Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 44: Promotion

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


The dual-wielding one uses his own body as a shield and the lance pierces his torso impaling it to the ground. Then at the end of that light spear, it becomes another cross inflicting further damage.

“I guess that’s the upcasting effect of that {Spell}.”

The dual-wielding undead elf simply collapses, leaving behind granules of light as an apparition of when he was alive appeared staring at the Elder Elf. With a smile of relief before walking towards her.

“Y-y-you...” -Elder Elf-

She recognizes him and a small tear drops from her face. The other undead don’t seem to show emotion.

Now it’s not the time! I need to press on the advantage.

“[Maximize: Divine Smite]”

A strong beam of light followed after, hitting the healer as she did the same as the dual-wielder elf. Gathering around the Elder Elf

(“Now that’s left with the archer. Maybe there’s a mechanic if I managed to ‘purify’ those three.”)

I glanced at the elder elf's situation, her teary eyes and little cries echoed on the battlefield while the spirits seemingly comforted her.

I waved my hand to the Guardian Angel who’s been fighting Herald of Disease for this long.

“[Maximize: Highness Heal]”

Its HP down from quarter went back to full, allowing me to focus on the archer. One would be slack-jawed seeing me healing a construct.


Another sound of an arrow hitting my prismatic coat as I turn in that direction.

“[Extend: Mark]”

I have 5 charges left from <Vancian>. I think it landed on the elf as I can now see where the archer is.

“<Vancian> [Star Shield]”

I turned them off as I aimed at my staff.


Magical chains spout from the ground and hit the legs of the archer chaining him down.

“[Holy Light]”

Other ones are in cooldown so I have no choice but to rely on low tier {Spell}.

Shooting off multiple beams, I slowly chipped down the archer’s health while trying my best to avoid his retaliations as he finally fell revealing the apparition when he was alive and well.

Those spirits then move into the Elder Elf while she continues to cry her heart out. After receiving the spirits, she wiped her tears. Her body glowed in white light and coated in brilliance. Staring at the Herald of Disease with newfound power wielded in her hands.

“Through my hands, the spirits of my brethren that dwell within me. Be Destroyed!!!” -Elder Elf-

Rising her hands above, I can see what name of the {Spell} she’s used, [Obliteration]. I am pretty sure that is a high-tier.

With a single blink, a dome of magic covered the Herald of Disease then like a snap, the creature simply disappeared. What’s left is just a chunk of earth as if something had taken a bite of Herald of Disease including the ground it stood upon.

“Haaaaah... Haaah.... Ha....” -Elder Elf-

It seems to take a lot from her as she is down on her knees closing her eyes and giving a mournful prayer to somewhere beyond.

I cannot understand as I haven’t experienced a grieving loss such as what she has. However, I can give a listening ear and comforting presence by simply standing here.




“Thank you, I-I didn’t expect my brothers and sisters...” -Elder Elf-

“It’s alright, take your time.”




Nevertheless, I got a notification saying my promotional request had been completed and need to report back to GM in Astera.

After she regains her composure, it is an easy matter to return as I get kicked out of the dungeon. Our travel back is silent as I don’t know what to say until we arrive.

“Elder!!!” -Elf-

“You’re back!” -Worried Elf-

They gathered around her before bowing and said thanks to me as they guided her to one of the houses.

I guess my role here is done...

Opening the system and navigating to the Safe Point section, I simply clicked on ‘Astera’ and my whole P.O.V was changed into the hustle and bustle of a novelty city.

Walking in the city, I started to realize how detailed they designed it. There is even public transport! In the form of a large carriage powered by magical crystal located at the bottom of the vehicle.

NPCs and Players alike can enter it and because the carriage has designated stops, they can just come out whenever. I often used it too! Since my walking speed is abysmally slow compared to normal magic casters.

Arriving in the Adventurer’s Guild, I rested my legs and waited. As I heard, the click of a door it was my cue to enter the place.

“Thank you! We are grateful for your help. To think Herald of Disease is there. It is ominous...” -GM-

She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes from my report as I got curious.

“Excuse me, may I ask?”

I await their reaction as they seem to be reactive and give me a gap to ask.

“What is a Herald of Disease?”

They looked at each other before GM took a deep breath and explained.

“Herald of Disease is a particularly powerful undead created from vile magic of necromancers. The thing is... Its very presence will defile its surroundings inflicting them with deadly disease. We at first thought... *Ehem*Even fighting one is a difficult thing to do.” -GM-

The vice GM adjusted her glasses and spoke in a more calculative manner after giving a big glance to her sister as if reprimanding her for almost leaking confidential information.

“It also means a presence of one indicates a group of rogue necromancers.” -Vice GM-

Her expression grew dire as she whispered something to the ears of GM. Her sister nods back after hearing it.

“I see... is there anything I can do to help?”

To Aid, To Help, etc all those are keywords to trigger something so that I can get offers for a quest from NPCs.

They looked at each other and then towards me, steeling themselves.

“Then, can you go to the Tower of Life & Death and inform them regarding this matter?” -Vice -GM-

“I’ll be sure to inform them.”

“Thank you.” -GM-


Congratulations! You have been promoted from D-rank to C-rank Adventurer. More Requests are unlocked.



If I remember correctly, the relationship between adventurer’s guild and mages tower is strictly professional even if it is an urgent matter. Of course, it would take time for the heads to gather and discuss.

That is why my role comes in. I am an adventurer but also a mage so I can freely enter the towers.

With that in mind, I am already on my way to the Tower of Life & Death.

The gardens leading to this tower are somewhat strange, half of them are filled with lustre and life while the others are only decay and rot. It exchanges per cycle of an in-game day. Depicting the eternal cycle of life and death...

How ominous and I am amazed by the design. Unlike my Tower of Celestial Bodies, this tower is both new and old. Crumbling parts can be seen in one section while the rest is pristine as if it was built anew.

Astera doesn’t have a church like what I have seen around the city and based on the NPCs' testimonies this place serves as one.

I believe it is dedicated to the God of Dark, who ruled over the eternal cycle.

Entering the tower, I can see several priests and mages roaming about discussing philosophical questions regarding existence and what ‘Being Alive’ means.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see any scripts for me to ‘Learn’ more Priestly {Spell} so I decided to ‘climb’ not as much as climbing per se as I got teleported to the top due to my class privileges.

Aha! That person looks important enough.

He is wearing a lavish robe signifying the status of the tower’s leader. But also a talisman that depicts the eternal cycle.

Coming closer to him, I get his attention.

“Oh? Another student, pray is there something you’re confused about?” -Headmaster-

“No, professor I’m here to bring an auspicious news as an adventurer.”

He tilts his head in both curiosities.

“Ah! I have heard from other professors you’re an adventurer as well. We received a lot of students that work as an adventurer this year... *ehem* forgive me for being distracted. Please tell me the news.” -Headmaster-

“The adventurer’s guild has sighted a creature known as Herald of Disease within Lainore Forest. We-“

The headmaster's eyes suddenly turned sharp and his face frowned in a not-so-pleasant way. As if the name Herald of Disease is an affront to him.

“Care to repeat that?” -Headmaster-

“Yes, uhm... An undead with myriads of corpses sewn together had wreaked havoc in Lainore Forest-“

He cut me off as his voice rose a bit, as if in a rush.

“I know what you’re talking about! Escort me to the adventurer’s guild at once!!!!. This is an urgent matter far more dire than any other.”

He made a gesture without uttering a single word but I can see a {Spell} being cast atop his head named [Sending].

(“I guess that’s a {Spell} to send messages? Huh... NPC has a different way to communicate...”)

For players like me, the system provided the chat. Much more convenient than casting a {Spell}.

While thinking about different stuff, I obediently escort the Headmaster to the adventurer’s guild until he enters the third-floor room.

I got a notification saying I needed to wait outside for 5 minutes.

-After 5 or so minutes-

A quest panel popped up...

Oh? It looks kind of different. I mean, what’s with this lavish decor on the panel? There are several filigrees.


(Unique Quest: Dark Tidings)

Recommended LV: 60-70

Accept: Yes / No





I have never seen this thing before. What should I do? U-uhm, I should know more about it first...

Clicking on the ‘Unique Quest’ a sub-panel simply pops and describes what it is.


Unique Quest is of a kind quest that’s unlocked after fulfilling a hidden requirement. Often, upon completion, they gave special rewards to the ones participating. Some Unique quests can be shared between friends.


I see, *Ehem* is all the more reason to accept the quest then... even though I am 1 Level below than requirement. I’m sure it won’t be much of a difference!

With a deep breath to steel myself, I pressed the yes button. After that, the panel simply vanished the


My ears perked up upon hearing that surprised voice coming from the Headmaster. Getting even more curious, I scooted over nearby to the edge of the wall and rested my ear on it.

(“It is technically eavesdropping but hey! I’m super curious!!!”)

“Headmaster! You must not yell! Who knows people outside might hear.” -Vice GM-

“*Ehem* *Ehem*, yes of course. Pardon my rudeness my lady.” -Headmaster-

Now that I think about it, elves have sensitive ears maybe that’s why the Headmaster was apologizing.

“Still, I cannot believe that he accomplished such a thing. To defeat Herald of Disease? Even with the help of Elder Elf, it must’ve been a difficult battle...” -Headmaster-

He took a long-winded pause before continuing to speak.

“Herald of Disease... I do not think in this era one would see it again or even hear of it. After the ban of Necromancy in XXX year I thought we eradicate those practices. How ominous, Ugh... I believe they are acting up once more on what end?” -Headmaster-

He questioned it as if muttering to himself and in turn, another voice replied.

“Yes, we believe it too. We have received news of witnesses seeing necromancers within the sewers of Frontera performing the act of mass reanimation.” -GM-

“Then... we must act quick. I will dispatch some of my mage-priest to gain information regarding their hideout.” -Headmaster-

“As do we I think it is better to dispatch ‘Him’ instead don’t you think?” -Vice GM-

“I agree” -GM and Headmaster-

I hear footsteps!

Like a trap had been sprung, I repositioned myself far away from the wall and acted like I knew nothing.


The door opened revealing the Vice GM as she looked around and noticed my presence.

“Ah! There you are, come in! We have a lot to talk about.” -Vice GM-

-After Conversation-


It is hard to act surprised all the time, I gave a lot of ‘O’ and ‘Aahhhh’ alternating in between to keep the act natural.

In a nutshell, what they were conveying to me. It is the same information about necromancers that I have eavesdropped. Albeit they tasked me to glean any kind of information about them. Especially if it is regarding their hideout and schemes.

Wandering, I am lost in thought. Thinking about how to approach this quest. After all, it is called a unique Quest for something!

Then distinctively, I remembered of a time I saw those necromancers dressed up as Priests in Frontera’s church.

But how do I get information out of them? There is no way I can barge in and declare about ‘Necromancers, Hiding amidst Priest, and accuse them about it’

“Mama, why is that person waving in mid-air? Is he saying hi?” -Child NPC-

“Hush, darling. I think he is a bit excited because of something.” -Woman NPC-


I quietly walked away and decided to move to Frontera while thinking of a plan.

Ah! Shower first! Don’t forget~

-Exiting O.w.O-

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