Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 43: Unboxing

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Well... first of all, let’s do some restocking and recrafting of all the potions in my shop.

Laying on the grass with Gaia, I simply waved my hands around, tapping, and dragged it here to there. Until everything is done and dusted...


How odd...


Why is it so silent?

In the Mini Lainore Forest, I have it filled with all sorts of critters. From the usual Forest Squirrels, Forest Songbirds, Majestic Lyrebirds, Mossy Bunny, Wise Owl, etc.

Strange, it is very strange...

I thought it was simply not enough critters, I have wasted a lot of my creation ability to keep on summoning critters but I think something is causing them to disappear.

I just don’t know what ‘It’ is...

Before I can use a {Spell} to identify my surroundings, I hear the tell-tale noise of a rattlesnake. Fully going alert, I am already in my battle stance while looking at Gaia who’s relaxing as usual.

(“I guess it’s not an enemy.”)

Slithering amidst the trees and finally revealed itself from the bushes. Is the two-headed snake that I previously saved. They are bigger now, as large as an adult anaconda with rattlesnake’s tail and two-headed.

Their stomachs bulge after eating something and their eyes curve upward into a happy expression similar to what Gaia did several times.

After noticing me, they bowed their head and the taming icon appeared on both heads. Including the panel that asked for their name popped up.

(“Hahaha... I see you’re the culprit. I thought you simply vanished as a random encounter.”)

With that in mind, I put a name.

“Oreoboros or in short Oreo. That is a fitting name for you.”

I giggled for a bit, a small harmless revenge.

“We are grateful for what you’ve done for us, Master.” -Oreo-

I heard their words, unlike Gaia’s voice. They are a combination of both masculine and feminine speaking in tandem each with unique resonance and archaic way.

As soon as that mark settled, I got the panel changed.


{Name}: Oreoboros

Description: a mysterious double-headed snake

{Affection Meter}: Max

{Age}: Youngling.

{Owner}: Magie Magia

{Skill}: <Cycle of Life and Death>

Description: Critters can naturally spawn and de-spawn within a Safe Zone where Oreoboros is present.

{Skill}: <Cycle of Hunter and Prey>

Description: Oreoboros will periodically provide specific Creature materials designated by you.


Well, I dare say those {Skill} are incredibly handy. I’m glad they joined our team!

Gaia lazily raised his head to stare at Oreo then yawned before returning to his slumber enjoying the constant comfortable breeze coursing through Lainore Forest.

Similarly, Oreo stretched their head and curled themselves. They appeared to rest after eating a big meal such as that.

I guess today is a lazy day?

Accessing my inventory, I checked on my reward from the C.B.R event. With a deep breath to steady myself, I tapped it and pressed ‘Open’.

Internally, I am praying to the RNG gods to give me good rewards!

Several fading in and out icons were added to my inventory as I checked them one by one.


[Penalty Free Ticket (Event Exclusive)]

Description: While having this in inventory, if you got killed by a player. You will not suffer the penalty effect. This item is then consumed.

[C.B.R Costume Gacha Box (Event Exclusive)]

Description: This box contains a C.B.R. Costume to be worn over player gear. (Costume) uses Overall slot.

[Skill Book (Event Exclusive)]

Description: This Skill Book when used will give the user a guaranteed legendary Skill at random. Instead of the usual list with a randomised chance to have a Legendary Skill in display.



My eyes are wide as saucers see these new items I just got.

But first... event exclusive grade?

I clicked on it to get more information... Ah, I see. Event Exclusive grade as the name suggests came from Game Events such as C.B.R and it is bounded to player. Meaning it cannot be traded or dropped when beaten by players.

I focused on the skill book as I prayed once more to get a nice {Skill} that is useful according to my class and race.

Pressing ‘Use’ I close my eyes to not look at my inventory. After a time, I squint my eyes to see what I get.



Description: Per day, you will gain charges equal to your INT {Status} and its maximum amount is also determined by your INT {Status}.

You can spend a charge to nullify any kind of MP cost or waive MP penalties from a {Spell}, {Skill}, or {Trait}.


He... Hehehe... Hehehehehehe hehehehehehe~

I’m pretty sure I’m making a very weird face after reading the legendary {Skill} I got. How do I use the charge?

I looked at the bottom corner where my mini {Status} is. It displays my name, my HP bar, and the buffs or de-buffs I have.

I see a new icon being added with a tiny number of 3 on its bottom. I assume that is my <Vancian> charges.

Then uhm... how is it going to interact? I have a different {Spell} mechanics.



I muttered that {Skill} as the icon glowed including several glowing bits around them.

“[Triple: Magic Boost]!!!”

From 3 charges, it immediately reduced to 2. I got the increase [Magic Up] buff stacked indicated by numbers on its icon.

Yet I didn’t feel any drowsiness at all or light-headedness from a sudden use of costly {Spell}.

Next question, how to turn it off?


Saying the {Skill} name again made the icon stop glowing. It works similarly to [Star Shield] so it’s alright I suppose.

Resting my head on the grass, I giggled and kicked the air in happiness before hugging Gaia who was snoring.

Oh yeah!!! I almost forgot...

I stood up and began to move towards where My Temple was. In this distance, one can see a little sapling with golden bark and leaves swaying by the winds.

That is the planted Seed from the Tree of Life. It takes time to reach maturity even with Gaia’s {Skill}. Nevertheless, I wonder what will happen if it fully matures. Is the tree going to give seed for race-changing? I can sell that if it does.

Mr. One with the new sleek-looking upgrade of adamantine ore roaming about, taking care of that sapling. He is in charge of My Temple, he cleaned it periodically by using [Clean] {Spell}.

The other mister golems are in mini biomes but most of them are in Lainore Forest taking care of my plants.


Oh yeah! My grimoire!!!

An excited smile begins to draw on my face as I hurriedly activate my crafting {Skill}. Upon seeing the item has been crafted notification and collected it.

I checked my inventory to see what I’d made.


[Beginner’s Grimoire (Common)]

Description: A bound leather tome infused with magic. When worn, Greatly increases maximum MP and Passive MP regeneration.


I see...

This grimoire is categorized as a Weapon. Wielding the book in my hand, my staff got transferred into my inventory as I checked if there was any difference...


There is nothing, opening the grimoire it depicts diagrams and magical circles with strange scribbles.

Conjuring a simple pen on my left hand, I tried to write {Spell} on the blank page. Yet it doesn’t give any ink as I tried it on my hand.

The pen works, but it seems I’m not allowed to write anything in Grimoire.

Haaaaah... my dreams of having a grimoire containing my {Spell} won’t come true then.

Well, at least I know that I can wield other types of weapons besides a Staff. Now that I think about it, I see some Priest-derived class wielding a Staff with a cross on its top as decor.

Maybe if I find a rarer kind of Grimoire, I can replace my staff with it. But for now, I’m satisfied with mine.


I screened at my request panel. It seems I am short of a few requests before I can ask for a promotion request.

(“Maybe I can do a little bit before taking a shower.”)

Deciding to do this, I teleported to Astera and went straight to their adventurer’s guild.

Hmmmm... This... and That.

Picking up several requests that don’t require slaying, I explored the Lainore Forest. Gathering ingredients, Mining materials, and more...

Reporting it to the adventurer’s guild, one of the staff looked at me while sorting out papers.

“It seems you’re eligible for another promotion. Congratulations! Please talk to the guild master upstairs, she’s already waiting for you.” -Scholarly NPC-

The interior design is the same as Frontera’s so I am familiar with navigating the place as I arrived on the third floor sitting in one of the provided waiting chairs. Until I get a call from within the room asking me to enter.

Even the decor of this room is almost the same but there’s an addition of house plants here and there as I finally see Astera’s guild master and vice guild master.

Both are elves, unlike the ones in Lainore Village. They are wearing the dresses of Astera’s NPC as the guild master addresses me.

“Ah! Mr. Magie Magia, before we begin. We need to say thank you for saving our Mother Tree.” -Astera GM-

The GM and Vice GM made a gesture of extending their index & middle fingers together crossing them over and putting them on top of their chest. Similar to what I receive from elves at Lainore Village.

“Ah... you're welcome. I’m glad to be of aid. You are born from there I presume?”

“Indeed we are, but the temptation of living in the city was too great and we decided to move to Astera to learn magic. Right sister?” -GM-

“Hahahaha, yes that’s correct. I still remember you singed your hair during the apprenticeship.” -Vice GM-

“Hey! Don’t remind me that. It's embarrassing.” -GM-

They banter with each other in nostalgia before calming themselves down as I get a chance to ask.

“May I ask my promotional request?”

The elves looked at each other and the GM nodded. Seemingly communicating silently as the vice GM took a parchment.

“We... we have a request for you regarding your recent capabilities in saving Mother Tree.” -GM-

She seemed unsure but still gave me the request.

I read it and it told me about a ‘Strange Disease’ affecting a part of the forest. The level requirement is around 50 to 60 which is right in my alley and Solo.

“I’ll accept this.”

Upon saying that, both elves' expressions brightened as I left the vicinity.

“Okay, first! Gather information. Since it is relating to elves might as well ask from the source!”

Clicking on the safe point, I teleport to ‘Lainore Village’ and the scenery of grandiose trees and rainbow flowers greeted my vision.

I travelled to the central tree trunk and freely entered due to my {Title}.

“Excuse me, Elder?”

She notices my presence as she replies.

“You have returned, Mother’s chosen. Is there anything we can help?” -Elder Elf NPC-

“Yes, in fact, I have a question regarding Mother Tree. Why do you worship them so? Do forgive me if I may seem too direct, I am simply curious.”

She was caught by surprise for a fraction of a second before giving a heartfelt smile.

“I’ll be glad to tell you about them. Mother Tree or in your language ‘Tree of Life’ is the forest’s heart and brain. Their very presence sustains the land, water, air, and nature. As such if they are injured or corrupted then the entire area will soon follow. Our ancestors originally found the Mother Tree during their travel to find a decent land to stay in the olden times and gained Mother’s affinity with the land. As you may have seen they are in the form of ‘Spirits’ that dwell in the elements allowing elves to survive those challenging times until now.” -Elder Elf NPC-

(“Well, that is a lore I suppose.”)

I nodded after listening to her tale of Mother Tree. So, I saw Tree of Life being inflicted with a curse and cut scene of a battle between a zombie wolf & the tree. Pretty sure whatever makes the zombie wolf is the culprit of the ‘Disease’ plaguing the land.

“Elder Elf, have you seen or heard of any ‘Strange Disease’ affecting the forest?”

She looked a bit troubled giving a wry smile of her own. I got a feeling it wasn’t directed at me but rather at herself. Her shoulders slightly tremble but then quietened and she began to speak...

“Yes, unfortunately, I have seen them in some parts of the forest. It is concerning, we do not know who’s causing this but through our vision. There is something beyond the plaque land and we suspect as the culprit. But the disease affecting the land affected us too. How shameful of we, to not be able to solve this on our own.” -Elder Elf-

Gritting her teeth in frustration, she then took a deep breath as if bracing for something and calming herself down as other elves looked at her in worry.

“I ask you, Mother’s chosen, could you please aid me in this?” -Elder Elf-

“But Elder! They-“ -Other Elf-

“Silence... We are out of options many of our comrades have perished from that disease, I know all too well that Mother’s Chosen has more important things to do! So let this shame only mark me.” -Elder Elf-

Internally, I shake my bead not understanding why but at least the elven elder did mention some importance. I should go along...

“I accept Miss Elder, would you be so kind as to guide me?”

I could see a sense of relief washed over her and she nodded. Yes! It's nicer to have a guide so I know where to go than to wander.


I heard a notification and a panel popped. I was saying that ‘Elder Elf’ is asking to join your party. Without further ado, I tapped yes and in my party list beside all my golems. I have Elder Elf as a member.

“Come this way...” -Elder Elf-

I thought of her as frail but I was wrong, her steps are light as a feather and incredibly fast. To keep up, I need to stack buffs that increase AGI and movement speed.


Soon we arrived at a border between the fresh greenery of the forest and the myriad colours of flowers.

And beyond it, I smelt something... stagnant and putrid. It is repulsive, to say the least as the trees rotted from the inside. The strange thing is, I do not even see mushrooms growing as if ‘Life’ has been sucked from this land and beyond.

Skeletons of animals even... humanoids well. The elder seemed to be in sorrow as she knelt and then clasped her hands in prayers.

“Sisters, Brothers, may Mother Tree guide you to the eternal field.” -Elder Elf-

Opening her emerald eyes, she looked ahead in determination and a prompt panel was asking me to enter a dungeon named ‘Plague Land’ Solo as I agreed to it.

I guess it is a different one compared to the other ‘Plague Land’ that has LV70 or plus monstrosities.

-Lainore Forest’s Dungeon: Plague Land-

In this part of Lainore Forest, as far as my eyes can see are just rotted trees and parched ground. It is like a cursed forest where many horror movies would be filmed.

We encountered some creatures in the form of undead ranging from animated beasts to humanoid ones. Even incorporeal ghost-looking ones as well...

It seems the Elder Elf is a magic caster so uh... I resorted to using a summoning {Spell} to fill out the vanguard role. Two magic casters without a vanguard is a recipe for disaster after all.

Right in front of us is an animated marble statue depicting an angel carrying a sword and shield. I think I made a good decision on summoning a Celestial-type creature instead of the usual undead. Since we’re mostly fighting with dark elemental monsters...

I just didn’t expect it would be a statue that I summoned that’s all.

This summon named ‘Guardian Angel’ is from [Summon Lesser Celestial] a Tier 3 Priest {Spell} but due to my forced upcasting, it becomes a stronger variant.

Since it is the opposite element, Guardian Angel simply smacks the undead apart burning them with golden radiance as we move forth guided by the elder Elf.

“So much devastation...” -Elder Elf-

She said with a mournful tone, a bit overshadowed by the loud smacks and bursting light visual effects in the background from strengthened Guardian Angel.

We finally reached an open area, a completely desolate land with clouds as dark as night. Even though I knew in the back of my head it was still in day-cycle outside the dungeon.

The air is stagnant and humid with the scent of death roaming about. Then-

The elder Elf stood in front of me seemingly preventing me from moving forward. Her expression is deadly serious as she glares at the centre of this area.

A rather tall-robed figure, wearing I should say the same colour scheme and looks as mine. Clearly by its rickety form and ominous whispering. That person has been casting a {Spell} named [Plague] like a chant type of magic.

“Shall we begin?”

I whispered to Elder Elf as she turned her head and gave me a firm nod.

I gave a command to the Guardian Angel to advance and target that thing over there. While I’m going to do something else’s.

Aiming my staff towards it, I cast [Counter Spell] and it simply bounced off, while the thing seemed to notice my presence and interruption.

It uncannily turns 180 degrees and immediately, we knew we were dealing with an undead or uh... An amalgamation of one.

The robe it wore has ripped apart in the middle revealing myriads of corpses congregating into a lower torso much like a skirt while the one at the top controls all of them.


An ominous song echoed in the background and the HP bar of the boss’ name appeared in the corner of my vision.

As It shrieked, the elder Elf cupped her ears. It then began to point its many fingers to me and a bolt of green beam shot from it named [Disintegrate] similar to the Arch Specter...

“[Maximize: Barrier]”

Hexagonal barriers made sturdy by Meta Magic appeared and in contact with that green beam. Those barriers dissolve and the beam fades as they cancel each other.

(“Haah? The durability just vanished instantly? That beam is kind of OP”)

My Guardian Angel slammed their shield to the creature making it stumble for a bit and spikes of earth spiralling to pierce the body of that creature courtesy of Elder Elf.

Wait! This isn’t the time to be amazed!


Declaring it and the icon glowed, I started my preparation.

“[Triple: Magic Boost]”

My body glowed in blue and I confirmed to have received three stacks of buff.

“[Maximize: Divine Wrath]”

While casting it, the creature restored its balance and used its many hands. It grapples the Guardian Angel and then opens its stitched mouth forcefully even I can hear the sounds of leather ripping apart as it unleashes sickly green smoke.

The Guardian took some damage from that, but that is enough time!

Through dark ominous clouds from above a single beam of golden light pierces straight down to the creature unleashing an intense array of radiance.

I can see a chunk of its HP vanish in one go and it targets me. It muttered something from its stitched mouth and then...


From beneath the parched earth, multiple desiccated hands spout forth grasping and pulling their body out from the soil.

Multiple undead such as Zombies and Skeletons, were brought forth. Their groans and cackles harmonized into eerie music as they stumbled forward.


Turning off my {Skill}, I wanted to save up some stacks left for another round of [Divine Wrath].

“[Widen: Holy Radiance]”

Slamming my staff to the ground for extra flair, I chuckled to myself. It's kind of ironic to see me wearing dark mage’s clothing yet casting priestly {Spell}.

Simultaneous with the cast bar filling up, wisps of golden granules surrounded me, coiling, and twisting turning more and more concentrated.

Once the bar filled up, a bright radiance burst from me engulfing any undead within my surroundings in its golden light and promptly burning them into nothingness.

“Good, he doesn’t have any smalsies now. Go! Guardian Angel!!!”

I helped by shooting off several [Holy Light] dealing miniscule but constant damage. As the Guardian Angel with clunky movement brandishes their sword enchanting it in brilliant light. It swung down hard to the shoulder of that creature.

“AAGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” -Herald of Disease-

It staggered clearly from the wound's visual effect covered by golden granules, I can say a light element attack works wonderfully as injuries inflicted by Elder Elf seemingly recovered easily.

Plus, Guardian Angel has been imbued with [Guidance] and tons of buff from me so of course it would be tanky. Plus... *Ehem* my {Trait} made my healing {Spell} worked on inanimate things so I can put [Regeneration] on it.

“*GROWL* *Mutter*” -Herald of Disease-

A {Spell} is cast in an instant as I can only glimpse its name for a fraction of a second. [Summon Undead].

“My sisters and brothers!!!” -Elder Elf-

She panicked seeing another set of undead rising from the grave. Their bodies were in pristine condition except for the dark sclera eyes and blackish aura enveloping them.

While my Guardian Angel is keeping Herald of Disease occupied. It sent a party of undead elves also to keep us occupied. As the Elder Elf's eyes open wide and turn teary from it.

“Miss Elder, that vile creature is using your friends. We must let them rest and vanquish it!! Do not be shaken!”

It is been a while since I role-played, and I said those words in urgency. I was breaking the thoughts of the Elder Elf as she wiped her tears and looked determined to see this through.

“You are correct, Mother’s Chosen.” -Elder Elf-

She began to chant a {Spell}.

“Spirits that dwell in flame, I beseech thee. Bring forth thy blazing heart and scorch them ablaze!” -Elder Elf-

Soon after she finishes her chant, the entire area in front of her is engulfed with intense flames and what is left from it is the party of undead elves half charred yet still standing.

(“Well... that is a strong [Fire Storm] {Spell} but uh... Not enough. I can see that these undead are stronger variants.”)

Then one of the undead elves at the back clasped her hands in prayer as spirits began to gather around the undead party.

The previous scorch marks slowly vanish as I can see they are healing themselves.

(“Heyyy!!! That’s cheating!!!”)

One who carried twin blades lunged forth towards the Elder Elf as I hurried and cast [Maximize: Shield]

The blue dome protecting her deflected the attack from that elf yet it immediately showed cracks. It appears to have shaken the elder elf as she gasped and held her mouth in sadness.

The shield!!!! one more attack is enough to crush it.


A lone arrow shot at an incredible speed towards me and instinctively I used [Star Shield]. A prismatic sheen coats my skin and deflects it easily but I feel a slight drowsiness begin to creep in.


“[Triple: Magic Boost] [Maximize: Holy Javelin]!!!”

I point with my index finger and a lance made from pure light formed into a cross and shoot towards the healer of these undead elves. I needed to target the annoying ones first before anything else.

Before it made contact though...

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