Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 42: Battle Royale 2

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

*Blink* *Blink* *Blink*

I am sitting and resting for a moment after casting that {Spell}. It sure does take a lot out of me, the buff from [Range Up] has run out too...

Internally, I sighed as I was going to do it all over again. So far my [Alarm] has picked up a few players but they didn’t come close to my base. The [Mirage Field] has been working its wonders I see!

Alright!!! Let’s spy with my little eye.

I zoomed around the desert locale and saw nothing. No players are around, understandable...

Like a touch screen, I simply drag my finger to change where I am looking towards the forest locale.

There are plenty of players hiding away. I cannot hit them from above due to the canopy but... what if I hit them from below?

My smile widened as I thought up a {Spell} that might work.

“[Triple: Range Up]!!”

As per usual, I took some time to rest after casting that buff and once I felt much better. It is time to start!

It isn’t that far like the desert locale so I can opt for a Meta Magic that focuses on offence.

“[Maximize: Tectonic Might]!”

I tapped at the screen provided by [Scry] and my cast bar began to fill up.

Several players are currently in the midst of battle. Clashing steel and fists as I watched them and heard their battle.

The earth began to rumble and quake then coincided with the cast bar filled...


Spires of earthen spikes spout forth from deep beneath the ground. It pierces several players and some are instantly eliminated who get caught off-guard by that.

As a result, I get a hefty amount of points from there. Glancing to the side, I can see the ranking panel and it shows what is my current rank.

(“Hmm... I’m ranked 4 at the moment, I need just a few points to get ranked 3.”)

As expected of Siegfried, he already Ranked 1. I did see other locales, presumably, he would be there.


I don’t know why but I felt something suspicious over there. How odd... my gut feeling is tingling but my eyes didn’t see anything. Even the [Alarm] didn’t ping...

Maybe it’s just the wind?

No... I always trust my gut feeling, it felt like staring at a suspicious bush in MOBA games where enemies are hiding for the ambush. I dunked down an MP potion just to be safe.

“[Lightning Bolt]”


Bolts of lightning shoot in a random direction and I see it! Something leapt away and then revealed an elven rogue player dodging my bolts.

He purses his lips in annoyance as his cover has been blown. Hey... I recognise this person!? He looks like the one in the elf village.

“Tch... I’ve been found out.” -Elf Rogue Player-

That confirms it! The youngish voice was contrary to the old-aged look of his character.

“You... I met you in Lainore Village!”

A look of realization dawned on the rogue’s face.

“Ah!!! The small mage. Sorry! I need the points.” -Elf Rogue Player-

He changed his expression into a serious look and then dashed straight towards me. Expertly dodging all the traps I have set he’s experienced in PVP and dirty tactics.

“[Maximize: Shield]”


The instantly erected dome has been broken easily by the rogue’s attack but that gives me a small moment to cast.

He picked up some dust from the ground and hurled them at me to cover my view. But I know how to fight back!

“[Maximize: Force]”


A shock wave of pure energy blasted around my surroundings creating a powerful force that knocked back the approaching rogue. He simply cushioned his fall and went right up ready to go.

“Knew you’ll be a hassle. You’re the culprit of that [Thunder]. <Super Speed>!!!” -Elf Rogue Player-

He madly dashed in a circle his figure blurred as it was so fast, hoping to confuse my aim so he could get to my range.

“[Star Shield].”

I whispered as my body was coated in shimmering colours like a prism.


His sudden ambushes were being blocked by my ability but it took a lot of my MP as I felt the incoming drowsiness...

I dunked down a standard MP potion again to recover from my previous casting of [Tectonic Might] plus these. Once I feel refreshed, I can focus on this rogue.

In terms of speed, I’ll lose but aiming {Spell} will be easily dodged by him. So, I have an idea...

“[Widen: Grease]”

A pool of oil seeped into the ground, I purposely aimed around me. He stepped on it and immediately fell over but the momentum he had made him dragged away. Yet he recovered fast by displaying good acrobatics, not even a moment spared for me to cast a {Spell}. But enough time for me to put [Guidance] de-buff on him...

Unlike the visual indicated of the buff version where glimmering silver stars surrounded the affected. This one gave a single dark purple star as the rogue seemed to notice it.

He immediately closed in on the gap. I decided to wait until he made an attack.

“<Shadow Strike>!!” -Elf Rogue Player-

His figure promptly vanished as if sinking into the shadows. Yet, his voice echoed behind me as I instinctively stepped on one of the [Sigil].

In an instant, my view changes. I am now, in front of the rogue at a good distance away catching him by surprise as he hit nothing.

That [Sigil] have a {Spell} [Warp] on them allowing me to have a short-distance teleportation. I can use it on enemies but this rogue seems to have identified all the [Sigil] I put.

“[Extend: Petrify]”

I aimed at him and he pulled out a strange cloak with a glimmering sheen. I don’t know what it does but my {Spell} worked as the rogue eyes widened in surprise far too late to realize.

His whole body has turned to stone. Which means he changes elements to earth and is vulnerable to fire damage.

“[Maximize: Fire Pillar]!!”

A column of red fire burst forth from below creating heated rocks as it engulfs the petrified rogue.

My MP didn’t regen due to the active [Star Shield] so I dunked another MP potion as I checked if I got any points. Realizing that I didn’t have an increase, I knew he was alive.

“[Extend: True Sight]”

My vision fades a bit before becoming sharper and brighter. This {Spell} allows me to see through invisibility, illusion, darkness, and transformed enemies or things. A handy one to explore in a dungeon as many secrets are hidden behind illusion.

I didn’t see him at all, I cancelled the {Spell} and cast another.

“[Widen: Detect Life]”

Through the pulse, I didn’t see anyone being highlighted like usual. So, I can safely assume the rogue escaped...





I slumped on my knees on the ground while catching my breath. My heart beats crazily from adrenaline.

At least that’s over. That is good enough already... but I better pick a point here and there to maintain a rise to Rank 3.

Returning to my base, I re-apply [Sigil] again. The [Warp] version is incredibly helpful! I just have a stroke of bad luck encountering a good rogue-derived player skilled in detecting magical traps and seeing through my [Mirage Field].


A slapped my cheek as it turned red. Making a fist, I am determined to rise to the rank 3 position!

-Perspective Change to 3rd Person POV-

(“Holy fucking shit! Anti-magic cloak doesn’t work!”)

That elf rogue player is hiding far away from that small dark mage.

So far, he targets magic casters as they are easy pickings for the rogue class. Coupled with that cloak he has, he is practically unstoppable for magic casters. Yet...

(“It is probably a legendary {Skill}. I’m sure of it! There must be a limitation somewhere...”)

His eyes twitched when he noticed how often that mage dunked down MP potion.

(“Could it be? Does the mage have a massive MP cost? Then I can simply keep on wasting the mage’s MP but... agh, not worth it. Better keep my Rank 2.”)

He nodded to himself as he faded into the shadows of the forest finding other magic casters that weren’t a hassle...

-Perspective Change 1st Person POV-

So far so good! I simply use extremely long-range AoE {Spell} to get a few points and my rank 3 is practically guaranteed!

My [Alarm] picked up several stragglers but once they accidentally stepped into my traps. It's either they survive it or simply become points. If it is the former then they will avoid this place.

My previous thought was wrong, the border isn’t getting smaller so I am safe to not relocate.


I side-eyed the ranking panel, right below it shows the time limit as it is coming to a close.

While it was counting down, I kept on picking players from far away and maintaining my MP in case of ambush.

Until the time limit reached 0...





Her voice echoed in the entire Area and in an instant, I got teleported into a colosseum sitting in one of the spectating benches. Looking at a widescreen...

The ranking for the LV50-59 pool has been displayed and it shows Siegfried as Rank 1 while I as Rank 3. The Rank 2 is a player named ‘Oji-san’.

Oh! I see Siegfried over there.

I waved my hand which he noticed and waved back before sending out chat messages.



-Good Work! Rank 3, what did you do to get that?


-Thanks ^•^, I didn’t do much. Just surviving and gathering points!

-But look at you!!! Rank 1, what’s your secret???


-Hahahaha, I got lucky being spawned with many players around.

-I hope we get good rewards! I want one of those legendary {Skill}.


-Me too!!!


The announcer snapped her fingers and the ranking panel vanished. Then I heard a sudden *PING* as if something had been added to my inventory.

Opening it up, I see an icon of a gift wrapped in fancy wrapping paper.

It read ‘Rank 3 C.B.R Lootbox’. The descriptions say it was given to the Rank 3 players in the event and no other words which makes me curious about what’s inside. I’ll leave it until the event is finished...

The other LV pools go by quickly until the announcer loudly exclaims with excitement the next pool.

The LV100 player...

At first, I’m watching players being teleported randomly like me. This wide-screen showed the big ‘Area’ where they were placed.

It is massively different, instead of multiple biomes. This one is a vast flat field where marble pillars at the border act as a barrier. As if they are inside a giant temple.

“AH!!! THAT’S POCHI MOCHI!!” -Spectating Player-

He points to a player who’s wearing a martial artist's kind of robe. I believe it is called Hanfu. I do remember Pochi Mochi is a monk.

So that’s Pochi Mochi...

He is a dog beast-kin and is from Shiba Inu type of dog. His face is so adorable! Shibas are so cute!

Though, the body of Pochi Mochi is built like a tank so it’s kind of mismatching with his face. That adds to the cuteness nonetheless!

He assumed a fighting stance once other players started to notice each other in the arena.

Then all of a sudden, a flinging ball of fire hurled towards them. It made contact and exploded in an array of intense blazes.

Pochi simply dodged by doing a roll, his body left unscathed. It is not the same for other players though as they have scorched visual effects.

“WHOAAA!! WHAT WAS THAT?” -Announcer-

She made a gesture in mid-air and the screen focused on the culprit of that [Fire Ball].

A magic caster was shown by a staff she held. A wide-brimmed hat bearing resemblance to a witches’ hat. She wore a robe that hugged her body unlike the usual baggy robe mages wear.

One unique thing I saw, is her hair. She has long straight hair like mine but it is in bright scarlet red and at the tips, it glows as if it’s a superheated metal.

Her eyes were emblazoned by fire as she cast another {Spell}. I can see what she is casting but only in an instant before it is done.

A wall of fire surrounds her as she begins to cast another {Spell} aiming at other players. Plunging her staff to the ground, she then made an embracing gesture as she hugged herself.

At that moment, as quickly as it comes. I saw a flash of a name [Inferno]. It is too far in the screen for me to see her mouth if she uttered the {Spell} name.

(“I see... her casting is different from the average magic caster. I presume she didn’t speak the keywords but rather through her gestures. Plus, I don’t even see any kind of visual effect. It is simply all of a sudden.”)

Then, just like that a large vortex of intense flame engulfed 2 players burning them to elimination.

The screen changed to focusing on Pochi Mochi who was surrounded by 4 to 5 players. I wonder how he survives from that?

I certainly don’t if I haven’t prepared anything. I would try to escape using any means necessary in that situation.

But Pochi has a definite stance of fighting back. He leapt like a cat then...

Hm?? He multiplied??

There are several Pochi Mochi’s all with different coloured Hanfu. They fight like power rangers which earned a burst of laughter from spectators and me.

Oh yeah! I haven’t put a bet...

I accessed the screen to put a small amount of Zeni into Pochi Mochi. I’m pretty sure he’s going to reach Rank 1.

The lady in red with strange casting mechanics would be close to second.

The other competitor is an archer class. Obviously, with pointy ears and a tall figure, she is an elf. Her bow is pure white with strange branches seeming to grow out from it.

Each time she shot, green gusts of wind guided the arrow even making it move and homing. I know this class as a ‘Spirit Archer’ an exclusive Elf class.


Soon the C.B.R. event has come to an end. Those three are merciless! They completely obliterated other players leaving just them.

Pochi Mochi gets 1st Rank.

The lady in red is named ‘Madam Burns’. She got 2nd Rank. While the Spirit Archer lady named ‘Zephyr’ got 3rd Rank with points almost close to Madam Burns.

Unmistakably, I heard several cheers and shouts from players around me. *ehem* even some that are a bit inappropriate for Madam Burns or Zephyr.

Nevertheless, I also cheered for Pochi Mochi. His way of fighting is reminiscent of Siegfried with a bit of a comedic flair.


She winked with a cheerful face towards the audience. I’ve been so focused on the battle that I didn’t listen to her commentaries.

Waving her hand a bright light obscured my vision and all of a sudden, I got teleported to My Home.

“Master!!!!!!” -Gaia-

From afar, I heard his excited shout followed by his gallops. Mini Lainore Forest is located at the Large section so it is quite far from the central pedestal where I am in.


Gaia is already beside me even before I can turn to receive him. I already felt his warmth on my waist and nudges from his antlers as he leaned his head on me.

“Hahahaha... You’ve got quicker. I’m glad you grew up healthy.”

“Of course! I ate a lot.” -Gaia-

He raises his head in pride but also it causes his antlers to shake creating a beautiful and enchanting sight as the leaves and blooming flowers growing on them rustle.

Gaia’s main diet is alchemical plants, Mini Lainore Forest contains most of the plants like all the elemental ones, status boosters, and of course the standard herbs. It is resulting in him wandering around that biome for the most part.

Before I can complement and pepper Gaia with kisses though. I heard a familiar notification sound of a direct message.

Distracted by it, I opened the chat system and saw who messaged me.

Of course, it would be Siegfried as he’s the only Friend I got in O.w.O

We simply chatted about the battle, how fascinated he was with Pochi Mochi’s battle style, and of course my curiosity regarding Madam Burns' casting mechanics. It must’ve been either a {Skill} or {Trait} ability to change the innate mechanics similarly to mine.

Maybe a legendary {Skill}? I am sure that drastic changes like that are within the region of legendary rarity...

Ah, Siegfried is going to log off as he wanted to go to the gym. We parted and his character status went offline.

I will be seeing him again tonight since we’re planning to level up as much as we can. The goal is to get LV100 ASAP!

Now what should I do for today?

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