Chen Chao finished his sentence, Zhang Yong suddenly kicked Chen Chao to the ground, shouting, “You what? Let me beat you to death! How dare you offend Mr. Zou and Master Ning!”

“Brother Yong, I, I… I’m your cousin… Stop beating…” Chen Chao implored, cowering like a shrimp under Zhang Yong’s violence.

Zou Yulin came to Zhang Yong and Chen Chao with a sullen face.

Zhang Yong suddenly turned around and plopped down on his knees at Zou Yulin’s feet. Then he hit himself smacks in the face while saying, “Mr. Zou, it was my fault, I was wrong. You’re a great man, please forgive me, please.”

Slap, slap…

Zhang Yong’s face was instantly swollen by his slaps.

Zou Yulin showed no mercy on him, and inquired, “Master Ning, do you want one of his legs or arms?”

Ning Tao frowned and asked, “Why are you still so violent? You just said you knew you were wrong, but I don’t think you know what you were wrong about. If you do this kind of things again, I won’t even give you a glance when you come to beg me.”

Ning Tao said these words in a flat tone, but Zou Yulin was petrified that had a cold sweat on his forehead. “Yes, yes, I don’t dare again.”

Zhang Yong, seeing a glimmer of hope for forgiveness, immediately stopped slapping his own face and kowtowed to Ning Tao on the floor tile. “Master Ning, I’m as blind as a bat. Forgive me, and forget my rudeness. Please.”

Thud, thud, thud…

Zhang Yong’s forehead was soon swollen, broken and bleeding.

“That’s enough, go away,” Ning Tao said, deadpan.

“I’ll go away at once!” Zhang Yong got up from the ground and ran away as if under an amnesty.

Ning Tao picked up his advertising sign trap and shuffled off to the outside of the plaza.

Zou Yulin looked longingly after Ning Tao. “Master Ning…” He called, sounding crying.

Ning Tao looked back at him and impatiently said, “What are you standing there for? Find a room for me to save your life.”

For a moment Zou Yulin felt like a new man. “I, I’ll do it at once!” He exclaimed in excitement, and almost burst into tears.

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