Open a Clinic to Cultivate Myself

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Tearing up a Check for a Million again

At the Hotel Re in the north of Jialing River.

In one suite, Ning Tao handed Zou Yulin the ledger of bamboo slips and ordered in a glacial voice, “Hold it.”

Zou Yulin had no idea why Ning Tao wanted him to grab the old bamboo slips, but he obediently grabbed it with his right hand because he didn’t dare to disobey any instructions from Ning Tao.

Two seconds later Ning Tao took the ledger back and opened it.

The following words appeared on the ledger of bamboo slips— “There is no prescription pact while using the Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases; Gratuitous use of the Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases is against the ways of Heaven, and will increase your sin.”

Ning Tao’s heart sank. He asked Zou Yulin to grab the ledger because he wanted to turn Zou Yulin into a contract patient of the Sky Clinic. Zou Yulin and Ron were a bird of the same feather, so Zou Yulin’s sins of evil intention was probably no less than Ron’s. But now it seemed that instead of turning Zou Yulin into a contract patient of the Sky Clinic and earning sins of evil intention, it had increased his own sins.

“I see. Jiang Yilong’s stroke and paralysis were the retribution from the way of Heaven, and the prescription pact of sins of evil intention for Jiang Yilong was equivalent to conforming to the way of Heave,” Ning Tao thought. “It was my idea to stab Zou Yulin with a Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases. I am not representative of Heaven, so not only can I not turn him into an contract patient of my clinic, but I have made my own sins.”

With this in mind, Ning Tao put the ledger back in the medicine chest, then pulled it out and opened it. He wanted to measure his merits or sins, but this time there was no word appearing on the ledger, only the moment he opened the bamboo slips, the right side of the first piece showed a black line which remained on it.

“What does this mean? Why doesn’t the black line disappear? If it is the result of my evil deed, will there be more and more black lines as I continue to do evil in the future? When the whole ledger is black, do I become a devil? I am a go-between of good and evil, so I can’t have either sins of evil intention or merits of good intention. I have to keep my balance between good and evil. I must do a good deed to atone for my sins of evil intention,” Ning Tao pondered.

“Master Ning… ” Noticing that Ning Tao was silent in a daze, Zou Yulin got inexplicably nervous, worried that Ning Tao would change his mind and refuse to save him.

Ning Tao came to his senses and said blandly, “Go get a towel, lie on the floor and cover your eyes with it. If you sneak a peek, I’ll stop the treatment. Understand?”

Zou Yulin hurriedly nodded and replied, “Yes, yes, I definitely won’t peek. Oh, besides, I’ve prepared a million for the treatment.” Then he took a check out of his right trouser pocket and bent down to hand it to Ning Tao. “Please take it.”

Ning Tao took the check from Zou Yulin, and tore it up without even looking at the amount.

Startled, Zou Yulin dropped to his knees and nervously said, “Master, Master Ning,… Do you think it’s too little? I, I add a million more.”

Ning Tao smashed the shredded check on Zou Yulin’s face and said coldly, “What kind of person do you think I am? Money means nothing to me!”

Zou Yulin was awestruck.

Ning Tao was actually crying in his heart. This was already the second one million check that he had torn off. Was there anyone who didn’t love money? But he couldn’t take the money. He had increased sins to himself by stabbing Zou Yulin with a Sacred Needle to Nasty Diseases. If he took Zou Yulin’s money, he was making another mistake. He was a go-between of good and evil that he must keep the balance between good and evil, or his path of cultivation would become the path of becoming devil and he would doomed eternally.

Zou Yulin went to the bathroom and got a thick towel. Then he lay on the floor and covered his face with it.

Ning Tao sat cross-legged beside Zou Yulin, and practiced the ABC of elementary cultivation method, sucked out the evil energy in Zou Yulin’s body little by little and refined it.

Ten minutes later Ning Tao got up off the floor and left the room with his medicine chest.

A large group of bodyguards at the door stared at Ning Tao in awe, while some others watched Zou Yulin lying on the ground.

Ning Tao said lightly, “He’s asleep. I’ll leave him a message and you can tell him when he wakes up.” After a pause, he added, “If he continues to do evil things, he’ll get sick again, and I won’t save him by then.”

This was certainly not true. But this warning would definitely put a stop to Zou Yulin’s flagrant wrongdoing. It was not a good thing, but it prevented some bad things from happening.

As he left the hotel, Ning Tao’s phone kept beeping WeChat messages. He pulled out it and took a look. It was messages from Ma Yingqiang, saying that he had several colleagues who wanted to see him for medical treatment. They seemed quite worried. Since he didn’t reply their message, they asked Ma Yingqiang to contact him.

After reading the message, Ning Tao holding his small medicine chest walked to the building of the Blueprint Biotechnology Company with a bitter smile on his lips. Wasn’t that funny for him to make a little money when he had torn up the cash check that Zou Yulin gave him for a million?

Upon arriving at his destination, Ning Tao saw Ma Yingqiang waiting for him on the steps of the lobby.

When he saw Ning Tao in the distance, Ma Yingqiang came to meet him. All smiles, he said, “Miracle doctor, I was afraid you wouldn’t come. I’m so glad for your coming. Come with me, several of my colleagues are waiting for you.”

“Just call me Doctor Ning,” Ning Tao said. “I don’t deserve to be called a miracle doctor.”

“No, you deserve it.” Ma Yingqiang led the way while talking to Ning Tao.

Finally, Ma Yingqiang took Ning Tao to a lounge on the fifth floor.

“Doctor Ning,” Ma Yingqiang said, “please wait here for a while while I call my colleague over.” Then he lowered his voice, saying, “We are still at work now, and it will be terrible if our boss catches us doing this on the sly during office hours. So they have to come here one by one. Please don’t mind, Doctor Ning.”

“It’s okay. Never mind,” Ning Tao replied. “Tell them to come one by one.”

Soon after Ma Yingqiang left, a middle-aged man came. His long-term working at the desk made him suffer from severe cervical spondylosis, and he leaned forward a little when walking.

Ning Tao cured the middle-aged man of cervical spondylosis in a few minutes. With two Sacred Needles and spiritual power, the flow of meridians and blood vessels were promoted. By dredging one acupuncture point, all the acupuncture points were dredged. His cervical muscles were rejuvenated because of the spiritual power, and stopped from compressing the cervical vertebra. After the cervical vertebra was “liberated”, it was obviously more flexible than before.

It was a miracle for ordinary doctors to achieve such a magical effect with two needles. But Ning Tao had done more than that. He also used his spiritual power to crush two bone spurs on the patient’s cervical spine, which was the equivalent of a noninvasive microsurgery in vivo.

The whole process took only a few minutes.

As he pulled out the two blue Sacred Needles from the middle-aged man’s neck, Ning Tao said, “It’s over. Even if your cervical spondylosis is not completely eradicated, it’s basically cured. As long as you pay attention to your sitting position, and often move your neck, your cervical spondylosis will not relapse.”

The middle-aged man tried to move his neck. After a few seconds, he cried in surprise, “You’re right! I feel so much lighter. My neck is much more flexible and it doesn’t hurt anymore. I had never seen such a magic medical skill before. To tell you the truth, when Ma Yingqiang talked about you, I didn’t believe it. Now I just found out that you are a miracle doctor!”

Ning Tao was very proud and happy, but he didn’t show it on his face. He was as calm as ever.

“Doctor Ning, er… How much is it?” asked the middle-aged man tentatively.

Ning Tao gave a little smile and replied, “You can pay the amount as you like.”

The middle-aged man took out his wallet and pulled two one hundred notes. Then he hesitated and took out two more.

“Two hundred is okay,” Ning Tao said. “You should be supporting your child’s education right now. Leave the money to your child.”

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly and said, “I do have a kid in junior high school. Thank you.”

One patient after another came to the lounge and left happily. Ning Tao thought there were only a few patients, but after he treated ten patients, people kept coming in. Over an hour later, he had earned almost 2,000 yuan. Tired as he was, he was very happy.

Another young woman entered the lounge next to the office area. She didn’t seem to expect Ning Tao to be such an energetic and handsome doctor that her cheeks turned red before she could speak.

Ning Tao looked at her with a smile, and said, “Hello, you want to treat your rhinitis, right?”

He had made an accurate diagnosis by looking and smelling with only one glance. This young woman had no cervical or lumbar spine disease, but had severe rhinitis.

The young woman was surprised and asked, “How did you, how did you know that I wanted to cure my rhinitis?”

“I have my way,” Ning Tao replied. “Sit, I’ll give you acupuncture.”

“Can rhinitis also be treated with acupuncture?” inquired the young woman curiously.

“Sure,” Ning Tao answered. “If you believe me, I’ll treat you.”

The young woman immediately sat down next to Ning Tao and said, “I believe you. I heard from my colleague that your medical skills are superb. If I don’t believe you I won’t come here. Give me acupuncture.”

Ning Tao took out the two Sacred Needles and then gave the young woman acupuncture treatment. In fact, it was not acupuncture that was healing, but his spiritual power. After treating so many patients, he found that his spiritual power, when they entered a patient’s body, not only eliminated inflammation, but also cleared the body of poisonous air. As a result, it worked like a powerful antidote. Inflammation and toxins and poisonous air were at the root of many illnesses. Able to solve these problems, his spiritual power was a kind of panacea.

However, his spiritual power was rather weak, far from completely remove the patient’s inflammation, toxins and poison air.

The acupuncture treatment was soon over. Unable to completely eliminate the inflammation in the young woman’s nasal cavity, Ning Tao wrote her a prescription to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine for rhinitis.

The young woman took Ning Tao’s prescription, glanced at it, and said, “Doctor Ning, when I came to see you, my nose was blocked. It was really uncomfortable. But my nose is not blocked now. My breathing is easily. I don’t need any more medicine, do I?”

“The inflammation is not completely gone, you need to take some medicine as an adjuvant treatment, so as to completely cure your rhinitis,” Ning Tao explained. “It’s for your own good. Just buy what’s on the prescription.”

“Okay, I’ll take your advice. How much is it?” asked the young woman.

“You may pay the amount as you like,” Ning Tao said.

The girl took out her purse and was about to take some money from it when the door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open and a woman came in without a word of greeting.

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