Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 10: Skill Book

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

My eyes are groggily open as the blaring sunlight pierces through the gaps of the curtain.


Reaching the bedside table, I grab a water bottle that I previously filled. Chugging on them eases my sore throat before putting them back & giving out a full stretch.

“Agh... Sunday... Huhuhu, tomorrow is already Monday. Although it is going to be my day off, it will be Tuesday soon after.”

I whined & forced myself to stand up while checking out the time.

(“11:50 AM”)

Shrugging, I guess it's time for lunch then. As I stumble into the kitchen to bring out one of many Tupperware shoved into the fridge.

Waiting for it to heat up, I opened my phone as a flash of ideas came into my mind.

All the games I’ve played have wikia on them, I suppose the same can be said with Open World Online.

Once I type those in my phone. It loads up and reveals a link to a website.

“Ah... It’s a fan wikia, not a legit one from the devs. They didn’t even have one.”

I raised my eyebrow, intrigued by the decision of the devs to not put any Wiki page on their website.

Nevertheless, I click on the link to the fan wikia.

“Written by... A player named Pochi Mochi? That’s a cute name, hehe...”

Unintentionally, I chuckled as I began to scroll.

Ah... From the abstract, the information listed here came from interviews with other players, their experiences, & what Pochi Mochi has experienced in his play.

“Whoa... Whoever made this is good at web designing.”

The website itself is sleek and interactive. As I venture to its depth.

I see... the levelling here is easy as you can infinitely grind monsters using the ‘Field’ as they respawn indefinitely until the boss is killed.

Ahhhhh... Pochi Mochi is a Monk class, so he only uses the base of his class skills for the explanation. Monks, have ‘Trials’ given by their ‘Teachers’ in Frontera to gain their specific class skills. Mainly sparring against stronger NPCs and winning.

Looking down in the comments section, I can see other player's ideas of their class.

The priest class has daily prayers they need to do. Once they manage to reach the requirements of prayers. They will be faced with a ‘Trials’ and then earned their class skills.

Berserkers, Knights, Archers, and Rogues have their own ‘Teachers’ and gimmicky ‘Trials’ too.

In this forum, Mage is uh... more elusive, they don’t have a teacher. So far, all the other mage players discussed here gained their skills from Skill Books but not their class skills.

Ah! There’s a player comment about The Academy library worth checking into. They mentioned the need for ‘Self-Study’ to gain their respective class skills.

I assume they meant to read the library books and understand what they mean. I definitely will remember this.


Food’s ready! Bringing the Tupperware, I begin to eat my lunch while scrolling MeTube as I see some recommendations regarding Open World Online.

“Oooooooo... this guy claims that he managed to go independent by converting Zeni to Dollars. I wonder how that would work? Adventurer’s Guild requests every day perhaps?”

Most likely, he is a higher-ranking adventurer. I remember the higher rank you are, the better the rewards but also the more difficult the requests.

Once I finished eating them and cleaning up the dishes, I put the helmet back & pressed start.

-Entering O.w.O-

I’m back at the Adventurer’s Guild, and I see other players & adventurer NPCs come and go.

I have a schedule today! First, is to check what {Skill} I’m going to get and Second, is to check the other ‘Safe Point’ I received as a reward for completing the Astral Orb ‘Trial’.

Without further ado, I opened the inventory tab and clicked on the skill book item icon as it was consumed. In return, a rather large panel of different {Skill} is now displayed in front of me.

“That’s... a lot to choose...”

My eyes quickly scan interesting things such as; <Mana Affinity I>, <Mana Conversion>, et cetera...


Am I seeing things correctly? I see two... no three {Skill} with almost the same name.

<Crafting – Magicraft>, <Crafting – Artisanship>, and lastly at the end of the {Skill} list is <Crafting – All> complete with a fancier ‘Font’ used.

If what I read is correct from the name, it allows me to do some crafting. Haa... unfortunately, I cannot check on the description of these {Skill} but I do know it is a Rare grade {Skill}...

Nevertheless, I was wondering if the game is capable of crafting but now, I know it’s hidden behind {Skill}.

Agh! It’s hard to choose as my first {Skill} but... it's crafting though... it’s kind of important! Plus it’s rare! My gamer and collector spirit is burning through my eyes at the moment seeing the {Skill}.

In the end, I chose <Crafting – All>, The skill <Mana Affinity I> and <Mana Conversion> sound tantalizing but knowing how to craft things is much more important.

For example; potions in my bag or other useful stuff in combat or other scenarios.

Once I received the skill, I clicked it to glean further details in my status panel.


<Crafting – All>

Description: Once received, the holder of this {Skill} has access to all branches of crafting available in the world.


Below the description panel, there’s a list of other branches of crafting. Ranging from; Blacksmithing, Artisanship, Tailoring, Magecraft,  Farming, and Cooking.

My lips curved upward in a smile, satisfied with getting this skill. After all, it meant I could do everything regarding crafting. So it is worth it...

Interesting... I pressed the word ‘Blacksmithing’ in the list and a huge panel popped right in my face.

“Ohhh... this is how I access each of the crafting branches.”

Knowing that I explored other branches until I landed on Magecraft.

“Ohohoho, Magecraft is a combination of Enchanting and Alchemy. How very interesting!”

Come to think of it... Other crafting branch such as Artisanship not only deals with making Mage class staves, Priest class talismans, and Archer class bows. It can also craft furniture, jewellery, and miscellaneous objects.

Tailoring is usually clothing, robes, and armour too but needing the Blacksmith branch to work for making heavy armour.

Blacksmithing crafts the physical class's weaponry, Archer class arrows, also small devices that the Rogue class can use.

Farming and Cooking are self-explanatory as they rely on each other too.

(“Heh... I am glad I chose this {Skill} it must be quite a rare skill. Lucky me!”)

After all, the normal skill book drew {Skill} randomly with a small chance one of them would be a rare grade.

Opening all sorts of crafting branch panels, I begin to notice something similar to all of them.

There are two modes of crafting. First, is the ‘Auto Mode’ I don’t know what it entails as I swipe the screen revealing the second part called ‘Free Mode’. Both have a confirm button at the bottom of the display.

Tilting my head, I swipe left & right trying to discern the difference.

“Let’s see... ‘Auto Mode’...”

By pressing the confirm button, another new panel display popped in front of me. It shows a list of the recipes for the crafted items.

Below the indicated item that I can craft, there’s an icon of plus and minus. I am using Magecraft as an example in the alchemy section.

Besides making the weak version of Vitality Potion I can also decide how many I make all at once by altering the plus and minus icon.

“What about in ‘Free Mode’?”

Pressing the confirm button for the ‘Free Mode’ nothing appears such as panels and the like.

Rather I looked downward, on there were several tools & devices that I would see in a chemistry lab. With an addition of a bubbling cauldron in the middle of it all.

(“How did it get in here?”)

I turn to my left & right still within the adventurer’s guild. Not one person noticed the array of devices in front of me.

(“AH! Watch out!!”)

Someone just passed by the bubbling cauldron and yet nothing happens. As if it were see-through, what should I do with you then?


A panel listing of ingredients I have in my inventory and safe storage appeared. By tapping it, the ingredient will be spawned right on my hand.

“Ah... I think I get the gist of it.”

In summary, the ‘Free Mode’ allowed me to trial & error potion making by combining the ingredients manually. This means I can assume; that blacksmithing & other crafting branches work the same.

(“Now... How many can I combine?”)

That’s another question ringing in my head as I took several ingredients on my hand

“Vitality Herb, Stamina Herb, Mana Herb... what should I do first?”

I decided to put all the ingredients into the cauldron and stirred a few times. The colour of the blue clear waters slowly changes. From green to yellow, to blue, then at the end of it. It turns bright crimson red.

Manually, I scoop them using the provided ladle into a glass bottle. I don’t ask where it came from as once I took one bottle, another appeared instantly.

Once I did that, I was left with the bottle and the cauldron returned to its original state of bubbling clear blue waters.


A notification sound echoed in my ear as a panel display popped to tell me something.


Congratulations! You’ve learned a new recipe.

[Weak All Healing Potion (Uncommon)]

Description: Once consumed slightly restore HP, SP, and MP.


“Ooooohh... That’s how it’s done.”

The ‘Free Mode’ also serves to unlock new recipes which then I can utilize ‘Auto Mode’ to craft in bulk.

Indeed, as I pull out from ‘Free Mode’ the devices vanish and in ‘Auto Mode’ the recipe for that potion appears which I can craft in bulk using that plus & minus icon.

Pretty handy! It makes me wonder what kind of recipe I can discover.


“AH! I need to get another 10 requests.”

In a hurry, I stand in line with other players to one of the Guild’s staff members.

“Welcome!” -Fox NPC-

She gave a mischievous smile, and the usual panel of requests was shown in front of me. Once that happens, I stay away from the line allowing the person behind me to go through while I’m deciding on which request.

Hmmm... I’ll choose this one and this one.

I accepted many Gathering types of requests but, in the end, I was conflicted in choosing the slaying boss request or not.

(“The reward is really good... I mean, a skill book.”)

Agh... ruffling the hair on my head, I decided to take the request. I’ll think of a way to handle that quest later.

With a sigh of relief, I am going to check the other safe point that I unlocked at the start when I finished that ‘Trial’.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.