Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 11: Temple

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


I called out to it as the familiar panel revealed before me. Swiping my hands in the air, I moved through the available tabs until I reached the safe point section.

So far, I have two; the Frontera Safe Point and The Temple Safe Point.

I’m looking for The Temple as I wanted to know if it is the ‘very same’ Temple where I died before.

Pressing on the text of it, my view instantly changes.

“Gah! It’s so bright.”

I needed to close my eyes for a second, my surrounding temperature changed from the comfortable and chill inside of the guild to a warmer area. A gentle breeze tickled my skin...

As if I’m outside...

Once I got used to it, I opened my eyes to see a beautiful bright blue sky, clouds passing by ever so slowly, and a golden sun shining its rays upon my skin. Prickling them with warmth as I turn my head around.




I am not in the thick forest as I thought I should be. I still see those tall trees in the far distance of my eyes like a border. But around me is flat grassland.

It is as if I’m standing in a vast open glade.


My eyes dart towards something in front of me. In the distance, it looks like a small structure but recognizing the shape of it.

I knew it! That’s the exact temple where I got killed!

The path towards the temple is paved with marble roads. Pristine and glossy from the sunlight’s reflection as if it hasn’t been affected by elements.

It continues towards the temple and there are several branching roads around to my left and right. Akin to a crossroad I would say...

Previously, I couldn’t see how the path looked due to the overgrown weeds, trees, and thick roots breaking it up. But now, I can appreciate how remarkable the architecture is.

While moving a bit closer following the marble road, there’s a staircase made from the same material leading to The Temple. The same staircases also exist in North, West, and East. I guess I entered from the South.

Once I am facing the temple. I can be certain that it is the very same Temple where I died.

Huh... It is as if I went back in time, to when the temple hasn’t been abandoned.

Looking to my left and right, I can see where the branched road ended and connected.

It seems those ‘Branching’ roads created some sort of pattern. It’s kind of hard to see in this view since this area is quite vast.

But I have a hunch, from the way it curved perfectly and how it is shaping like a semi-circle.

Hmmmm... Ah! What’s the word... rings! Yeah, it has several rings. From where I spawned, I already saw the branching road. That would be the ‘Outer Ring’.

Then in the middle where I was walking to the temple, there was another branching road which made it the ‘Middle Ring’ and right on the end near the temple but quite a distance from it is the ‘Inner Ring’.

But why does this place have rings? Is it just purely aesthetic purposes or more?

Let’s not think too much, as I begin to climb the staircase to enter the temple. I need to prepare for anything possible, a hostile attack or something.



It worked!!! My body glowed in different lights, and I could check the buffs applied to my status.

Feeling prepared, I finally entered the interior of the temple. Without the vines covering the entrance, it is merely an open gateway where I can see the peculiar pedestal in the middle.

The open ceiling and gaps between the pillars allowed sunlight to illuminate everything as I could see my surroundings. Compared to when it was crowded by vines.


Ouch! That’s a loud sound as I physically recoil from it. In doing so, a large panel stood on display for me to see.


Congratulations! You have entered your permanent home!

A Home is a place where players can rest and relax also players can add furniture that is both decorative and functional.

Players can only have 1 permanent home and no limit on temporary homes.

In O.W.O., your permanent home will grow with you. The higher level you are more unique functions of your permanent home will be unlocked.

Hint! A home that’s in the wilderness or open areas might have ‘special’ encounters if the players stay long enough.

Hint! The {Skill} <Crafting – Artisan> might have furniture that’s functional for your home.


My mouth went ‘O’ upon reading this large panel. I have my player housing now! For free!

Oh! very exciting. Hmmmm... My Home functions, eh? I looked around the temple and saw that everything was just flat grassland plus several ‘rings’ of marble path.

“I wonder what’s my home unique functions are...”

The only thing that piqued my interest was the pedestal in the middle. I see ‘Wheels’ around the original Astral Orb doesn’t move. It reminds me of a spherical astrolabe but fancier and sprinkled with magic.

Because this place is registered as my home. I didn’t think there would be any hostile attacks, so I decided to relax my shoulders and began exploring the pedestal.

Each of the ‘Wheels’ or ‘Rings’ around the orb has interesting carving on them. For example, the one I’m looking at has a depiction of the Sun and Moon.

Extending my hand, I didn’t expect to give enough force to that wheel as it slid away.

“Oh shoot!!!”

Startled, I quickly grabbed the wheel and made it stay in place. Directly at the Moon depiction.


My eyes aren’t tricking me, right?

The entire area had grown darker the moment that wheel moved, as I looked up and around wondering what had happened.

A bright silver moon shines above the night sky full of stars, it’s beautiful to look at but knowing it was daylight seconds ago.

Huh... Peculiar...

I moved the wheel again returning it to the Sun Depiction and stopped it right there. Following suit, the area turns brighter as the Sun ascends to the top making this place shine like mid-day.

I see now... This particular wheel adjusts the time of day in my home. Let me try this then...

I gave enough force for the wheel to move and didn’t stop it at all rather let it turn.

Looking up at the sky, I can see they are cycling! The sun descends replaced by the moon & vice versa. But it’s too fast for my liking...

Let me make it even slower!

Using my index finger I give it a much lighter and gentler poke to the wheel after I stopped it.

It spins super slowly which I intended it to be. Nodding, I smiled proud of what I did before looking around at the other Wheels.

There are several different depictions carved into each wheel. But they are covered with rust and dust making it hard to see.

They wouldn't come out if I tried to rub them off. Let’s see if I can push them...


It’s stuck tight no matter how strong I tried to push, it wouldn’t budge at all.

“Haaa... Haaa.... I’m guessing ‘This’ means unlocking a new function by levelling up.”

Before I can catch my breath though...


It is a high-pitched tone of a bleat from somewhere as my head turns in that direction.

I’m pretty sure there were no creatures when I spawned in my home.

Then what is that? In a moment of curiosity, I came out from the temple and continued to search for the source of that sound.


Ah, it’s somewhere there...

Taking a deep breath, I ran in that direction as the sound got louder and louder.

(“It sounds like it is in pain...”)

Now... I can see what was making that noise...

Upon coming closer, what’s in front of me is a baby deer or a fawn with pure white fur. On its head, there are four little nobs of what appeared to be its growing antlers.

Contrasting to that white fur and ones that made my heart ache, are arrays of ‘injured’ visual effects. Such as deep red lacerations and scarlet puncture holes.

It weakly lays on the ground, emitting painful bleats and groans.

I start to approach the deer and it flinches upon noticing my presence.

“Shhhh... it’s okay... It will be all right.”

I softly say, knowing that the deer probably wouldn’t be able to understand me. I mainly said those words to myself.

*BAAA!* *BAAA!!!*

The bleating of this white deer becomes even louder as if it’s screaming at me to go away while it is struggling to move and running away. Taking a deep breath, I persist until I am finally right next to it.

Immediately, I pulled out a potion that I’d just made. Deep red viscous liquid and I drizzle it on top of its wounds.

Simultaneously, I whispered.


My left hand glow in a green light that engulfs the white deer in the very same colour. It might be overkill to use both {Spell} and potion at the same time.

But somehow, the wounded visual effect persists. The white deer is still injured, but it doesn’t bleat or groan anymore.

It looks straight at me, as if perplexed. Ignoring that, I opened the Crafting panel and began ‘Auto Mode’ to make more of those Weak All Healing Potion.

Pressing the + icon multiple times until I am left with only 2 Mana Herbs in my inventory. I then press confirm.

“Eh!? There’s a duration...?”

I looked down at the panel and saw below there was a countdown. ’00:59:58’ So, around 1 hour or so to make 60 weak potions.

In the meantime, I keep on spamming the [Heal] spell to the deer. Until my body feels heavy and tired, I can almost fall asleep with a single blink. Indicative of my MP is almost running out.

Once I sat and rested, I felt my energy returning then the process of healing and resting was repeated several times.

Due to my constant observation of this white deer.  A panel popped up showing me the white deer’s HP.

Then I realised...

(“How!? How big is your HP pool?”)

After all this time, its HP pool is around ¼ Wait... not even reaching that... It is probably less than ¼ of its HP.

Once I felt refreshed after sitting around, I began casting [Regeneration] coupled with [Heal].

Slowly but surely, I can see its HP pool slowly rising but it takes a lot of time and MP just to move it slightly.

It’s clear to me, that this ‘Special’ encounter takes several hours to finish.


Though... I believe all deer with antlers are mostly males right? I guess, he’s looking better now.

From the painful bleats and whimper prior, I can see he relaxed, and those things stopped.

I kept on casting the spell, maintaining the buff [Regeneration] while waiting until the potions were done.


*DING* A sound echoed in my ear, mimicking the bell of an oven once it’s done.

Immediately in my inventory, there were 60 potions I dumped all of them into the white deer.

It seems after determining that I meant no harm, the deer went to a deep slumber since as of now. It didn’t budge nor rumble when I spilled the potion on top of its wounds.


I shrug my shoulder and splash more potions to the visual effect of lacerations & puncture marks.


I continue adding potions and casting the spell simultaneously. The day and night cycle of my home moves exactly like in the game now after I have ‘adjusted’ it.

(“How many cycles now?”)

I have been focusing on helping this poor deer that I forgot.


Calling it out, I can see the time on the top right corner of the panel. It shows real-world hours.

“Huh...? It has been 2 hours, that long?”

I was amazed by the amount of time I spent healing the white deer. Stealing a glance at the deer, I can see his sleeping expression softens and his breathing pattern turn steadier as time goes by.

“Fufu... I feel happy for you.”

I gently stroke his body, it is incredibly soft completely different than what I thought.

“I wonder, what happened to you?”

I know the deer wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. So, I decided to just silently watch over it.

Steadily, its HP pool rose as minutes went by. While resting in between for my MP, I checked my friend list where there’s only a single player there.

Hmmm... Siegfried is Offline at the moment, I was thinking of making some requests and inviting him. Oh well... He’s probably busy in real life.

I’m not in a rush, so I might as well complete what I already did. I am referring to the white deer over here as I begin casting another round [Heal] and [Regeneration]

Certainly, it would be seen as strange for a Mage class like me can use Priest {Spell}. Thankfully, this is my home so hopefully, no other players will be able to enter. I can use all kinds of {Spell} freely here.

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